Thursday, September 19, 2024



 Article: ”Imposing a curfew in all Iraqi governorates on November 20 and 21" Quote: "The Iraqi  government impose a curfew on November 20 and 21 in all regions and cities of the country to conduct the population census."    

Article: "Parliamentary Finance to Employees: Your Salaries Are Secured for This Year and Next Year Even if Oil Drops"


 Article: "6 scenarios that the Iraqi Central Bank will work on, narrated by Al-Issawi  "

  Quote:  "The economic expert stated that the Central Bank of Iraq is negotiating with the US Federal Reserve regarding ending the work of the electronic platform for foreign transfers and replacing it with direct banking relations between Iraqi banks.


Article:   "Al-Sudani: Iraq today is on the right path"  

Quotes:  "We have started establishing and implementing the development road project, which will transform Iraq into an open country.; "Many capitals want to invest in Iraq...Iraq is witnessing recovery and stability and everyone needs his return"; We have made real reforms in the tax and banking system. There is no spot on Iraqi territory outside the control of our security forces, and we have directed the preparation of a comprehensive plan to secure the path of development."; "Iraq today is on the right track".

Strong Economy, Strong Dinar: Insights from Economist Al-Badrani

Germany: Iraq is witnessing progress towards economic stability, 19 SEPT

 Economy News – Baghdad

The director of the offices of the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) in Iraq, Christopher Flocter, confirmed on Thursday that Iraq is progressing well towards economic stability, stressing the importance of modernizing tax laws in Iraq.

“Iraq is making good progress towards stability, as economic stability is an essential part of this progress,” Flocter said in a statement reported by the official news agency, and seen by “Economy News.”

“There are many new sectors that have emerged in Iraq, such as transport, the transition to the electronic economy, renewable energy, and other fields that did not exist twenty years ago,” Flocter explained.

He stressed that “this development requires the updating of tax laws, as tax instructions or laws that have passed twenty or thirty years cannot be applied.”

He pointed out that “the existence of stable institutions is part of stability, which is what the German agency is working to support through joint cooperation between experts from the Iraqi government and experts from the German government.”

“The German government is proud of this achievement, and its happiness with partnership and mutual trust with the Iraqi government,” Flucter said.

Views 27

Added 2024/09/19 – 3:16 PM



  • Tues. 17 Sept. 2024 Bruce: Bond Holders are getting funds into their accounts right now and will have access to those funds Thurs. or Friday. Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) will be notified at the same time as Tier 3.


     [via WiserNow]  ...contract rate for the Iraqi dinar, I've told you, is extremely high and is tied to and is the same as the rate that Iraq is selling a barrel of oil for to other countries like Egypt, like Turkey, etc. wherever else they’re selling it - 

     So it's a very good rate.  Of course, it's always subject to change, and their selling price of a barrel of oil might vary.   Okay - That's great news, and...from my understanding is they will offer us who have Iraqi Dinar - the contract rate for the Dinar..


    Thurs. 5 Sept. 2024 Bruce

     “The Dinar is trading on the Forex, but the rate is not exchanging yet. My sources say R&R payments will be paid the first ten days of September.

     The amounts will be shown in our new accounts on the Quantum Financial System when we go in to redeem. 

    Bond Holders can already see their money in their accounts, but they do not have access to it yet. My sources say that the days of Sept. 6, 7 and 8 will be important dates for us.”

    • ----


     [via WiserNow]  

     Sunday night...five o'clock Eastern...after the Forex...opens back up for trading... we're going to see all new rates on all currencies...

    They should see all brand new rates Sunday night period.  Now – we would see them, probably Tuesday since Monday is a holiday. ...we don't have this absolute,

      but my belief is we can get notified on Monday which is is labor day here in the United States  - and then set our appointments and start on Tuesday...I'm just believing that we are finally at the end.

