Monday, September 2, 2024

DINAR REVALUATION REPORT: Overview Schlumberger's Training Agreement with Iraq: Enhancing Skills in the Oil Sector, 3 SEPT


Schlumberger's Training Agreement with Iraq: Enhancing Skills in the Oil Sector. 

In a strategic move to boost the technical and engineering capabilities of Iraq's oil sector workforce, Schlumberger, the world's leading oilfield services company, has signed a cooperation agreement with the Arab Institute for Oil at the Iraqi Ministry of Oil.  This partnership is part of the ministry's broader strategy to enhance the skills and expertise of its employees, ultimately contributing to the country's oil industry development.

Key Objectives

The agreement aims to provide specialized training and development programs for the sector's workforce, focusing on technical and engineering skills By leveraging Schlumberger's expertise, the initiative seeks to improve the performance of Iraq's oil industry employees, which is crucial for the sector's long-term growth and competitiveness.

Stakeholder Perspectives

Deputy Minister for Extraction Affairs, Bassem Mohammed Khudair

Khudair emphasized that the memorandum of understanding aligns with the ministry's strategy to develop technical and engineering skills within the oil sector. This partnership is seen as a significant step towards achieving the ministry's goals in improving workforce performance.

Schlumberger's Executive Director in Iraq, Waseem Al-Azmeh

Al-Azmeh highlighted Schlumberger's commitment to using its expertise to develop the skills of Iraq's oil sector employees. The company views this partnership as an opportunity to contribute to the country's oil industry development and workforce enhancement.

General Director of the Training and Development Department, Hisham Yass

Yass underscored that the partnership with Schlumberger is a crucial addition to the ministry's training program. It will be implemented through the Arab Institute for Oil, which is responsible for certifying training programs and ensuring their alignment with international standards.

Deputy Director of the Arab Institute for Oil, Ghaleb Mohammed Ali

Ali expressed optimism that the collaboration with Schlumberger will help achieve the ministry's objectives in workforce improvement. He sees this partnership as a valuable opportunity for Iraq's oil sector to benefit from Schlumberger's global expertise in training and development.

Potential Impact

The training agreement between Schlumberger and the Arab Institute for Oil is expected to have a positive impact on Iraq's oil sector. By equipping the workforce with advanced technical and engineering skills, the country aims to enhance its oil production capabilities, attract foreign investment, and position itself as a leading player in the global oil market.


Schlumberger's training agreement with Iraq's Arab Institute for Oil marks a significant milestone in the country's efforts to develop a skilled and competitive workforce in the oil sector. Through this partnership, Iraq aims to leverage Schlumberger's expertise to boost the technical and engineering capabilities of its oil industry employees, contributing to the sector's long-term growth and success.

Schlumberger signs Iraq Training Agreement, 3 SEPT

  Schlumberger signs Iraq Training Agreement

The Arab Institute for Oil and Schlumberger have signed a cooperation agreement at the Iraqi Ministry of Oil, focusing on training and development for the sector's workforce.

Bassem Mohammed Khudair, the Deputy Minister for Extraction Affairs, stated that this memorandum aligns with the ministry's strategy to enhance technical and engineering skills.

Schlumberger's Executive Director in Iraq, Waseem Al-Azmeh, emphasized the company's commitment to using its expertise to develop the skills of Iraq's oil sector employees.

Hisham Yass, General Director of the Training and Development Department, highlighted that this partnership is a significant addition to the ministry's training program, to be implemented through the Arab Institute for Oil, which is responsible for certifying training programs.

Ghaleb Mohammed Ali, the Deputy Director of the institute, expressed hope that this collaboration will help achieve the ministry's goals in improving the performance of its workforce.   link



 [via Judy Byington] 

 Looks like everything has been lined up for Tues. 3 Sept...It’s going to be a shotgun start.  All contracts have been signed. Everything is ready to go. …Tier 1, 2, 3 and 4 banks around the world are fully integrated and ready for distribution. The RV is finally here.



Sat. 31 Aug. 2024 Wolverine

 “Looks like everything has been lined up for Tues. 3 Sept. The Precatorias was supposed to go today, but now they are going to go on Tues. 3 Sept. It’s going to be a shotgun start. All contracts have been signed. Everything is ready to go. …Tier 1, 2, 3 and 4 banks around the world are fully integrated and ready for distribution. The RV is finally here. God bless. Your friend, Wolverine”


Fri. 30 Aug. 2024 Wolverine

 “I’ve been told that all platforms have been shut down. They are all now getting ready to release payment. Once the Precatorias start all Yellow Dragons Bonds from my platform will cease operations immediately.

