Thursday, August 1, 2024

Experts: Dollar Stability Depends On Creating A “New Platform” With Iran And Syria, 1 AUGUST

 Economic  2024/07/31  Financial and economic experts believe that the stability of the dollar exchange rate depends on creating a new platform for trade with Syria and Iran, and dealing with countries banned from the dollar in another currency.

Like the euro or the Chinese yuan.

The exchange rate yesterday in the parallel market was recorded at 149 thousand dinars for every 100 dollars, although the official rate at the Central Bank is 132 thousand dinars for every 100 dollars. Economic researcher Mustafa Al-Faraj said in a statement to “Sabah” that “the parallel market for the dollar is facing great pressure

By traders and travelers to Iran, Syria and other countries banned from using the dollar,” noting that “this increases the demand for the dollar and thus prices rise.”

He pointed out that "the solution to this problem lies in finding a new platform with these countries and dealing with them in a currency other than the dollar, such as the euro and the yuan, with the importance of finding an appropriate formula for the US Treasury that removes sanctions from our banking sector."

Al-Faraj explained that “Iraq lacks economic diversity and is completely dependent on oil, which has weakened other economic sectors,” explaining that supporting the productive sector can limit the drain on hard currency for imports.

For his part, the official spokesman for the currency market in Sulaymaniyah, Jabbar, explained:

Kuran said that “the rise of the dollar this time is not linked to a political or economic crisis or external factors, but rather is linked to the measures of the Central Bank of Iraq, and it is possible that the bank will control this.”   Height".

The Central Bank called for "taking measures that could reduce the dollar shortage in local markets."

In addition, economic researcher Alaa Al-Fahd expected the dollar exchange rate to gradually decrease in the coming days, explaining that this increase is common with the implementation of any new policy by the Central Bank of Iraq, as speculators try to exploit this in order to increase their profits.

He added, "The Central Bank of Iraq has discussions and procedures with the US Federal Reserve in order to control the exchange rate in the parallel market, and we hope that these discussions will yield positive results."

The QFS, Gold and Digital Currency Exchanges: An RV Deep Dive BY AWAKE IN 3D, 1 AUGUST

If you’ve ever wondered what the QFS is, or had questions about how it works, this episode is for you!

In this episode of the “Endgame GCR” Podcast, hosts Awake-In-3D and Marie G. discuss the role of gold-backed currencies, digital financial systems, and the QFS (Quantum Financial System ) in the context of the RV/GCR.

We aim to dispel myths, provide realistic viewpoints, and explore how these developments challenge the current global fiat currency debt system.

The conversation builds on previous podcast episodes, offering listeners a deeper understanding of how the Global Currency Reset (GCR) and related technologies might unfold in practical terms.

What is the QFS?

  • GCR Gold, Digital Currencies, and the QFS
  • Dispelling QFS myths and sharing concrete, real-world developments

FinTech and the Gold-Backed QFS Financial System

  • Explanation of FinTech (Finance Technology)
  • Importance of gold in backing in the QFS
  • The QFS alternative to the current fiat currency system

Understanding the Quantum Financial System (QFS)

  • Clarifying misconceptions about QFS and quantum computing
  • QFS as a decentralized ledger system
  • Sovereign Digital Currencies vs. Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)

Using and Interacting with the QFS

  • How exchanges and redemptions could work in the QFS
  • Bypassing traditional banks with security and transparency of the QFS
  • Example scenarios of using QFS Gold-backed Units for currency exchanges and spending RV/GCR funds in local currency

Gold-Backed CGR/QFS Currency System

  • Valuation and backing of QFS Gold-backed Units by gold
  • Role of off-ledger gold in the GCR alternative currency system
  • Potential value appreciation of QFS Gold-backed Units

Contemplating Future Digital Transactions and Tokenization Scenarios

Iraqi Dinar News Today - Al-Sudani’s Reforms Are a Game-Changer for Iraq...

Bruce’s Big Call, 1 AUGUST

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-23-24   REPLAY  LINK     Intel Begins   57:37

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Tuesday, July 30th  and you're listening to the big call. Glad everybody could join us. We're starting a little bit late tonight. I had a call that I was expecting a little earlier, that came in late, and it's good, because we got some good last minute intel that I'll share in my Intel segment. So – glad everybody could join --

Let's talk about let's talk about where we are on an Intel point of view. I told you guys I was late to the call getting some last minute intel that fortunately came in, but I was a little bit late getting on the call, like 10 minutes late to get there. But it's okay, it’s good. 

So what’s been happening -  we have been looking forward, I believe on Tuesday night, I knew we were getting close to the end of t he month, and when that happens, like it did this week, because we're so close to the end of the month. Tomorrow's the last day of the month, 31st Wednesday. 

