Tuesday, April 30, 2024


Mon. 29 April Wolverine: Beginning April 30, 2024

 there will be a Market Reset in all Market sectors, including Forex. Everyone is ready. The Depository Trust Company has sent notice that Corporate notes or bonds, Crypto currencies, Bitcoin, or any asset in the future that is not backed by a commodity has a risk of decline in value (based on real-world assets) when the market resets to a new set of values that begins on Tues. 30 April.

 (The Depository Trust Company, founded in 1973, is a New York corporation that performs the functions of a central securities depository as part of the US National Market System).

URGENT & BREAKING NEWS Iraq Vietnam How to Buy ZiG Zimbabwe by SANDY INGRAM

A specialist identifies the reasons for the decline in the value of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar, 30 APRIL

A specialist identifies the reasons for the decline in the value of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar

Shafaq News/ The official spokesman for the currency market in Sulaymaniyah, Jabbar Gorran, revealed today, Monday, the reasons for the decline in the value of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar, pointing to the importance of the visit of Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani to the American capital, Washington.

Kuran told Shafaq News Agency, “The main reason for the decline in the value of the dollar against the dinar is the impact of the Sudanese visit to Washington, which led to an increase in American support for the Iraqi economy, and the optimism of the American parties regarding infrastructure and government reforms in the banking system in Iraq.”

He added, “The dollar has declined against the dinar in recent days due to a number of factors, the most important of which is the use of smart cards that enable business account holders to withdraw dollars abroad, which is a good reason for the decline in the value of the dollar.”

According to Kuran, the other reason for the decline in the value of the dollar against the dinar is the visit of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to Baghdad, which resulted in several agreements on a number of issues, including that trade exchange be in the Iraqi dinar and the Turkish lira, indicating that the volume of trade exchange between Iraq and Turkey ranges Between 20 and 24 billion dollars annually, and dealing in the dinar and the Turkish lira will reduce the demand for the dollar.

He stated that “all transactions with countries previously were in US dollars, but according to recent agreements, Iraq will be allowed to use other currencies in its transactions. In recent days, a delegation from the Central Bank of Iraq visited Saudi Arabia and it was agreed that future exchange would be in the currency that is dealt with in that country.” “.

Kuran pointed out, “Previously, when citizens received their salaries, they converted part of their salaries into dollars to pay off housing or car loans or any other money owed to them, but now most of these transactions have been converted into the local currency, so people do not need dollars.” .

He pointed out, “It is unlikely that the dollar will fall below 1,400 dinars per dollar because it is too early and the central bank has reached its goal, but it may reach 1,420 dinars per dollar.”

Shafaq News Agency correspondent reported this morning that dollar prices declined with the opening of the main Al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya stock exchanges in Baghdad, recording 144,750 Iraqi dinars for every 100 dollars, while yesterday, Sunday, dollar prices recorded 145,700 Iraqi dinars for every 100 dollars.

Our correspondent indicated that the selling prices in the exchange shops in the local markets in Baghdad decreased, as the selling price reached 145,750 dinars, while the purchasing price reached 143,750 dinars for every 100 dollars.

In Erbil, the dollar also recorded a decline in banking shops, where the selling price reached 145,200 dinars against the dollar, and the purchase price reached 145,100 dinars against 100 dollars.




  Mid last week I posted  "The Final Countdown"   ...Here's the reason why right here...The approval of Iraq's budget is waiting on the rate change.  That's why it's been outstanding/ pending for 6 weeks.  This week we're entering into will be its seventh week.  In order for them to complete and approve, the budget is waiting for the rate to change ...You're seeing countless articles on this.  This is a critical piece to the timing of the rate change. 


 When I did the evaluation [of the dinar] it was against countries and currencies that had lopped.  I had the same questions as you guys when I invested.  Where is this going?  How can this work?  I found out the value was in a policy based inflation, they want to add value to it, they injected US dollars into the economy, devalued the dinar.  The dinar you and I have has nothing to do with hyper-inflation, major market problems or anything like that...Yes, they can add value to currencies that have a lot of zeros behind it.  Iraqi dinar is stable.  They can and are going to add value to it.

Coffee with MarkZ. 04/29/2024

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good Morning everyone. …Welcome to a new week of Great Expectations!!!

Member: Happy Monday. 

Member: What happened to the Saturday show? I’m only on you tube?

Member: Power outage in Puerto Rico 

MZ: And so far this morning we are watching the collapse of the Japanese yen…..Things are getting interesting. 

MZ: There is a lot of chatter from the bond side from folks that had appointments  postponed last week. They have great expectations that they receive their final contracts and 1% paid this week.   I am anxious to see what happens with bonds next. 

MZ: Sources from Iraq are still very quiet as of today. It will be later today or tomorrow before I get updates from the banking and redemption side. 

Member: Mark are all the other countries as ready as Iraq???

MZ: “Head of Vietnams parliament resigns amid corruption crackdown”  This is what we are watching as Vietnam prepares.  As I understand it this is a key to Nesara/Gesara

Member: I sure wish that would happen in the US. We need a major clean up on corruption in all areas of government. 

Member: What’s up with the Brazil banking rumors!!!!!!!!!!????????

Member: Brazil is supposedly announcing a “new” banking system May 2nd to their country. Could that be the QFS?

