Friday, August 2, 2024

Iraq's Bold Move Banking Sector Reforms 2024 08 03

Iraq Stock Exchange trades more than 60 billion dinars in shares during July, 2 AUGUST


The Iraq Stock Exchange announced on Thursday that it will hold 21 trading sessions in July 2024, at a rate of five sessions per week. The sessions were not held on the first and tenth of Muharram, which fell during the month. 

According to the trading indicators for the month of July, the number of traded shares reached (61,327,427,127) shares, an increase of (80%) over the month of June, with a financial value of (60,199,416,955) dinars, an increase of (76%) over the month of June.

According to the index, the number of executed contracts reached (11,309) contracts, an increase of (26%) over the month of June.

The ISX60 index closed at 896.25 points in the last session of July 2024, up 1.6% from its June closing of 882.03 points.

The ISX15 free float index closed at (1008.30) points in the last session of July 2024, achieving an increase of (0.2%) from its closing in June (1005.49) last.   LINK



Well folks never have suggested dates or rates but I am really looking forward to this weekend.  GOD Bless everyone

I am waiting on a CC but you are welcome to add ypur views


Texas Snake, [07/31/2024, 8:12:51 p. m.]:

While I was advised about this time yesterday that an announcement at midnight EDT we would be advised the RV would begin, this info could not be confirmed so I didn't share.  As usual no such announcement was forthcoming.

  All I can say folks all provisions for RV exchanges are completed relative to those trained to complete the exchanges and we continue to move forward.  

We are closer each day so stay strong and continue to pray this event in.  GOD Bless...... .

Mel ❤️, [07/31/2024, 8:30:24 p. m.]:

Thank you snake!

Dinar RV Urgent Analysis Today🔥Major Implications to RV or RI of the Din...


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-1-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   51:00

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Thursday, August 1st and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in everybody. Thanks for listening wherever you are in what we call big call  universe, which is all around this beautiful globe and maybe beyond, probably so. So, thanks for tuning in everybody. 

Looking forward to having a good call. Bob took a vacation break, so he will be back on Monday, and because he missed this call he might have missed our last call, I would think so. So, we'll see how it goes. But obviously we miss Bob not being here, but Sue and I are going to do the best we can to bring everything to you. So let's do this before we get too far along. Let's go ahead and pray the call in. 

All right, let's just do this. I'm going to segue right into my own Intel segment. So this will be good, Sue. You don't happen to have a time hack? Do you just for fun? Yep, 9:53 Oh, thank you Sue. 

Okay, where are we with our intel?  We have heard and are confirming this that there was a celebration dinner slash party last night in Reno with bank managers in the area and intake managers. Those are the people that took in the currencies in Reno for the various  groups. 

We know the admirals group or groups plural, and there may be others too that might have attended- So bank managers, intake managers, were there for the celebration dinner slash party last night, that would have been Wednesday night. Now the Intel does not need to be super long.

You guys are looking for when and if this is going to happen  - I am going to cut right to it - 

The Intel that we received, and I had several confirmations today – was all pointing to this going either tomorrow for us by notifications - I'm talking about notifications either tomorrow which is Friday and  or Saturday, I don’t know how to answer would work - but tomorrow I'm going to say or Saturday it is definitely in play. 

So  one of those two days, maybe both, maybe it is a process of being notified both days. So be prepared for that  - We did get a green light  from Treasury to one of our intel providers. And I think we're looking very good from that perspective. 

We know that our people that we talked to at the redemption center went in today and stayed until four o'clock when the markets closed, but the rates were all showing grayscale, meaning they were not solid, visible rates on the screens at the redemption centers and at the banks  a gray scale. 

We got to get off gray scales.  Which we believe will be tomorrow - We'll get some solid new rates out, and that way, that way, I think our notifications can come out after that. I have also heard that we would get notifications  after markets  closed tomorrow at four Eastern, four o'clock Eastern. And I think that's possible too, but it's also possible as we get these during the day and we set our appointments, and maybe we start Friday which is tomorrow -  or we start on Saturday 

I lnow this much -  they will go through the weekend - meaning Sunday will be a day that redemption centers will be open, just so you know, it will they will be open on Sunday. 

