Thursday, August 29, 2024

Taif Sami and the World Bank discuss supporting the economic and financial reform program, 29 AUGUST

 Taif Sami and the World Bank discuss supporting the economic and financial reform program

On Thursday, Minister of Finance, Ms. Taif Sami, received the World Bank’s Regional Director for the Middle East, Jean-Christophe Carret, and the Bank’s Special Representative in Iraq, Richard Abdelnour.

During the meeting, the World Bank's loans and grants, development project priorities, and ways of supporting the World Bank to enhance the financial and business sectors and improve the investment environment were followed up. The meeting emphasized the continuation of bilateral coordination to enhance sustainable development, in addition to discussing the bank's support for the government program regarding economic reform in Iraq.

Minister Sami pointed out the government's interest in strengthening partnership with international financial institutions, within the framework of accelerating the pace of financial and banking reforms in line with the Iraqi government's vision aimed at consolidating the foundations of the national economy, achieving economic balance, and correcting the course of financial policy in Iraq. link

Coffee with MarkZ. 08/29/2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good morning friends! Great day for some life changing news!

Member: Any good RV news today Mark?

MZ: The silence in the news is eerie…This month has flown to quickly. We should have seen more money moving this month

Member: I’m thinking and feeling that all the silence ( is golden) and just out there wacky confusion is exactly the way it was supposed to be at this time.

​Member: It's unsettling how news has gone completely silent about the RV. This eerie calm feels like the quiet before a storm, leaving us to wonder what’s brewing beneath the surface?

MZ: It definitely feels like the calm before the storm- It’s weird.

​​Member: I don’t feel calm….. I feel anxious. Wish something would break soon!

Member: I am hopeful that the much anticipated events happen this weekend.

Member: I am praying September is out month

MZ: I’m still praying August is our month.  Most of what I am being told right now is to expect it anywhere from last Monday until September 4th- somewhere in there to see us actually with appointments…we will see.  Things are quiet and crazy…..and I think the quiet is purposeful. .

 Member: how much more calmness are we in for…. asking for a friend.

​​Member: I blame the nothing burger is because of the NDA's….This is good news. 

Member: if you're on a diet ….nothing burgers are good for you

Member: Is there any difference between on screen exchange rates at banks or contract rates at redemption centers ?

MZ: A redemption center is a redeeming bank. So you are going to a bank that is especially set up and has the equipment and training to exchange us. I am told there will be a difference in the fees and how much you have to pay them…their cut. But the rates should be universal. 

Member: Who Cares what the exchange PLACE is called as long as THEY call ME! ha ha

Member: Where are these redeeming facilities?

MZ: We have talked about that about ten million times….They are not going to give you the exact location beforehand…It’s a security risk. 

Member: I am wondering if Iraq is going to be an RV or reinstatement

Member: MilitiaMan sure had a good video today

MZ: There has been a grinding juggernaut of progress in Iraq. Things do continue to move.

MZ: Banking contacts say Bam, bam, bam….It’s happening right now….lots of hopeful conversations for this weekend from a number of currency groups. Bond side is eerily quiet. 

Member: My currency and Bonds are longing for the loving touch of another. They have become bored being spread out, caressed, and hugged by me alone. We need the RV!

MZ: The chatter out of Iraq stays fantastic….we keep hearing stories about lower denominations in the streets but, people who are physically there say no- not yet….but that they are physically prepared for them. 

Member: I wish we knew what happened with Al Alaqs trip to the US in New York and DC???

Member: Al-Sudani announces the completion date of the first phase of Al-Faw Port: It will be a qualitative addition to the region: Search4Dinar

Member: Iraq signs agreement with two international companies to improve water management: Search4Dinar

Member: Oil Minister and OPEC Secretary General discuss cooperation in stabilizing markets: Search4Dinar

Member: I really think they may hold off until they see what happens here in Nov. so they know who's running things before they revalue etc.

​​Member: Even though it's so quiet, I think everyone is feeling very excited and finally we have a "knowing" this is it!

MZ: I know we are tired and worn down….but ask yourselves…Can the world continue for eternity the way it is??? Do you think this is a sustainable direction for our country and the world???  One thing that is certain is change. 

MZ: What do you think replaces it? What is the logical occurrence financially?  It always corrects…..History tells us the countries with the most commodities will come out on top. We will win. 