  • We are finally here after 30 years of waiting. We are actually here and ready to cross the finish line. It will be emotional for all of us when it hits us…
  • Let’s start out with intel.. What I have been told is that the Precatorias is about to start this weekend. It is an old debt/money owed to the people of Brazil, and back in 2017, they went to court on this, and they finally won the case, and they will get the funds released, more than trillions of dollars involved.  This is another platform that has associated itself with the RV, globally and this is about to be released on the weekend. The QFS had a hiccup, so it was temporarily delayed.
  • Zurich, I was told that this week all will get released. The codes are there so they can all get released. Not much to say as all is ready.
  • My sources said the Philippines have started, not sure of the payments, the process?  But they said the engine has started.  East to west. Hopefully that is true.  This is from various sources saying things are coming out from Asia to the West.
  • All the private platforms deals are being paid this week as well, by the new week – this is coming from Zurich as well…. Starting by the new week – Monday is Labor Day in the USA, so we are looking from Tuesday onwards
  • When the Precatorias gets released, the Yellow Dragons from my platform sales cease immediately. If you are interested in those bonds before they close the doors. This came through last night so I wanted to let you know.
  • I got a letter from an official in the Brazil and they are part of the RV process: “We close the week with the following report: the auditors of the World Bank and Peter Wong’s Platforms who arrived in Brazil on 08/27/2024 are packed and ready to return to the U.S.
  • Since Monday 09/02/2024 is a holiday in the USA (Labor Day), there is no way to have banking hours on the Reno Platform (Nevada/USA), so it was defined in the meeting within the BACEN on the date of 08/29/2024 that the global START will take place on 09/03/2024 (next Tuesday), when then Brazil 2, the USA and the other countries that will make up this project that covers 47 countries (and their respective Central Banks), after several exhaustive tests and adjustments, will finally be able to synchronize and proceed simultaneously with the release and settlement of the financial operations of which they are part.
  • I emphasize that in Brazil the released and approved operations to be paid are LTN and T*A, (like farmer’s claims) which were unified within the same platform).
  • I also learned that the deadline for distributing the amounts in the payrolls of the Managers that will be received will begin on 4th of September and extended until 9/13/2024. 

Iraq's Bold Move: Joining the Arab Economic Council!

DINAR REVALUATION REPORT: Iraq's Participation in the Arab Economic Council Meeting: A Step Toward Regional Integration, 3 SEPT

Iraq's Participation in the Arab Economic Council Meeting: A Step Toward Regional Integration

In a significant move for regional cooperation, Iraq participated in the meeting of the Arab Economic Council in September 2024.  This engagement underscores Iraq's commitment to economic integration and collaboration with its Arab neighbors, aiming to foster growth, stability, and mutual benefit in the face of shared challenges.

Iraq's Economic Transformation and Regional Engagement

Iraq's recent political and economic trajectory has been marked by efforts to combat corruption, address unemployment, reduce poverty, and reform its economy and finances.  Despite ongoing challenges, including the aftermath of armed conflict and internal divisions, Iraq has made strides in implementing reforms and improving government services. The country's participation in the Arab Economic Council meeting is a testament to its willingness to engage in regional economic initiatives.

Council of Arab Economic Unity: A Framework for Cooperation

Established in 1957, the Council of Arab Economic Unity is an Arab economic organization dedicated to achieving economic integration within a framework of economic and social development.   The council encourages the freedom of movement for labor, capital, and services among its members, which include Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Mauritania, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), Somalia, Sudan, Syria, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. Iraq's involvement in this council highlights its proactive stance in promoting regional economic cooperation and unity.

Iraq's Role in Promoting Arab Integration

Iraq's attendance at the Arab Economic Council meeting signals its intent to contribute to the collective goal of promoting freedom of movement for labor, capital, and services within the Arab region.  By participating in discussions and initiatives aimed at reducing trade barriers and fostering economic collaboration, Iraq positions itself as a key player in enhancing Arab economic integration.

Economic Challenges and Opportunities

Iraq faces significant economic challenges, including a heavy reliance on oil revenues and a need to diversify its economy.  Its participation in regional economic forums provides opportunities to explore new avenues for growth, such as increasing exports, strengthening the private sector, and attracting foreign direct investments (FDIs). By engaging with other Arab states, Iraq can also learn from their experiences and collaborate on solutions to common economic issues.

Conclusion: A Path Toward Collective Prosperity

Iraq's active participation in the Arab Economic Council meeting in September 2024 illustrates its dedication to regional cooperation and economic integration.    As the country continues to address internal challenges and pursue economic reforms, its engagement with the Arab Economic Council offers a platform for collaboration, shared learning, and collective progress toward a more prosperous and integrated Arab region.


 Jon Dowling

Recent developments in Iraq’s financial sector, including the implementation of a new banking system, currency diversification, and Iraq’s leadership role in international forums.

Iraq is set to chair the Group of 77 in China, marking a significant diplomatic milestone after 60 years.

A comprehensive banking system is being implemented in 40 branches, signaling readiness for international engagement.

The Central Bank is diversifying currency use, aiming to reduce reliance on the dollar.

Upcoming distribution of retirees’ salaries suggests potential changes in exchange rates.

Increased participation of Kurdish traders is contributing to a decrease in the dollar’s exchange rate.

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