Saturday, September 21, 2024



HERE ARE THE latest updates on the Iraq Dinar’s revaluation and insights on currency investments.


  • 🚀 Focus on currency revaluation, especially the Iraq Dinar.
  • 🔍 Intel from various gurus about HCL movement and salary agreements.
  • 📈 Comparison of Iraqi and Kuwaiti Dinar values.
  • 🗣️ Protests organized by Sadr for constitutional rights.
  • 🏦 Redemption Centers on standby for potential RV.
  • 🌐 Collaboration between Iraq and Apple Inc. for digital transformation.

Key Insights

  • 📊 Iraq’s wealth potential is significant, with the capacity to outproduce Kuwait, suggesting a potential rise in the Dinar’s value.
  • 🔒 Iraq’s central bank is well-prepared to defend its exchange rate, a crucial factor for investor confidence in the Dinar’s revaluation.
  • 👥 Recent protests were called off, indicating potential stability and promises from the government, which may positively affect market sentiment.
  • 🔑 The recent engagements with major corporations like Apple signal a commitment to economic reforms, which could support the Dinar’s reinstatement.
  • 📅 Many experts are optimistic about an RV occurring in September, highlighting a sense of urgency and anticipation in the market.
  • 💵 Tax implications of a potential Dinar revaluation are significant, emphasizing the need for investors to plan strategically.



"A Great Iraqi Desire To Turn Into A Gas Exporter": Oil Ministry, 21 SEPT

 "A Great Iraqi Desire To Turn Into A Gas Exporter": Oil Ministry

 Economy  18-09-2024, 16:43  Baghdad – INA   The Ministry of Oil announced today, Wednesday, the referral of the flared gas file to projects under implementation, while

 indicating that during the next 5 years, Iraq will be self-sufficient and will be a source of gas, indicating the signing of the Mansouriya field, which will provide 300 million standard cubic feet of gas.

 The Deputy Minister of Oil for Extraction Affairs, Basem Mohammed Khudair, told the Iraqi News Agency (INA):

"This government, through the Ministry of Oil, has achieved a major change in the gas file, by referring all flared gas to projects under implementation to end this file."

He explained that   "we have a project of about 200 million standard cubic feet in Basra, the same in Nasiriyah, and 150 in the Nahr Bin Omar field, in addition to developing an integrated gas project and referring it to Total, which will collect gas from 5 important fields in the south, with a capacity of 600 million standard cubic feet in two phases, each phase 300 million." He added,

  "The Ministry of Oil, after great effort, succeeded in referring the Akkas field contract to the Ukrainian company, which will provide, after 6 years, a production capacity of up to 400 million standard cubic feet," explaining that

"the Mansouriya field was signed with initials and in the coming days the final letters will be signed, and

this field will provide 300 million standard cubic feet." He continued:

"This transition in the gas file and the referral of some gas fields in the annex of the fifth and sixth rounds will add significant production capacities to Iraq, and

 during the year 2028 or 2030, Iraq will be self-sufficient," stressing that "there is a great desire and insistence to transform Iraq into a gas exporting country."




Iraq’s budget updates reveal significant developments, including a new income tax law and progress on Article 140, crucial for economic stability.


  • 📅 2024 Budget: Focus on new income tax law to boost non-oil revenue.
  • 💼 Tax Reform: Legal framework established for collecting income tax, enabling grants.
  • 🔍 Article 140: Progress in implementing laws for property rights restoration.
  • 📈 Investment Law: Anticipated improvements for private sector growth.
  • 🤝 Political Cooperation: Kurdish blocks unified support for agricultural land law.
  • 🔒 Sensitivity: Key discussions kept confidential to avoid political friction.
  • 🌍 International Involvement: Collaboration with German GIS organization on tax legislation.

