"Please inform us if electronic payment service providers, exchange companies of category (A, B) and brokerage companies have sold and bought foreign currencies by issuing a card/wallet or conducting any financial transfer, whether internally or externally, through the companies (Western Union, Money Gram) for the convict (Safaa Faisal Adhab Al-Amiri)."
Did you notice the new categories for Exchange in Iraq? They used to use categories c & d. Now, they are checking on their a & b categories utilizing an electronic exchange company or broker to see if new protocols are being followed.
Exchange companies have currently gone through the process of integrating new Capital requirements and connections to Banks that were not in place before.
Exchange companies have to hold enough money to cover foreign currency exchange transactions taking place, and they are being required to follow many of the technical/digital exchange protocols that you would see at a Bank.
Please read the overview of a/b categories in the link provided to you below. The a/b categories have an exchange rate of 2 to 5% fee for the exchange, and they are utilized on securities that are newly merging into the Digital Finance System a person is exchanging their Securities.
As you can see, there are many steps to reforming the foreign currency exchange system taking place. I am aware of a few more steps, and we will talk about them as we approach them going forward.
© Goldilocks
And Goldilocks showed us in May this was coming and here it is. I will share the proof later how Iraq is doing exactly what they said they were going to do specially on the reclassification of IQD
Here it is from May 19th shared by Goldilocks that by the end of May Iraq was looking to reclassify the Dinar from category C to A/B
🟢NOW COMPLETE and TESTING to confirm the EXCHANGE institutions are conducting the exchanges under the new reclassification status
And may share MORE PROOF on why Western Union and Money Gram is so important