Friday, September 13, 2024



  [via Judy Byington] 

  I assume everyone is excited as to what is happening...This is what we have been waiting for, for such a long time. All indicators are pointed to this week. Iraq is already done, I suppose. The QFS is activated. All is ready to go...All is lined up for this week.


Tues. 10 Sept 2024 Wolverine

 I assume everyone is excited as to what is happening, and hopefully by tomorrow I will be waking up with a rainbow next to my window.

  • There are certain things I cannot tell, as it is all confidential.
  • This is what we have been waiting for, for such a long time. All indicators are pointed to this week. 
  • Iraq is already done, I suppose. The QFS is activated. All is ready to go.
  • Certain funds are liberated in Brazil. I have spoken to quite a lot of bondholders in Brazil they have confirmed that certain platforms are liberated.
  • The Pentecostal group is getting ready for this event, and every guest going to that event will get personal codes to activate their accounts, so they will have  access to their funds. There are a lot of people going to Bogota and they will have a huge event there. The Pentecostal group that did not go to the event, like people like myself, will get their money in Mid-October, but I don’t care – I can wait.   
  • I have been told that notifications may come out tonight, maybe midnight. They assured me they are coming through.   They also told me, “Wolvie, get ready for that opera! We are going to give you a call to sing that opera with all your might!  So it was an emotional call.  We have all been through a lot together.
  • All is lined up for this week.
  • The German bonds and Dragon bonds will go first.  If you have Dragon Bonds, you are absolutely blessed, and you may get paid tomorrow. It is a process.   It does not mean just because you have not got it you will not get it.
  • The EBS might come at the time we get our blessing.  We would probably go at nighttime with military escort so nothing can happen with us with military escort and do our exchange with a military escort.  This may only be in America, not sure around the world.
  • Wait for notifications, they will tell you where you will have to go. All will be your notifications.
  • I’m very confident we will celebrate tomorrow! God bless you all…Wolverine

How PM Al-Sudani is Transforming Iraq's Investment Landscape!

DINAR REVALUATION REPORT: Iraq's Pursuit of Enhanced Economic and Investment Cooperation in 2024, 13 SEPT

 Iraq's Pursuit of Enhanced Economic and Investment Cooperation in 2024

In 2024, Iraq is demonstrating a strong commitment to enhancing its economic and investment cooperation with global partners, aiming to diversify its economy and reduce dependency on oil.  The President of the Republic, Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid, affirmed Iraq's eagerness to strengthen such ties, underlining the country's readiness to provide a conducive environment for strategic development projects. 

Iraq's Economic Context and Challenges

Iraq, one of the world's most oil-dependent nations, has been grappling with the volatility and rigidity of its oil-centric economy.  Despite a gradual recovery from the dual shocks of the oil and COVID-19 crises, the country faces significant unemployment and economic challenges, especially among displaced individuals, returnees, and women job-seekers. 

Seeking Diversification and Stability

Recognizing the need for economic diversification and stability, Iraq has been actively seeking partnerships to boost non-oil sectors and secure fiscal sustainability. Recent efforts have included discussions with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on fiscal adjustments and strategies to enable private sector development. 

Bilateral Cooperation and Investment Opportunities

Iraq has also been engaging in bilateral dialogues to explore investment opportunities and partnerships. A notable example is the Qatari-Iraqi Joint Committee for Economic and Trade Cooperation, which met in July 2024 to discuss avenues for cooperation, particularly in industry, infrastructure, renewable energy, and digital transformation. 

Political and Economic Agendas

Iraq's Prime Minister, Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, has emphasized the importance of focusing on economic, educational, and people-to-people domains during his visit to the United States.   Despite domestic and external pressures, al-Sudani is navigating the country's political and economic agendas with a view to fostering comprehensive bilateral relations. 


Iraq's initiatives in 2024 reflect a strategic shift towards economic diversification, investment in non-oil sectors, and the strengthening of bilateral relationships. This approach is expected to create a more resilient economy, attract foreign investment, and foster sustainable development in the face of global economic challenges.

The President Of The Republic Affirms Iraq's Keenness To Enhance Economic And Investment Cooperation With Its Brothers And Friends, 13 SEPT

 The President Of The Republic Affirms Iraq's Keenness To Enhance Economic And Investment Cooperation With Its Brothers And Friends

Thursday 12 September 2024 | Economic Number of readings: 339  Baghdad/ NINA / President of the Republic Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid affirmed, today, Thursday, Iraq's keenness to enhance economic and investment cooperation with its brothers and friends.

A statement by the Presidency of the Republic's media stated: "President of the Republic Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid received, today, Thursday, at the Baghdad Palace, the Secretary-General of the Council of Arab Economic Unity, Ambassador Mohammadi Ahmed Al-Ni and his accompanying delegation."

During the meeting, according to the statement, efforts to develop and support Arab economic work were reviewed, as well as ways to confront economic challenges in coordination and cooperation with the relevant Iraqi governmental institutions.

