Saturday, July 27, 2024



Absolutely. It will link the Grand Faw Port in southern Iraq to Turkey's border and further into Europe. 

The project aims to turn Iraq into a transit hub, shortening travel time between Asia and Europe in an attempt to compete with Egypt's Suez Canal.

This is what will make Iraq more powerful than Israel.

Because this is what they are fighting so hard to accomplish in Palestine. But Israel can't because Saudi Arabia is in the way.




To IQD Holders - This development is extremely important to your investment and the anticipation of the IQD on the Forex Market.

 The recent inclusion of the CME CF Internet Computer-Dollar (ICP-USD) and XRP-Dollar (XRP-USD) Reference Rates and Real-Time Indices into the suite of benchmarks offered by the CME Group. 

This development, effective from July 29, marks a significant milestone in the global financial landscape, and it holds particular importance for the Iraqi Dinar (IQD) and the ongoing monetary reforms. This is basically the reason stable coins are so important. 

The establishment of transparent and reliable reference rates and real-time indices for XRP will enhance the overall stability and transparency in cryptocurrency markets. As these markets become more stable and predictable, it reduces the risks associated with volatile price movements.  ;

This stability is crucial as they explore integrating cryptocurrencies like XRP into their financial system. XRP's pairing with major currencies such as the US Dollar (USD) and now potentially the IQD will significantly increase liquidity and market access.

 For the Iraqi Dinar, this means improved foreign exchange market operations and potentially more favorable exchange rates due to increased demand and trading volume.

 XRP is designed to facilitate faster and more cost-effective cross-border transactions. By aligning IQD with XRP, Iraq can leverage these advantages to improve their international trade and remittance flows.

 This can lead to reduced transaction costs and time, benefiting the broader Iraqi economy. The pairing of XRP with IQD on the Forex Market is expected to bring several positive changes. Here are a few.

 The introduction of XRP-IQD pairs can lead to more stable exchange rates for the Iraqi Dinar. As XRP gains wider acceptance and usage, it can help buffer against extreme volatility often seen in currency markets. The enhanced transparency and stability provided by the new benchmarks can attract foreign investors to the Iraqi Dinar. Increased investor confidence can lead to higher capital inflows, supporting the Dinar’s value and stability. 

This is why there have been meetings taking place over the past few days. I'll cover that below in the next post.

IQD/ Iraq dinar news BY RV HIGHLIGHTS, 27 JULY


IQD/ Iraq dinar news

Based on everything I'm reading today it's looking like the Federal reserve is screwing Iraq through their own Central Bank. 

Check this out

The US Federal Reserve adopts a new strategy towards Iraq. 

❓And ask yourself why would the United States put pressure on an Iraqi banking system that has come so far?

❓Why does the Federal reserve believe there will be a sudden,large demand for the US dollar?

July 26, 2024

The US Federal Reserve’s policy towards Iraq, expecting the dollar to rise against the dinar, which will put great pressure on the Iraqi banking system.

Al-Hashemi told Alsumaria News that “some information from within the corridors of the Central Bank of Iraq indicates that the US Federal Reserve has adopted a strategy different from its previous strategies towards the Iraqi economy,” indicating that “this strategy will be more stringent and will depend on three axis:






The role of the Iraq Stock Exchange in supporting monetary policy in Iraq

July 23, 2024


Lawyer and banking expert Saif Al-Halfi

The world is now moving with rapid steps racing with the wind in the role of stocks supporting monetary policies, especially since the old classical theories considered that stock markets are not among the tools of monetary policy. This concept reflected a traditional understanding where monetary policy focused on tools such as interest rates, monetary facilities, and banks’ cash reserves.

The development of theories and the difference in models of economic studies differ with the development of research, studies and the financial market from one country to another. It is difficult to make a theory applicable to all countries and different economies, from emerging economies to more complex economies. Because of this dialectic based on trying to understand and establish the nature of the relationship between financial markets and monetary policy, which has become more evident in many countries.

Stock markets have become part of the general economic strategy of governments and central banks, especially after the introduction of the idea of ​​cryptocurrencies and digital banks, as they directly affect consumption, investment and economic confidence.

Iraqi market

In the case of the Iraqi model and long years of economic stagnation as a rentier economy that depends primarily on oil to finance its annual budgets and the state of price speculation on the stability of the dollar exchange rate in local markets or what is known as the parallel dollar situation, we can look at the Iraqi Stock Exchange as a tool supporting monetary policy and influencing the state of the rentier economy. This is done through:


1- Encouraging local and foreign investment. The stock market can be a quick and important means of attracting local capital, especially cash in circulation, and trying to return it to banking incubators and investing it in short-term investments through price maneuvers on the shares of emerging companies listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange or long-term investments by pumping these cash blocks into the shares of profit generating companies, which are companies that regularly achieve rewarding annual financial profits. Thus, it enhances the idea of ​​withdrawing the accumulated cash liquidity and returning it to banking incubators in a way that reduces immediate and temporary speculation on the parallel dollar in the local market.

