Monday, August 26, 2024



 [via WiserNow] looks like our start for notification and exchanges could start over the weekend...It could defer to Monday, with exchanges starting either Monday or Tuesday. That's very possible.


 [via WiserNow]  ...If it all pans out, we'll get our emails [Wednesday] – set our appointments...start as early as [Wednesday] or Thursday...Rate wise...we saw what...the dinar and dong were a few days ago...and...the redemption center screens are going to be much higher than the bank screens. Just so you know, redemption center screens are significantly higher

Not to mention the fact that, if you're a dinar holder... and are a US citizen, you will be offered a contract rate.

What is the contract rate

Contract rate is what a barrel of oil in Iraq is selling for, in USN dollars, whatever the per barrel price of oil is that Iraq is countries...That's what we are being offered. That's the contract rate, and it's pretty high.  



[via WiserNow]  

 When do we get notified

The latest information has been all over the place...but I can tell you the latest information that I believe is reliable is saying we will receive notifications sometime Tuesday...That would be the 20th...

And that would be great. Then we probably will be setting our appointments, more than likely, for Wednesday, with some possibility of Tuesday afternoon...



Gem Finch, [16/08/2024 12:29 PM]

First R&R  - new information today the money from BC and Divorce Decree or Death Certificate parent’s spouse there were four areas traded as bonds.  The other thing is interest we paid on mortgages and bank loans for cars or whatever?  And for some of the older folks so older people will get a pretty big chunk – now for those in the currencies and Zim and those with Zim  - we will get our R&R put into our QFS accounts.  They should tell us that and how much it’s going to be before the total from the exchanges are added.   When it comes to the QFS  - so the Quantum Card thicker than a CC and has three chips  but we never carry that around with us and we only use it to move funds into your primary and secondary accounts, from the QFS account.    You can move to three different banks.   You don’t use it for anything else  - it’s not a CC /Debit card and you don’t ever want to lose it.

Access to the QFS we will get the R&R into that account and know what that is before the other funds are added.  Now here is the other thing to access the QFS they’ll use a biometric finger or thumb print and username and password all of which have to be written down and all other passwords at that exchange.   And a five digit  ID number and a new email address all you have to add to access your QFS accounts.   So this is backed by the New UST  - Bruce is saying gmail is a safe email.

We know when the R&R is happening for us  - but for non-exchanges because this goes to anyone 28 years and older and the green card holders you need to have had your card for 18 month minimum.  Say you're 55 or younger – but this will be deposited directly into your bank account.   They know what your bank account is because of the Ssecurity you had to use  and this all starts on Monday 19th August and could take up to 7 days to show up and you’ll know when you have a deposit  - email/phone call or online notification.  And for the older folks its substantial – but for the younger ones under 35 that says you won’...FOR READ MORE:



Parliamentary Security Committee: 7 Strikes Against Currency Counterfeiting Networks in 2024

The Parliamentary Security Committee has confirmed a series of successful operations against currency counterfeiting networks in 2024 [4]. These operations, totaling seven strikes, have significantly disrupted criminal activities targeting the Iraqi economy. Counterfeiting poses a serious economic threat, and the actions taken by specialized Iraqi security teams demonstrate a growing intelligence capability in monitoring and preventing crimes that could undermine national financial stability.

International Networks and Internal Threats

The committee member, Yasser Iskandar, highlighted the involvement of international networks in currency counterfeiting [4]. These networks, operating both inside and outside of Iraq, aim to drain resources and destabilize the economy by flooding the market with fake currency. The successful strikes against these networks have led to numerous arrests and the seizure of large sums of counterfeit money across various governorates, including Baghdad.

Technological Advancements and Counterfeiting

Globally, the resurgence of counterfeit currency has been attributed to advancements in technology, making it easier to duplicate banknotes to a degree that is difficult to detect [3]. Sophisticated scanning and printing devices have enabled criminals to create convincing counterfeits that can be mixed with legitimate currency. This trend has been observed in several countries, reflecting a common challenge for law enforcement and financial authorities.

EU and U.S. Counterfeit Rates

Comparatively, the European Union (EU) has seen an increase in the use of fake notes and coins, up by 16% and 22% in 2023 compared to 2022 [3]. The United States, however, still grapples with a significant counterfeit currency issue, with the Secret Service reporting the seizure of $22 million in fake banknotes in 2023, resulting in 197 arrests [3].

Prevention and Enforcement Measures

In the EU, the European Commission's anti-counterfeiting strategy is based on four pillars: prevention, repression, training, and cooperation [6]. Measures include a system for information collection, designated national authorities for analysis, national central offices for investigation coordination, and authentication measures applied by credit institutions and other cash handlers. The European Technical and Scientific Centre supports national authorities with technical assistance, training, and classification of new types of counterfeit coins.

Ongoing Challenges

Despite the success of the Parliamentary Security Committee's operations in Iraq, the global nature of currency counterfeiting requires continued vigilance and international cooperation. The sophistication of printing and editing tools continues to challenge enforcement efforts worldwide.