I said -  Okay, here we go. More than likely going to get notifications and possibly start on the first of August. Well, that is pretty much what we're getting right now.

The the thing that there's sort of the last minute, I don't know how last minute was. It was something that was holding this up, evidently, there were five small banks in Iraq that were still exchanging with Iran in USD fiat currency. You guys know that the Fiat dollar is basically dead everywhere except here in United States. 

Canada's not using it, Mexico's not using it, Vietnam is not using it, and Iraq is not supposed to be using it. So as the Fiat dollar, our current Fiat dollar is being taken to an absolute minimum, they're collecting and trying to eliminate banks that are using it -  and there were five small banks in Iraq  that we're doing this trading , initially with Iran  and the Treasury consolidated those five banks into one entity and took took it over, so to speak, so that wouldn't happen anymore. That was an issue that was solved  in the last couple of days. So that's fairly recent 

The other information is that today, some of the bankers and some of the paymasters  are tied in with Wells Fargo and HSBC and Bank of America were working together – the information consolidated and working to basically get everything finished. 

For example, a meeting today supposed to go three and a half hours with five and a half hours, and that was some of the information that I got late, and it just looks like everything was this has been a situation the last couple of days where we should have had, you know, results, and that we heard, 

What day was it? Friday night - And I think even last night, Monday, they were setting up, late to get everything lined up, everything ready to go, so that this could happen. Now, well, it ends up - see where we going with this one -. It ends up that the meetings have finally come to an end. 

There are emails that have gone out to some of the pay masters that are involved in bonds and paying out their bond holders that they're working with, and we know that, you know, they're waiting for four emails to come out, one from Wells, one from Bank of America, one from HSBC and an email from Treasury. 

Well, the last day or so they got the emails from each bank, but not from Treasury. And so the one from Treasury was to give the so called green light to let us know when we're not well. It's so strange because we had confirmation on bank emails, and that was all good, but where is the Treasury email? 

Well, we finally got confirmation that the Treasury email did come out of prescribed time about three hours later tonight, and the whole thing is okay, we've got that now. We understood  that some of the paymasters were going to be able to receive that email, be able to key in their passcode and ID, and then they would be able to fund their  bondholders monies, because we knew the money was moving around and was ready to be utilized and moved into these accounts. 

And it was money moving in to the banks for our accounts, for exchanges, for 4b so where that went was all four emails were finally received, but when certain paymasters entered their passcode and Id ends up spinning icon on their screen. In other words, you never notice how sometimes the computer just or YouTube just seems to just pause, and you kind of go, what? Why isn't it rolling?  Why isn't it why are we playing? Why isn't this YouTube playing and it's just giving you this rolling circle of nothingness? 

Well, that is where we are right now, and the paymasters were told - just leave it on - Don't monkey with it. Leave it alone and let it resolve in the morning. This is the theory. It should resolve in the morning. 

Now why am I bringing all this minutia up, because when that does happen -  that is our green light. Now we can say that we have the green light from Treasury, but until that information gets loaded in so those funds  can go to bond holders accounts. Now we need for this to go, and we are kind of the most important part of all this happening, because when we get started, okay, when we  might have to take That's  wait one second -  Might have to take this one second.  - I'll complete that fundamental.   Hold on. -  let me finish that thought, you guys,  as I get my brain right. 

Okay, so when they get this icon, let's call it spinning circle to clear - it's going to be good, because it's going to tell us that we have the green light and we're ready  to move forward – 

What we’re hearing  from these pain masters. Is everything is complete – everything is ready with Iraq -  they hot the problem solved that I mentioned – and it’s ready to move – we’re ready to move forward.

 We're being told we should either get notified tomorrow, which is the last day of the month, Wednesday - start exchanges on Thursday the first of August or they'll get notified Thursday morning and get started Thursday – either way we win. 

But this is interesting, that that we're getting down to the wire - we've got good information that's saying that it's ready to go – the green light has been sent Treasury, and now we just need for the paymasters to move funds. 

And I remember the thought I had – here’s the thought -  by us going in for our exchanges and our and our redemption of Zim - we are hydrating the banks. When we exchange and put money into these accounts that we are opening – not the quantum  account, but the  Wells Fargo  primary account, I thought, right, when we do that, we're beginning to hydrate the banks  because some of the banks are essentially – almost bankrupt. 

They don't have the funds - we're going to rehydrate those banks. And remember the people that are redeeming us and exchanging our currencies, they also pick up point  zero two percent - .025% of the transaction, the bank also picks up point zero two five percent - .025% -  that actually turns into some real money. That little tiny percentage of 25 hundredths of a percent will turn into real money. 