It also creates real opportunities for foreign capital moving between emerging markets to enter, which provides them with the opportunity for quick entry, profitable investment and safe exit.

2- Diversifying the economy from excessive dependence on oil. The stock market can be used to encourage local and international investments in sectors that create greater economic diversity than usual and a state of rapid sales and price maneuvers for shares of promising companies in Iraq.

3- Absorbing liquidity: The stock market can play an important role in absorbing excess liquidity in the economy, which helps control inflation. This depends on the ability of the Iraqi market to be quick in price transactions, buying and selling through the shares of the companies listed in it, and pressuring brokerage companies to apply and activate the latest smart systems and phone applications for daily sales and contracts executed in it, as well as encouraging the publication of financial data for Iraqi companies on international platforms that encourage understanding the culture of Iraqi company shares.

One of the most important economic theories that support that financial markets can be an effective tool in monetary policy is the Wealth Effec theory, which is summarized and almost consistent with understanding the dialectic of the Iraqi economy and the stock market economy. More consistent with the Iraqi model is the Wealth Effect Theory, written by Gregory Mankiw. Its summary is that the rise in the value of financial assets among individuals gives them an incentive to withdraw money and re-inject it into purchasing new assets and stocks in order to increase wealth and gives them a feeling of wealth, which prompts them to spend on consumption and develop the national economy.

In conclusion, all these theories and studies support the idea that financial markets can be an effective and successful tool in achieving economic stability and enhancing growth, especially in emerging markets such as Iraq. If the Iraqi stock market is exploited in the right way that attracts local and international investments, it can help diversify the Iraqi economy and create new opportunities that drive economic integration in Iraq, making the Iraqi Stock Exchange a valuable tool for monetary policies.

Lawyer and banking expert Saif Al-Halfi



Q & A - How will people who live in other countries outside of USA receive notice? 800 numbers don't work there? BY GINGER, 27 JULY

 Q & A - How will people who live in other countries outside of USA receive notice? 800 numbers don't work there?

(This answer is only for those talking the traditional route to receive notification. If you're in LWS and awaiting private contact, you can disregard this if you want to as it would not apply to you, per se.) 

💢A: For RV speculators outside of the USA, please disregard the "800#" bc it will NOT APPLY to any country that doesn't use 800#s. Plain and simple - there will be no reason whatsoever for you, in Australia, Asia, Europe, Africa, etc to call a USA #. THIS IS A GLOBAL EVENT. So, you'll receive the appropriate number for you to call in your home country where you are. 

To be very clear, Redemption Centers abound here in the USA. However, we're told that actual Redemption centers will be very few and far between in other countries. You will be able to complete your Redemption appointment at major banks, who are working in cohesion with your country's Treasury Department (which has your country's gold / asset reserves). 

This is the number you will be given.  A number to an authorized banking institution that is SAFE (partnership with the Alliance) for you to complete your exchange. You'll give your postal code (or zip code)  - (any/every country) and you will be given the contact information to point you in the right (and safest) direction. 

You might receive a direct email which will give you (in YOUR COUNTRY) the right 'call center' to contact. Due to the language barriers, no.... I absolutely do not expect every single RV participant to be directed to a USA Call Center (appointed by Alliance/ UST) when they live in other countries. It would be close to impossible for them to staff ppl who are multilingual - in which every single country is represented. But it makes sense if you are contacted directly, via email, with a contact in your country whom you can reach out to.  If the SafeLink website is indeed a factor in this, it makes sense that you will provide proof of your identity by answering key questions  - proving you ARE YOU,  then given a number of an appropriate bank who can handle your exchange/redemption.  The VPN on your computer/device can also be used to identify what phone number in what country to provide for you, personally. 

It's equally important to note that in the USA only a Redemption Center will be able to accommodate Zim Bond Notes Redemption AND regular exotic currency exchanges. IF someone ONLY has currency and zero Zim, they may freely go to any bank which participates in foreign currency exchange to complete their transaction. This is not the case in other countries!  Because there will be very few actual "Redemption Centers" - you WILL BE ABLE TO EXCHANGE & REDEEM BOTH FOREIGN CURRENCY AND ZIM at major, participating bank locations. Again, you must sit back and wait to see how you'll be notified. Email with the SafeLink website will be a perfect solution for you. But the bottom line is, you'll be given an appropriate number to call in your location, where you can be steered in the right direction. 

