Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Next Year: The Opening Of 3 International Airports, 24 JULY

  The first 07/21/2024  Baghdad: Batoul Al-Hassani

 Next year, the Ministry of Transport will open three new international airports within the southern and northern regions of the country.

Director of the Ministry's Media Office, Maytham Al-Safi, explained to Al-Sabah that the ongoing work through local and international companies within the international airports of Holy Karbala, Nasiriyah and Mosul is continuing at an increasing pace and according to the prepared and predetermined timetable for completion.

He revealed coordination with the Imam Hussein Shrine to implement and complete the Karbala International Airport project, which is considered one of the vital projects important to strengthen the aviation infrastructure in the country, as a British company is responsible for its construction at a total cost of $500 million.

 The airport is expected to receive six million visitors annually, making it the largest. in the country.

Al-Safi stated that work is underway at Nasiriyah Airport in Dhi Qar Governorate, by two companies, the

 first of which is Chinese and is carrying out its construction according to international standards, and the

second of Turkey is supervising the implementation, while the designs of Mosul Airport are being completed by a consulting party, in addition to the continuation of contracting, manufacturing and factory inspections. And training for navigational systems, devices and specialized equipment Consecutively.

He stressed that the three airports will be opened next year, which is expected to contribute significantly to

improving the air transport infrastructure in Iraq, in addition to

strengthening economic and tourism ties with various countries of the world and

opening new international destinations through them.

Can the VND and IQD Reach 1 to 1 Exchange Rates in the BRICS Gold-Backed Currency System? Yes They Can! BY AWAKE IN 3D, 24 JULY

The new game-changing financial shift that could raise the VND and IQD to new heights is coming. Here’s what you should know.

This is a written summary of the Endgame GCR Episode 2 Podcast with Marie G. and Awake-In-3D.

Episode 2 focuses on the BRICS currency model, particularly the gold-backed UNT system. The discussion aims to go deeper into this model, as previously discussed in Episode 1.

Episode 2 of the podcast centers on the idea of exchanging or redeeming GCR currencies and bonds for a higher exchange rate within the new gold-backed system. This system, referred to as the BRICS UNT or UNIT currency system, is designed to operate using gold backing.

Several assumptions are made for calculating currency rates within this system. These include using the price of gold per gram and considering the gold holdings of each BRICS country.

Variables such as the amount of gold each country possesses are factored in, despite some uncertainties. For instance, China’s gold purchases have continued in private channels despite official reports of cessation.

The UNT formula is composed of 40% gold and 60% currency basket. There are assumptions regarding the number and composition of the currencies in this basket. The global currency reset (GCR) aims to be gold-backed, seeking to achieve increased transparency and valuation based on each participating nation’s gold holdings.

The composition of the currency basket was also based on limited information from the UNT currency system white paper. Additionally, assumptions were made about the capabilities of digital platforms for exchanging UNT-based currencies.

The results from the calculations were impressive, even with the assumptions. The numbers and formulations were derived from the available data from BRICS and Russian government sources, resulting in fascinating insights.

In this segment, the discussion highlights the current members of the BRICS Plus alliance, which now includes ten countries: China, Russia, Brazil, India, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Iran, Egypt, and Ethiopia. Argentina, initially invited, rescinded its invitation.

Additionally, Iraq and Vietnam were mentioned but not included in the main analysis. Further detail on the IQD and VND exchange rates against a pure fiat currency (such as the USD, EUR, etc.) will be presented in a future episode of the Endgame GCR Podcast.

We present the latest gold reserves per country based on data from the International Gold Council and other sources. They acknowledge that China and Russia likely possess more gold than officially reported, as they are the largest gold producers globally.

For calculations, gold reserves are converted into grams. For instance, China has 2.262 billion grams of gold in reserves. The gold price per gram is also provided, with one gram of gold priced at 561 yuan in China and 6,765 rubles in Russia.

critical aspect discussed is the weighted average of each country’s share of gold. The total gold reserves for the BRICS countries amount to approximately 7.5 billion grams. Due to lack of data, Ethiopia’s gold reserves are not included.

China contributes 30% to the total gold reserves, while Russia contributes 31%, making them the largest contributors as seen in the chart below.

We then explain the formula for calculating the new gold-backed currency value, or purchasing power, based on the UNT system. The formula involves a 40% gold component and a 60% currency component.

