Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Evening news with MarkZ. 11/13/2023

Monday Evening News with MarkZ 

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good Monday Evening……hope everyone is doing well.

Member: Mark, why is Iraq the lynch pin in this RV and not Vietnam, Zimbabwe, Hungary, etc.?

MZ: Iraq is expected to be one of the biggest revaluations and it’s one of the easiest to track….and find news on. 

Member: So, are we making appointments tomorrow?

MZ: That continues to be a rumor from some banking sources…..we shall see…..but, they would have to kick it into massive overdrive for that to happen. 

MZ: Nader had a really good video today…..I loved it….talking about Iraq’s foreign currency reserves….they have enough to last 15 months. …The world standard is to have 3 months worth…so they are doing really well……be sure to go listen and like and share his videos. 

MZ: “Iraq plans  “to neglect the US dollar” and parliament proposes to diversify foreign currency baskets” Iraq will hold foreign currencies so they can do business in and around the middle east without the US. This story is bigger than it appears. It is all about de-dollarization. We know Iraq plans to be de-dollarized by January 1st. 

MZ: Why is this important? Well, the way it works now- when Iraq sells any oil that money goes through the US….I believe through JPMorgan.in an account where t is held. They the UD decides when Iraq gets its own money…its own proceeds from its own oil sales. This is pretty jacked up-right?

MZ: So for Iraq to be de-dollarized by January 1st….then their oil profits, ect will no longer be going through the US system that it is going through now…..AND, they will need a fully functional , international currency.   We have a really good indicator of when this rv has to happen by. It makes logical sense for it to be sooner. This article is fantastic. 

Member: So looks life Jan 1 may be our back wall date?????

MZ: “Anti-corruption commission: Arrest of big heads involved in manipulating exchange rates”  Iraq has to have complete control over the exchange process once they revalue ….so this is very important.  

MZ: I am now told the Phillipine peso is going to be in the first basket but no idea what the rate will be. But as I understand it –part of the gold from this reset is coming from the Phillipines. I think this is worth noting. 

MZ: “ BRICS looks to ditch US Internet services and create new alternative”  This is interesting….they are removing themselves from all westernized influence and dependency. I think this is huge. 

Member: I am bummed to hear that some people are now thinking no RV until next year….

Member: When people think of next year it sound like years away when it's only weeks away

Member: Must say I am running out of Hopium. Why is this Not released???

Member: I know we're all believing it is soon...is it possible we're waiting for the original plan of New Year's Eve like 1999?

Member: I really hope and pray this goes before Christmas.

Member: Thanks for giving us all your precious time markz and mods

Member: Thank you Mark and Mods, we appreciate all you all do!


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