Wednesday, July 31, 2024


  Mnt Goat  ... 

to get their currency reinstated for Iraq, it is an uphill battle. They must fight, fight these globalists. But some of the problems stem from themselves too as there are measures they could have taken to further manage the dollar, curb corruption and money laundering. But they didn’t.  There are also timelines in the strategic plan to get to the reinstatement that have not been met and need to move ahead now.

Mnt Goat 

...the CBI very distinctly told us this procedure of the Project to Delete the Zero is NOT a lop...they described what a lop is and how it is used in times to relieve the stress on a currency due to hyperinflation...They are averaging now about a 3-4% inflation rate with the highest of 9% when they did the de-dollarization in 2023. So, the tool of the “lop” does not apply.

Mnt Goat 

  ...the Project to Delete the Zeros and the Dr Shabibi plan... was developed by the CBI and the IMF...It is a sound plan and they told they will execute it “when the conditions are right”...

the three zero notes are not being obsoleted after the deadline in Iraq is over to turn them in...These notes will be used for “interbanking of international transactions” ...where large sums of cash must be transferred...The CBI told us this many times in articles...the CBI did tell us there will “probably” be at least a 10 year use of these notes by the banks for this purpose. Yes, eventually these notes will become obsoleted but we will be way out of this and exchanged by then.



Q & A

Question from clayrich6a2b498e66:

Hi MG, I read your example of the project to delete the zeros is supposedly to work, if I am reading what you describe correctly they will replace the 25K notes with 25 notes of equal value, essentially a LOP, and also from the exchange rate, but that does not solve the problem of current prices of goods, for example a loaf of bread let’s say is priced in the market for 25k for the sake of argument, if they make the 25k note equal to a 25 note, the price of the bread is still 25k, how do they plan to overcome this new difference?

Answer Mnt Goat:

Guten Tag clayrich. Hope you are fine today. I read you question and I have to say I am glad you asked it because you are a bit confused.

First of all, the IMF is not going “lop” the Iraqi dinar. A “lop” is a tool the IMF uses to restart a currency from massive inflation. A good example is the Zimbabwe dollar when in 2016 they gave the citizens weeks to turn in the 100 trillion notes for $25 US dollars each. After the deadline they were worthless. We also have articles for Iraq telling us they WILL NOT lop the.... FOR READ MORE:



Q & A

Question from carolyncoffen:

Good morning, Mtn Goat,
I read an article earlier coming out of Iraq, stating the best way to protect your future wealth after the RV was to purchase ‘Government Bonds.’ Are we able to purchase those bonds? Thank you for your time and consideration. Have an awesome weekend.

Answer Mnt Goat:

Guten Tag Carolyn again. Seems you are victim of rumors off the internet. Don’t believe everything you hear. They are using all kinds of propaganda to push consumers in different directions, the direction they want. I am not sure what you mean by asking will you be able to purchase the government bonds. Do you mean from the bank when you exchange or meet with a wealth manager? A..FOR READ MORE:


Can Iraq Tame Iranian Militias? 🇮🇶 2024 08 01

Following the request to the Central Bank of Iraq, which includes merging the banks banned from dealing in dollars into the currency auction, 1 UAGUST

 Following the request to the Central Bank of Iraq, which includes merging the banks banned from dealing in dollars into the currency auction.

The sources told Shafaq News Agency, "The US Treasury and the Federal Reserve have asked the Central Bank of Iraq to merge the banks restricted from using the dollar, and to close some troubled banks."
The sources added, "The Central Bank of Iraq is required today to take rapid measures to merge banks and close the troubled ones in order for them to return to banking work, which will have a positive impact on the exchange rate. For this reason, the Central Bank has contracted with an international company to present a plan for the banking sector, which will include merging banks and closing some of them."
Informed sources revealed that "this company, recommended by the Americans, is similar to the work of K2 , without revealing its name or revealing further details."



 [via PDK]

  I can tell you the news coming out of the Kurdish region is great. “The Kurdish government resolved the crisis with Wisdom”  He says Baghdad has no excuses left. They are talking about the HCL and say they have resolved it. They expect Baghdad to rubber stamp the HCL. (Hydro Carbon Law)...

We were always told that within hours or a few days they would release the RV after the HCL is finished. It’s a key piece for moving forward with their reforms.  I am told they will have the HCL pounded out, signed and official between now and August 5th. There is lots of positive chatter from the Iraqi banking sector that they could go (RV?) within that time frame…fingers crossed…I still hope they roll it out today…

RV news has been quiet after a very busy weekend from Iraq. Nothing on HCL yet …but our last update yesterday is it looks like it will go within days.

💥IRAQI DINAR HOT SUMMARY MUST WATCH💥 #iraqidinar #dinar #centralbankofiraq


 Iraq News – 

I am hearing that the Iraqi government passed the HCL. 

For years, it has always been said that within hours or days of the HCL accomplishment, that we would see the Iraq Dinar change the rate internationally. 

We also have confirmation that there are still open discussions of improvements they made in the banking sector in Iraq to prevent further money laundering into Iran. Iran doesn’t want this good stuff to pass through.

 They like being on the gravy train and stealing millions and millions of US dollars. This bank merger has been a very much needed fix in the process. Banks merged under one head to eliminate further risk of money lost due to corruption and theft. Discussion of deleting the zeros to educate the citizens continues. They are doing this on TV, the internet and on radio. This is all terrific progress which should show you how close they are.

Birdieorbust (one of our precious friends with a tremendous mind and amazing contacts inside Iraq) on Iraq continued  – Iraq is waiting to be told to go. You may hear the opposite, but it is not true. 

Had it been up to Iraq, they would have gone before the end of March. A question in chat was asked – “How many times have we heard Iraq say, ‘we will just go ahead and we won’t wait any longer’... then nothing?” 

Birdierespondedtothequestion–“Becausetheyarestoppedbythe powers that be. They say that in order to try to force the go ahead. I truly wish I knew what the touchdown was waiting on. I know they want to make sure everything is as safe as possible, or also the Chinese Elders will not give the codes up. But in my opinion, there are still too many loose ends to feel safe just yet. The Chinese Elders also made it very clear that they wanted to see some actual arrests of key people before they feel safe to start the liquidity process.” 

And I do agree with her, and I do have it on confirmation from the Celestial Alliance, that any of these pauses that have happened in the past were for safety. And it was beautiful because we were able to say, Oh, the pause is lifted. And then shortly after I told you the pause was lifted then – 

BOOM – you started hearing more movement in the Camper Community, which showed it. And then there was another pause I was able to let you know, and then we had a time of maybe three weeks of silence, and then I said, Oh the pause got lifted. And then we again started to hear more of the movement. So I just want to thank Jesus and our Archangels for giving us those little whisperings of knowledge that help keep us .grounded into the truth of what is happening.


  Sandy Ingram     If the IQD were revalued to $0.25 to 1 Iraq dinar, based on 1 million IQD you would profit $250,000.   Your tax liability...