Wednesday, August 7, 2024

✅BOOM - IRAQ and Basket of Currencies !!!

Finance seeks to improve financial performance and enhance spending efficiency, 7 AUGUST

  Finance seeks to improve financial performance and enhance spending efficiency

Finance Minister Taif Sami chaired a meeting of the Ministry's Opinion Board on Tuesday, where it discussed the measures taken to improve the ministry's financial performance and enhance the efficiency of public spending.
The ministry said in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA): "The Minister of Finance chaired the meeting of the Ministry's Opinion Board, attended by all its members, to discuss a number of important financial and economic topics."

The statement added, "The attendees discussed the current financial policies and procedures and ways to develop them to achieve the ministry's strategic goals and follow up on the implementation of the financial plan for the current year and the challenges it faces."
It continued, "The future directions of financial policies were also discussed in light of local economic variables and the measures taken to improve the ministry's financial performance and enhance the efficiency of public spending."

The meeting stressed - according to the statement - the importance of "continuous coordination between various relevant parties to ensure the achievement of the desired goals."  link


 Tues. 6 Aug. 2024 Julian Assange on Telegram:

  • Bond funds delivered to paymasters was coming in so fast everyone was in awe from the amount.
  • Private appointments are being made now.
  • Get your plans/projects together and don’t wait around for this to happen without being ready.
  • No straight cash will be given.
  • You are in charge of your funds and can place funds in different accounts.
  • Advisers will be there to assist you  with your funds and will help guide you in your projects or choosing one on the list.
  • Everything is going well, still some that do not want this to happen, but all is safe.
  • You can take to your appointment: advisors/bank contacts (if you have already spoken to a specific person)/ friend/any person/s you want to assist you.
  • Zim Cap information is changing daily but as of now they are paying as follows:
    NO projects = 15 million no matter amount you might hold
    With projects  = First 2 bond notes are 1 to 1 after this 25 million (per 100T) up to 30 bond notes
    To negotiate further you will need to return
  • A Safe link 800# will be released closer to go date
  • Rates are EXTREMELY high.
  • We are almost at the end of the road. All intel is saying “Next Week”

DINAR REVALUATION : Central Bank Governor Resigns: Financial Crisis Fallout?

Central Bank Governor's Resignation: Admission of Failure or Escape from the Repercussions of the Financial Crisis?, 7 AUGUST

The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ali Al-Alaq, submitted a request to relieve him of his post to Prime Minister Mohammed Al-Sudani, amid a series of issues and problems in the financial and banking sector in Iraq, which include the failure to control the dollar exchange rate on the black market.

An informed source revealed to Al-Mustaqilla today, Tuesday, that Al-Alaq decided to submit his resignation after facing multiple problems in the financial sector, in addition to his inability to fulfill his promises to control the exchange rate. This request comes at a sensitive time for the Iraqi economy, which suffers from severe fluctuations in exchange rates and direct impacts on the local economy.

The main reasons that prompted Al-Alaq to submit his resignation are related to the ongoing difficulties in managing the financial and banking sector, in addition to the major challenges in controlling the dollar exchange rate on the black market. Since taking office, Al-Alaq has made many promises to achieve financial stability, but he has faced great difficulties in implementing them, which has led to increasing pressure on him.

A document obtained by Al-Mustaqilla today, Tuesday, revealed that the Speaker of Parliament has agreed to host the Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Mohsen Al-Alaq, by the Parliamentary Integrity Committee. This hosting aims to discuss the challenges facing the Central Bank and investigate the reasons that led to the request for his resignation.

Al-Alaq’s resignation could raise questions about the future of financial policy in Iraq. The central bank is central to economic stability, and any change in its leadership could have a significant impact on financial markets and confidence in the banking system.

Iraq faces major economic challenges that require strong and qualified financial leadership. The most prominent of these challenges are: 

Controlling the exchange rate: Iraq needs effective policies to control the dollar exchange rate and prevent speculation that leads to sharp fluctuations.

Banking system reform: Improving the efficiency and transparency of the banking system to keep pace with international standards.

Combating corruption: Promoting integrity and transparency in financial institutions to prevent corruption and restore investor confidence.   link

WOLVERINE: Tues. 6 Aug. Special Live Chat 7 AUGUST

 Tues. 6 Aug. Special Live Chat, Wolverine

Hi everyone, it looks like it is all happening.  I received lots of audios and intel coming through from different sources and they are all lining up saying it could happen anytime today, or after midnight, for funds to be released. 

The Precatorios group is now on the verge of being released.  It is all looking good. I cannot tell you much due to confidentiality.

I have spoken to huge Whales, and they confirmed the Intel coming through. They all confirmed that it looks like it is really happening.  Can we guarantee this, of course not, but all is lining up.

So, we now wait and hopefully will get that green light or opera any time, either today or tomorrow. 

This is what came through, as they call basically said the same thing, but in different words, and this is what came out officially: I was told that the funds will be released shortly after midnight and that trigger transactions will begin today in Reno.  Zurich is on location and starts tomorrow.  Once the triggers are paid, the platforms can begin making installments, and each platform will be given a start date. I do not have those dates.

The important thing is that funds are finally released, and I pray that the letters from Billions SOW are mailed  early next week.   

Also, from the private banker, I was just informed that the launch begins tonight, Shanghai time, from east to west. Great news, awesome news, coming through.

I also received audio from a huge Whale, basically describing how it looks like everything will be launched today.  It was a very emotional audio that came through. Everyone is excited and let’s hope it happens. 

This all happened when the Stock Market crashed, and it sped things up and I am confident this is our week.   

As far as me leaving. Yes. I am definitely leaving overseas – It is definite. I should be getting that green light today, or tomorrow. As soon as I am gone you will not hear from me until the Opera comes out. 

Take care, Wolverine





Lot of Pressure to Pull That RV Trigger!🚩Starting to Ramp Up!🤔Dinar RV U...


  Wed. 18 Sept. 2024 TNT Update  “Banks got memos  yesterday Tues. 17 Sept.  telling them to get ready and be there this morning because it ...