It's not all about the USA! And the advice you are getting (from the gurus) should not be thru the vein of "all about the USA" either.  It makes no sense that a RV speculator - or a humanitarian  in Timbuktu would have to call a call center staffer in middle America to learn how to make a Redemption appointment. The Alliance is smarter than that!! They know who you/we humanitarians are!  You will not be left out. Please hang tight and wait. We'll all offer direction as we can.  I hope this helps. 

We're in this together. ❤️🙏❤️

Critical Update: Patreon Dinar Investor




Why is the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar fluctuating against the US dollar in the parallel market?


Written by Samir Al-Nusairi 
Since 12/19/2020 when the exchange rate was adjusted by the Central Bank under pressure from the previous government until the present time, the exchange rate of the dinar has continued to fluctuate up and down in the parallel market even after it was adjusted again in 2023 despite the efforts made by the monetary authority and the government in taking many measures at the local and external levels.

Citizens, specialists and experts are wondering about the reason behind this?

To be neutral and stay away from the analyses and media statements of specialists and non-specialists, and because we are close to the reality of the real effort made by the Central Bank and the government and the information available to us, we can say from the latter that the stability of the exchange rate in the parallel market will remain in a state of fluctuation until the completion of the measures currently taken to implement the stages of financial and banking reform specified in Axis Twelve and Articles 1 to 7 and the daily efforts made by the Monetary Authority to complete the regulation of foreign trade financing and enhance and reform the government and private banking sector, which focus on compliance with international standards and agreements and ongoing negotiations with the US Treasury and global banks and the completion of the selection of the international auditing company to audit foreign transfers for banks to enhance their balances in foreign currencies that deal in other than the US dollar and the completion of the final agreements with Chinese correspondent banks to start dealing in the Chinese yuan after the temporary suspension of foreign transfers with China, as well as helping private banks to find correspondent banks to deal with them after the Central Bank’s decision to cancel the electronic platform inevitably during this year, and that the information confirms that there will be a breakthrough very soon by completing the above procedures and finding other new correspondent banks to deal in the UAE dirham and the euro as well Efforts are ongoing with the US Treasury and the company tasked with auditing the foreign transfers of the sanctioned banks in order to lift the restrictions on them using the US dollar. What also needs to be completed to reform the private banking sector is the decision to merge the banks that wish to do so, as well as the weak and struggling banks in order to reach the real size of banking activity, which covers the actual need for economic requirements. In addition, there is the urgent need to restructure some departments of the Central Bank to sustain work when the electronic platform is cancelled. The important measure that the government is responsible for is to stop illegal imports and cancel unofficial border crossings.

We must not forget also, clearly and accurately, that there is an organized lobby working against achieving monetary stability, led and implemented by multiple parties linked to speculators and corrupt people who have a special agenda to weaken the national economy and harm it by fabricating short-sighted and paid-for news, statements and economic analyses and transforming them from reassuring news for the market and citizens into news that confuses the market and creates panic among citizens. This is what is actually happening now, which requires clarification. 

Here for about ten years, and especially after the financial and security shocks in mid-2014, the culture of relying on the Central Bank to confront economic and financial crises and challenges has taken root. This is done by using its own monetary policy tools and methods to overcome the government's lack of liquidity and its inability to pay salaries and fail to implement its government programs by relying on foreign exchange reserves, which are not in fact the government's reserves, but rather the Central Bank's reserves to control the stability of the exchange rate, according to the target and cover the local currency in circulation and cover imports. Due to these accumulated crises, the Central Bank was previously forced to lend the government about 46 trillion dinars over the past years, which reflected this policy on the national economy being exposed to
 complex problems, and the solution is always the Central Bank, and it is also burdened with the problems of other concerned parties, and this is not its primary role, as it is not responsible for the deficit in non-oil revenues, the deficit in the balance of payments, the deficit in the trade balance, and it is not responsible for the rise and fall of global oil prices.
Therefore, foreign exchange reserves rose and fell due to these wrong policies that are not based on clear and specific economic strategies and approaches.

Therefore, the return of stability in the exchange rate to its targeted and balanced rates will be achieved with the support of the relevant authoritiesin the government by activating other productive sectors, reforming the financial and banking sector, and formulating clear financial policies in coordination with the monetary policy, its applications and currently approved tools, and overcoming the challenges of achieving economic stability. This means achieving stability in the financial and monetary system. This is not only the duty of the Central Bank alone, but rather it is a fundamental duty of the financial policy and the government's methodology in managing the economy, activating sources of national income other than oil, supporting, protecting and encouraging local production, and generalizing the activation of dealing in the Iraqi dinar in all internal monetary trading activities and expanding the use of electronic payment methods whenever possible.

 My expectations for the exchange rate to return to stability will return after the completion of the reform, regulatory and negotiation procedures, and this does not take a long time.



 STATUS OF THE RV Now, you can connect the dots with another article with the announcement about the formal workplace article.  The next art...