Tuesday, September 17, 2024

DINAR REVALUATION REPORT: Al-Sudani Announces Imminent Conclusion of International Coalition Mission in Iraq, 17 SEPT

Al-Sudani Announces Imminent Conclusion of International Coalition Mission in Iraq

Iraq's Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani has confirmed that the end date for the International Coalition's mission in Iraq will be announced soon This announcement comes as Iraq transitions from a period of wars to one of stability, with the justifications for the coalition's presence considered to have ended. 

Iraq's Shift to Stability and Sovereignty

The coalition's mission is part of the government's program, reflecting a shift in focus from military engagement to stability and sovereignty. Al-Sudani has initiated a dialogue with the coalition, involving discussions over the withdrawal process. 

U.S. Military Presence and Bilateral Talks

Approximately 2,500 U.S. troops are currently stationed in Iraq as part of the Combined Joint Task Force-Operation Inherent Resolve.  The end of the coalition's mission will not signify a breakdown in relations between Iraq and the U.S. Instead, it marks the beginning of bilateral talks to build sustainable security relationships. 

Iraq's Position Post-withdrawal

Iraq respects the choices of the American people and will deal with any administration that gains public confidence.  The strategic framework agreement between the two countries will be activated to guide future interactions.

The Role of the Coalition in Iraq's Future

Iraq's move from a period of wars to one of stability signals a new era of self-sufficiency and national sovereignty. The defeat of Daesh/ISIS has been a critical factor in this transition. 


The announcement of the end date for the International Coalition's mission in Iraq by Prime Minister Al-Sudani marks a significant milestone in Iraq's journey towards stability and sovereignty

The move reflects a broader shift in focus from military engagement to sustainable security relationships, particularly with the U.S.

 This transition is a testament to Iraq's resilience and its ability to overcome challenges, such as the defeat of Daesh/ISIS, and move towards a future defined by peace and self-determination.

Al-Sudani announces the imminent end of the international coalition mission in Iraq: We will deal with any American president, 17 SEPT

Al-Sudani announces the imminent end of the international coalition mission in Iraq: We will deal with any American president

 Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani announced on Tuesday that the international coalition's mission in Iraq is about to end, while indicating that Iraq will deal with any new American administration.

Al-Sudani said in an interview with the American Bloomberg Channel and Agency: "Iraq is an important country in OPEC and OPEC Plus and is committed to reducing its oil production, and we are committed to OPEC's decisions in a way that maintains oil prices and the equation between the interests of producers and consumers."

He added: "We have two options regarding exporting oil through the port of Ceyhan, either amending the contracts, which was rejected by the companies contracting with the region, or amending the budget law, and this matter requires political consensus."

He continued that "the justifications for the presence of the international coalition in Iraq have ended, and Iraq 2024 is not Iraq 2014," noting that Iraq has shifted from a stage of wars to a stage of stability, and ISIS does not pose a threat to the Iraqi state. Al-Sudani continued:

"We have started a frank dialogue with the international coalition and formed a bilateral committee to arrange the withdrawal of coalition forces, and to announce the end of the coalition forces' mission in Iraq soon," indicating that "the end of the international coalition's mission does not mean the end of the relationship between Iraq and the United States, but rather the opposite, we are engaged in Talks to build sustainable security relations and economic, cultural, social and scientific ties. He added: "We will participate in the international conference of the coalition against the terrorist ISIS."

He added: "We respect the choices of the American people in choosing their president and we will deal with any administration," stressing that "Iran supports the political process and Iraq's efforts in combating terrorism." Al-Sudani concluded that "Iraq is the only country in the region that has distinguished relations with Iran and the United States."  link



🇮🇶Direct from Iraq- Iraq Digital System is up & running. 

No more stealing Dinars backed by gold from the Iraqi people you cabal Thieves!

The QFS working at its finest!! Up Next for Iraqi people & the world.

