Sunday, September 29, 2024

Weekend News with MarkZ and MM. 09/28/2024

Weekend News With MarkZ and MilitiaMan

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions


Member: Morning all! It’s a great day for an RV!!!!

Member: GM, everyone, praying for everyone’s safety from this hurricane. Massive damage I’ve seen. So sad.

Member: Prayers for those in Tn and SC that got hit by hurricane and then the 2 dams that broke

Member: What’s up Mark?

MZ: MilitiaMan joins us today as well……Catch us up on what’s happening  in Iraq

Member: I think things are going to go Nuts... Starting October 1st

Member: October 3rd is Iraq’s Independence Day …Might be an excellent day for the Iraqi Dinar to revalue ?!?!

MZ: “Al Sudani advisor indicates a significant development in Iraq’s financial capabilities during 2024” Talking about what they have accomplished with cleaning up banking, more non-oil revenues. This article is a great little victory lap.

MM: Good morning everyone. Iraq has done so much work and we all know Al Sudani was just in New York again at the US assembly. He also had sideline meetings and had his speech and returned home yesterday. 

MM I think he has more meetings today ….but his acheivments in 2024 hve been phenominal.  Including international interconnectivity. This showcases the fact that Iraq is going international..Al Sudani also talks about $83 billion for the investment side of the budget for infrastructure….which tells me he needs the money released publically. And he needs to tell his people where the money is coming from. 

MM: The world is waiting to see the budget…but Item #4782  has not been released yet in the Iraq Gazette…..there is good reason for it. I am optimistic in includes the new REER (Real Effective Exchange Rate) 

MM:They already have the new technology for international interconnectivity that we have all heard about that is fast, accurate using blockchain ledger technology. Everybody needs to be on the same page at the same time on this system

MM: When this happens prepare for shocks. . 

MZ: What are your thoughts on Sudani’s speech at the UN?   He talked about them being fully international.

MM: I think the very last part of that speech he says Iraq is taking its rightful place in the international world. It’s interesting that he said that because a year ago this September he was showcased as being the savior of the international financial system. And again in Davos a few months ago where he had the likes of Jaimie Dimon and JPMorgan and the biggest banks in the world there. 

MM: Iraq has all the assets, new technologies like the Ayuscuda system at the borders to collect those non-oil revenues and taxes. I believe there are meetings today with Al Sudani and Al Alaq and the banks. At this stage in the game you have to ask yourselves why? I’m hoping it’s to decide not to use the rate of 1310 anymore…..but something different. 

MZ: So how close are we…. iyo?

MM: With Sudani back now….why couldn’t it happen at any time? To me there is no reason it could not happen at any time.

MZ: I agree. He’s done the victory tours, he has told the world they are restored and fully international. …Time to see the fruit of his labors.  I wouldn’t be surprised to see my phone blowing up this weekend with the news that it has happened. 

MM: I think Sudani is obliged to do this at this point. 

MZ: I agree he has done all the groundwork , done all the stuff, paid all their bills….he is kinda obliged to do it. 

MM: Basically the non-oil revenues will drive the private sector. Things are playing out….but there is a logic to what we are watching….Central banks have to be prepared for this….and at this point they should be. 

MM: Since Sudani and Alaq are meeting today in Iraq with the banking sector I am very optimistic something good will come of this. 

MM: I saw an article today “ The head of the Kurdistan party provincial council stressed on Saturday the implementation of Article 140 of the Iraqi constitution. “  This is why my phone was blowing up. This may be why Sudani and everyone are getting together today. With article 140 they need the new value of their assets. I think this is huge. 

MZ: That is huge. They need to revalue the assets before the census happens. 

Member: I was told as soon as article 140/HCL passes – then we go. 

Member: What is article 140

Member: Constitution Article-140 lays down a clear road map to define the final boundaries of the territory to be administered by the KRG.

Member: article 140 us the HCL, hydrocarbon law, which will divide up oil revenues and give to Iraqi people.

Member: With everything happening on oct 1st….maybe Iraq kicks it off with those meetings today. 

Member: new SOFR rule going into effect Oct 1st, and FDIC rule on Foreign Currency Swaps Oct 22nd?

Member: And the new US fiscal year starts on oct. 1st. 

Member: Mark a buddy of mine that got me into the currencies is part of a humanitarian group. He says they will have access to a portal for exchanges. Have you heard anything about that


Member: I say they should Turn on EBS and let chips fall where they may!!

Member: 2 moons Sunday night....big things are about to start off

Member: Dreams can become realities... that's why I'm here

Member: Enjoy the weekend everyone…….still hoping for notifications anytime


Member: Thanks MM, Mark and mods….enjoy the weekend. 

SANDY INGRAM : Currency Talk COP / IQD / BRL / USD Rates and News

How to deposit a large sum of money , 29 SEPT

How to deposit a large sum of money

If you've amassed a large sum of money at home instead of putting cash in the bank, you may be wondering if it's even possible to deposit it once you've had a change of heart.

The answer is yes, but there are some caveats.

Specifically, when you deposit over $10,000, your bank is required by the Bank Secrecy Act to report it to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network. Your bank may ask some personal questions, including why you're depositing such a large sum, so you must be prepared to answer them.

To be clear, if you've done nothing wrong, earned the money legitimately and paid taxes on it, this reporting requirement shouldn't worry you. You just need to know about it so you aren't caught off-guard by the bank's queries.

Read more: Rich, young Americans are ditching the stormy stock market — here are the alternative assets they're banking on instead.