MZ: There are a crap-ton of rumors. We just need to see what pans out

Member:  Many seem very positive for this week???

Member: Nader says rumor that they may delete the zeros today

​​Member: Militia Man is almost giddy about our situation .

Member: I wonder what is Iraq waiting for to post rate???

MZZ: “ National Bank of Iraq empowers digital transformation with “Temenos” core banking system”  This will help them go after corruption and illegal dollars. 

Member: I had heard that dinar will be 3.90 to 1 usa…wouldn’t that be great?

MZ: We have heard that rumor….it’s in the range of possibility – no way to confirm until we are at the banks. 

Member: I’d be happy with $3.90, but I hope it to goes for more

Member: ​​Is there another reason why We might go on May 9, besides Iraq’s meeting with the WTO?

Member: If Iraq becomes a full member of the WTO on the 9th- I would think the new rate would happen before that?

​​Member: Mark, in your opinion does Iraq have to publicly disclose their new exchange rate prior to WTO ascension??

Member: Iraq just got back from Saudi Arabia big meeting.  SA is in BRICS…Maybe Iraq will soon join BRICS as well?

Member: Venezuela just joined the brics….. hold on to your bolivars

Member: It looks like BRICS is the future ..Wish we could all join it. 

Member: Iraq is installing fingerprint locks on all cargo containers with GPS and photo capabilities 

Member:  Rumor:  Iraq launched a new SWIFT system for handling large amount cash transfers over the weekend, correct?

MZ: I don’t know If I would call it a “SWIFT “ system…but yes….in a nutshell it’s their own system ….a modernized system. The “Temenos”  core banking system. 

MZ: “ JP Morgan Chase and Bank of America suffer $4.3000,000,000 Billion in losses as Unrecoverable debt soars”   These are credit cards that people quit paying on where most of this is coming from…..They are seeing more and more defaults. 

MZ: “After overnight collapse to 34 year lows- Yen surges in apparent intervention”  The Bank of Japan had to intervene to rescue the currency…..how many times can they do this before it cascades out of control???. 

MZ: We already had our first bank failure of the year….keep watching. 

MZ: “ Zimbabwe ZIG- Police clamp down on illegal forex dealers” Some forex dealers were caught trying to manipulate Zimbabwe;’s gold backed  currency.  The Zig right now is doing exceptionally well.  They are doing a fantastic job in Zimbabwe. 

Member: The rest of the world need to move to gold backed money now…..hope it’s soon. 

MZ:  This is a good reminder- One of our purchasers from South Africa in gold mining…one of the biggest buyers told us about 20 years ago that the large push in central banks and  National treasuries ….was because that sometime between then and 2024 we were going to a gold backed standard…..we don’t know when- but we do know we will be going to a gold standard. 

MZ: That is one of the reasons I have so much faith in this. It’s inevitable. 

Member:  Do we have any idea how many people in the world own Bonds?

Member: In many countries people hold historic bonds…..probably thousands…if not more. 

​​Member:  Mark, have you heard what the banks will be charging for their services to exchange our currency. Is it based on the amount of currency or how many different types of currency.

Member: We were once told the bank fees are built into our exchange already….and they will not come off of our exchange funds. Hope that is true. 

Member: This week sure feels promising to me. 

MZ: I agree – it does feel promising.  I am expecting a lot of key information to come out this week. 

Member: I wonder if there one day of the week that is more likely than another to RV?

Member: Charlie Ward thinks it will most likely happen on a Thursday? 

Member: Still praying the RV will occur in the month of MAY!

Member: I hope it happens before Memorial Day…

Member: I just pray we are not waiting until after the November elections…..That would suck. 

​​Member:  Each day brings new opportunities, allowing you to constantly live with love—be there for others—bring a little light into someone's day. Be grateful and live each day to the fullest.

Member: Thank you for being here every morning & evening Mark. We love & appreciate you so much

StacieZ joins the stream at the end today. Please listen to replay for her information. 

The Iraqi Central Bank Announces The Strengthening Of Banks’ External Accounts By $260 Million, 30 APRIL

 The Iraqi Central Bank Announces The Strengthening Of Banks’ External Accounts By $260 Million

Economy News – Baghdad  External remittances at the Central Bank of Iraq auction increased by 95% today, Sunday, at the expense of cash sales, to reach $261 million.

Today, during its auction for buying and selling the US dollar, the Central Bank sold 275 million, 227 thousand and 267 dollars, which the bank covered at a base exchange rate of 1,305 dinars per dollar for documentary credits and international settlements for electronic cards, at a price of 1,310 dinars per dollar for external transfers, and at a price of 1,310 dinars per dollar in cash. .

Most of the bank's dollar sales went to strengthening balances abroad in the form of (transfers, credits) which amounted to 261 million and 37 thousand and 267 dollars, an increase of 95% over cash sales of 14 million and 190 thousand dollars. 04/28/2024 - https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=42920



 Question: "What's the next major step that has to happen?"

  We're looking for Sudani to make an announcement...They're going to come out and talk to them.  It'll happen pretty much at the same time.  It is leading up to that event.

 [Iraqi Bank owner colleague #1]  
 The results from the meeting #1 was having with the CBI these last few weeks all of that information is now coming to the citizens 'to be revealed'.  That's happening right now...a massive campaign of education to the citizens.  This phase is talking to the citizens. 