    Thurs. 29 Aug. Bruce

    • On Thurs. 29 Aug. 2024 there were solid but lower bank screen rates on the Redemption Center gray screens.
    • On Thurs. 29 Aug. 2024 the Global Financial System was fully implemented and ready to go.
    • All the banks have been totally integrated.
    • The Dinar rate was three times higher at a Redemption Center than it was at a bank.
    • The Dong rate was twice as high at the Redemption Center than it was at a bank.
    • Zim has to be redeemed at a Redemption Center, not a bank.
    • Tier4b should be notified to set appointments on Mon. 1 Sept.
    • Mortgages and credit card debt elimination was starting Wed, Thurs, Fri, 4,5,6 Sept. and will run to Sun. 15 Sept.
    • R&R should kick in the first week of September.
    • Global arrests are taking place right now.
    • The Forex comes up Sun. at 5pm EST with the new rates.
    • If you are a Zim Holder the Redemption Center will give you a coupon for a Q phone.

Boosting Non-Oil Revenues: A Game-Changer for Economic Stability

DINAR REVALUATION REPORT: Parliamentary Finance Committee's Visit to Erbil: A Focus on Non-Oil Revenues, 19 SEPT

 Parliamentary Finance Committee's Visit to Erbil: A Focus on Non-Oil Revenues

In September 2024, the Iraqi Parliamentary Finance Committee is scheduled to visit Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region, to discuss non-oil revenues and other financial matters.     

Background on Iraq's Fiscal Landscape

Iraq, heavily reliant on oil for its revenue, has been grappling with fiscal challenges and a need for economic diversification.  The country's ongoing efforts to modernize its financial and banking sectors and reduce dependence on oil have been hindered by political dynamics.  As of September 19, 2024, the Iraqi government faces a potential crisis due to plummeting oil prices, which could jeopardize its ambitious plans. 

Recent Developments in Baghdad-Erbil Relations

The relationship between the federal government of Iraq and the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has been tense, particularly over revenue-sharing disputes.  The KRG has been accused of not meeting its obligations to hand over 400,000 barrels per day of crude production to the state marketer SOMO.  The dispute has been further complicated by Turkey's refusal to reopen its port of Ceyhan to Iraqi crude exports. 

Non-Oil Revenues: A Strategic Focus

In light of the ongoing fiscal challenges and the need for economic diversification, the upcoming discussions between the Parliamentary Finance Committee and the KRG will likely focus on non-oil revenues.  These revenues are crucial for the sustainability of the Iraqi economy, especially given the volatility of oil prices. 

The Role of Non-Oil Revenues in the Budget

Non-oil revenues, which include taxes, fees, and income from various sectors such as agriculture and tourism, play a vital role in the federal budget.  The 2024 budget, which was approved by the Iraqi government in March and sent to the legislature for voting, includes a record $152 billion in spending.   The budget originally allocated 12.6% of the spending to the Kurdistan Region.  However, the final numbers may have been adjusted during the voting process. 

Challenges and Opportunities

The discussions between the Parliamentary Finance Committee and the KRG will address the challenges and opportunities associated with non-oil revenues. Economic experts have suggested that Iraq must implement serious plans to reduce imports, encourage the private sector, cut unnecessary expenditures, and increase non-oil revenues. 

Parliamentary Finance visits Erbil next week and non-oil revenues top its talks, 19 SEPT

 The Finance Committee In The House Of Representatives Visits Erbil Next Week To Hold A Meeting With The Ministry Of Finance And Economy In The Kurdistan Regional Government

The visit, according to the head of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Atwan Al-Atwani, aims to “stand on the points of contention to consolidate the understanding” reached between the Ministerial Council for the Economy and the Kurdistan Regional Government and “resolve the differences and turn the page on the past.”

Al-Attwani said in a press statement that “this will gives the momentum and strength to end the dispute whenever the picture becomes clear and everyone knows his commitments and duties.

Ministerial and technical delegations between Erbil and Baghdad held dozens of meetings, but nevertheless the financing of the salaries of salary tratifiers in the Kurdistan Region continues to witness a monthly delay. Every month, an pretext for delaying the salaries of salary trants in the Kurdistan Region is found.المالية-النيابية-تزور-أربيل-الأسبوع-المقبل-والإيرادات-غير-النفطية-تتصدر-مباحثاتها

Sudanese leave for New York next weekend to participate in UN General Assembly meetings, 20 SEPT

  Baghdad /  Nina  / Government sources announced that Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani will leave for New York next weekend to partic...