Saturday, July 27, 2024

MP rules out finalizing oil and gas law in 2024, 27 July

 On Friday, MP Ali Saadoun said that the oil and gas law wouldn’t be passed in 2024.

“The oil and gas law is one of the important laws that has been postponed for several sessions due to deep political differences, despite its importance in correcting several paths that cast their shadows on the performance of a sector that finances the country’s treasury with approximately 90% of its revenues,” Saadoun stated in an interview with.

“He rules out the possibility of resolving the oil and gas law in 2024 because the differences still exist and reaching agreement on them requires more dialogue, despite the serious desire of many forces to resolve this law,” he went on to say.

“Political consensus is necessary to proceed with the approval of many important laws in the country, but it must be in accordance with principles that positively reflect on the public interest,” he stated.

It is noteworthy that political disagreements over the content of controversial laws, particularly those pertaining to oil and gas, have resulted in their suspension for years.


 A conversation with a follower about Redemption Centers. Q & A - my response follows: 

🔹Q: What redemption centers?

I keep hearing redemption centers but no info on them!!

How are we getting called to make appointments when we don't even know who and where they are!!

This extremely frustrating for your followers! 

Please break this down for us!!!

If you can't, then stop discussing it as an option.

(The use of exclamation points is not to be missed, here. 😏) ⬆️

🔹A: First, respectfully, don't take that tone with me. Kapeesh? Just don't. 

How long have you been following here? 

A few days? A couple of weeks? How regularly do you check the channel?? BECAUSE I TEACH ON THIS STUFF ON THE REGULAR. I have teaching calls recorded for those new here to catch up on as well. I've got plenty of information that people can avail themselves to if you care to look and actually do some work. (Yes, I understand that *scrolling* can be very tedious for some.) Pardon the sarcasm but I just don't take kindly to a pissy tone. Most people don't, ya know - so you might want to keep that in mind. 😏 

I've posted how to request notification at least 50+ times 🤦 ::::deep sigh:::: 

You don't and won't know where they are until after the RV happens when it's time to set up your appointment. You'll be given a phone number to call to a redemption center closest to you. 

Some top Tier banks will have a private client office (upstairs) away from prying eyes of other clients / other employees which has been set up as a RC where speculators in this event can redeem Zim and exchange their foreign currency with increased anonymity. 

There will also likely, plausibly, be a Redemption Center office area located on some military bases, which is beneficial for heightened security to keep the speculators safe. 

These are kept secret for the time being and not to be disclosed (yet), plus there are at least 7000 + RC in just the USA alone - so no,.........FOR READ MORE:


Q & A - How will people who live in other countries outside of USA receive notice? 800 numbers don't work there?

(This answer is only for those talking the traditional route to receive notification. If you're in LWS and awaiting private contact, you can disregard this if you want to as it would not apply to you, per se.) 

💢A: For RV speculators outside of the USA, please disregard the "800#" bc it will NOT APPLY to any country that doesn't use 800#s. Plain and simple - there will be no reason whatsoever for you, in Australia, Asia, Europe, Africa, etc to call a USA #. THIS IS A GLOBAL EVENT. So, you'll receive the appropriate number for you to call in your home country where you are. 

To be very clear, Redemption Centers abound here in the USA. However, we're told that actual Redemption centers will be very few and far between in other countries. You will be able to complete your Redemption appointment at major banks, who are working in cohesion..FOR READ MORE:

CHELLA: Dinar Currency Baskets, Invest forum, Banking Sector, Exchange, Gov Bank...

Iraq sets date for US withdrawal, US denies, 27 JULY

 Iraq sets date for US withdrawal - US deniesIraqi sources told Reuters, on Tuesday (July 23, 2024), a date for the start of the withdrawal of US forces from Iraq, while American sources confirmed that no official agreement has been reached yet.

The sources said, “A delegation from the Iraqi government will meet this week with the American leadership in Washington to discuss the details of the withdrawal, and it expects to begin its withdrawal in September of this year, and to end it in September of next year.”
Meanwhile, American sources explained that “the negotiations have not yet led to an agreed date for the American withdrawal, or a schedule for the gradual exit of forces, and that the negotiations are still ongoing, and no official agreement has been reached on the details so far.”
It is noteworthy that the US administration announced, at the beginning of US President Joe Biden’s assumption of office, its intention to withdraw US forces from Iraq completely, which did not happen during the past period due to the changing political data in the region, according to Reuters.



Happy News for Happy Campers! 

There's actionable evidence from my friends which suggests that Bond movement continues to accelerate ~ Triple Cabin Extravaganza (aka T3). 7.26.24

~ Ginger of the Liberty Lounge



💢Ginger's Campground is a connecting site for the 

H❤️ME of Ginger's Liberty Lounge, where heart-centered humanitarians find news of the day, geo-financial developments & inspiration. Ginger is an Ambassador with the New Earth Alliance.

"Camper" is our code word for the RV.

Click on the room you want to access, look around in the room at files, posts archived there, then use the back arrow in the upper left corner to return to the main channel.

We hope you enjoy this new, increasingly organized system of navigating Ginger’s brilliant teachings.♥️

~ Admins Extraordinaire Jan & Shiny


💢Mr Salvage, Liberty Lounger Extraordinaire 💥 "Today is Christmas (in July)!  Merry Christmas, everybody! I hope your NESARA dreams come true!"

💢 In other "Christmas Camping news", a dear friend who is connected with camping plans in Zurich was just informed by his Camp Director that they acquired a new Camp Counselor (paymaster) and to watch for their invitation email later today (for their group). Their goal is to begin the process for the campers to enjoy their adventures in the days to come. 

~ Ginger of the Liberty Lounge, Ambassador for God's Abundance with the New Earth Alliance 7.25.24

PIMPY: More dinar info that turns your brain into mush 07/25/24

Turki: The Americans will seriously consider withdrawing if the delegation succeeds in lifting the immunity of its advisors, 27 JULY

 Turki - The Americans will seriously consider withdrawing if the delegation succeeds in lifting the immunity of its advisorsInformation / Baghdad..

MP Ali Turki of the Sadiqoun parliamentary bloc said on Wednesday that the mission of the Iraqi military delegation negotiating to expel foreign forces from the country will be difficult.
Turki told Al-Maalouma Agency, “It is expected that the United States will delay the negotiations to prolong its presence, and this is clear from its statements in which it announced its desire to remain for a period of no less than three years.”
He believed that “the Iraqi military delegation currently in Washington to negotiate a schedule for the withdrawal of the international coalition forces led by the United States of America, faces a great responsibility and must exert pressure by all means to come up with a formula that guarantees the end of the American and international presence in Iraq within the period specified by Al-Sudani for one year.”
He called for “forcing the American delegation to accept lifting the immunity of American advisors that was granted by former Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari in 2014 when he requested the return of coalition forces to Iraq.”
Sources announced Iraq’s desire for the US-led coalition forces to begin withdrawing starting in September for a period of one year.