Saturday, July 27, 2024



Happy News for Happy Campers! 

There's actionable evidence from my friends which suggests that Bond movement continues to accelerate ~ Triple Cabin Extravaganza (aka T3). 7.26.24

~ Ginger of the Liberty Lounge



💢Ginger's Campground is a connecting site for the 

H❤️ME of Ginger's Liberty Lounge, where heart-centered humanitarians find news of the day, geo-financial developments & inspiration. Ginger is an Ambassador with the New Earth Alliance.

"Camper" is our code word for the RV.

Click on the room you want to access, look around in the room at files, posts archived there, then use the back arrow in the upper left corner to return to the main channel.

We hope you enjoy this new, increasingly organized system of navigating Ginger’s brilliant teachings.♥️

~ Admins Extraordinaire Jan & Shiny


💢Mr Salvage, Liberty Lounger Extraordinaire 💥 "Today is Christmas (in July)!  Merry Christmas, everybody! I hope your NESARA dreams come true!"

💢 In other "Christmas Camping news", a dear friend who is connected with camping plans in Zurich was just informed by his Camp Director that they acquired a new Camp Counselor (paymaster) and to watch for their invitation email later today (for their group). Their goal is to begin the process for the campers to enjoy their adventures in the days to come. 

~ Ginger of the Liberty Lounge, Ambassador for God's Abundance with the New Earth Alliance 7.25.24

PIMPY: More dinar info that turns your brain into mush 07/25/24

Turki: The Americans will seriously consider withdrawing if the delegation succeeds in lifting the immunity of its advisors, 27 JULY

 Turki - The Americans will seriously consider withdrawing if the delegation succeeds in lifting the immunity of its advisorsInformation / Baghdad..

MP Ali Turki of the Sadiqoun parliamentary bloc said on Wednesday that the mission of the Iraqi military delegation negotiating to expel foreign forces from the country will be difficult.
Turki told Al-Maalouma Agency, “It is expected that the United States will delay the negotiations to prolong its presence, and this is clear from its statements in which it announced its desire to remain for a period of no less than three years.”
He believed that “the Iraqi military delegation currently in Washington to negotiate a schedule for the withdrawal of the international coalition forces led by the United States of America, faces a great responsibility and must exert pressure by all means to come up with a formula that guarantees the end of the American and international presence in Iraq within the period specified by Al-Sudani for one year.”
He called for “forcing the American delegation to accept lifting the immunity of American advisors that was granted by former Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari in 2014 when he requested the return of coalition forces to Iraq.”
Sources announced Iraq’s desire for the US-led coalition forces to begin withdrawing starting in September for a period of one year.


Thurs. 25 July 2024 MarkZ

 “Rumor implies that Bond Holders have been paid. Everything was settled yesterday Wed. 24 July and they get paid on Fri. 26 July. The currency side should go within 48 hours.”


 [via PDK] 

 Still hearing the timeline is set for the US drawdown of troops in Iraq. In other words…Iraqis will now be taking care of Iraq. There will still be troops in Iraq on the bases… safeguard the region….but not to handle the day to day stuff. 

Question:  ...should we be on stand by for Notification today?  MarkZ:  It’s absolutely possible. I would not rule it out.

 ...I very much think they [Iraq] have done everything they needed to do…I am still hearing July is very much still in play. 
What we know for a fact from folks on both the US side and the Iraqi side…is that there are very “top secret” meetings occurring right now in Wash D.C. with Iraqi folks about the removal of US troops and security units in Iraq.  This is one of the key things we were told to watch and it is occurring right now in D.C.


Al-Sudani Receives The Approval Of The Coalition Of Companies That Won The Investment Opportunity For The Baghdad Metro, 27 JULY

Local |  07/25/2024  Mawazine News – Baghdad  Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani received today, Thursday, the approval of the coalition of companies that won the investment opportunity for the Baghdad Metro.

Al-Sudani's office stated in a statement received by / Mawazine News /, that "the Prime Minister chaired, today, Thursday, a meeting dedicated to following up on the Baghdad Metro project, as His Excellency received the approval of the coalition of companies; Vaskhod & Wonter International Capital, which won the investment opportunity to design, implement, operate, maintain, finance and transfer ownership (DBOMFT) for the Baghdad Metro project, according to the specific criteria specified in the investment portfolio, and the coalition includes French, Spanish and Turkish companies, with a German bank."

According to the statement, Al-Sudani pointed out "the importance of this strategic project, the largest of its kind in the region, and what it means for a large city like Baghdad, with the latest international specifications, and in a manner that suits the service required to be provided, and keeps pace with future developments."

The statement added, "The negotiation process will start between the Baghdad Municipality, the Investment Authority and the coalition, to set the technical, financial and executive details of the contract, which the coalition won, according to the investment opportunity for the Baghdad Metro, stated in Cabinet Resolution No. (23374) for the year 2023.

The coalition includes the French groups Systra and SNCF, the Spanish companies Alstom, Talgo, and SENER, and Turkish companies specializing in construction, in addition to the German Deutsche Bank."

Friday, July 26, 2024


  Q & A

a. Question from acetone: Historical Precedents: Historically, redenominations typically affect all holders of the currency equally, regardless of their location.

Mnt Goat Answer: For the larger 3 zero notes inside Iraq the citizens will be given a time period to swap them out. There will be ONLY one IQD rate, get it? The first rate is a redenomination rate inside Iraq and it will be a change to  the official CBI rate, get it. Any banks outside Iraq will have to follow the same rate. This is why they placed a bookmark or linked rate on FOREX bak to the CBI official rate. Get it. It is already in place.

Inside Iraq this official rate will be greater than the dollar. This is why they are so concerned about the parallel rate vs the CBI official rate. They need to have the official rate over a dollar, not under. This is to suck in all these 3 zero notes. People will need an incentive. Get it? If the IQD is greater than the dollar why would the citizens not swap them out? If they don’t and hold on to them then that is what happens, when it happens. No one has a crystal ball and no one can force them to do anything. But the CBI told us there will be a deadline and inside Iraq for the general population these 3 notes will expire (not null and void, just expired), so there will be a deadline to turn them in. Remember at this point the IQD is NOT yet on FOREX. I have been saying this all along. This is a two-stage process. Did you listen to me? Go read my blog. Here is the link for the process again.


Q & A

Question from acetone: it is not my intention to annoy or alienate , however, your assertion that there will be no change in value in country but iqd note holders out of country will essentially be immune from the delete the zeros project as they will enjoy the face value of their notes applied against the respective forex rate. This is highly problematic for the following reasons: ( bla bla bla,)…. in short, purportedly massive amounts of IQD are being retained by Iraqis and held outside the banking system as such. what would motivate said Iraqi note holders residing in Iraq to turn in their 3 zero notes for the new redenominated notes?…

Answer from Mnt Goat: Guten tag acetone. To answer your question, I need to refer you to my blog section on how the Project to Delete the Zeros will work. Please click on the link.  

All the information you are seeking is there. Please spend some time and go read it. That is the purpose of my blog, to tell the TRUTH. Sorry I cannot personally hold hands and babysit thousands of people especially newbies to this investment. If you have a question already not addressed in my information presented, I will be most happy to address it. But thanks anyhow for the good questions, it shows you are concerned and can think for yourself. Good job! 😊 Remember there is a bit of common sense too we must apply here. I have been in the study of this for two decades and in close contact with the CBI since 2011.