Monday, August 5, 2024



 [via PDK]

  What of the HCL?

 We are watching what is going on in the Kurdish region and money is suddenly flowing. And they are saying things are now in Baghdad’s hands…I’m surprised we haven't seen that the HCL was done [last] week.

 ...this week has been great.  There have been a number of key pieces come out of Iraq that made me feel warm and fuzzy.


[via PDK]  

 “ Government Advisor; Budget Implementation Instructions (Procedural Issue)“ 

 They reiterated that the budget tables do not need to be posted in the Gazette. The budget has already been approved for 3 years. It is perfectly legal and they have worked through the implementation thereofSo why are they not posting budget tables in the Gazette

 I think there is an important reason – like a different value on the dinar.

The prevailing rumor is that the Green light was set yesterday …and will go sometime between now and the 5th

 Question:  Do you really feel in your heart we are close?  

MarkZ:  I do…they are still saying between now and the 5th. Nobody knows the timing but it’s what many are looking at. 

Iraqi DinaršŸŽ‰ RV Of Iraqi Dinar Has Started Today 2024šŸ”„revaluation of Ira...

Repeated violations of sovereignty and the presence of the international coalition put Iraqi military leaders before two bitter choices, 4 AUGUST

 Academic Talib Mohammed commented on Wednesday on the repeated violation of national sovereignty with the escalation of demands to end the foreign military presence, especially the American one, in Iraq.

He pointed out that Iraqi military leaders are confused between declaring readiness and bearing the consequences of that, or confirming the need for the international coalition and bearing various charges, which requires strengthening trust between the government, political forces and military leaders in order to reach a decision that they will be held accountable for before the Iraqi people and history.

“The breach of Iraqi national sovereignty has become a common occurrence, considering that the last strike in Babylon came as part of a series of multiple and qualitative strikes in Iraq. Therefore, Iraqi sovereignty is breached through hostile strikes, whether from neighboring countries or the Zionist entity. The Israeli strikes are linked to an Israeli approach to control and change the nature of the region, meaning imposing force and continuing these strikes until a new political path is achieved in the region, and this path is controlled by Israel and America,” Mohammed told Al-Jarida.

He added, "As for the Iraqi military position, after the victory over terrorist organizations, the last of which was ISIS, it sent a message that the military institution is capable of leading itself, but on the condition of completing the logistical and technical matters, military equipment, and security and military liaison with the international coalition."

He continued, “In light of the presence of political blocs that want to end the foreign military presence in Iraq, especially the American one, the decision in this regard should be issued after studying the situation and the social, popular, economic and political reality to give a mature decision that we will not regret in the future, which requires the Iraqi military leaders to study the situation, whether the Iraqi forces are ready and do not need other countries, and if they are capable, they should announce this to the Iraqi public opinion and this issue depends on the Iraqi Council of Representatives.”

“But the Iraqi military leaders are confused about this aspect,” Mohammed added. “If they confirm readiness and do not need the international coalition, a security breach may occur and they may be blamed for confirming readiness. However, if the military leaders say the opposite, that they need the international coalition, they may be exposed to other accusations. Therefore, there is a need to strengthen trust between the government, political forces, and military leaders in order to reach a decision that they will be held accountable for before the Iraqi people and history.”  link



  You have Iran and the Revolutionary Guard...Yemen saying they're going to get revenge...More is going to happen.  That's why there's war ships headed toward the Lebanese coast right now in anticipation towards this.


   I'm not getting out of the currency [the Iraqi dinar].  I'll wait it out.  But right now I am neutral.  This is not positive at all [Iraq moving pro-Iran].  We'll have to sit back and watch what the CBI says...How are they going to add value to the currency being sanctioned or being punished?  There's no answer for it.  We have to wait...Whatever comes along I'll report it.  If it changes, no problem, I'll report it.  If I see a pathway that they're going to add value to the currency [I'll report it]...


 Brutally honest, I give you my honest opinion.  Here's where I'm at personally right now.  I'm not getting out.  I'm neutral.  This doesn't look good [Some Iraqi support for Hezbollah HQ in Baghdad].

  Actually makes me sick to my stomach.  I don't feel good about it at all because I'm looking at the Middle East.  I'm looking at the influence and proxy wars coming from Iran...Here's the reality...

they [Iraqis] were trying to upgrade their financial system and make sure they were compliant and be on the world stage with the currency again. They've always been on it but this is a different ball game.   Here's the thing, they are following be able to trade again...but the road they're going down now, they're going to be sanctioned...That's not good...It's bad for us if they go down that road. 


