Friday, August 2, 2024




 Here is the situation as I understand it, Friday morning 8/2/2024. "They" are still processing German historic bonds. They are finding many fakes. They have a quota to meet for "real" authentic German bonds before they can move onto the Chinese (Dragon) bonds. 

"They" (UST) expect that threshold to be reached sometime this weekend. Once "They" move to Dragon bond payouts, that's when the "bondholder" should receive his commission. That's when we're on, because my understanding is that is the "end" of Tier 3 and Tier 4a. None of this is connected to the revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar, which could still happen anytime. UST is said to want that to happen imminently. 

The Cabal is broke and needs the influx of funds from Tier 4 to continue the war. But the reality is the war is all but over. I suggest you think of this terms of World War II. It's late 1944. The Battle of the Bulge (Trump assassination attempt) has just failed. 

The Germans have been driven back to the Rhine, and it's only a matter of time before Patton gets across and finishes the job. TNT Tony's 48-hour window has passed. Let's see if he has any new or corroborating information on his call today. That's where we're at. At least as far as I can tell. — Mike

Zimbabwe's Gold ZiG The Future of Globa 2024 08 02

What Is The "ASYCUDA" System In Iraq And How Does It Serve The Iraqis? An International Report Detailing The Numbers , 2 AUGUST

 Economy     2024-08-01 | 04:31  5,135 views  Alsumaria News – Translation

The United Nations Trade and Development Organization (UNCTAD) confirmed that trade in Iraq - which was torn by war - has gained new activity as it continues efforts to revive the economy, while revealing the full details of the ASYCUDAWorld program specializing in customs.
The organization says in a report translated by Al-Sumaria News, that in October 2023, the Iraqi state launched ASYCUDAWorld - a pioneering customs automation program supported by the United Nations Trade and Development Organization (UNCTAD), to digitize customs clearance processes reduce fraud risks, and facilitate cross-border trade.
According to the report, the program - which complies with international standards - aims to replace manual, paper-based customs clearance processes in Iraq, allowing traders to complete all necessary paperwork online to save time and cost.

- witnessed Baghdad International Airport - where the ASYCUDAWorld system appeared for the first time in Iraq a growth in customs revenues of more than 215% between January and May 2024, compared to the same period of the previous year, according to the report, which revealed that between January and March, import transactions at the airport increased by 120% compared to the first quarter of 2023, reaching its highest levels in a decade.
The report adds that the business community has responded effectively to comply with the new procedures and regulations.
Since October 2023, more than 2,800 declarers have submitted approximately 65,600 declarations to customs through  ASYCUDAWorld.
The program was run in the nine largest customs offices in Iraq, which together represent 81% of Iraq's international trade volume, according to the report.
These include customs operations located on the borders with neighboring countries such as Kuwait, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, as well as in the port of Umm Qasr leading to the Arabian Gulf.
According to the report, Iraqi Finance Minister Taif Sami praised the ASYCUDAWorld program for helping Iraq “achieve financial disciplinereduce errors, enhance the efficiency of government resources, and provide accurate information.”
*Long-term partnership with high-level political support
The report shows that an agreement to launch ASYCUDAWorld is planned for May 2021, as part of Iraq's partnership with the Automated System for Customs Data (ASYCUDA) program - the largest technical cooperation project managed by the United Nations Trade and Development Organization in more than 100 countries.
This cooperation enjoys the full support and strong commitment of the highest levels of the Iraqi government, including the Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministry of Finance , and the Director General of Customs, according to the report.
says Shamika N said Sirimane , Director of Technology and Logistics at the United Nations Trade and Development Organization.:  
“The active participation of these and other government departments, including the General Authority of Customs, has been crucial in ensuring the success of the project so far,”
ASYCUDA’s work in Iraq is ongoing, but even at this stage, we are already seeing an increase in trading volumes and a boost in government revenues,” says Siriman.
The Director General of Iraqi Customs, Hassan Hamoud Al-Aqili , adds:
“The ASYCUDA system unifies customs procedures at all crossings and ports and unifies the process of collecting fees.
It also provides accurate information to policy makers about imports and exports, control the movement of currencies, and the exchange of dollars between Iraq and other countries.” According to the report.
*Empowering national stakeholders to take the lead
ASYCUDA's work in Iraq brings together 6 staff from the United Nations Trade and Development Organization alongside a national project team including IT and customs experts.
In collaboration with the business team, the operation customized and installed the ASYCUDAWorld software prototype and adapted it to comply with Iraqi laws and regulations.
In addition, ASYCUDA staff trained the national team to use and maintain the system independently, including courses held in Baghdad and a field visit to customs offices in Jordan to learn from their experiences.
The Iraqi national team then in turn trained ASYCUDAWorld users in Iraq, helping key stakeholders such as logistics carriers, declarants and customs officers become familiar with the new system, according to the report.
According to the report, ASYCUDAWorld will be launched in Arar (which borders Saudi Arabia) and Trebil (which links Iraq to Jordan) and will largely be led by the Iraqi national team, with international ASYCUDA experts supporting remotely.

