Thursday, August 1, 2024

{Theft Of The Century} Returns To The Forefront... And The Integrity Commission Reveals Shocking Information, 1 AUGUST

 Time: 2024/08/01 Read: 2,405 times  {Local: Al Furat News} The head of the Integrity Commission, Judge Haider Hanoun, announced today, Thursday, the extradition of one of the major defendants in the tax deposit theft case.

Hanoun said in a press conference, followed by {Euphrates News}, that "the accused Nour Zuhair is bailed and will be tried. The theft of tax deposits is deposited with the judiciary, and the Integrity Commission is only responsible for implementing the laws. This case will not die and the government gives it full priority."

He added, "The accused Qasim Muhammad Muhammad was extradited from the Kurdistan Region after he had been a fugitive in Turkey. He holds the position of Managing Director of the Humpbacked Whale Company. The theft recorded against the accused is 988 billion Iraqi dinars, and these are not final figures."

He added, "Another accused was arrested, namely Mohammed Falah Al-Janabi, the managing director of Al-Qant Company. He is accused of stealing more than a trillion dinars through 79 forged checks. The third accused of stealing tax deposits is detained in the Emirates and we will recover him soon."

"Abdul Mahdi Tawfiq, who is accused of stealing more than two trillion, was arrested. He is also the managing director of the Humpbacked Whale Company. The fourth accused of stealing tax deposits is Alaa Khalaf Maran, who is now a fugitive in Lebanon or Turkey.

He was affiliated with Al-Kadhimi's office and had 890 billion dinars in his pocket," he explained, adding that "two dual nationals were arrested by the Kuwaiti authorities and the amounts owed to them amounted to 124 million dollars and will be returned to Iraq."

He concluded his speech by saying, "The final amount of the theft of tax deposits exceeds what was announced, and the recovery of more than two million dollars and 155 million that had been buried underground in Babylon, in addition to 9 properties of a former general manager in the General Directorate of Railways, and we are in the process of investigating him regarding the inflation of funds." LINK

Iraqi Dinar News : August 5th: The Day the Iraqi Dinar Could Change Fore...


 Fnu Lnu   

[Response to Guru Henig post 3-16-2024 below] The taxation issue is not complex and I  have it directly from the taxing authority (IRS) and an agent within the IRS. The taxation will be a matter of choice (YOU DECIDE).  You may either pay tax as "REGULAR INCOME" or as Capital Gains. YOU CHOOSE! Depending on your structuring for tax  advantages...Regular Income is the easiest way to deal with the income/profits as it is amenable with classic Asset  Protection...The notion that you must have receipts is not true because you can choose Regular Income. 

  It is also not true that one must have a receipt or pay 40-50% in taxes. The tax code is  written for both kinds of people. Those who pay taxes and those who do not. Guess which side the rich are on? They use Asset defer and liabilities and anyone can do it...Do not be misled. Consult an ASSET PROTECTION ATTORNEY and forget the rest of what you hear and read.

Community Comment:  "Wealthy people invest their initial profits. The first person they hire is a financial advisor.   The a tax professional" 

 This is not what you do with your initial profits. What you do is construct a financial fortress by setting up an ASSET PROTECTION PLAN!  Lawsuits, taxes, and probate, are the wealth killers... Failing to set up an asset protection plan will almost guarantee that you will be sued. There are people who make a living seeking out the wealthy and then suing them. The first person you seek out is an asset protection professional of which there are few.  

1% of all attorneys hold themselves out as AP specialists. After the RV, they will be booked up solid for months. Your AP specialist will have the proper CPA's to maintenance your wealth protection structure. The average CPA doesn't even know how to file the proper forms for a Charitable Remainder Unitrust report for the IRS. So, hire your AP professional...

stay away from Financial Advisors who push foolishness like Muni Bonds, IRA's, 401K's. Mutual Funds, and other worthless paper-based assets.   Certified investors have access to high-yield investments the common folk do not. Those are your path to multi-generational wealth.

Parliamentary Integrity: Transparency Is Absent In The Dollar Auction, 1 AUGUST

 July 29, 2024  Baghdad/Al-Masala: The Parliamentary Integrity Committee accused, on Monday, the Central Bank of Iraq of not being transparent regarding the dollar auction, and not providing data on the destinations where hard currency is spent, stressing that it will hold the bank’s governor, Ali Al-Alaq, accountable.

Committee member Hadi Al-Salami said, “There is a lack of transparency in the dollar auction, and the daily bulletin is not disclosed to know where the dollar goes and is sold through the auction. The bulletin is still secret, and only the amount of dollars sold is announced, and we do not know where this amount goes.”

