Monday, September 30, 2024

Market Forces Committee recommends Iraq-Turkiye forum to boost economic ties, 30 SEPT

 Shafaq News/ On Monday, the Market Forces Committee, established by Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, recommended holding a joint Iraqi-Turkish forum in Baghdad.

In a press statement, the committee — which includes the Iraqi Private Banks League, the Federation of Iraqi Chambers of Commerce, the Turkiye-Iraq Business Council, and the Iraqi Union of Contractors — said, “The committee held its meeting today and hosted the financial advisor to the PM, Mudher Muhammad Saleh.”

The committee added that it recommended enhancing economic relations with Turkiye by organizing a joint Iraqi-Turkish forum under the patronage of the Prime Minister in Baghdad, coinciding with the planned visit of the Turkish Minister of Trade to the capital in November.

Moreover, the committee emphasized the need to support the establishment of the International Development Road, which would contribute to “a significant leap in international transportation and industry, while promoting the private sector and making Iraq a strategic corridor between Asia and Europe.”

The Market Forces Committee highlighted the importance of resolving issues faced by the Iraqi and Turkish private sectors related to financial transfers, customs, entry visas, and more, which would help develop economic relations.

“We are open to all market forces in both Iraq and Turkiye,” it concluded.

Payouts for Tier Groups involved in the RV , 30 SEPT

 Sun. 29 Payouts for Tier Groups involved in the RV …Rupping Theron on Telegram

The Dubai Accounts Funds the RV: Dubai 1 funds Tiers 1&2 of the RV and Dubai 2 funds Tiers 3&4 of the RV, while Dubai 3 funds the Adjudicated Accounts and GESARA.

  • The payout of the Bonds and Currency is done in order of the different tiers. There are five Tiers that will be exchanging: Tiers 1, 2, 3, 4 &5.
  • Liquidity Release is done in a certain order. The Elders, German Bonds and select Yellow Dragon Bonds must be paid first and have been.

    A. Dubai 1 released for liquidity which then triggers Dubai 2&3.
    B. F&P’s are released to recipients (they need D1 liquid, this is their hold up)
    C. Bonds will be liquid (they need D1 to be liquid)

Tiers 1-4b are notified. (they need D1 to be liquid) It appears all is set to go on or about the same time!

  • Tier 1 Sovereign Nation Debt of Governments: Chinese Royals, Bond Holders, Paymasters, Church Groups, CMKX, F&P, Adjudicated Settlements, Ranch and Farm Claims and other groups.
  • Tier 2 Royals, Elders, Whales, Military Generals and some political type Elites with platforms of currency, corporations, etc.
  • Tier 3 Admirals Group, American Indians, CMKX, large church groups like the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Pentecostal group was now 100% under an NDA.
  • Tier 3 was all Dubai 2 Trust Money and originally was the Generals and public. Now Tier 3 includes groups with projects including the Admiral.
  • The Admiral was sent to the back of the line and renamed Tier 4A (really just a pie slice of tier 3). The Admiral’s Group was composed of three parts – most notable of which was Tier4a Core groups and 130 VIP groups.
  • Tier 4B, (us, the Internet Group) is the largest group and composed of the general public who paid attention to the intel – the people who have bought currency and/or bonds and kept up with the reset by way of information on the Internet.
  • Tier 5 The general public who never paid attention to the Intel.
  • The official GO for Tier 4b has not been released yet. It can happen any moment. As all Tier1-4b are funded, we await the final release to reach to our level.
  • It’s a process. It’s tedious and time consuming – making adjustments as needed along the way for accuracy and safety of all involved. It’s a very quiet & discrete operation, where the general public is left uninformed for obvious reasons. Pay attention to the levels that are ahead of us. That will help give a better understanding of where we are, in relation to it reaching the 4b level. BUT, it is unfolding. And when it reaches our levels, there will be no doubts. It’s coming! Keep the faith.


The Central Bank Of Iraq Issues A Warning To Exchange Companies Regarding The Sale Of Dollars, 30 SEPT

The Central Bank Of Iraq Issues A Warning To Exchange Companies Regarding The Sale Of Dollars

Banks  Economy News – Baghdad  The Central Bank of Iraq warned, on Sunday, exchange companies that sell travelers' dollars from receiving a commission exceeding 25 thousand dinars.

According to a document issued by the bank and obtained by "Al-Eqtisad News", it is: "Through auditing and monitoring the work of your companies regarding the sale of dollars allocated to travelers, it was noted that some exchange companies collect a commission from traveling citizens in the amount of (50,000) dinars (fifty thousand dinars), and this violates the content of our circular No. 8003/1/9 dated 7/11/2024, as we previously directed you to collect a commission of (25,000) dinars (twenty-five thousand dinars only) from the citizen when he carries out the process of purchasing dollars.