👇 (Purchasing Power=Rate Change)



The entire world is awaiting!!! #FreeIraq🇮🇶 #FreeIraq🇮🇶 #FreeIraq🇮🇶



Foreign Currency Exchange🚨 Swift has upgraded to the iso20022 compliance system. Swift is preparing for currency exchanges in the quantum financial system. Department of the Navy & the Defense announced new codes being implemented into the banking system relevant to foreign currencies exchanges & recorded/archived in the federal register (similar to the iraq gazette). Laws being/has been implemented for our military officer & contractors around the world on how they’ll be able to exchange foreign currencies in the new quantum system. Swift is now transitioning to be able & allow us to go to Banks & exchange our foreign currencies in the new quantum financial system on the digital platform. -freedomfighter I’m sticking to my prediction!!!


Iraq's New Oil Profit-Sharing Contracts Explained!

Our Country's Dream"... Al-Sudani Sends An "Important" Message To Gulf States Regarding The Path To Development, 17 SEPT

 Money and business   Economy News – Baghdad  Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani stressed that the drop in oil prices to less than $72 confirms the need to diversify the Iraqi economy, while he addressed a message to the Gulf countries regarding the path to development.

Al-Sudani said during a televised interview followed by "Al-Eqtisad News", "The federal administration's budget allows it to pay $8 for every barrel of oil produced, while contracts signed with the Kurdistan Regional Government give companies $26. This stagnation has affected production from the region and led to a delay in the resumption of the pipeline."

Baghdad has been unable to agree on how much to pay international oil companies operating in the north of the country for their production.

We have to look at how we balance these issues. Do we look at the budget to see what we can do or do we try to look at prices?" he added.

“Closing the pipeline, which can carry nearly half a million barrels per day of oil from Kurdistan to the Turkish coast, would cost billions of dollars in lost revenue. However, restarting it would pose a dilemma for Iraq, which has failed to comply with OPEC+ production limits amid dire financial needs but has repeatedly said it will compensate for overproduction,” he said.

Al-Sudani said, "We are committed to abiding by OPEC decisions and maintaining the oil price in a way that achieves a balance between the interests of users and producers."

Pipeline problems

Turkey halted the pipeline in March last year after an arbitration court ordered it to pay Iraq $1.5 billion in compensation for transporting oil through it without Baghdad’s consent. Ankara, which claimed the pipeline was shut for repairs after two massive earthquakes in February, said in October it was ready for operations and that it was up to Iraq to resume flows.

But financial and legal issues have emerged, such as compensating companies for costs. International companies have said they also want to settle their overdue receivables — including $1 billion for oil produced between September 2022 and March 2023.

With exports halted, companies have begun producing some crude and selling it domestically. Iraqi officials have previously said this production has caused problems with compliance with quotas set by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries.

Iraq’s production cap is 4 million barrels a day, but it produced 4.32 million barrels a day last month, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The country, along with some other OPEC+ members, will gradually lift those limits starting in December.

Al-Sudani is keen to “increase production in the long term after years of war and internal conflict that have affected Iraq’s oil industry. In August, BP signed a preliminary agreement to help boost production from the Kirkuk region. Iraq is also rehabilitating and modernizing damaged refineries to help reduce fuel imports.”

The Prime Minister continued, "Because of the wars and the blockade over the past four decades, Iraq has been late in exploiting the wealth we have of gas and oil properly. Now we are looking at how to exploit the new wealth we have and how to use it effectively."

Diversify the economy

But he said, "The drop in oil prices in London to around $72 a barrel - near their lowest levels since 2021 - underscores the need to diversify the economy."

Iraq is OPEC's largest oil producer after Saudi Arabia and derives the bulk of its revenues from exporting the commodity, and needs much higher prices to balance its budget.

The IMF has long said the country needs to develop its private sector, and that economic progress is being hampered by a huge public sector wage bill, with successive governments not doing enough to curb high wage increases.

Al-Sudani pointed out that "his administration is looking to invest about 40% of Iraq's oil revenues to boost the non-oil sector," adding that "the planned trade corridor extending from Basra Governorate in southern Iraq to Turkey and then to Europe was a 'dream' for his country, and he is looking to the Gulf states to help finance the project, which is supposed to cost $17 billion."

132 views  09/17/2024 - https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=47686


 Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Happy Constitution Day 

Member: Good morning Mark, mods and everyone.

Member: After TNT yesterday I thought we would be retired this AM

Member: TNT said the rates were on bank screens

MZ: I have heard similar…But I also heard they are changing and fluctuating. I am hoping this means they are priming the system again. 