*Future endeavors
The Iraqi government seeks to implement the ASYCUDAWorld system in all customs locations across the country by mid-2025, according to the report, which confirms that after that, the focus will be on modernizing customs control and building an electronic “single window” for trade based on ASYCUDA technology.
This comprehensive platform, which links multiple government agencies involved in goods clearance, is expected to automate customs processes and enhance Iraq's logistical efficiency and trade competitiveness.ما-هو-نظام-الأسيكودا-في-العراق-وبماذا-يخدم-العراقيين؟-تقرير-دولي-يفصل   


 Gold Telegraph 


Throughout history, wars have often resulted in rapid devaluation and driven empires to bankruptcy.

It is as if the universe enacts retribution on those who commit violence, leading them to their own downfall.

Yes, I do believe in irony.

Gold Telegraph 

Chinese yields hit record lows.

China’s central bank continues to warn of a potential sovereign bond bubble.This is going to get interesting.

Gold Telegraph 

Since this post last week?

Nearly all of Japan’s stock gains for 2024 were wiped out in just three days.

There is a reason clowns are everywhere.

Gold Telegraph 

Japan stocks plunge 5%.

What a performance.

These people are totally clueless.

Coffee with MarkZ, MM and Mr. Cottrell. 08/02/2024

Discussion between Wolverine and Elizabeth Rodriguez Ruiz, 2 AUGUST

 Discussion between Wolverine and Elizabeth Rodriguez Ruiz:

  • ELIZABETH:  We are heading in the right direction now. Basically, pretty much all 1% is being distributed to everyone, starting in Reno, Zim and then Iraq.  It is all happening right now.  I am waiting for my meeting to trigger the green light, the minute I get my appt for the Big One, to start the funds as well, this needs to be implemented and comes first, this will trigger the green light, and the liquidity for redemptions, and then after 1% will get the 99%.  When you look at the amount of funds you will be receiving, bonds, currencies, boxes, you are only receiving 10% of that. All this money is for humanity   There is money to spend for yourself, but later, you will receive project funds.  This is coming soon now.  There was a country in Asia, my country, South Africa, Brazil – already rolling.  It takes time. When you receive the 1% you must have a good heart and intentions for humanity. This is for chosen people to make a difference for humanity.  This is to share with people.  The whole planet will have huge changes. We will use this clean money from God Above, blessed clean money. We have QFS digital, so money can be monitored and how it is used.
  • WOLVERINE:  So, you hear what we are hearing. Precatorious is released. They got released. The owner said they cannot talk too much as they are under NDA and happy it is coming,  
  • ELIZABETH: I also heard from Reno that they got released and it is only 1% in certain platforms. The 1% is the mobilization for your own expenses, it is your way to use for what you need.  I will tell you when you can release the Opera.   I Trump said this is biblical and it is true. When everyone receives their share, what will you do about it. What is your plan for your wealth? We are all connected, reunited as a team to work together to help others and the needy. The reversity program will eliminate all the evil from the planet, and we are turning things around, and live in joy and happiness as it should be.  We will be happy with our loved ones.
  • For the medbeds,  you need to be 5D.  If you have low vibrations if your frequency does not tune to the machine, if you are a bad, evil person, it will not work. We are all chosen, but you must have a good heart with good intentions.  You cannot fake your insides. 
  • WOLVERINE:  For the EBS – lots of news that EBS coming soon, is this a distraction for the RV? 
  • ELIZABETH: No when the time comes for the implementation and inauguration, all needs to be shut off.  If you heard news that you will run out of things – that news is distractions by the dark side, as they do not want us to go to the light place.  Do not worry about that. We are heading to the right direction. The question is timing.  It is going to happen any time now. 
  • WOLVERINE: The EBS is not going to be a distraction? Just like martial law? 
  • ELIZABETH: You are all scared. They want you scared. Of course not – you will not be scared

PIMPY: Iraqi Dinar update for 08/01/24 - Oil plus this would make Iraq very rich


  Wed. 18 Sept. 2024 TNT Update  “Banks got memos  yesterday Tues. 17 Sept.  telling them to get ready and be there this morning because it ...