In conclusion, the efforts of the Parliamentary Security Committee in Iraq highlight the importance of proactive measures against currency counterfeiting. The operations conducted in 2024 have underscored the critical role of intelligence and law enforcement in safeguarding economic stability against the threat of counterfeit currency.

Parliamentary Security: We have dealt 7 blows to currency counterfeiting networks during the current year, 26 AUGUST

Parliamentary Security: We have dealt 7 blows to currency counterfeiting networks during the current year

The Parliamentary Security Board affirmed, on Sunday, that it coordinated 7 negative marks against cash duplicating networks during the ongoing year.

According to Yasser Iskandar, a member of the Parliamentary Security Committee, “there are international networks trying to drain resources by leaking large sums of money to harm the Iraqi economy,” counterfeiting currency—whether Iraqi or foreign—poses an economic threat.

That’s what he added “particular Iraqi security groups prevailed with regards to coordinating 7 subjective negative marks against cash forging networks in Iraq during the year 2024, where a significant number of them were captured and enormous amounts of cash were seized in a few governorates, including Baghdad.”

He brought up that “ousting risky and significant organizations is proof of the developing knowledge aspect in checking wrongdoings that undermine the nation’s economy and uncovering cells that are attempting to forge ahead with these ways that are attempting to alter the nation’s capacities.”

It is essential that money forging activities are done by worldwide organizations, some external the nation and some inside.”



WE’RE A GREAT PEOPLE…A people of politeness and hospitality. Our DNA as a people is excellent. We are blessed with many endowments. If we could just get our politics right and get our nation to be born again. We have everything. We have a unique God-given gift of resources-the human resources, the natural resources, the material resources and the

spiritual resources. #JustImagine If we could come together, pull together and walk together, the world will see a WINNING NATION and SHINING COUNTRY on the African continent and beyond. Blessed Friday #JustImagine #NewDawn #Godisinit


This is the latest update we can find from Nelson Chanisa concerning Zimbabwe. Nothing official has come out yet regarding the elections. As soon as it’s official, we’ll let you know accordingly. 👆🏻👆🏻



DINAR REVALUATION UPDATE : Resolving the Dilemma of Banks "Deprived of the Dollar": The Relationship with Washington in 2024, 26 AUGUST

Resolving the Dilemma of Banks "Deprived of the Dollar": The Relationship with Washington in 2024

In the realm of global finance and international relations, the phrase "banks deprived of the dollar" often conjures up images of financial institutions facing restrictions or sanctions that limit their access to the United States' financial system.  This situation can arise due to various reasons, including regulatory non-compliance, sanctions imposed by the US government, or broader geopolitical tensions. As of August 25, 2024, the relationship between banks "deprived of the dollar" and Washington has been marked by ongoing negotiations and efforts to find a resolution.

The Impact of Being "Deprived of the Dollar"

For banks that are cut off from the US dollar, the consequences can be severe. Transactions in dollars, which are the backbone of global trade and finance, become significantly more complex and costly. This isolation can lead to a loss of business, reduced liquidity, and damaged reputations. Banks may also face challenges in maintaining correspondent banking relationships, which are essential for facilitating international payments. 

Washington's Role

The US government, through its regulatory bodies and the Department of the Treasury, plays a pivotal role in enforcing sanctions and regulations that can affect banks' access to the dollar. In recent years, Washington has tightened its grip on financial institutions that violate sanctions, anti-money laundering (AML), and counter-terrorist financing (CTF) laws.   This has led to a heightened focus on compliance within the banking sector.

Resolving the Relationship: Current Efforts

As of 2024, efforts to mend the relationship between banks "deprived of the dollar" and Washington have been multifaceted. Banks are working to improve their compliance measures, often under the guidance of US regulators, to regain access to the US financial system. This involves significant investments in technology and personnel to enhance risk management and compliance frameworks. 

Meanwhile, diplomatic channels are also active, with several countries engaging in dialogue with the US to address broader geopolitical concerns that have led to sanctions. These discussions aim to find common ground and create a more stable environment for international banking relations. 

The Role of Alternative Currencies and De-Dollarization

In response to the challenges posed by reduced access to the US dollar, some countries and financial institutions have explored the use of alternative currencies in international trade and finance. This trend, known as de-dollarization, has gained momentum as countries seek to diversify their financial systems and reduce dependency on the US dollar. 

De-dollarization efforts have been particularly evident in regions such as Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America, where countries are looking to develop local currency markets and strengthen regional financial cooperation. 

The Future of the Relationship

The future of the relationship between banks "deprived of the dollar" and Washington will likely be shaped by several factors. These include the evolving global political landscape, the effectiveness of compliance measures implemented by affected banks, and the US government's stance on sanctions and international banking regulations. 

As the world moves towards a potentially more multipolar economic order, with increased use of non-traditional reserve currencies and the development of digital financial technologies, the dynamics of the relationship will continue to evolve. 

DINAR REVALUATION REPORT: CBI Governor Ali Al-Alaq's Statement on Dollar Provision and Exchange Rates, 20 SEPT

CBI Governor Ali Al-Alaq's Statement on Dollar Provision and Exchange Rates On September 20, 2024, Ali Al-Alaq, the governor of the Cent...