Sunday, August 25, 2024

Iraq’s JOC destroys ISIS hideouts, killing terrorists in Saladin, 25 AUGUST

 Shafaq News/ On Saturday, the Iraqi Joint Operations Command (JOC) announced the destruction of three ISIS hideouts in eastern Saladin.

“At 6:00 am local time, based on precise information from the General Directorate of Intelligence and Security… the Iraqi air forces targeted terrorist hideouts by Cessna Caravan aircraft, in the Tuz district within the East Saladin Operations Command.”

The statement confirmed that the strikes completely destroyed the hideouts and killed all terrorists within. 

“The security information indicates that these locations were used to shelter ISIS members and serve as bases for launching attacks against security forces and civilians.” JOC said.

Despite its defeat in 2017, ISIS remains a threat in Iraq. The group continues to carry out attacks, particularly in the so-called Triangle of Death, encompassing the governorates of Saladin, Kirkuk, and Diyala. Areas such as Al-Yusufiyah, Al-Mahmoudiyah, Al-Iskandariyah, Al-Latifiyah, and Jurf Al-Sakhar, along with hundreds of remote towns, are still considered hideouts for the terrorist organization.

According to press release last July by the US Central Command, In the first half of 2024, ISIS claimed 153 attacks in Iraq and Syria, “ISIS is on pace to more than double the total number of attacks they claimed in 2023. The increase in attacks indicates ISIS is attempting to reconstitute following several years of decreased capability.”



  I don't care about the WTO and HCL because it only waits for one thing, the new exchange rate.  The only mechanism that everyone is waiting for is the new exchange rate.  

That is the simple fact.  This fact is real because Sudani is constantly reinforcing that constantly coming out on TV and talking to you [Iraqi citizens] about you're going to get purchasing power.

We found out the 3 zero notes are going to coexist with the lower notes for 10 years.

  Do you understand the power behind that?  

That means we're going to be able to participate in not only the float but the Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER)


 The goal is what?  Retrieve those [Three zero notes].  


As soon as we raise the value, give them purchasing power, as soon as we drop the 3 zeros, they're going to bring in all that 80 something percent [still in Iraqi mattresses]...The monetary reform plan is brilliant...It is moving at a very fast pace.



"Then Saleh talking about oil being sold in dinars instead of dollars." 

 Economist back on tv saying it’s time to drop the zeros."

---It sounds like there's a couple of interesting economic discussions happening in Iraq right now!

  1. Saleh and Oil Sales in Dinars: Saleh's suggestion to sell oil in dinars instead of dollars could be aimed at strengthening the Iraqi dinar and reducing dependence on the US dollar. This move could potentially stabilize the local economy and improve national financial sovereignty. However, it would also require significant adjustments in international trade agreements and currency exchange systems.

  2. Dropping Zeros from the Dinar: The economist's call to drop zeros from the dinar is a common monetary policy strategy known as "currency redenomination." This involves introducing a new unit of currency that is worth a thousand or more times the old unit. It's often done to simplify transactions and improve the currency’s image after periods of high inflation or economic instability. For Iraq, this could be a step towards stabilizing the currency and restoring confidence in its value.

Both of these measures reflect efforts to address economic challenges and enhance the stability of Iraq's financial system. The success of these strategies will depend on how they are implemented and their impact on the broader economy.



Saturday, August 24, 2024

DINAR REVALUATION UPDATE: Iyad Allawi's Stance Against Amendments to Iraq's Personal Status Law : CALLING TO THE UNITY IN IRAQ, 25 AUGUST

Iyad Allawi's Stance Against Amendments to Iraq's Personal Status Law

In a significant development in Iraq's political landscape, Iyad Allawi, a prominent leader and head of the National Coalition, has firmly opposed proposed amendments to the Personal Status Law.  These amendments, pushed by Shia political blocs within the Iraqi parliament, have sparked widespread controversy and debate across the nation. Allawi's rejection underscores the deepening sectarian tensions and the potential implications for the unity of Iraqi society.

Personal Status Law: A Unifying Force?

The Personal Status Law, enacted in 1959 under Prime Minister Abdul Karim Qasim, has historically served as a unifying legal framework for all Iraqis, regardless of sectarian affiliations.   Allawi's concern is that the proposed changes could erode this unifying fabric by allowing citizens to opt for sectarian-specific interpretations of the law, thereby reinforcing divisions and sectarianism within the country.

The Impact of Sectarianism

Allawi's opposition to the amendments is rooted in his belief that they could exacerbate existing divisions and reinforce sectarianism at a time when Iraq needs to address more pressing issues such as poverty and unemployment.   The leader has called for a focus on legislation that benefits the individual and society as a whole, emphasizing the need for national political forces to overcome their differences and unite on matters that impact the lives of all Iraqi citizens.

