Saturday, August 3, 2024

Patreon: Dinar Investor / Latest News

Parliamentarian explains: What is the relationship between the operating budget and hosting the new governors?, 3 AUGUST

  Member of Parliament, Mohammed Al-Baldawi, said on Thursday that delaying the release of operational budgets was likely the reason for postponing hosting the new governors.

Member of the Parliamentary Planning Committee, Muhammad Al-Baldawi, said: “Hosting the new governors will not take place in the near future, as the absence of an operating budget prevents us from judging their performance,” indicating that “the operating budget has not yet been launched, which makes it difficult to evaluate the performance of the governors based on the projects that have been completed.”

And works.

Al-Baldawi explained that “the work of the Kirkuk and Diyala governorates is being disrupted due to the failure to resolve the issue of the council president in them, and until now the government has not received an evaluation of the governors’ performance,” noting that “there are ongoing problems in the Baghdad governorate and other governorates whose governments have not yet stabilized.”  link

Weekend Coffee with MarkZ. 08/03/2024

Weekend News With MarkZ 

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions


Member: Good morning Mark and everyone!!
Member: Remember the old Bloomberg Video-“There’s a certain point….At midnight on some Saturday  night European Central time….they are going to announce it…heres the menu of the new exchange rates and have a nice Monday.”  Maybe tonight is the night!!

Member: Any news on the RV front overnight Mark?

MZ: I did get an unexpected message from a CMKX contact……..that there was an unscheduled update on Fines and penalties. They were asked to do it unexpectedly and immediately.  They hope it means they will start soon. But they have positioned the CMKX money. 

MZ: Also Pickford (sp?) claims and possibly other farm claims….that they may have moved forward for the release this weekend…..let’s hope this is accurate.  These are part of the “Historic Settlements” 

MZ: If they get releases and verifications in the next day or two…that means things are ripping…and ripping hard.  

Member: Bruce is saying .... possibly notifications on Saturday,

Member: There is a rumor that the CBI is causing delays?

MZ: I have not heard that…but rumors are swirling around…

Member: if they are delaying…I bet it’s because the US is dragging their feet……as usual. 

Member: Markets predicted to crash now from MSM and UK papers.

MZ: This is being predicted by almost everybody now. 

Member: First Asia, then Europe and finally U.S. market crash. Watching fiat fail.. last domino before RV? One can hope…

Member: Mark: intel Agency news indicates major Iran Israel war coud break out tonight with militia type combatants in Iraq moving into Syria, airlines cancelling flights, some until late Oct.. impact on RV?

Member: Charlie Ward just made a live appearance on his Insiders this morning. He is good. Still having issues with his voice. He said when Israel and Iran go to war it will be the cover for the RV.

Member: A friend in Florida went to the bank to get a large sum of money out …and they told her it would be two weeks before she could get the money. 

MZ: I am not surprised.

Member : Good Quote: “Heros: Get up every day and celebrate the wins. Mourn the losses. Sometimes the most heroic thing we can do is not give up. “

Member: Everyone have some fun and enjoy this weekend. May it be our last weekend broke!!!

Member: Really looking forward to Groundhog Day finally ending……fingers crossed. 

Member: A huge acknowledgment to all the marvelous MODS - always being here - thank you for the amazing work you all do


Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )


Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics. 


Iraq's Central Bank Governor Faces Parli 2024 08 03

An economist likely to ease the sanctions imposed on Iraqi banks, 3 AUGUST

  Today, Friday, economic affairs researcher Safwan Qusay suggested easing the sanctions imposed on Iraqi banks and making them financial only.

Qusay told Al Mada, “The Central Bank has contracted with an international company (K2) for the purpose of auditing banks that have restricted access to the dollar in previous periods, so that these banks can learn how to comply with international requirements.”

He added, "Everyone is keen on the process of stopping the use of Iraqi banks for the purpose of money laundering. The private Iraqi banks are not the owners of corrupt money, but rather there are those who acquire the Iraqi dinar illegally and are trying to use the banks for the purpose of money laundering and smuggling hard currency."

Qusay continued, “As for the restricted banks, they will be rehabilitated through merger, mitigation of these penalties, or making them financial penalties during the coming periods.”  link




Exciting times are coming. Looks like the caravan has arrived! I got a call from a close friend informing me that he is ready to travel to Reno next week. Everything is happening. As Elizabeth said: the trigger has started for the 1% and it looks like it is happening, and you heard that from Dallas who also agreed with my information. Stay strong.
Notifications for Tier4B are coming; I will NOT mention a date, but we are very close for currency notifications. Bondholders are already receiving their notifications.

That's it guys. It will be emotional for all of you.
I got a call about Precatorious and they are ready to release this, and it will happen around Monday. It's a process.

I can share some Intel that came to me before I went to bed. This is translated from Portuguese to English. The translation is not the best: “Good evening friends, today Wednesday (the information arrives two days late). All operations were carried out from 1:00 p.m. They called us to receive you… perhaps they did not reach you by the time this Thursday.

On Friday afternoon everything ended for all of us. Now we only have to thank God almighty and make our plans. Thank you for the trust you had in me. Sincerely, The Manager.”
“Second reason, yesterday the world bank liberated Brazil by certifying it with ISO2022. Today they made the alignments and synchronizations between the Brazilian Banks and tomorrow it will rain in the Garden. (I hope this really happens). According to the informant, tomorrow we will have money, because one of the reasons is that ___ is to work for the population. “

Another arrived: “Good morning friends and fellow travelers of this long journey: with great joy I bring you definitive information about the institution. Everything that had to be done yesterday was successfully completed thanks to the unity of all of us: the last _ was resolved. I am transmitting what the institution gave me. There is no longer any impediment. The liberation has happened! It only remains to wait for a concrete payment to resolve our personal situation. Let us not be sad… on the contrary, tomorrow is still a working day and it can happen: Our God is in control.

