Sunday, August 18, 2024

Jeff Rahm, Asset Manager - The Rodriguez Estate RV Updates w/Lakota Chie...


Not everything will apply to the Internet group or T4B, and procedures change almost daily, so listen to what is said, but stick to what you have already been taught.



No todo se aplicará al grupo de Internet o a T4B; además, los procedimientos cambian casi a diario, así que escuche lo que dice, pero manténgase firme en lo que ya le han enseñado.

SANDY INGRAM : Three Currencies to Watch and Why IQD TRY ARS



Bond funds delivered to paymasters was coming in so fast everyone was is in awe from the amount.

Private appointments are being made now.

Get your plans/projects together and don't wait around for this to happen without being ready.

No straight cash will be given

You are in charge of your funds and can place funds in different accounts .

Advisers will be there to assist you with your funds and will help guide you in your projects or choosing one on the list.

Everything is going well, still some that do not want this to happen,  but all is safe.

You can take to your appointment : advisors/bank contacts (if you have already spoken to a specific person)/ friend/any person/s you want to assist you

Zim Cap information is changing daily but as of now they are paying as follows :


NO projects = 15 million no matter amount you might hold


With projects  = First 2 bond notes are 1 to 1 after this 25 million (per 100T) up to 30 bond notes


To negotiate further you will need to return .

Safe link 800# will be released closer to go date.

Rates are EXTREMELY high .

We are almost at the end of the road.

All intel is saying "Next Week".


Iraq's New Oil Profit-Sharing Contracts Explained!

Iraq "Moves to Profit-Sharing" in New Oil Contracts, 18 AUGUST

 17th August 2024 

By Charles Kennedy for the Any opinions expressed are those of the author(s), and do not necessarily reflect the views of Iraq Business News.

Iraq Moves to Profit-Sharing Terms in New Oil and Gas Contracts

Iraq seeks to attract more investment in its oil and gas industry by moving to profit-sharing contracts for new bid rounds from the technical service contracts it has awarded so far.

Click here to read the full report.


When will the RV/GCR Happen? by Awake-in-3D, 18 AUGUST

 Endgame GCR Podcast Episode 4

What you will learn in this episode:

  • What is Japan’s Economic Influence on Current Financial System?
  • What are the Signs of the Fiat Currency System’s Collapse?
  • Why Inflation is a Key Driver of Fiat Financial System Weakness
  • How Carry Trades Create Global Financial System Instability
  • The Problem With Central Bank Interest Rate Manipulation
  • Why Demand for Commodities and Precious Metals is Related to the RV/GCR
  • What Will Happen if the United States Begins Buying Gold?
  • Why the New BRICS Gold-Backed Financial System is Important
  • The Revaluation of Currencies Amid a Fiat Financial System Collapse
  • Rejecting the “Shotgun” GCR/RV Event Narrative
  • What are the Key Indicators to Watch in the Coming Financial Collapse?

In this episode, the focus is on answering the central question: “When will the Global Currency Reset (GCR) and the Revaluation of Currencies (RV) happen?” It becomes clear that the RV/GCR will align with the collapse of the global fiat currency system. This sets the stage for the discussion, which explores current financial events that are leading towards this shift.

What is Japan’s Economic Influence on Current Financial System?

We look at Japan’s recent economic instability and how it affects the global financial landscape. Japan’s interest rate hikes and market volatility are early signs of a broader shift. Given Japan’s role as the fourth-largest economy and its status as a key reserve currency, its actions have a significant impact on the future of the global financial system.

What are the Signs of the Fiat Currency System’s Collapse?

Key indicators of the impending collapse of the fiat currency system are examined. The idea that the collapse will unfold “slowly at first, then all of a sudden” is discussed. The gradual breakdown of the fiat system is directly linked to the eventual realization of the GCR and RV, making it essential to track these developments.