So by us doing that in especially with Zim, in other currencies as well with Zim, it will really begin to stabilize the banks. And that's a very, very positive aspect for us  - to see that going there. 

Now, what else is going on again? Looks like we should get notified tomorrow  and if not, we should get notified Thursday morning and start Thursday so be prepared for that. 

This should be a really good end of the week, first, first part of August. I told you guys, we should have R and R, restitution and reclamation allowance in the first week of August, and that is going to be great. So and that applies to people that are 28 years of age and olde – Now if you are already getting Social Security, or you're 60 and older, 62 and over, getting social security in the same bank account where your Social Security is being direct deposited. Okay, so that's something to look for in the first week of August.

 So I don't think there's a whole lot else that we need to talk about. You know they plan to offer us the contract rate on the dinar that we have if you are a US citizen. Okay   And that's really a very good thing 

So let's do this. Let's pray the call out and see. Let's see when the emails hit, whether it's tomorrow, whether it's Thursday, either way we win. Let's pray the call out,

Thank you Sue and Bob - and we will be in touch with you by email after this goes, everybody, have a great night, a great weekend, and let's keep an eye on our emails. God bless you.

Does anybody besides me see this? BY GINGER CHAT, 1 AUGUST

  Very interesting conversation in GLL Chat with Liberty Loungers Extraordinaire 💥  Keen observations. Let's consider them as data points and watch what unfolds. Observe but don't absorb. 💥🙂 7.25.24

💢 Gezelle: We have US Marshals at DC and that strange object on the white house live cam, maybe the gallows. Let's hope we are at the past in the movie when they arrested all of Congress and executed them at the Gallows. We have heard it already happened, but now waiting for it to be public🙏🙏🙏🙏.

💢 Elizabeth: If I'm not mistaken, there's also an Iraqi delegation in Washington today that has to do with security talks. With all the other stuff going on this has been obscured mostly. Think about it, friends. Very, very important that they get this part right and yet the chaos is huge. Does anybody besides me see this? 🧐

The US Literally Cannot Repay Its National Debt.




Government Advisor: Adopting budget schedules has become a reality and does not affect financial obligations




The financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, confirmed today, Tuesday, that the budget schedules have become a reality, and issuing instructions is a procedural matter that does not affect financial obligations.

Saleh said, in an interview with the Iraqi News Agency, followed by "Al-Eqtisad News", that "the legal basis for the current fiscal year 2024 is a matter that has been legislated and approved primarily, based on the provisions of the federal general budget for the years 2023, 2025, 2024 issued by Law No. 13 of 2023, which was published on June 26, 2023 in the Official Gazette."
He explained that "what is stipulated in Article Two / 77 of the law includes the executive authority submitting the financial tables for the two fiscal years 2024, 2025 to enable the House of Representatives to approve them sequentially," noting that "this was achieved in the fiscal year 2024."
He pointed out that "the three-year federal general budget was applied for the first time in the country, which was based in its approval on one of the articles included in the provisions of the Federal Financial Management Law No. 6 of 2019, as amended, which authorized the work of a financial plan consisting of a general budget for three fiscal years."
He added that "the legal options available to implement the provisions of the federal general budget have become more flexible for the federal financial authority, in addition to the availability of the federal financial management law itself, which allows financial transactions even if any approval of the general budget formalities is delayed in principle, especially allowing continued spending or disbursement on investment projects approved in the three-year general budget as ongoing projects, as well as operational spending, or any financial transactions stipulated in the three-year general budget law."
He added, "Despite this, the adoption of the financial tables for the current fiscal year 2024, which were approved by the House of Representatives earlier this year, has become a reality, and issuing instructions for their implementation is a procedural matter that does not affect the obligations of the fiscal year itself, as these instructions are in all cases consistent with the emerging financial transactions when issued."
He added that "the Ministry of Finance had announced earlier this month the issuance of financial bonds (achievement bond) as a source of financing for the budget by borrowing from the local financial market worth 1.5 trillion dinars," stressing that "spending on operating expenses such as salaries, pensions, social care, debt services, and others is ongoing, in addition to the continued financing of ongoing investment projects and those under implementation."
He pointed out that "all of these activities are financial activities in which spending has not stopped, which is consistent with the legal work rules that came with the three-year federal general budget, with high flexibility, transparency, and governance."
He noted that "the instructions for implementing the general budget schedules for the fiscal year 2024 will touch upon some of the developments and partial financial transactions that have been newly created or adapted, and not the faculties of public finance, and that the financial activity in the country with its three pillars: revenues, expenditures, and deficit management is proceeding in a consistent and harmonious manner and in accordance with the objectives of the three-year general budget law, and that the executive and legislative authorities are in continuous communication and high coordination to ensure the achievement of public interests without interruption."