Using China as an example, with a 30% share of the total gold reserves and the gold price of 561 yuan per gram, the calculation proceeds as follows:

  1. Calculate 40% of the gold component: 40% of 561 equals 224.4.
  2. Multiply the 30% share by the gold price: 30% of 561 equals 168.3.
  3. Take 40% of this value: 40% of 168.3 equals 67.32.

For the currency component, calculate 60% of the gold price:

  • 60% of 561 equals 336.6.

  • these components gives the value of one UNT in yuan:
  • 67.32 plus 336.6 equals 403.92, approximately 404 yuan per UNT.

Additionally, this translates to the gold value, where one UNT-based Yuan equals the equivalent value of 0.72 grams of gold.

These calculations are applied to other BRICS countries, providing a comparative understanding of how the UNT system will function. This detailed explanation aims to ensure transparency and accuracy, utilizing tangible data to the best of the our abilities.

In the final part of the discussion, we address the practical implications of the new gold-backed UNT system for international trade among BRICS Plus countries. They focus on how these countries will engage in trade without relying on fiat currencies or converting into U.S. dollars.

The BRICS Plus alliance includes China, Russia, Brazil, India, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Iran, Egypt, and Ethiopia. As these countries transition to the gold-backed UNT system, they will no longer use fiat currencies for transactions.

For example, if China buys oil from Russia, they will use the UNT system rather than converting currencies to U.S. dollars.

The new currency exchange rates under the UNT system are explained using specific examples. One UNT equals 404 yuan, and one UNT equals 4,900 rubles.

This establishes a new currency pairing system for trade. The exchange rate between the yuan and ruble under the gold-backed system indicates that one gold-backed yuan is slightly less than one gold-backed ruble because Russia’s gold holdings are slightly larger than China’s.

The chart shows various currency pairings, highlighting near-parity among them. For instance, the ruble to yuan exchange rate is 1.005, while the yuan to Indian rupee exchange rate is 1.19.

This near-parity across all participating currencies is significant, as it means that countries can trade almost one-to-one using the UNT system, which contrasts sharply with current disparities in fiat currency values.

A striking comparison is made between the IQD (Iraqi dinar) and the yuan. Currently, the IQD is valued at 1,310 to one U.S. dollar, and the yuan at 7.2 to one U.S. dollar.

Under the UNT system, these currencies achieve near-parity, with the IQD and yuan exchange rate around 0.84 to 1.16. 

This parity provides a more balanced and equitable cross-border trading environment.

The discussion also touches on the potential implications for global trade if BRICS countries engage with fiat currency-based economies like the U.S. or Europe.

The cost of using U.S. dollars for trade would be significantly higher compared to using the UNT system. This highlights the competitive advantage and cost-effectiveness of the gold-backed system for international transactions.

We emphasize that the UNT system will create purchasing power parity (PPP) between countries, leading to a more level playing field. This system could potentially reduce the wage disparity between workers in different countries by establishing more equal currency values.

In the conclusion of this podcast episode, we reflect on the broader implications of the UNT system for global finance. We discuss the potential for increased purchasing power and liquidity within the system, driven by the inherent arbitrage opportunities.

The transition to a decentralized, blockchain-based financial system is anticipated to enhance the efficiency and fairness of international trade, aligning with the goals of the global currency reset (GCR).

The podcast underscores the profoundly transformative potential of the gold-backed UNT system, highlighting its ability to establish a more equitable and balanced global economic landscape.

Excellent News For IQD Investors!🚩Rumors That New Rate is Out?!?🤔Dinar R...

Causing A Huge Financial Inflation.. Al-Saadi Identifies A Parliamentary "Point Of Contention" Regarding The Drug Law, 24 JULY

 Policy  2024-07-24 |404 views Alsumaria News - Special:  Today, Wednesday, the Deputy Chairman of the Parliamentary Legal Committee, Murtada Al-Saadi, revealed the most prominent differences with the Parliamentary Health Committee regarding the Drug Law, while he pointed out the position of the Ministry of Interior regarding the naming of the law.

Al-Saadi told Sumaria News: "I submitted the drug law proposal at the beginning of the session and we worked on it for more than a year. There were many hostings and its first reading was completed after our efforts with the parliamentary health committee"

He added that "there is a point of disagreement about naming the site and whether it will be an agency, a commission or a directorate," indicating that "the legal committee stresses that it should remain a general directorate for drugs and this is an important part. "

He pointed out that "parties in the Ministry of Interior are working hard to make it a body, and we objected to it because it will cause significant inflation and save huge sums of money, which will result in flabbiness like the rest of the bodies."