Could go possibly tomorrow, possibly Saturday, quite likely Sunday, you know, including Sunday, and all the way through beyond that. Today is the first we kind of thought we'd get notified today. I believe we were pushed today. Maybe its actually tomorrow we get notified 

Also being at the end of the week - If they decide to release this to us after the markets close at four, there would be no ramifications on it, or there would be no real ramifications on the forex, which closes down around five o'clock on Friday and opens back up at five o'clock on Sunday evening.

So what they do is they reconcile all of the trades that have been done on Forex accounts over the weekend, they reconcile those and then they are ready for business opening back up on Sunday, five Eastern.

So the 48 hour period of 5pm to 5pm Friday to 5pm Sunday, in which case the Forex is down to reconcile all accounts. So I think we're hearing, we're hearing some really good things about political change happening in about four or five days that'll be welcome.

 And also we're hearing there are a lot of tests going on right now in terms of the EBS, the Emergency Broadcast System, sort of fine tuning certain aspects of that. EBS and these announcements, that's where they show up. An emergency is usually on your phone, an emergency wireless system. EWS, I don't know not sure when that turns  if that's on phone or on I don't know. I don't know where it is -

 But I think it we could be in the heat of it over the weekend and beyond. That's this coming weekend. We always think of the weekend starting, but either Friday or Saturday, Sunday. Weekend is probably Saturday, Sunday and and you know what the bank said and is going to do on Friday is reconcile their books on Friday. 

So that not a big  deal either way for us, but I think we have pretty good shot at getting notified tomorrow, and if not tomorrow and or Saturday, you'll be looking at your emails every once in a while, and we'll see when they come in. 

All right, all right, everybody, I'm jacked up excited about this coming either to us, either tomorrow, Friday or Saturday. Tomorrow is Friday, tomorrow or Saturday.

So let's go ahead and pray the call out, and let's see when this comes about to us. 




 Here is the situation as I understand it, Friday morning 2/8/2024. “They” are still processing German historical bonds. They are finding a lot of counterfeits. They have a quota to meet on “real” authentic German bonds before they can move on to Chinese (Dragon) bonds.

“They” (UST) expect that threshold to be met sometime this weekend. Once “they” move on to pay out the Dragon bonds, that is when the “bondholder” should get their commission. That is when we are, because my understanding is that it is the “end” of Level 3 and Level 4a.

None of this is related to the revaluation of the Iraqi dinar, which could still happen at any time. The UST is said to want that to happen imminently. The Cabal is bankrupt and needs the influx of Level 4 funds to continue the war.

But the reality is that the war is almost over. I suggest you think of it in these World War II terms. It's late 1944. The Battle of the Bulge (Trump assassination attempt) has just failed. The Germans have been forced back to the Rhine, and it's only a matter of time before Patton crosses and finishes the job. TNT Tony's 48-hour window has passed. Let's see if he has any new or corroborating information on his call today. That's where we are. At least as far as I know.

- Miguel



ACTUALIZACIÓN: Aquí está la situación tal como la entiendo, viernes por la mañana 2/8/2024. "Ellos" todavía están procesando bonos históricos alemanes. Están encontrando muchas falsificaciones. Tienen una cuota que cumplir con los bonos alemanes auténticos "reales" antes de poder pasar a los bonos chinos (Dragón). 

"Ellos" (UST) esperan que ese umbral se alcance en algún momento de este fin de semana. Una vez que "ellos" pasan a pagar los bonos Dragón, es cuando el "tenedor de bonos" debería recibir su comisión. Ahí es cuando estamos, porque tengo entendido que es el "fin" del Nivel 3 y del Nivel 4a. 

Nada de esto está relacionado con la revaluación del dinar iraquí, que aún podría ocurrir en cualquier momento. Se dice que la UST quiere que eso suceda de forma inminente. El Cabal está en quiebra y necesita la afluencia de fondos del Nivel 4 para continuar la guerra. 

Pero la realidad es que la guerra casi ha terminado. Te sugiero que pienses en estos términos de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Estamos a finales de 1944. La Batalla de las Ardenas (intento de asesinato de Trump) acaba de fracasar. Los alemanes han sido obligados a regresar al Rin, y es sólo cuestión de tiempo antes de que Patton cruce y termine el trabajo. La ventana de 48 horas de TNT Tony ha pasado. Veamos si tiene alguna información nueva o que corrobore su llamada de hoy. Ahí es donde estamos. Al menos hasta donde yo sé. 

- Miguel

SANDY INGRAM: Impressive News & Progress for VND Zimbabwe and Iraq #vnd #iqd #ZiG