Member: the national debt goes up about 1 trillion every 100 days…We cannot sustain that!!

Member:  US net interest payments on national debt hit $861 BILLION over the last 12 months, according to the latest US Treasury report. Interest costs have nearly DOUBLED in just 2 years. Time for the reset.

Member: Remember- It is a Holiday weekend…A 3 day weekend…….This could be the one we are waiting for. 

Member; Keep positive thoughts….The best is yet to come. 



Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )


Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.



MILITIAMAN: Iraq Dinar-#Iraqidinar-Iraq-International Water-No Disclosure of Costs-t...

Evening News with MarkZ. 08/28/2024

Wednesday Evening News With MarkZ 

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good evening, one and all

Member: Good evening everyone!! Are we out of the Twilight Zone YET?

Member: The boards are saying RV possible in the next 24 hours

MZ: We are certainly hearing that….been hearing it since Monday. The anticipation is through the roof. But it hasn’t gone yet. 

Member: What are people saying that makes them believe it could be this week?

MZ: Well…I am stunned at the amount of anticipation on the currency side, which always happens on a 3 day weekend. . …..Its Thursday now and this week I really thought we would see huge numbers on Tuesday and bond folks with dollars. We did not see that. But a number of group leaders and currency test transactions that went on with some smaller groups has everybody bouncing…..

MZ: Farm claims are being paid…this is confirmed they have money in hands…..and yes- test transactions have been happening. We assume those tests are in fiat. 

Member: Maybe they are positioning and then everything at once???

Member: Why do you think it’s so unbelievably quiet @MarkZ???

MZ: NDA’s might be why, and they don’t want us to know the process. And for security reasons?

Member: Something must be going on with all this quietness

Member: Not sure what Farm Claims, bondholders, whales etc. have to do with the RV?

Member: Many years ago those were set to go before the reset of currenncies……but imo Iraq can RV or revalue the dinar whenever they want. 

Member: Mark, What do you think the “October Surprise “ will be?

MZ:  I wouldn’t be surprised if we see full blown Nesara announced by then, 

Member:  rayren98 says the 3 letter agencies say it could happen today

Member: It’s hard to trust this process when they keep moving the goalposts...but giving up is not an option.

Member: RV this weekend would be a God send ! Please let it be! So many need it..

Member: Prayers that this 3 day weekend is the one that we have been waiting for.



DINAR REVALUATION REPORT: Iraq's Path to Economic Development: A Shift in Global Trade Exchange, 29 AUGUST

Iraq's Path to Economic Development: A Shift in Global Trade Exchange

The Parliamentary Finance Committee in Iraq has expressed optimism about the country's development path, foreseeing a significant shift in the course of trade exchange between Iraq and the world. This statement, made by Chairman Atwan Al-Atwani, highlights the committee's confidence in Iraq's economic future.

Current Economic Landscape

Iraq's economy has faced numerous challenges in recent years, including a heavy reliance on oil exports, corruption, and instability. However, the government has been working to diversify the economy and attract foreign investment. The development path, as outlined by the Parliamentary Finance Committee, aims to achieve a more balanced and sustainable economy.

Expected Outcomes

The committee expects the development path to bring about a qualitative shift in Iraq's trade exchange with the world. This shift is likely to be characterized by:

  • Increased non-oil exports, reducing the country's reliance on oil revenues
  • Improved trade relationships with neighboring countries and global partners
  • Enhanced economic competitiveness, driven by investment in infrastructure and human capital
  • A more favorable business environment, encouraging foreign investment and entrepreneurship

Key Drivers of Change

Several factors are expected to drive this shift in Iraq's trade exchange:

  • Investment in infrastructure: Upgrades to transportation networks, energy systems, and telecommunications will improve the business environment and facilitate trade.
  • Diversification of industries: Encouraging growth in sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, and tourism will reduce dependence on oil and increase non-oil exports.
  • Trade agreements and partnerships: Strengthening relationships with neighboring countries and global partners will expand Iraq's access to new markets and investment opportunities.
  • Economic reforms: Implementing policies to promote transparency, accountability, and competitiveness will help to attract foreign investment and stimulate economic growth.


The Parliamentary Finance Committee's statement highlights the potential for Iraq's development path to bring about a significant shift in the country's trade exchange with the world. By investing in infrastructure, diversifying industries, strengthening trade relationships, and implementing economic reforms, Iraq can achieve a more balanced and sustainable economy. As the country continues on this path, it is likely to become an increasingly important player in regional and global trade.