She added: "In order to proceed with the mechanism that was launched to facilitate procedures for citizens in a correct and smooth manner, we hope that you will adhere to the directives issued by this bank, otherwise it may lead in the future to your companies being excluded from participating in the foreign currency buying and selling window."

Below is the document:


Sun. 29 Sept. 2024 TNT Tony

 “Guys, it’s over. It’s done. And yes, I know something you don’t.” 

On Fri. 27 Sept. TNT Tony reported, Yesterday Bank Managers received memos stating that the currency event was finished and we would see it no later than Tues. morning 1 Oct.


“Iraq and entire region too volatile for coalition exit”, Talaat argues, 30 SEPT

 "The withdrawal of U.S. and coalition forces would cause a disaster in Iraq and the region. The Iraqi army and security forces are not capable of dealing with threats independently," he underscored.

ERBIL (Kurdistan24) – Abdulkhaliq Talaat, the Kurdistan Region's representative for the Ministries of Peshmerga and Interior in joint operations, warned that Iraq's military lacks the necessary equipment and weaponry, making the withdrawal of U.S. and coalition forces from the country a potentially disastrous move.

In an interview with Kurdistan24, Talaat stated, "The withdrawal of U.S. and coalition forces would cause a disaster in Iraq and the region. The Iraqi army and security forces are not capable of dealing with threats independently."

He emphasized that no commander or soldier in the Iraqi army supports such a withdrawal, citing inadequate military equipment.

"The situation in Iraq and the region does not allow for the withdrawal of American and coalition forces," Talaat added, stressing the importance of their presence.

He further revealed that only one U.S. command remains at the Ain al-Assad military base, which is slated to evacuate and relocate its personnel to Erbil.

Regarding the relocation of U.S. forces to Erbil, Talaat noted, "The arrival of U.S. forces from Ain al-Assad to Erbil is crucial for safeguarding American interests in the region."

On Friday, the U.S. Department of State released a joint statement by the governments of the United States and Iraq, detailing the timeline for ending the global coalition's military mission to defeat ISIS in Iraq.

The statement underscored the strategic relationship between Iraq and the U.S. and outlined the following points:

1. The Coalition’s military mission in Iraq will conclude by September 2025, transitioning to bilateral security partnerships that support Iraqi forces while maintaining pressure on ISIS.

2. The Coalition's mission in Syria, critical for preventing the resurgence of ISIS, will continue until September 2026, depending on ground conditions and further consultations.

3. The Higher Military Commission will devise procedures to ensure the protection of coalition advisors in Iraq during the transitional period, in line with Iraq's constitution and laws.

Briefing Leaves Questions Unanswered

Despite efforts to clarify the status of U.S.-Iraq discussions regarding Operation Inherent Resolve, journalists were left with many unanswered questions about the specifics of the agreement.

Read More: US Officials: “United States is not Withdrawing from Iraq’

It was confirmed that while the Coalition's mission in Iraq will end in 2025, its presence in the Kurdistan Region will extend until at least 2026, reflecting the continuing threat posed by ISIS in Syria.

A senior U.S. official highlighted the importance of the Coalition's work in Syria, with the Kurdistan Region serving as a supply base for forces combating ISIS there.

The extension of the Coalition's presence in Erbil also provides flexibility should the situation in Iraq deteriorate, allowing for a potential surge of troops back into the country.

Kurdish leaders, including Masoud Barzani, head of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), have welcomed the continued presence of coalition forces.

Barzani, during a meeting with U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Alina Romanowski, emphasized the national importance of their presence, transcending party lines and contributing to Iraq's stability.

Read More: KDP President Masoud Barzani meets with US Ambassador to Iraq

The U.S. is Transitioning, Not Leaving Iraq

The senior U.S. officials underscored that this is not an exit but a transition, describing it as an evolution of the military mission in Iraq.

Read More: US: Talks with Iraq on ‘Transition’ from Coalition to Bilateral Security Relations are ‘Ongoing’

"While ISIS is weakened, they are not eliminated," one official explained, reiterating that U.S. forces will continue to work with both Iraqi and Kurdish Peshmerga forces to ensure ISIS's enduring defeat.

Details regarding the future number of U.S. troops and their base locations remain under discussion. However, it is clear that the U.S. military presence in Erbil is vital for supporting the ongoing fight against ISIS in Syria and maintaining a strong partnership with the Kurdish Regional Government.