Saturday, July 27, 2024

How Zimbabwe is Leading Africa into a Gold-Backed Currency Reset BY AWAKE IN 3D, 27 JULY

Zimbabwe’s now-official ZWG (aka the ZiG) currency is setting a new standard for stability and exchange rate value.

As African nations increasingly turn to gold to hedge against economic instability, Zimbabwe is leading the continent into a gold-backed currency future.

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) recently announced the certification of the Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) with an international currency code (ZWG) by the World Bank, giving it a distinct identity among other nations’ official currencies.

The ZiG is a revolutionary currency backed by precious metals, mainly gold, and foreign currency with a cumulative value of about US$300 million.


Currently, there are ZiG1, ZiG2, ZiG5, ZiG10, and ZiG20 notes in circulation, with plans to introduce ZiG50, ZiG100, and ZiG200 notes in the near future. Minor units of the ZiG are known as cents, reflecting a familiar structure for ease of transactions.

Since its introduction at a rate of ZiG13.66 to the US dollar, the currency has shown remarkable stability, currently trading at ZiG13.44. There are about US$80 million worth of ZiG in circulation.

This stability is a stark contrast to the volatility that plagued previous iterations of the Zimbabwean dollar for the past several decades.

In This Article
  1. Zimbabwe’s Gold-Backed Currency Initiative
  2. Other African Nations Following Suit
  3. Economic Implications for the Continent
  4. The IMF’s Positive Perspective on Gold-Backed Currencies

Zimbabwe has emerged as a pioneer in a significant shift towards gold-backed currencies across the African continent.

As economic instability and currency depreciation arise, African nations increasingly look to gold to safeguard their financial futures.

Zimbabwe’s Gold-Backed Currency Initiative

Zimbabwe’s introduction of the Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) currency marks a groundbreaking move in Africa’s economic landscape.

The new currency, backed primarily by gold and other forex reserves, replaces the beleaguered Zimbabwean dollar. Since its launch in April, the ZiG has aimed to stabilize the nation’s economy and restore confidence in its financial system.

David Mnangagwa, Zimbabwe’s Deputy Minister of Finance, Economic Development, and Investment Promotion, emphasized the importance of controlled money supply to maintain the currency’s value. This approach addresses past issues of hyperinflation and rapid devaluation.

The government’s strategy to “drip-feed” the ZWG into the market is designed to preserve the currency’s value, ensuring long-term stability and economic growth.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has also recognized the positive strides made by Zimbabwe. According to an IMF review, Zimbabwe’s economy is showing resilience, with growth expected to recover strongly in 2025.

The introduction of the ZiG has played a pivotal role in ending a period of macroeconomic instability, and the IMF commends Zimbabwe’s improved monetary policy discipline and efforts to stabilize the new currency.

Other African Nations Following Suit

Inspired by Zimbabwe’s initiative, several African countries are taking similar steps to secure their economic stability through gold-backed currencies.

Nigeria, Uganda, Tanzania, and Madagascar have all announced plans to bolster their gold reserves and, in some cases, back their currencies with gold.

Nigeria’s central bank has initiated a domestic gold-buying program and plans to repatriate its existing gold reserves. This move aims to mitigate risks associated with the weakening U.S. economy and the volatility of the U.S. dollar.

Similarly, Uganda and Tanzania have launched gold acquisition strategies to strengthen their financial reserves and reduce dependency on foreign currencies.

Tanzania announced a significant investment of $400 million to purchase six tons of gold, reflecting a strong commitment to securing its economic future.

Uganda’s central bank introduced a domestic gold-buying program to purchase gold directly from local artisanal miners, aiming to address risks in the international financial markets.

Economic Implications for the African Continent

The shift towards gold-backed currencies represents a significant financial development for African economies.

By leveraging gold, countries aim to protect themselves against geopolitical risks and currency depreciation. This strategy also addresses the concerns over America’s economic policies and the potential weaponization of the U.S. dollar.

