Friday, September 27, 2024

DINAR REVALUATION REPORT: Introduction: A New Economic Dawn for Iraq, 27 SEPT

Introduction: A New Economic Dawn for Iraq

In September 2024, the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) embarked on a transformative journey toward economic revitalization and global integration

For years, Iraq's economic landscape had been shaped by sanctions and external oversight, particularly by the US Treasury. 

However, recent developments mark a significant turning point, offering Iraq newfound autonomy to chart its course in the global economy. 

This article explores the significance of these developments, the implications of Iraq's economic independence, and the ambitious plans laid out by Prime Minister Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani for the country's future.

Historical Context: From Sanctions to Sovereignty

The Weight of Historical Sanctions

Iraq's economy has long been burdened by sanctions, especially following the Gulf War and the 2003 invasion. These sanctions, coupled with the US Treasury's oversight, significantly constrained Iraq's ability to engage freely with international markets.

 The End of External Oversight

The recent removal of these restrictions symbolizes Iraq’s recovery from a tumultuous past and readiness to reenter the global economic arena. This shift signals a new economic dawn, allowing Iraq to move beyond past limitations and toward greater financial independence.

Implications of Economic Independence

Establishing Sovereign Economic Policies

With the end of external oversight, Iraq can now establish its policies without influence from outside entities. The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) can implement reforms that reflect the nation's unique economic context, fostering a more favorable environment for foreign investment and trade.

Building International Relationships

This newfound independence paves the way for stronger relationships with international financial institutions and investors. By creating a more attractive investment climate, Iraq aims to draw significant foreign investments and enhance trade relations.

 Transparency and Engagement: CBI's New Approach

 September's Surge of Activity

September 2024 has been a remarkable month for the CBI, characterized by unprecedented transparency and engagement. The central bank’s commitment to openly communicating its strategies and plans has generated optimism among citizens and investors alike.

Increased Communication and Transparency

To build trust with the Iraqi populace and restore confidence in the national currency—the Iraqi dinar—the CBI has taken proactive steps to communicate its vision for the future. This increased transparency is essential for a stable economic environment.

 Key Announcements and Initiatives

Throughout September, the CBI has unveiled various initiatives aimed at stabilizing the dinar and preparing the economy for international integration. These initiatives include new monetary policies designed to enhance liquidity and facilitate foreign exchange transactions, reflecting the CBI's commitment to a stable and transparent economic environment.

Preparing for International Engagement

 Monetary Policy Reforms

The CBI is focusing on adopting monetary policies that align with international standards. These reforms are crucial for promoting stability and confidence in the dinar and include measures to control inflation, regulate interest rates, and enhance overall liquidity in the financial system.

 Digital Transformation of Financial Systems

A significant aspect of the CBI's strategy involves digitizing Iraq's financial systems. This shift aims to make transactions more efficient and transparent, modernize the banking sector, facilitate cross-border transactions, and attract foreign investments.

 Strengthening Regulatory Frameworks

The CBI is working diligently to bolster the regulatory frameworks governing the banking sector. Enhanced oversight and compliance with international standards are vital for building trust among investors and ensuring the stability of the financial system.

Prime Minister Al-Sudani's Vision for Economic Change

 Major Economic Changes on the Horizon

Under the leadership of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani, Iraq is poised for significant economic transformations. His administration has articulated a vision for a robust economic framework encompassing various sectors, from oil and gas to agriculture and technology.

 Diversifying the Economy

A key aspect of this vision is to reduce Iraq's reliance on oil revenues and foster sustainable development. By diversifying the economy, Al-Sudani's administration aims to create a more resilient and balanced economic landscape.

 Urban Revolution: Infrastructure and Development

The prime minister’s vision includes an urban revolution aimed at enhancing infrastructure, improving public services, and fostering economic growth in urban areas. This comprehensive development plan seeks to create jobs, stimulate investment, and improve the overall quality of life for Iraqi citizens.

 International Partnerships and Investments

Al-Sudani’s administration is actively seeking partnerships with international investors to fund development projects. By leveraging Iraq's strategic location and natural resources, the government aims to position Iraq as a regional hub for trade and commerce.

 A New Era of Economic Promise

September 2024 marks a watershed moment for Iraq as it sheds the constraints of the past and embarks on a journey toward economic revitalization and global integration. The Central Bank of Iraq's vocal leadership and proactive reforms signal a commitment to transparency, stability, and growth.

Under Prime Minister Al-Sudani's visionary guidance, Iraq is poised for transformative changes that will reshape its economic landscape and elevate its position on the global stage. As the nation prepares for international engagement, the focus will remain on building a robust economy that serves the needs of its citizens while attracting investment and fostering sustainable development.

 Conclusion: Navigating Challenges and Opportunities

The road ahead for Iraq may be fraught with challenges, but with a clear vision and concerted efforts from all stakeholders, the nation stands at the threshold of a new economic era—one filled with promise and opportunity. By embracing transparency, modernizing financial systems, and fostering international partnerships, Iraq can build a prosperous future for its people and reclaim its place in the global economy.

Iraq's Economic Rebirth: The Dinar Revaluation Explained! @DINARREVALUATION



Data from the World Gold Council reveals that Iraq purchased a total of 51.9 tons of gold between 2022 and September of this year.