Why Inflation is a Key Driver of Fiat Financial System Weakness

Inflation is identified as one of the main factors weakening the fiat currency system. It is described as a hidden tax that reduces the purchasing power of currencies around the world. This episode points out that inflation is unique to fiat systems and accelerates their collapse, driving up the cost of goods and services.

How Carry Trades Create Global Financial System Instability

There’s a detailed exploration of the carry trade, particularly between Japan and the US. The way investors profit from borrowing in low-interest countries and investing in higher-interest markets is explained. The unwinding of the carry trade is recognized as a key indicator of financial instability and is a sign of bigger disruptions to come.

The Problem With Central Bank Interest Rate Manipulation

We take a closer look at how central banks around the world manipulate interest rates in an attempt to manage inflation. These adjustments are contributing to a global recession and could even lead to a depression. The manipulation of interest rates plays a significant role in weakening the fiat system and preparing for its collapse.

Why Demand for Commodities and Precious Metals is Related to the RV/GCR

The episode also addresses the growing global demand for commodities, especially gold, silver, and other industrial metals. More individuals and central banks are diversifying into precious metals to safeguard against future instability. The increasing purchases of gold by central banks are a clear signal that they are preparing for the collapse of fiat currencies and the transition to a gold-backed system.

There’s further discussion on how central banks are using gold as a hedge against the coming collapse of the fiat system. Despite what is said publicly, their ongoing accumulation of gold shows that they are preparing for a post-fiat world where gold-backed systems will dominate.

What Will Happen if the United States Begins Buying Gold?

The episode emphasizes the unique position of the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency, being used in over 80% of global transactions. Speculation arises over what would happen if the US started buying gold, which would signal a loss of confidence in the dollar and likely cause panic in global markets.

Why the New BRICS Gold-Backed Financial System is Important

The discussion also explores the efforts of BRICS nations to create an alternative gold-backed financial system. This system could challenge the dominance of the US dollar and potentially force the Federal Reserve to adopt a similar gold-backed approach. Such a shift would create significant changes in the global financial landscape.

The Revaluation of Currencies Amid a Fiat Financial System Collapse

As the fiat currency system collapses, opportunities for currency revaluation (RV) are expected to emerge. This transition will likely happen gradually, with the RV being part of a larger shift towards a gold-backed system.

Rejecting the “Shotgun” GCR/RV Event Narrative

There’s a clear rejection of the idea of a sudden, global “shotgun” GCR/RV event. Instead, the transition is expected to be gradual, with notifications and preparations required from governments and central banks. An overnight switch is deemed unrealistic, and a step-by-step process is considered far more likely.

What are the Key Indicators to Watch in the Coming Financial Collapse?

The episode concludes by recapping the five key indicators that signal the collapse of the fiat system and the opportunity for currency revaluation: inflation, interest rates, carry trade unwinding, central bank gold purchases, and the US dollar’s position as the world reserve currency. These factors provide a roadmap for understanding and tracking the impending shifts in the financial system.

Approximate Time Markers For Each Topic

0:00 – Introduction to the GCR and RV Timeline
2:00 – Japan’s Economic Influence on Global Finance
6:00 – Signs of the Fiat Currency System’s Collapse
9:00 – Inflation as a Key Driver of Fiat System Weakness
13:00 – The Carry Trade and Its Role in Global Financial Instability
19:00 – Central Bank Interest Rate Manipulation
23:00 – Increasing Demand for Commodities and Precious Metals
27:00 – Gold Purchases as a Hedge Against the Fiat Collapse
30:00 – The US Dollar as the World’s Reserve Currency
33:00 – The BRICS Gold-Backed Financial System
36:00 – The Revaluation of Currencies Amid the Fiat System Collapse
39:00 – Rejecting the “Shotgun” GCR/RV Event
43:00 – Key Indicators to Watch for the Coming Collapse

Podcast Links:
Endgame GCR Episode 4 on Rumble
Endgame GCR Episode 4 on YouTube

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Summary Iraq is focusing on boosting non-oil revenues and digital transformation, with significant government and financial developments und...