A Call for Unity and Focus

In his meeting with members of the 188 Alliance, Allawi stressed the importance of addressing essential issues that affect the Iraqi citizen, advocating for a collective effort to tackle problems that hinder national progress.  He has urged the political forces to set aside secondary disputes and concentrate on building a more cohesive and resilient society.

Widespread Controversy

The proposal to amend the Personal Status Law has indeed triggered a heated debate within Iraq, with opposing factions voicing their concerns and support.  Critics argue that the amendments could lead to the marriage of minors and deprive women of their rights to alimony and custody. The government has responded by initiating discussions through the “Supreme Council for Women’s Affairs” to address the concerns raised, highlighting the complexity and sensitivity of the issue.


Iyad Allawi's firm stance against the amendments to the Personal Status Law reflects a broader concern about the potential for such changes to deepen sectarian divides in Iraq. 

His call for unity and focus on issues that impact the lives of all Iraqis resonates with many who fear that sectarian politics may further destabilize the country. The ongoing controversy surrounding the Personal Status Law underscores the need for a balanced approach that respects the rights of all Iraqis while preserving the social cohesion that is vital for the nation's stability and progress.



[via PDK] 

As far as RV related news – there is a lot of expectations in Iraq for this weekend.

  But no huge movement yet. We are waiting to get some news.  Iraqi contacts are pretty hopeful they can force a dinar value change to reduce the use of US dollars .  A lot of hopeful talk …and most are looking for a change on Sunday. That’s only a day away so guess we will soon find out. 

COMMENT:  ...Iraqi Citizens are being shown the new lower denominations on the street level. They are being distributed in Iraq…If so, I assume this puts us in a short window until it’s on forex for us.   ;

 MarkZ:   If they are being distributed…yes.  We do know they have printed them…we have seen the contracts with DeLaRue in 2018 when they were printed. We know they have sent “cut sheets” or samples to banks , large retailers etc…showing all the security features etc. So they have printed them, prepared everyone, educated the exchange houses. They have also formed a committee to educate people on price changes. It’s clear they are going to lower denominations. If they are finally releasing them at the street level… Well, that is huge news...


DINAR REVALUATION UPDATE : THE Iraq's Financial Talks with the US Treasury and Federal Reserve in August 2024, 25 AUGUST

 Iraq's Financial Talks with the US Treasury and Federal Reserve in August 2024

Iraq's efforts to address banking violations and dollar restriction issues have led to significant diplomatic engagements with the US Treasury and Federal Reserve. 

 In a strategic move, Iraq established a committee to tackle the ongoing challenges, demonstrating a proactive approach to resolving financial discrepancies with the United States. 

Financial Coordination and Dialogue

The meetings, scheduled for the end of August 2024, are expected to cover a range of topics, including the status of Iraqi banks under US sanctions and the accumulated Iranian funds in Iraq. 

 These discussions aim to ease the tension caused by dollar shortages in Iraq, a situation exacerbated by increased scrutiny from the New York Fed on transfers to Iraqi banks. 

Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein described the talks as "very useful," indicating the country's commitment to finding practical solutions. 

 The dialogue reflects Iraq's intention to resolve issues related to dollar restrictions, which have impacted the local economy, particularly following the Federal Reserve's measures that halted transactions from dollars to yuan, aimed at supporting Iraq's foreign trade

Economic and Political Context

The ongoing talks occur against the backdrop of complex economic and political dynamics. 

 Iraq's Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani's visit to the United States earlier in the year highlighted the country's desire for a more comprehensive relationship, encompassing economic, educational, and people-to-people domains. 

 The symbolism of this visit, from the timing to the size of the delegation, underlined Iraq's aspirations for a new chapter in bilateral relations. 

Security concerns, particularly the presence of US troops and the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS, have also been part of the dialogue. 

 The establishment of the Higher Military Commission in August 2023 aimed to assess the operational environment and capabilities of the Iraqi security forces, signaling a shift in focus from the anti-ISIS coalition to bilateral security relations. 

Challenges and Opportunities

The talks in August 2024 represent a pivotal moment for Iraq's financial sector and its broader relationship with the United States. 

Addressing dollar restrictions and banking violations could pave the way for improved economic stability and cooperation. However, the discussions are likely to be complex, given the intertwined economic, security, and political interests at play. 

CBI Governor: We have mechanisms in place to guarantee dollar provision and are closely monitored, 20 SEPT

  INA-  BAGHDAD Ali Al-Alaq, the governor of the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI), declared on Wednesday that all financial transfers are auditab...