Monday, August 19, 2024

When Will the RV/GCR Happen?

The Significance of the Triennial Budget for Foreign Companies as Perceived by the Iraqi Parliamentary Finance Committee, 19 AUGUST

The Significance of the Triennial Budget for Foreign Companies as Perceived by the Iraqi Parliamentary Finance Committee

The head of the Iraqi Parliamentary Finance Committee, Atwan Al-Atwani, recently emphasized the importance of the triennial budget to foreign companies during a meeting with a delegation from the US Embassy in Baghdad.  This statement underscores the budget's role in shaping the country's economic landscape and its potential impact on foreign investment.

The Role of the Finance Committee in Budget Law Oversight

Al-Atwani highlighted the Finance Committee's responsibilities in monitoring the implementation of the General Budget Law, particularly focusing on provisions that aim to maximize non-oil revenues and support the private sector and investment.  This oversight ensures fiscal policies align with national goals and attract foreign investment by creating a stable and predictable economic environment.

The Triennial Budget as an Economic Message

The triennial budget serves as a strategic tool for communicating Iraq's economic intentions and priorities to the international community. Al-Atwani's remarks suggest that the budget's provisions on non-oil revenue and private sector support are intended to signal Iraq's commitment to diversifying its economy and fostering an investment-friendly climate.   This could potentially attract foreign companies looking for opportunities in a market undergoing economic reforms.

Implications for Foreign Companies

For foreign companies, the triennial budget's emphasis on non-oil sectors and private sector development can indicate potential areas for investment. The budget's provisions, if implemented effectively, could lead to a more diversified economy, reduced dependency on oil revenues, and a more stable investment climate.   This could translate into more opportunities for foreign investors, particularly those interested in sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, and services.


The Iraqi Parliamentary Finance Committee's stance on the triennial budget underscores its importance as a message to foreign companies. By focusing on non-oil revenue and private sector development, Iraq aims to attract foreign investment and diversify its economy. Foreign companies considering Iraq as a potential market should closely monitor how the budget's provisions are implemented and the broader economic reforms taking place.




 Question: "What are you looking for next?"  I'm looking for Sudani to come out and show the Iraqi  citizens their new currency, their lower notes in whatever fashion that he'll take.


Question: "How long do you think the US Treasury will be in Iraq?  Are they staying to see the finish?" 

 IMO yes.

  Question: "As far as the training videos, are there any more subjects remaining with the RI and monetary reform that the Iraqi have not seen?

   Yes.  Right now they're teaching them about the float.  They hadn't seen that up until two days ago.

 CBI document released [Sunday] This is good.  What is the reason why we don't have the monetary reform

 Because of the corruption.  Because of the profiteering from the bad parliament political people.  

You know where they are from. 

 What has Sudani done


 Sudani is working with the United States Treasury.  IMO the Untied States Treasury is sitting in the seat of the governor of the CBI where Alaq normally sits...I find this to be a catalyst to see the Untied States Treasury there.  I'm very excited about what's going on...


The United States Treasury, Federal Reserve, they showed up...What do you think that means?  You think they're going to sit there and allow them to be lackadaisical, to be lazy, just to take your time No.  The Untied States of America works on a nano second...I find it very encouraging to speed up the monetary reform process.

  Who is the new CBI governor It is the US Treasury IMO that is now the governor of the CBI. 
 Why?  What is the governor of the CBI
 Just a figurehead.  
Does he make any decisions No.  Does he have any authority?  No.  Does he ..FOR READ MORE:

Zimbabwe's Gold ZiG The Future of Globa 2024 08 02

Cabinet approves ‘new’ bank lending strategy, 19 AUGUST

 Economy News – Baghdad

The Iraqi government on Sunday approved a “new” bank lending strategy to attract domestic and foreign investors and finance nearly 100,000 projects.

The Prime Minister’s Information Office said, in a statement seen by “Economy News”, that “Al-Sudani chaired, today, Sunday, the thirty-fourth regular session of the Council of Ministers, in which the latest developments in the country were discussed, and a number of economic and service issues were discussed, as well as the topics on the agenda and the necessary decisions were taken on them.”

He added that “the Council of Ministers approved the national strategy for bank lending prepared by the Central Bank of Iraq, including the recommendations and programs proven therein, within the framework of the government’s vision of economic reform, and the revitalization of the investment and development movement in the country.”

The statement continued, “The strategy aims to stimulate the growth of the Iraqi private sector by improving the business environment, attracting domestic and foreign investors, increasing the credit granted to it from non-oil GDP by 2029, as well as increasing credit for small enterprises from non-oil GDP, and financing nearly 100,000 projects.”

Views 106

Added 2024/08/18 – 9:02 PM



[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] 

 FIREFLY: Saleh...was talking about...raising the value of the currency.  He talked about it for 45 minutes. 

 FRANK:  These are the people we want to listen to.  They're the ones that Sudani is sending out to them...Everyday seems to be filled with monetary reform education to you Iraqi citizens.  Don't you love it because this is what is supposed to be happening right now.  They are preparing you for what they're going to give you, what they promised you.  You are so close to receiving everything that they were talking to you about.. .

FIREFLY: We see Saleh again on TV.  This is the second time he talks to us now about the float.  He's saying the float can be adventurous.  We intend to have it fixed.  Ours will be fixed or managed float.  That is what's best at this time for Iraq and our currency He went and talked about how...we went from 11,000 ATMs to over 55, gas stations alone...

 FRANK:  Ever since the United States Treasury showed up last week they just cannot stop talking to you every day on the television about the success of the monetary lower notes...the new exchange rate...Now it's gone way deeper into the float.

Dr. Shabibi's Master Plan: The Untold Story of the Iraqi Dinar