Sunday, October 22, 2023

Gaza Crisis: A Call for Genuine Diplomacy and Humanitarian Aid, 22 OCT

 Gaza Crisis: A Call for Genuine Diplomacy and Humanitarian Aid, 22 OCT

In the heart of the Middle East, a humanitarian crisis unfolds, a crisis of lives, liberty, and dignity, with Gaza as its epicenter. The long-standing conflict between Israel and Hamas has now reached a critical point, leaving the residents of Gaza gasping for basic needs – food, water, medical care, and shelter.

Aid Amidst Acrimony

The United States, together with Egypt and Israel, has facilitated the delivery of a 20-truck convoy bearing much-needed humanitarian aid to Gaza, the first since Hamas’s attack on Israel on October 7. Yet, this is but a drop in the ocean. The international community is gradually addressing the crisis, but the demand still far outstrips the supply.

Former Ambassador of India to Jordan and Libya, Anil Trigunayat, underscores the need for a genuine diplomatic effort by credible interlocutors to resolve the Gaza crisis. Trigunayat criticizes subjective and presumptive diplomacy, arguing that it only serves to disrupt the peace processes. In the light of this, it’s imperative for the international community to work in unison to provide humanitarian aid to Gaza and ensure that it reaches those in need.

Obstacles to Aid

However, the delivery of aid to Gaza is not without its challenges. Israel has expressed concerns that the aid could be used to smuggle weapons and munitions to Hamas. This concern delayed the shipment of aid for days. Adding to the woes, the Israeli military is blocking fuel from entering Gaza, resulting in the shutdown of hospitals and health care clinics. The World Health Organization has stated that much more aid is needed to address the escalating health needs in Gaza.

Global Response to the Crisis

UN chief Antonio Guterres has called for a humanitarian ceasefire in the war between Israel and Hamas. He described the situation in Gaza as a ‘humanitarian catastrophe’ and called for action to end the violence. Leaders from Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, Italy, Spain, and the Palestinian Authority convened in Cairo to discuss the crisis. However, Israel criticized the summit participants for failing to condemn Hamas for its alleged massacres.

China has also been actively engaged in diplomatic efforts to mediate the Israel-Hamas conflict. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has held several discussions with counterparts from the Muslim world to address the crisis. China has called for a united stand from Arab and Islamic countries in resolving the crisis and has supported a two-state solution to the conflict.

The ongoing crisis in Gaza calls for a genuine diplomatic effort by credible interlocutors to evolve a resolution. The international community must join hands to provide humanitarian aid to Gaza, ensuring it reaches those who need it most. The situation in Gaza is a humanitarian catastrophe, and urgent action is needed to end the violence and address the needs of the people in Gaza.

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