Saturday, July 27, 2024

Q & A - Exotic currencies exchange BY GINGER, 27 JULY

 πŸ’’Q & A - Exotic currencies exchange

πŸ’’Q: GJ: Hi Ginger, I have Vietnamese Dong . I don’t have any type of humanitarian plan. Will I need an appointment to exchange for dollars?

πŸ’’A: Hi there G!!! Let's help you out with that. Okee dokee -- with having just Vietnamese Dong , here's the scoop. Any major bank which handles foreign currency exchanges will certainly be able to accommodate your request for exchange to dollars. You do not need to go to an "official Redemption Center" as that's only needed for Zim (➡️ plus other exotic currencies)... But, depending on HOW MUCH DONG YOU HAVE, yes, sir, you'll need to set up an appointment.

Stay with me ... Let me explain... πŸ˜‰

Being IF YOU HAVE A LOT OF DONG to exchange, you'll foreseeably be placed in the category of a high net worth individual rather quickly, right? So, you do not want to do this kind of exchange at the typical counter, and the typical bank with a typical teller. Why? Because you absolutely Do NOT want others in the bank (customers in ear shot) observing this transaction. That could be very unsafe for you, sweetheart. 

Therefore, the solution will be to create an appointment for your exchange of Dong with the bank - and they will set you up with what's called a Private Client appointment -- this is the kind of experience reserved for high net worth individuals, you see. You will have your session perhaps upstairs in another office, away from the ear shot and watching eyes of other clients and even employees. You will be tucked away, sequestered from all spying eyes. This is a more "cushy experience" too where you might even have the "red carpet treatment", offered a seat and a beverage -- you get the idea. Basically you will be treated like a high net worth individual and kept more safe than just the "lobby experience" that ALL of us have gotten our whole entire lives. 

πŸ”°For all who are reading -- this scenario I give is for any who hold ONLY exotic currencies - and this applies to you if you have a project OR Not (doesn't matter). Please be advised, if you have ZIM Bond Notes, you must Redeem your Bonds and exchange all your exotic currencies at the same time at a Redemption Center (which could possibly be a top tier 1 bank that has office space repurposed for this event, especially.) Again, the Private Client experience would apply to you as well. Appointment required. Walk-in absolutely ill-advised. 

I hope this helps πŸ™‚✅

~ Ginger of the Liberty Lounge

U.S. To Hold As Much Bitcoin As Gold? Why Marathon Digital Just Bought $...




15 trillion dinars raises controversy in the budget


The manipulation of the budget has sparked controversy between the government and the House of Representatives.


Economic expert Salah Nouri told {Euphrates News} that: "It is too early to analyze the amount of {15} trillion dinars, as it is now the subject of controversy over falsification of the budget tables between the House of Representatives and the government." 
Salah added, "Assuming that there is an increase of this amount in the operating budget, it increases the budget deficit, and increasing the deficit is a step towards a liquidity crisis."

The Parliamentary Finance Committee revealed, yesterday, Wednesday, different budget tables before and after its approval, with a difference of 15 trillion dinars.

Committee member, Moeen Al-Kazemi told {Euphrates News} that the budget tables that arrived from the Council of Ministers and were approved inside the parliament are the same as the government tables; therefore, the letter that we received from the Council of Ministers that the tables that were referred after the vote have a difference and a large difference in some chapters that reach 15 trillion dinars.

He added that the spending budget amounts to 211 trillion dinars; but the tables that were signed by the Parliament Presidency and sent to the Council of Ministers read 226 trillion dinars.
Al-Kazemi explained that the Prime Minister's Office sent the table signed by the Parliament Presidency, which included: 
- An increase in the amount of the ration card by 5 trillion dinars.
- Increase in oil revenues by 5 trillion dinars.
- Reduce fees by 5 trillion dinars.
- In addition to financial increases for the Ministry of Electricity and some governorates.




Suggested Questions to ask at your "camper" appointment by GINGER, 27 JULY


πŸ’’ Suggested Questions to ask at your "camper" appointment. 

πŸ’œ Please see Ginger's "Campsite" sub group for more helpful checklists and tips for preparation to guide you in your redemption or exchange appointment planning. Ask for a link to join in our Private GLL chat groups, please. πŸ’œ


1. Ask up front for a copy of all signed documents and agreements. 


2. Get printed receipts of all transactions in regards to all accounts which includes deposits, debits and current balances.