ERBIL (Kurdistan24) - Iraq has significantly increased its gold reserves over the past three years, acquiring approximately 52 tons of the precious metalThe majority of these purchases occurred in 2022, accounting for 65% of the total acquired gold.

Data from the World Gold Council reveals that Iraq purchased a total of 51.9 tons of gold between 2022 and September of this year.

The breakdown shows a significant purchase of 33.9 tons in 2022, followed by 12.3 tons in 2023, and 5.7 tons so far this year. Notably, there were substantial purchases of 3.1 tons in February and 2.6 tons in May of this year.

This strategic accumulation of gold aligns with a global trend among central banks seeking to diversify their reserves and hedge against economic uncertainties.

Gold Prices in Iraq Soar

The increased demand for gold has also driven up its price in Iraq across all carats. Currently, one gram of gold is priced as follows:

- 24 carat gold: 108.652 dinars (equivalent to 83 US dollars – based on the official exchange rate by the Iraqi government.)

- 22 carat gold: 99.598 dinars (equivalent to 76 US dollars – based on the official exchange rate by the Iraqi government.)

- 21 carat gold: 95.071 dinars (equivalent to 72 US dollars – based on the official exchange rate by the Iraqi government.)

- 18 carat gold:
 81.489 dinars (equivalent to 62 US dollars – based on the official exchange rate by the Iraqi government.)

Iraq's Global Ranking

According to the World Gold Council's latest data for June, Iraq's gold reserves have now reached 145.7 tons, a notable increase from 142.6 tons in May.

This increase has solidified Iraq's position as a significant holder of gold reserves globally. While the country has dropped one place to 31st in the World Gold Council's ranking of the 100 countries with the largest gold reserves, its holdings represent a substantial 9.8% of its total reserves.

The United States, Germany, and Italy continue to hold the top three positions in terms of gold reserves, while Suriname ranks at the bottom of the list.

@ Newshounds News™

Source:  Kurdistan24


 Thurs. 26 Sept. 2024 Bruce:

  • There are no longer going to be Tier 5 banks, or small banks. They will be absorbed by Tier 3 or Tier 4 banks.
  • Tier 1,2,3 banks have been connected to the new system. Tier 4 will be completed by this Sat. 28 Sept.
  • Redemption Center Staff will be on call this weekend.
  • Iraq will have their new lower denomination currency
  • Bond Holders will have access to their accounts by Tues. 1 Oct.
  • Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) will receive 800 number email notifications on Mon. 30 Sept. They should appear in a three hour period.
  • The Call Center will route you to the Redemption Center where you will exchange.
  • Exchange Appointments will be set starting on Tues. 1 Oct. onward.
  • R&R allowances are already deposited in your Quantum Account. You move that money to your bank with your Quantum Card you will receive at your appointment.
  • Both banks and Redemption Centers have on their screens the 14 currencies that will increase in value.
  • As of this weekend all 197 new currency rates of the 209 countries in the World will be on the screens.
  • You will have access to some of your monies at your exchange.
  • Active Military on Military Bases will exchange Dinar and Afghani over the weekend. They have already received notification they will do that.
  • The highest rates are on the Redemption Center screens. You will exchange there and not at a bank.
  • The Iraqi Dinar rate is tied to the oil barrel rate.
  • People in hospitals or who have a medical problem will have up to 40 days to exchange at a Redemption Center.

FRANK26…..9-26-24…..LET’S TALK

Source: Al-Sudani directs financial reforms, halting capital increases for US-sanctioned banks, 27 SEPT

 Shafaq News/ Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani issued directives related to financial and banking reforms, including a halt on capital increases for banks subject to US sanctions, a government source revealed on Thursday. 

The source told Shafaq News Agency, "Al-Sudani, before leaving for New York, held a series of meetings with banks and the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI), where the discussions detailed the CBI's plan to rehabilitate private banks through contracting with an international consulting firm."

The PM emphasized the importance of the development plan for private banks, to be implemented by Oliver Wyman company, ensuring clarity in terms of timelines, distribution of responsibilities, and the issuance of progress reports.

Al-Sudadi’s directives included accelerating the implementation of the Economic Ministerial Council recommendations to support Iraqi banks, notably by postponing capital increases for banks restricted from dollar transactions by the US Treasury.

The source also indicated that “Al-Sudani instructed the preparation of a study to activate the local card project and encouraged Iraqi ministries and institutions to increase their dealings with licensed Iraqi banks for various banking services and to open accounts with them.”

On Monday, Al-Sudani received US Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo and several officials from the Treasury Department, where Adeyemo reaffirmed support for the CBI and PM's reform agenda aimed at improving the country's economic landscape. 

The PM emphasized that the government has made significant progress in financial and banking reforms, completing 95% of banking transfers through the electronic platform, with the remaining 5% to be finalized by the end of 2024.

">In turn, Adeyemo expressed readiness for cooperation and partnership to advance economic development.

Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell. 09/27/2024

US Officials: “United States is not Withdrawing from Iraq’, 28 SEPT

 WASHINGTON DC, United States (Kurdistan 24) “To be clear, the United States is not withdrawing from Iraq,” a senior administration official...