Three hours ago, I received this: I was told that someone very high up in the “food chain” flew to Reno last night! Flying with someone to sign the permit. One buyer reported that his contacts had assured him that things had already started. Some say it might be Michael Rubin. On the topic that interests us all, the latest I hear is that final contracts will finally be published or issued starting today and tomorrow. Then, if we are lucky, the first payment advances will be available to seller priority contract holders on August 1st. Other phases or levels of RV redemption programs should follow quickly. Then we wait.

Two of my colleagues were told that Thursday is the departure to the United States.

Today we received notifications from the Bank of Brazil, here in Brazil. Yesterday M __ had to pay for DM's operations, and ___ (could not make out the names of the other people) These are two huge whales in Brazil. This needs to be confirmed today. Remember, these payments cannot be made tomorrow until 11:00 PM. The message is from Dr. Miguel, who is actually a huge whale and very well known in Brazil.

I received all of this last night. It is all coming to light. A contact, a very close friend of mine, got a call saying he had to be in Reno on Tuesday. It is definitely happening.
Venezuela seems as if the entire world is pushing for Maduro to be overthrown. I pray that the tyrant is removed as soon as possible as the evil regime is murdering and kidnapping many people.




Llegan tiempos emocionantes. ¡Parece que ha llegado la caravana! Recibí una llamada de un amigo cercano informándome que está listo para viajar a Reno la próxima semana.  Todo está sucediendo. Como dijo Elizabeth: el detonante ha comenzado para el 1% y parece que está sucediendo, y eso lo escuchaste de Dallas, quien también estuvo de acuerdo con mi información. Mantente firme.

 Las notificaciones para Tier4B llegarán; NO mencionaré una fecha, pero estamos muy cerca para las notificaciones de moneda. Los tenedores de bonos ya están recibiendo sus notificaciones.

Esto es todo chicos.    Será emotivo para todos ustedes.

Recibí una llamada sobre Precatorious y están listos para publicar esto, y sucederá alrededor del lunes.  Es un proceso. 

Puedo compartir una información de Intel que me llegó antes de acostarme. Esto está traducido del portugués al inglés.  La traducción no es la mejor: “Buenas noches amigos, hoy miércoles (la información llega con dos días de retraso). todos los operativos se realizaron desde las 13.00 horas nos llamaron para recibir…quizás no te alcanzaron a la hora de este jueves. 

El viernes por la tarde todo terminó para todos nosotros. Ahora sólo nos queda dar gracias a Dios todopoderoso y hacer nuestros planes.  Gracias por la confianza que tuviste en mí.  Atentamente, El Gerente.”



“Segunda razón, ayer el banco mundial liberó a Brasil al certificarlo con ISO2022. Hoy hicieron las alineaciones y sincronizaciones entre los Bancos brasileños y mañana lloverá en el Jardín.  (Espero que esto realmente suceda). Según el informante, mañana tendremos dinero, porque una de las razones es que ___ es para trabajar para la población. “

Llegó otro: “Buenos días amigos y compañeros de viaje de este largo viaje: con mucha alegría les traigo información definitiva sobre la institución.  Todo lo que había que hacer ayer se completó con éxito gracias a la unidad de todos nosotros: el último _ se resolvió.   Estoy transmitiendo lo que me dio la institución. Ya no hay ningún impedimento.  ¡La liberación ha ocurrido!  Sólo queda esperar un pago concreto para resolver nuestra situación personal.  No estemos tristes… al contrario, mañana todavía es día laborable y puede suceder: Nuestro Dios tiene el control. 

Hace tres horas, recibí esto: ¡Me dijeron que alguien muy alto en la “cadena alimentaria” voló a Reno anoche!   Volar con alguien que firmara el permiso.    Un comprador informó que sus contactos le habían asegurado que las cosas ya habían comenzado. Algunos dicen que podría ser Michael Rubin. Sobre el tema que nos interesa a todos, lo último que escucho es que los contratos definitivos finalmente se publicarán o emitirán a partir de hoy y mañana. Luego, si tenemos suerte, los primeros anticipos de pago estarán disponibles para los titulares de contratos prioritarios del vendedor el 1 de agosto. Otras fases o niveles de programas de rescate de vehículos recreativos deberían seguir rápidamente.  Entonces esperamos. 

A dos de mis compañeros les dijeron que el jueves es la salida a Estados Unidos.     

Hoy recibimos notificaciones del Banco de Brasil, aquí en Brasil.   Ayer M __ tuvo que pagar las operaciones de DM, y ___ (no pudo distinguir los nombres de las otras personas) Estas son dos ballenas enormes en Brasil. Hay que confirmarlo hoy. Recuerde, estos pagos no se podrán realizar mañana hasta las 23:00 horas. El mensaje es del Dr. Miguel, que en realidad es una ballena enorme y muy conocida en Brasil.   

Recibí todo esto anoche. Todo está saliendo a la luz.  Un contacto, un amigo mío muy cercano, recibió una llamada diciendo que tenía que estar en Reno el martes. Definitivamente está sucediendo.  

Venezuela parece como si el mundo entero estuviera presionando para que Maduro sea derrocado. Rezo para que el tirano sea eliminado lo antes posible, ya que el régimen malvado está asesinando y secuestrando a muchas personas.

MILITIAMAN: IQD Update - Iraq Dinar News - Theft of Century - Unifying Accounts - Ra...

From dictatorship to democracy: Iraq’s 21-year journey after invasion, 20 SEPT

  Shafaq News/ Iraq's path toward democracy is marked by both achievements and daunting obstacles. Two decades after the US-led invasion...