3. Ask to please give you the best rate possible! Are there any stipulations (conditions) on the contract rate if available?


4. Do I need any other accounts or sub accounts in addition to my new QFS account? What do I do with the accounts I have now?


5. Can I have multiple sub accounts with QFS accounts or must they be in a bank?


6. How much can I bring down under each sub account?


7. Will interest be paid on money if kept on the QFS and how many accounts can I get that interest in?


8. If so, how much interest are we getting and when does it start?


9. Can I get that in quarterly installments?


10. How much interest can I get on the Zim monies? If only allowed to pull down a certain amount when will I be able to get interest on the other monies?


11. Is there a max amount I can put into the primary account that I will get interest on?


12. Will there be a QFS class to learn how to access, deposit, withdraw, etc.?


13. Will I need to purchase a separate computer just for QFS banking?


14. Am I being given an immediately active and secure debit card attached to my QFS Mother-load account today and if so, how do I keep the account safe?


15. I have never done a humanitarian project. Is there a team that can help with my set up and implementation needs? Do I need to start the process immediately?


16. Is there a need for any security measure to be put in place for me and my new QFS account?


17. Get business cards of everyone you speak to!


18. Make sure you see money in the account before you leave the building!! Count twice before signing off.


19. Get 100 checks for subaccounts (ask if that many is necessary, you do not want a big paper trail)


20. “Proof of Funds”-Clean Clear Certificates- get many denominations- and a Debit Card for Mother accounts. Only carry a debit card for lower amounts in case it is stolen (personal account). Change password from the one they give you.


21. All money should go into the QFS account (NONE to their bank). Set a limit of how much physical cash that will be allowed to take out of the bank and home with you.


22. Flag all accounts as “ACCESS RESTRICTED TO NON-ESSENTIAL PERSONAL”. Also, flag for accounts not to be in Test and Production.


23. Does FDIC still apply or do I need Lloyds Insurance over $250k? Make sure you are not paying a Spread fee (a reduction of the rate because the bank takes a fee for facilitating the transaction)


24. Is there lost/stolen card protection?


25. Do you need to get a new phone or wait for the new QFS phone?


26. Ask to fill out a POD (Payable on Death) and take with you.


27. What forms are needed to hire a team without violating our NDA?


28. For banking purposes/wealth managers (we do not need a wealth manager) all accounts should be Non-testing, Non-training accounts either online or offline. Require that the bank manager be the only person with direct access to your account. No general teller is to have access. Privacy and security need to be safeguarded.  ALL MONEY STAYS ON QFS SYSTEM!!


29. Is my money protected by the devaluation of the USD?


30. How soon can I make a Med-Bed appointment?



Dinar Holders Alert: Massive Currency Shift Imminent!"




Minister of Finance receives draft regulation and restructuring of Rafidain and Rashid Banks



Baghdad - WAA -

Minister of Finance Taif Sami received today, Thursday, from the international auditing and oversight firm Ernst & Young a draft of the organization and restructuring of Rafidain and Rashid banks.

The Ministry of Finance said in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA): "Sami chaired a meeting at the ministry's headquarters with representatives of the international auditing and oversight firm Ernst & Young," noting that "a draft was submitted by the auditing firm on organizing and restructuring Rafidain and Rashid banks, in addition to discussing the proposed plan, implementation stages, and defining the frameworks of the contract and formulating it in a manner consistent with the priorities of reform and development."
It added that "the Minister of Finance discussed with the company the work plan and the necessary steps to merge and organize a number of institutions of the Iraqi Ministry of Finance."
The Minister of Finance stressed - according to the statement - "the importance of benefiting from the expertise of solid international companies such as Ernst & Young in the field of organizing and restructuring financial institutions, noting that "the ministry aims to make Iraqi banks internationally and locally acceptable to provide better services to citizens."
She explained that "the expertise of the auditing firm will contribute to improving the efficiency and effectiveness of financial institutions, as it is expected that merging and organizing financial institutions will improve the quality of banking services provided and enhance investor confidence in the Iraqi economy."