He pointed out that "there is a parliamentary movement to hold the Central Bank Governor, Ali Al-Alaq, accountable, and the first step is to direct an oral parliamentary question, and we are waiting for his presence inside the parliament dome for the purpose of holding him accountable. "

He added, "There is an effort by some representatives to question the Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, due to the failure, especially in the issue of controlling the dollar exchange rate, which is still significantly higher in the parallel market than the official price."

Al-Salami stressed that “some blocs and parties refuse to question the governor of the Central Bank, as there is political protection for him, despite the failure in tasks and work, and there are indicators and observations in the work of the Central Bank, especially the currency auction.”



There have been major changes in the financial sector in recent weeks and anyone who does not want or cannot wear white hats is considered a top-notch financial tycoon.

(the one with billions at stake) simply goes under or is crushed; the same happened with the generals (General Staff Charles BROWN), as we heard today.

To ensure that NO unforeseen events occur, we have had many discussions and are now following the path that was negotiated two years ago. Light and darkness are intertwined.

A kind of FINE TUNING will take place starting today

(The wheels need to be readjusted so that the new multi-entanglement situation can work with ISO certification).

In fact, gold-backed QFS + GESARA implementations have already been implemented in the PRE viable phase and are already being used sporadically.

(testing) - It will take a few more days with QFS and then with RV, but surprisingly in public with Iraq. Dinar surprise as always, that is, it appears all over the world.

The transition phase, or part of it, the energy phase, will last, as I heard today, between 1 and 3 days. Freezer insurers are paying attention if voluntary power cuts occur.

I think the electricity problem will only cause temporary power cuts. Free energy is already well positioned worldwide.




Ha habido cambios importantes en el sector financiero en las últimas semanas y cualquiera que no quiera o no pueda usar sombreros blancos es considerado un magnate financiero de primer nivel.

(el que tiene miles de millones en juego) simplemente se hunde o es aplastado; Lo mismo sucedió con los generales (Estado Mayor Charles BROWN), como escuchamos hoy.

Para garantizar que NO ocurran imprevistos, hemos mantenido muchas discusiones y ahora estamos siguiendo el camino que se negoció hace dos años. La luz y la oscuridad se entrelazan.

A partir de hoy se realizará una especie de SINTONIZACIÓN FINA

(Es necesario reajustar las ruedas para que la nueva situación de enredo múltiple pueda funcionar con la certificación ISO).

De hecho, implementaciones QFS + GESARA respaldadas por oro ya se han implementado en la fase PRE viable y ya se están utilizando esporádicamente.

(pruebas) - Se necesitarán unos días más con QFS y luego con RV, pero sorprendentemente en público con Irak. Dinar sorpresa como siempre, es decir, aparece en todo el mundo.

La fase de transición, o parte de ella, la fase energética, durará, según he oído hoy, entre 1 y 3 días. Las aseguradoras de congeladores prestan atención si se producen cortes voluntarios de energía.

Creo que el problema eléctrico sólo provocará cortes de tiempo. La energía libre ya está bien posicionada en todo el mundo.


Irian backed Militia in Iraq. Can Iraq solve this issue? by MNT GOAT, 1 AUGUST

Irian backed Militia in Iraq. Can Iraq solve this issue?

Please go read the following articles in the Articles Section today titled:

“WASHINGTON INSTITUTE: THE FEDERAL COURT IS A TOOL IN THE HANDS OF IRANIAN MILITIAS TO DESTROY DEMOCRACY IN IRAQ”  I don’t want to rub it in but I have said since 2014, when Iraq freely let Iran Kud forces into Iraq to fight ISIS that they would create havoc, take jobs and become the strong armed militia for the corrupt politicians. So here ya go….”I told you so”!.  I also said at that time they will have to be removed as they will continue to cause havoc and damper the democracy of the new Iraqi Constitutional Republic.

Also read the article titled “IRAQI ARMED GROUP ASSERTS READINESS FOR CONFLICT WITH US”.  So again these militias are challenging the presence of US forces in Iraq. Yes, this will continue to either the US forces leave or the Iran militias leave Iraq. No ceasefire exists between its factions and US forces, emphasizing their readiness for “potential confrontation with American troops.” This is the

Group calling themselves the Islamic Resistance in Iraq (IRI), which is an umbrella organization encompassing all Iran-backed Iraqi armed groups. We must stop and think about the millions of immigrants pouring into the USA. Are they planning also to create such groups here to influence it democracy and be an enforcement group to the corrupt? This is not too far fetched and don’t deny the facts we already know.

IRAQ's CBI Under Duress (Demand Answers)

Parliamentary moves to increase state financial revenues, 20 SEPT

  Parliamentary moves to increase state financial revenues The Parliamentary Finance Committee revealed that it held a meeting with the Mini...