He explained that "the committee is now with the Ministry of Health and the vision is one to proceed with preparing the report and working to complete this important law and withdraw all the observations submitted by the representatives."

Earlier this month, the head of the Parliamentary Health Committee,    Majid Shankali, said that "the committee will work during the current legislative session on the first amendment   to the Narcotics Law of 2017." LINK

Coffee with MarkZ. 07/24/2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Happy hump day……hoping for a happy RV day soon……..

Member: Today is Hump Day so let's water this camel and head to the finish line...

MZ: Nothing negative…..just dry on the bond side…there are lots of rumors- just nothing worth repeating ….imo….  sometimes we see days like this.  If any of those rumors were true…you would already know it because we would be exchanging. 

Member: No news is better than fake news.

Member:  ​​Feels like 2 steps forward, 1 step back. Please let’s just go!

​​Member: At least the market is down almost 300 pts

Member:  ​​S&P 5005,473.42-82.32(-1.48%)Dow 3039,960.26-397.83(-0.99%)Nasdaq17,625.73-371.62

​​Member: Boards are blazing with this week or weekend but rumors are rumors until vetted

Member: Rumor from Bruce-notifications tomorrow?

Member: Hoping he is right. 

Member: Mark should we be on stand by for Notification today

MZ: It’s absolutely possible. I would not rule it out. 

Member: Mark. Have some trader friends that 2 years ago said I’m crazy thinking gold and commodities backed currencies..... told me yesterday they believe that is what’s going to happen

Member: (Fro dinar Guru) Guru Mnt Goat   Again, I have to ask as to why the reinstatement has not already occurred, if no other rate on FOREX than to reflect the assets of the oil rentier economy already established and ongoing as we know it prior to 1990.  Prior to 1990, the rate of the dinar was hovering around $3.22. So why are they still artificially suppressing the rate now? Now, it’s 1/6 of a penny? The war has been over for 21 years, all of Chapter VII sanctions are lifted a year and a half ago, Iraq is producing 1/3 more oil than in 1990, their monetary reserves are the highest in history, up to 150 tons of GOLD and many more other marketable assets are now in motion...  

Member: Who will the emails come from for notifications?

MZ: Totally Depends on where you signed up at to get notifications from. It could totally be different for you than it is for me.  Dinar Recaps, Chronicles , ect…... 

Member: The hard part for us we know the truth and we are impatient and want the truth to come out and this whole movie psyop whatever it is to end

Member: You're in a psyop stuck inside of a movie wrapped up in a reality show. Soon, it will be a documentary.

Member: The rats sure seem to be able to hold on. Roll credits please

Member: It looks as though we're headed into the home stretch!

Meber: Lord, we are weary, BUT we are ready !! Strengthen our resolve to help make this the world you wanted for us!

Member: Mark and Mods and PDK, thanks for all you guys do!

MZ: FYI- There will not be a Saturday podcast…..have visitors in town……

​​ Member: Blessings to All have a wonderful, wonderful day



Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )


Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.




  Latest from Mark Z ~ 7.23.24 

MZ: Some interesting historic bond stuff. I am hearing comforting things from the bond side and this is coming from many sources….that historic paperwork –especially on the Asian bonds was sent to the Hague.

 MZ: I am also hearing the only reason the RV did not go over the weekend was fights over the value of some old German bonds. But things are now “unstuck” and seems to be moving much quicker now that the current administration is no longer delaying things . They are too preoccupied to keep slowing and stopping things right now.



 [via PDK] 

 I am...hearing the only reason the RV did not go over the weekend was fights over the value of some old German bonds. But things are now “unstuck” and seems to be moving much quicker now that the current administration is no longer delaying things . They are too preoccupied to keep slowing and stopping things right now.

 I know of a lot of banks with meetingsAre they preparing for a banking crash? Are they preparing for a Re-valuation? What are they preparing for

  I don’t think it’s a banking crash because they keep opening up wealth management offices?  To me it makes more sense that they are preparing for a revaluation. 

 There is so much going on this morning. There are all these rumors that they have the rate - but we can’t go to the bank yet. So take them with a bit of salt...

Folks in Geneva and the WTO are dead quiet. If they are trying to keep the RV quiet like Kuwait-they may be trying to keep the WTO news quiet until they have taken some of us in…and announced things publicly.

The Impact of Dropping Zeros on Iraqi Currency: Explained by Frank #iraq...