Parliamentary Finance: The Path Of Development Will Achieve A Shift In The Course Of Trade Exchange Between Iraq And The World, 29 AUGUST

 Chairman of the Parliamentary Finance Committee Atwan Al-Atwani Money and business  Economy News – Baghdad   The Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed, on Wednesday, that the development path will achieve a qualitative shift in the course of trade exchange between Iraq and the world.

The media office of the head of the parliamentary finance committee stated in a statement, which was reviewed by "Al-Eqtisad News", that "the head of the parliamentary finance committee, Atwan Al-Atwani, received the Chargé d'Affaires of the German Embassy, ​​Roland Vestbe, and his accompanying delegation; to discuss ways to enhance bilateral cooperation between the two friendly countries."

He added, "The meeting discussed political and security developments in the region and their impact on the Iraqi economy," indicating that "the two sides stressed the need to enhance bilateral cooperation between Baghdad and Berlin at all levels and in various fields, especially in developing the energy sector and financial and banking systems, in a way that achieves sustainable development."

Al-Atwani said - according to the statement: "Iraq looks forward to strengthening its relations with everyone on the basis of mutual respect, common interests, and non-interference in its internal affairs," adding that "the political and security stability that Iraq is currently witnessing has made it an attractive environment for investment."

He continued, "The entry of major international companies into Iraq is a clear indicator of stability and security, and we look forward to the participation of German companies in developing the energy sector and helping Iraq invest its wealth," noting that "the development path will achieve a qualitative shift in the course of trade exchange between Iraq and the world as it shortens time and provides security."

Al-Atwani pointed out that "many European countries have expressed their desire to join the development path, and Germany must have a presence in this strategic project, and the industrial and commercial projects scheduled to be established along the development path will drive the economy and provide thousands of job opportunities." -


 Fnu Lnu  

Contract Rates all happened many years ago when private buyers contracted to buy Dinar at a specified rate, per contract.

 It was not an exchange. It was a private sale. Those all closed many years ago and there are NO MORE contracted rates...PERIOD! I hope this clears the air...  



Fnu Lnu 

 With the RV drawing near, the crazies are coming out of the woodwork...

First of all, The redemption centers ARE the same as the banks. They are merely off premises due to an expected increase in traffic. They are not separate entities. 

Secondly..."The Law of One Price"...states an instrument cannot be sold in different markets at different prices.

 In other words, the "redemption Centers" (banks) are NOT going to offer you an exchange rate three times what the "Banks" give you. IT IS ILLEGAL! The rate will be the rate no matter where you go. 

The only thing that may differ is the percentage of the fee.  This fee is usually 2% but that isn't etched in stone.


Fnu Lnu 

 It has been reported that Hezbollah plans to open a HQ in Baghdad and implied that Baghdad will allow it. PLEASE! ...Nuri Al Maliki owns all but one newspaper in Iraq...and is Iranian sympathetic ...Next, think the United States is ever going to leave Iraq? ...That will never happen...Do you...think the United States military is, for one minute, going to allow Hamas or Hezbollah, or any other Iranian proxy group to set up shop in Baghdad, no less? This is commonly known as fear porn and has zero credibility...

Fnu Lnu   

[Response to Guru Henig post 3-16-2024 below] The taxation issue is not complex and I  have it directly from the taxing authority (IRS) and an agent within the IRS. The taxation will be a matter of choice (YOU DECIDE).  You may either pay tax as "REGULAR INCOME" or as Capital Gains. YOU CHOOSE! Depending on your structuring for tax  advantages...Regular Income is the easiest way to deal with the income/profits as it is amenable with classic Asset  Protection...The notion that you must have receipts is not true because you can choose Regular Income. 

  It is also not true that one must have a receipt or pay 40-50% in taxes. The tax code is  written for both kinds of people. Those who pay taxes and those who do not. Guess which side the rich are on? They use Asset defer and liabilities and anyone can do it...Do not be misled. Consult an ASSET PROTECTION ATTORNEY and forget the rest of what you hear and read.

Economist: The free mass is estimated at 70 trillion dinars and can be invested electronically, 20 SEPT

  Economist: The free mass is estimated at 70 trillion dinars and can be invested electronically Economic expert Dr. Safwan Qusay confirmed...