What you don't want to do, though, is break up your big deposit into a series of smaller ones to evade reporting rules. This is called “structuring” and it's illegal even if you earned the money legitimately.

It’s also a good idea to call the bank in advance of making a large deposit. Showing up with $650,000 in cash could cause problems if the financial institution isn't prepared to handle that much all at once. Your bank can work with you to find a safe way to deposit the money.

You should also be aware that the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation only insures up to $250,000 per person, per account, so simply depositing $650,000 into a bank account may not be the best move. You may want to put some money into different savings accounts or buy Certificates of Deposit or other investments with it so you don't risk losing funds above $250,000 if another bank collapse happens sometime in the future.

Making moves

While banks gave consumers lots of reasons to distrust them in the leadup to the Great Recession, the reality is that over-reacting and opting out of the financial system isn't necessarily the right move.

In fact, if you had money in index funds at the time, you may have been able to recoup your losses and earn much more. For example, if you'd had $100,000 in an S&P 500 index fund in 2009, that money would be worth around $850,000 in 2024 if you reinvested all your dividends.

Recoveries happen, as well as recessions. Many experts believe the single-best way to grow your wealth is to invest steadily over the long-term. Investing legend  Warren Buffett even recommends average investors put their money in an S&P 500 index fund, since the index has a multi-decade track record of success. By not participating, you may be limiting your earning potential.

What to read next


 Fri. 27 Sept. 2024 TNT Tony:

  • On Thurs. 26 Sept. Bank managers received memos stating that the currency event has finally been finished. Finished, done, over with it. It went from the director level down to bank managers that got memos. Now we are just waiting to go. This should not happen until after 5pm.
  • Some think it will be Saturday morning. Just remember that Iraq wants it by the 30th and the UN wants it on the 1st. Tony doesn’t know who won. They told us that it is done, it is fixed, they told their people it is finalized, and once we see the rates we will be going to the bank. Somewhere starting after 5 this afternoon and no later than Tuesday morning will see it live and be going to the bank.
  • They are supposedly ready, staffed, have their schedules worked out, and they are just waiting to go when the numbers come up on the screen. It makes sense for us to see this Monday night, it satisfies what everyone wants, and we would be at the banks Tuesday morning. Everyone is kind of excited again.
  • We are in our last 48 to 72 hours. It is sitting at the bank level. There is no more waiting for Iraq, IMF, or UST because it is done. They have given the banks the green light. The systems are now fixed or supposedly will be fixed. The only thing they are waiting on is the 800 number and Tony won’t get the 800 hundred numbers until the rates come back up. There really isn’t anything bad but Iran could do something s****d to flare up the middle eastern. If it happens before we do our part, then it is up in the air. The good thing is it is done, there is money, and it could happen for us. Be ready.

Weekend News with MarkZ and MM. 09/28/2024




Al-Sudani concludes his visit to New York by meeting Guterres, who praised the discussions to end UNAMI’s work in Iraq




Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani concluded his visit to New York by meeting with the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres.

Al-Sudani concluded his participation in the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly, leaving the United States of America heading to Iraq at dawn today, Friday, Baghdad time.

A statement issued by Al-Sudani's media office stated that the meeting between the latter and Guterres witnessed a review of all the files of constructive cooperation between Iraq and the United Nations, and issues of joint work, as well as discussing developments in the Middle East region and the continued aggression on Lebanon and Palestine, and what it poses as a major threat to regional and international security and stability.

Al-Sudani expressed his appreciation for the principled positions expressed by the UN Secretary-General regarding the issue of the "aggression" on Gaza, and the condemnation of the "crimes" against humanity committed against the Palestinian people, as well as the attacks practiced on Lebanon, describing these positions as respecting the foundations on which the international organization was built.

He renewed Iraq's thanks for the cooperation and support that the United Nations agencies have been providing to consolidate stability in Iraq, support the Iraqis in confronting ISIS, and enhance the victory achieved thanks to the cohesion of the Iraqi people and the assistance of friends and the international community.

According to the statement, the Prime Minister extended an invitation to the Secretary-General of the International Organization to visit Iraq and participate in the Arab Summit, which will be hosted by Baghdad in May 2025.

For his part, Guterres praised the relations between Iraq and the United Nations, describing them as ideal and excellent, and that the United Nations is interested in consolidating prosperity and progress, and achieving sustainable development for the Iraqi people .

He also expressed his gratitude for the constructive joint discussions that led to the termination of the UNAMI mission in Iraq, and opened up prospects for cooperation in several fields with the relevant UN agencies, most notably supporting Iraq in facing the challenges of climate change, and the rest of the economic challenges and social and service development programmes in which Iraq has made significant progress.




 MarkZ and Militia Man

  [via PDK]

  Militia Man: ...Iraq has done so much work and we all know Al Sudani was just in New York again at the US assembly. He also had sideline meetings and had his speech and returned home yesterday...With Sudani back now…why couldn’t it happen at any time? To me there is no reason it could not happen at any time.

  MarkZ:  I agree. He’s done the victory tours, he has told the world they are restored and fully international. …Time to see the fruit of his labors.  I wouldn’t be surprised to see my phone blowing up this weekend with the news that it has happened.

Iraqi Resistance group accuses US of stalling on foreign troops withdrawal, 30 SEPT

Shafaq News/ The Iraqi Resistance Coordination Committee accused the United States of delaying the full withdrawal of its forces from Iraq, ...