Fnu Lnu
With the RV drawing near, the crazies are coming out of the woodwork...
First of all, The redemption centers ARE the same as the banks. They are merely off premises due to an expected increase in traffic. They are not separate entities.
Secondly..."The Law of One Price"...states an instrument cannot be sold in different markets at different prices.
In other words, the "redemption Centers" (banks) are NOT going to offer you an exchange rate three times what the "Banks" give you. IT IS ILLEGAL! The rate will be the rate no matter where you go.
The only thing that may differ is the percentage of the fee. This fee is usually 2% but that isn't etched in stone.
Fnu Lnu
It has been reported that Hezbollah plans to open a HQ in Baghdad and implied that Baghdad will allow it. PLEASE! ...Nuri Al Maliki owns all but one newspaper in Iraq...and is Iranian sympathetic ... Next, think the United States is ever going to leave Iraq? ...That will never happen...Do you...think the United States military is, for one minute, going to allow Hamas or Hezbollah, or any other Iranian proxy group to set up shop in Baghdad, no less? This is commonly known as fear porn and has zero credibility...
Fnu Lnu
[Response to Guru Henig post 3-16-2024 below] The taxation issue is not complex and I have it directly from the taxing authority (IRS) and an agent within the IRS. The taxation will be a matter of choice (YOU DECIDE). You may either pay tax as "REGULAR INCOME" or as Capital Gains. YOU CHOOSE! Depending on your structuring for tax advantages...Regular Income is the easiest way to deal with the income/profits as it is amenable with classic Asset Protection...The notion that you must have receipts is not true because you can choose Regular Income.
It is also not true that one must have a receipt or pay 40-50% in taxes. The tax code is written for both kinds of people. Those who pay taxes and those who do not. Guess which side the rich are on? They use Asset Protection...to defer and reduce...tax liabilities and anyone can do it...Do not be misled. Consult an ASSET PROTECTION ATTORNEY and forget the rest of what you hear and read.