The President of the Republic stressed Iraq's keenness to enhance economic and investment cooperation with its brothers and friends, and to provide the appropriate environment to contribute to major strategic development projects, explaining: "Iraq stands today on the threshold of a new phase of security stability and economic development, and it looks forward to fruitful cooperation and a real economic partnership."

For his part, the guest delegation expressed its thanks and appreciation to the President of the Republic and his future vision for improving the reality of joint economic work, expressing its hope for Iraq's support for the work of the Council in order to achieve the higher goals that serve common interests. / End 2


 Gem Finch, [13/09/2024 12:38 PM]


First of all R&R and SS increases – SS increase I’m getting  - this increase we are looking for should happen the 3rd and 4th Wednesday of this month and if not by the end of this month.   And R &R what we are hearing this is going to show up for those of us exchanging will be in our QFS account and is there already.   

And then we can move some of that into our primary or secondary account.   Don’t be shy about moving funds.   And remember you can go back and whatever you move should last you for 90 days.   And that’s the only reason for the QFS card  - it’s the size of a CC but three times as thick and it’s ONLY used to move funds into your other bank accounts and up to three banks. 

  For those not exchanging Zim – the R&R should be by the end of this month.   And the Debt Jubilee is to occur starting this month.   And again – personal opinion of Bruce about R&R and Debt Forgiveness will occur after we start  - but we will see.   

What we are hearing today is positive for the Bond Holders and those in 4 A & B supposed to be on a shotgun start with T3  - so some with sheet bonds take them with you to your exchange and let them know you have them and what they are?  Not ZIM – Sheet Bonds – because you will need a little longer time.   

What else? When it comes to the Bond Holders they can see the funds in their accounts but they cannot get access till tomorrow – we have people who’ve gone in today and they had to get the QFS cards up and running and then tomorrow they’ll have all the other things they need with these accounts set up for them – 5 things  - that will give them access and certain people we know will do that tomorrow and that is great news because that tells us about us – and tomorrow Friday 13th and another piece of intel he received today – says everything – 

WE according to this good source – should receive everything after markets close tomorrow at 4pm and then everything released to us – the emails and then set our appointment and exchanges Saturday – RC said they’d be working four days in a row.  It will be good speaking to a LIVE human being and it will be quick to set those appointments and maybe your email for a confirmation of the appointment – but don’t to appointment more than ten minutes before – so try not to get their late – just ten minutes early to the RC  - so to be fair some RC are attached to banks.   

People will be there to verify your currency and count it and US marshals there for security.   What I’m saying is it looks very good for tomorrow or Saturday   - Bruce is still hoping for 4pm after the markets close and we SHOULD HAVE AN EXCITING WEEKEND -  Bruce thinks if it happens after 4 we should be setting exchanges for Saturday.   The bank hours are not the same as the RC which are very different and depends on where you are and appointments might even happen late at night  - because the ZIM will hydrate the banks and us – Bruce was hoping for a late piece of intel and that’s what came out.

So that’s all Bruce has for us tonight and it’s GREAT INTEL   – so please please please join in this prayer with Bruce and KEEP THOSE HEARTFELT PRAYERS SAID until we finally are SO BLESSED AND SEE THOSE NOTIFICATION EMAILS IN OUR INBOXES.   I know you ALL will be ALL our prayers are so powerful and SO NEEDED.  




Here we discuss the current state of the Iraqi Dinar and the challenges of the parallel market, emphasizing the impact on the economy and citizens.


  • 🔄 Official exchange rate vs. parallel market rates.
  • 💰 Iraqi revenues exceed 77 trillion Dinars in 2024.
  • 📈 The allure of US Dollars in Iraq drives parallel market growth.
  • ⚖️ Government faces a dilemma on adjusting exchange rates.
  • 🌍 Economic parallels drawn with Venezuela’s hyperinflation.
  • 📚 Education is vital for addressing parallel market risks.

Key Insights

  • 💱 The disparity between the official exchange rate and the parallel market creates distrust in the Iraqi Dinar, prompting citizens to favor the latter.
  • 📊 Iraq’s financial landscape is heavily reliant on oil, contributing about 89% to the federal budget, showcasing vulnerability in economic diversity.
  • 🚀 The thriving parallel market reflects a lack of confidence in the Dinar, indicating broader issues that affect everyday transactions for Iraqis.
  • ⚠️ Government actions to raise or lower the exchange rate could lead to inflation or decreased trust, highlighting the precarious balance needed for economic stability.
  • 🌐 Drawing lessons from Venezuela illustrates the severe consequences of currency mismanagement, serving as a cautionary tale for Iraq.
  • 🎓 Raising public awareness about the risks of the parallel market can foster a shift back to official channels, stabilizing the economy.
  • 🌟 The ongoing situation requires careful navigation by businesses and travelers, impacting daily life and economic sustainability in Iraq.

Winners & Losers: Dollar vs. Dinar in Iraq 2024