MZ: My banking contacts say they are seeing many different rates….rates are rolling all over the place…….Hopefully they are checking the system and priming the system…..

Member: Mark- On the Jentel she said rates are on screens not available to the public

Member: TNT said Bolivar was .027

MZ: Tomorrow I have a couple bond contacts expecting their final contracts and spendable money….Keeping fingers crossed. Hopefully I will learn ore by this evening. I do not think bonds will be finished by the 18th but hoping they are moving in a measurable, public way. I have evidence some are moving privately…but need much more movement 

Member: And per mark Monday……Bonds may not have to sign NDA’s after Tomorrow the 18th…..

Member: Is Zim still supposed to be in the first basket?

MZ: That is what I believe and what I hear from my best contacts…

Member: (From Dinar Guru) Mnt Goat  “ECONOMIC RENAISSANCE AND UNPRECEDENTED PROGRESS.. IRAQ MAXIMIZES ITS NON-OIL REVENUES AND REDUCES ITS DEBTS”. They are telling us the national debt is only 9% of their reserves now at $108 billion and GDP growth is very good... words like “unprecedented” and “maximizes”...tells me our choo choo train is moving down the tracks at an accelerated pace now.

MZ: It is screaming down the tracks…..We just need it to happen …like yesterday. 

Member: According to Militiaman the HCL is finished.

Member: Who gives Iraq permission to go???

MZ: At this point I believe it’s a compilation of the IMF, World Bank and the UN …but it is very confusing. The president of Iraq says its up to the CBI now….But , if it’s up to the CBI I am thinking they would already have released it. 

Member: And all this time I thought it was the dragon families supplying the gold for the reset that gave permission to go???

Member: Mark- Do you believe the new lower denoinations have already been printed in Iraq?

MZ: Yes I do…We have seen the contracts years ago and the paid receipts from the government of Iraq with DeLaRue to print them…... Many contacts in Iraq have seen the cut sheets (samples of LD’s) in banks.  

Member: Gold is so close to $2600.

​​Member: BREAKING - Dozens of suspected Hezbollah militants injured after their radio devices simultaneously exploded in Beirut, Lebanon, local media reports

Member: Seems like we always have such good news and the fundamentals are good, but it never gets to the finish line. I don’t get it. Very hard not to get discouraged at times.

Member: It dawned on me that tomorrow the 18th is also Wednesday. Could we see the HCL and rate in the Gazette possibly? That would certainly start the RV rate. It's also the full moon.

Member: The lunar eclipse tonight is supposed to be introducing massive biblical changes. Lets pray for good things to come in the days ahead.

Member: October 3rd is IRAQ Independence Day

Member: October 1st is the new US Fiscal year starting

Member: Wishing all a fantastic day!!!

Zester joins the stream to talk about the new proposed Liberty Financial crypto system announced last night. Please listen to the replay for his information and opinions 



 it means that the company has more than 80,000 people helping in this process, working on different projects for the benefit of people, yesterday a company in charge of delivery is CALL CENTER will begin to give notifications, GERNAN BASTIDAS also stated that he is the one who directs people to obtain the blessings to the CALL CENTER because each person will be attended to privately and their phone number is private in the call center,

 GERMAN BASTIDAS also said who is in BRAZIL providing training to other leaders, since on July 29 he signed an NDA, so the ENTIRE process will now be in charge of the CALL CENTER.



 INFORME DEL SR. SALVAGE: EL LÍDER GERNAN BASTIDAS DE UN PAYMASTER DE COLOMBIA, quiere decir que la empresa tiene más de 80.000 personas ayudando en este proceso, trabajando en diferentes proyectos para el beneficio de las personas, ayer una empresa a cargo de la entrega es CALL CENTER comenzará a dar notificaciones, 

GERNAN BASTIDAS también afirmó que él es el que dirige a las personas para obtener las bendiciones al CALL CENTER debido a que cada persona será atendida en privado y su número de teléfono es privado en el centro de llamadas, 

GERMAN BASTIDAS también dijo que está en BRASIL brindando capacitación a otros líderes, ya que el 29 de julio firmó un NDA, por lo que TODO el proceso ahora estará a cargo del CALL CENTER.



  Clare    Article:  " Al-Sudani heads to New York to participate in UN General Assembly meetings "   Quote:  " Prime Ministe...