  You need to put your big boy pants on... Article: "US Federal Reserve adopt a new strategy towards Iraq.  The dollar is threatened with rising to unprecedented levels."  They're talking about the policies that are coming up will threaten the dinar.  There's a couple reasons for it...The idea that Hezbollah wants to put its headquarters in Baghdad, it doesn't matter if they do it or they don't, the idea that people in Iraq support that...It's too pro-Iranian.  It's too pro anti-American markets.  So they're going to be punished for it.


 Hamas moving into Iraq, that's still in play.  That is a big issue.  We're not going to support Iraq in any way shape or form if Hamas shows up.  That's a game changer...This [The Iraqi dinar] is an opportunity until  the day it's not...With the Hamas thing right now it's not off the table.  I don't see a threat yet.  But I'm telling you that could be a big deal...If Hamas gets into Iraq, Iraq is in trouble.  Its oil is in trouble...Hamas being in Iraq is a game changer.   That's going to shift the markets.  All we can do is hope and pray and watch.   



  I have an average at where I think it's going to revalue at, $0.51 or $0.52 cents.  I could be wrong.  It's not like Abraham Lincoln said that or something.  It was an average.  That's why I got into the dinar. That's where I seen the value.


 The threat of a lop is still the same as when I got into this investment...The lop question is based on hyper-inflation  ...verses policy inflation.  The Iraqi dinar is stable.  It goes up, it goes down but it's not major like what Zimbabwe and these countries where it was massive inflation.  No body could control it.  Iraq has complete control of the Iraqi dinar ...

The Iraqi dinar is a completely different ballgame.  It's not hyper-inflated because of the markets.  Iraq doesn't have a customer problem...production problem.  Iraq has a policy issue.  The people at the top know what they are doing.

When I did the evaluation [of the dinar] it was against countries and currencies that had lopped.  I had the same questions as you guys when I invested.  Where is this going?  How can this work? 

 I found out the value was in a policy based inflation, they want to add value to it, they injected US dollars into the economy, devalued the dinar.  Thedinar you and I have has nothing to do with hyper-inflation, major market problems or anything like that...Yes, they can add value to currencies that have a lot of zeros behind it.  Iraqi dinar is stable.  They can and are going to add value to it.

Iraqi Dinar Real Rffctive Exchsnge Rate Released Finally

Al-Fath: Foreign banks in Iraq do not have cash value, 5 AUGUST

 Today, Saturday, member of the Al-Fatah Alliance, Mahmoud Al-Hayani, revealed the presence of large corruption files within the Iraqi banking business and the involvement of major figures, while confirming that foreign banks in Iraq do not have monetary value that benefits Iraq. 

Al-Hayani said in a statement to the Maalouma Agency, “Foreign and Jordanian banks in particular do not have through which they can supply the Iraqi market funds with the monetary mass, and their presence inside Iraq does more harm than good,” noting that “The Central Bank of Iraq was unable to find solutions and did not rise to the level.” "Required". 

He continued, "The reason for the entry of foreign banks into the country is due to American dictates exercised on the Central Bank in order to grant them licenses to operate in Iraq according to special privileges," pointing out that, "The Iraqi government needs support from the political forces and concerted efforts in order to distance the banking business from suspicion.” And corruption.”  

The economic expert, Mustafa Akram Hantoush, had confirmed that the measure taken by the Central Bank of Iraq was to grant business licenses to Jordanian banks and operate in the country, indicating that it was the duty of the Central Bank to strengthen Iraqi banks instead of Jordanian ones.  link



  Iraq just competed their 5 year development plan...That's basically the reform plan...They completed the reform plan, that's a required step for their accession to the World Trade.


They haven't implement their budget yet because they're waiting for the rate to change.  Everything in Iraq...the budget, the laws, the overturning the budget, everything out there is being stalled and delayed to be timed with the rate change.

 Article: "Four counties meet in Baghdad to support the development road project

...You have to look at their timing.  They finished the 5-year development plan around the end of July walking into the beginning of August.  Why? Timing.  They're about to revalue.  Their actions strongly suggest to me personally IMO I really feel they're going to be revaluing in August.