Analysts highlight that adding gold to national reserves allows countries to grow their reserve assets without sacrificing other hard-currency reserves. This approach is particularly pertinent for nations facing economic sanctions or anticipating a decline in the U.S. dollar’s value.

The strategic accumulation of gold reserves can bolster economic resilience and foster long-term stability across the continent.

The IMF’s Positive Perspective on Gold-Backed Currencies

The global financial community is closely monitoring Africa’s transition to gold-backed currencies.

Experts from institutions like the IMF recognize the potential benefits but also caution about the challenges. Sustained economic stability and disciplined monetary policies are crucial for the success of these initiatives.

The IMF’s positive assessment of Zimbabwe’s economic policies is a testament to the potential success of gold-backed currencies. The institution’s recommendations for further refinements to the policy framework highlight the importance of continuous improvement and adaptation. Zimbabwe’s pioneering move sets a precedent, encouraging other African nations to consider similar measures.

The Bottom Line

Zimbabwe’s bold step towards a gold-backed currency is reshaping the financial landscape in Africa.

As more nations follow suit, the continent is positioning itself to mitigate economic risks and enhance financial stability. This trend underscores a broader move towards leveraging gold as a safeguard against global economic uncertainties, potentially setting a new standard for currency stability in the 21st century.

With the positive momentum from IMF reviews and the collective efforts of African nations, the future looks promising for a continent embracing economic resilience through gold.

Email Received RV/RI Imminent/Commencing!?!🚩High Contract Rates?🤔Dinar R...




Economist: The Iraqi banking sector has achieved significant growth



Today, Thursday, the head of the “Iraq Al-Mustaqbal” Foundation for Economic Studies and Consultations, Manar Al-Obaidi, confirmed that the Iraqi banking sector has been able to achieve growth in many areas during the past period.

Al-Obaidi said in a tweet followed by “Al-Eqtisad News” that the data of the Iraqi banking sector between 12-31-2022 and 5-31-2024 indicate that the banking sector, despite all the challenges and shocks it faced during this period, was able to achieve growth in many areas, specifically in financial inclusion, as well as an increase in bank assets and maintaining the volume of deposits despite everything that was raised about the sector.

Al-Obaidi published a table showing all the figures related to the Iraqi banking sector between December 13, 2022, and May 31, 2024.

Below is the table published by Al-Abidi:


Bruce’s Big Call, 27 JULY

 Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-25-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins  1:11:25

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Thursday, July 25th  and you're tuned into the big call. Thank you big call universe for getting the call out to so many around the globe. We appreciate that, and we appreciate big call tuning in. So before we get started, we always pray the call in. So let me do that.

So let's do this. Let's go into Intel and see where we are now. And I think you'll find that we're in a pretty good place. So the Intel segment doesn't need to be very long tonight. You notice the last couple they've been relatively short, because we are so close to receiving the notifications that we really don't have a whole lot else to talk about. So let's talk about what we have.

 First of all, the story is that we've had, like Bob said, there's quite a bit happening in the way of political activity, as you guys know, every everything from the Republican National Convention to the rally where President Trump had an attempted assassination to how  Gods hand protected him -  its just amazing -  there’s a lot more chatter out about the Head of State service. She resigned.  Biden got out of the presidential race coming up. There's all kinds of news events that are taking place daily.

I'm aware that we are about to come into the emergency broadcast system or the emergency  alert system, and possibly the emergency wireless system EWS - all those things are scheduled, along with, we believe the with NESARA  and GESARA, very shortly, maybe this week, I don't know, maybe this Weekend

So here's where we stand right now, we did get pushed another day. We got pushed from today to tomorrow, but we know that redemption centers are going to be open on Sunday. It looks very possible that we get notified tomorrow, begin exchanges Saturday and go through the weekend and through next week.

What we're hearing is one of our sources, which is at the redemption one of the redemption centers that we talked to, essentially, is saying that they are expecting emails from the new US Treasury, not to clarify that our new US Treasury -  also another separate email from Wells Fargo, another separate email from HSBC, another separate email from Bank of America, four distinct  emails all to arrive at approximately between 11:00 am and 11:15 am  Eastern Daylight Time.