Key Insights

  • 📊 Economic Diversification: Iraq aims to reduce reliance on oil through a transparent tax system, enhancing economic resilience.
  • 📜 Legal Foundations: The establishment of a taxation law is crucial for enabling government grants and investments.
  • 🏛️ Article 140 Importance: Addressing property rights is pivotal for social stability and economic development in disputed areas.
  • 🏗️ Investment Potential: Successful implementation of the investment law can attract foreign investments, aiding economic growth.
  • 🤝 Political Dynamics: Cooperation among Kurdish representatives signals a potential breakthrough in legislative processes.
  • 🔒 Confidential Negotiations: Keeping sensitive discussions private suggests a strategic approach to avoid disruptions in governance.
  • 🌐 Global Partnerships: Engaging international experts highlights Iraq’s commitment to modernizing its legal and economic frameworks.

Dinar Revaluation: Essential Tips for Your Exchange Appointments

Germany: Iraq's Economy Is Showing Signs Of Improvement, 21 SEPT

 Germany: Iraq's Economy Is Showing Signs Of Improvement

Economy  Baghdad – INA  Director of the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) offices in Iraq, Christoph Feldkötter, confirmed  today, Thursday, that Iraq is making good progress towards economic stability, stressing the importance of updating tax laws in Iraq.

 "Iraq is making good progress towards stability, as economic stability is an essential part of this progress," Feldkötter told the Iraqi News Agency (INA), noting that

 "economic reforms include developing the private sector."

 "There are many new sectors that have emerged in Iraq, such as transportation, the shift to the

e-economy, renewable energy, and other fields that did not exist twenty years ago," Feldkötter explained. He stressed that

 "this development requires updating tax laws, as it is not possible to apply tax instructions or laws that are twenty or thirty years old." He pointed out that

"the existence of stable institutions is part of stability, which is what the German Agency is working to support through joint cooperation between experts from the Iraqi government and experts from the German government."

Feldkötter expressed the German government's "pride in this achievement, and its happiness with the partnership and mutual trust with the Iraqi government."    



  • Thurs. 19 Sept. 2024 Wolverine
  •  “Invitations to the P Group have gone out. They are starting this weekend. It is happening. …September is called the Golden Month by Bond Holders because they have been told everything is happening in September. Bond Holders are presently in Reno and other parts of the World awaiting release of liquidity for the Global Currency Reset. We are defiantly close. Redemption Center staff  have been trained. The QFS is fully integrated.”

Thurs. 19 Sept. 2024 Wolverine 

Invitations to the P Group have gone out. They are starting this weekend. It is happening. …September is called the Golden Month by Bond Holders because they have been told everything is happening in September.

 Bond Holders are presently in Reno and other parts of the World awaiting release of liquidity for the Global Currency Reset. We are defiantly close.

 Redemption Center staff  have been trained. The QFS is fully integrated. 

… Rubem Baz said, “At 15:30 Brazilian time on Tues. 17 Sept. was the last procedure between Brazil and Reno (USA). Tomorrow Wed. 18 Sept, after 11:00am invitations to go to the bank will be sent. In 48 hours (Fri. 20 Sept.) we will go liquid. This portion is 1%. 

Finally there is nothing left to do. Payments will now begin.” …“Things are defiantly happening behind the scenes. We are going to be celebrating this week. There are things that I can’t say, but I wanted you to know that things are defiantly moving.” … 

“I agree with Mr Salvage report on German Bastidas who is one of the leaders of the Pentecostal Group. They have now finished all the contracts with the Call Centers which are located in Brazil.

 On Mon. 16 Sept. 2024 notifications began to be delivered. On Tues. 17 Sept. 2024 they closed the platforms and were ready to begin start the blessing. They will begin sending the transactions from the 1st to the 2nd of October to each member.”..FOR READ MORE:

The United States is moving towards reducing the number of troops in Iraq by 2026, 21 sept

  Mawazine News – Reports The American newspaper “Politico” reported on Saturday that the United States is preparing to announce an agreemen...