Wednesday, December 27, 2023



My wish now is for a Healthy, Prosperous and Happy New Year and I see that we, as investors in the dinar, are going to get it.
Remember that there is still much risk in 2024, as the instigators of the subversion on our nation will try anything to stay in power, thus continue the subversion process.
We have already witnessed what they are capable of with their warped, woke policies.
Soon we will all be on track again after the holidays the move ahead once again with more interesting news.
So, there is always one news article to grabs my attention and stands out from the rest.
Today it is one that is not new news but still old news.
It says that the purpose of foreign currency in Iraq is to deal with it outside the [national] economy, so it is not possible to consider the existence of a price in the dollar and a price in the dinar: one rises and the other falls.
No monetary policy can control such a situation,” he added.
Folks this is just what we have been waiting for so long to hear.
Get it.
This is huge news.
They are finally getting off the sanctioned use of ONLY US dollars for trade outside Iraq.
Yes, they are beginning to act now like they are out of the UN 1991 & 2003 sanctions, that by the way, happened over a year ago.
I quote from one of today’s articles – “The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) in September announced that all the transactions inside Iraq would be made using Iraqi dinars starting in 2024.“
It does not specifically say the currency auctions will end as many tell you.
They deal solely in dollars and are not going way as of Jan 1st 2024 however, why would they need them if they take this route, which they fully plan to do?
Remember people will still need dollars for various reasons.
The CBI wants to eventually shift this need over the private banks to supply dollars, but not just yet.
It is coming and the auctions will end sometime in 2024.
Internal vs External Payments
Again, I quote from the same article – “The advisor stressed that all internal transactions, including the payment of financial entitlements and salaries, need to be made using the Iraqi dinar, while external transactions can be carried out using foreign currencies at their specified exchange rates.“
So, we are still waiting to see just what the CBI will do in early January 2024.
Will they surprise us or do we have the situation under control and like I said we will have to wait for the parallel market rate to catch up with the Official CBI rate and then to get to the 1:1 thus to trigger the project to delete the zeros project, as stated in their plan.
This project MUST come first prior to any significant upwards change in the dinar rate.
We are NOT going to have to wait yet to another Christmas time and January 2025 to see it.
There are still expectations for January and we all know Iraq and how they work slowly.
They always set higher expectations than they can actually accomplish this the time period.
They are desperately trying to overcome these globalist barriers placed in front of them to prevent them from their rightful sovereignty as a nation.
We are seeing more and more articles they are at the breaking point in the submission & suppression they are being forced to live.
You see the globalist now have a hard time explaining why they have not supported Iraq more in this area since after all didn’t they put together the coalition to FREE not Subdue or Enslave the Iraqi people?
There is no more justification not to reinstate the dinar back on the trading platforms.

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