 Now what I'm being told is it's quite possible that we in tier 4B and this may also be true for tier 4A, which is what we call the admirals groups, would receive those emails at approximately the Same time tomorrow. So I think there's a very good possibility we will get this tomorrow before lunch.

Now here's the way we're being told. It's working. They want us to get this and set our appointments and get started with our exchanges before the Olympics get underway  --  My understanding, from what I heard, is that at 7pm eastern tomorrow night, that's when the Olympics opening ceremonies are to begin in Paris or in and about Paris France.

Okay, so whenever that starts, they would like that the Olympics, the start of them to be underway as a cover for us, a deflection, to deflect the attention away from us and what we're doing.

So don't be surprised if you do get notification and set up an appointment in the afternoon, evening tomorrow, if that's the case, so that we're able to go Friday afternoon, Friday evening.

And since redemption centers will be open Sunday, you'll have the opportunity to go, possibly Friday, evening, Saturday, Sunday, Monday – Tuesday , etc. Now that, of course, presumes that we have the notifications tomorrow - May not be exactly around lunchtime, but it could very well be, and so you'll just have to see how that come in for us.

However, I say this, you know, it may be that we get the notifications then, and if so great, if not we look at them, whatever it is that we are supposed to get them.

Now I think we are very close. Like I said, there's a good opportunity for us to receive some more information politically coming up. There's just a lot going on. There's a lot happening. You can tell, you can tell is a lot happening. So let's do this. Let's go ahead, pray out the call, and I want to thank everybody to make this call possible.

Thank the satellite team for connecting us around the globe. We never know exactly how many people we reach until a day or so afterwards, but you know, it's into the 10s of millions of people very happy that that is the case. I want to thank not only the SAT team, but all of the people that have been listening to the big call for the last 14 years.

 So Thanks, Sue and Bob, Michael Lopez, as well as GCK, great creative Kendall, also Jeannie - Pastor Scott, continue healing for you. And I just look forward to us getting to the other side and getting these projects started, getting everything that is in your dreams started.

 Well, everybody have a great weekend and let’s see how things progress for us.

SANDY INGRAM: "IRAQ- Saudi Arabia China Heavily Investing in Iraq Micro Special Report"




Saleh: The Central Bank's dollar reserves are solid and the GDP rate is very optimistic


The financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, confirmed the cohesion of foreign reserves, especially the dollar, at the Central Bank of Iraq.


Saleh told Al Furat News Agency, "Covering urgent expenses in dollars, as they represent the desired demand for foreign currency, in addition to the level of sufficiency of incoming foreign currency flows and the level of maintaining the country's reserves of the total foreign currency held by the Central Bank, is subject to two main factors."

He explained that the first factor is "the nature of the oil asset cycle, which is still at its highest levels of global price increases due to the strength of global demand for energy, and that economic expectations indicate that potential price fluctuations towards a decline are still out of reach and are largely linked to the end of military operations in Ukraine, and the return of the flow of Russian gas and oil, especially to European markets, as the Russian Federation is the second largest oil-producing country in the world and leads the production and export of gas to major consumer markets in the European continent directly." 

The other factor, according to Saleh, “is related to the surplus in the current account of the Iraqi balance of payments, as estimates issued by international financial institutions indicate that this percentage of the surplus in the current account of the Iraqi balance of payments to the country’s gross domestic product is no less than {positive 6%}, which is a very optimistic positive percentage.”

He explained that "both factors indicate the cohesion of the country's foreign reserves, which are generated by high oil export revenues to date, versus control over outward cash flows of foreign currency to meet local demand for imported goods, services and foreign benefits, as the current account of the balance of payments indicates that it is in a positive and stable position and is consistent with the general budget's spending tendencies during the current fiscal year 2024."




Bank refuses to receive Iraqi dinar, 18 OCT

  A citizen A. H. sent a message to the “Open Door” page urging Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, Central Bank Governor Ali Mohsen al-...