Wednesday, July 24, 2024


 BRUCE BIG CALL JULY 23, 2024 VERY VERY SHORT NOTES  [7/23/2024 10:12 PM]

This is going to be an interesting week for us.  Alot is happening all around. Politically, wow... we have had quite a week. It will not get any easier. Do not be surprised if the EBS/EAS and the EWS comes up starting tomorrow or Thursday.  There is so much going on globally. The arrests did get finished globally, but still some in Canada. 

This is a time when things are coming together for us..... yesterday, talking to the redemption center and bank people. bank screens were not showing rates, but redemption center screens showed blinking rates  but today... 

it was opposite.   

Later today, the redemption centers, are showing solid rates but in gray scale: you cannot make out what rates are. 

But by around 9:30 EST we will  have solid rates on the screens at 9:30 a.m. Staff is being sent in as early as 10

Am and also 2 pm to cover the day.

 We could get notified tomorrow and start exchanges tomorrow.  Start Wed and go thru Saturday. We should get the 800 number emails.  If not tomorrow, then Thursday, but we should start tomorrow.

That is great news for us. This is what we are all looking forward to.  When you get the EAS and EWS that is designed to be cover for us.  So I am excited that is about to occur.  You have seen political change, and may be more soon. I am looking forward to getting started in way of notifications

The dinar has a contract rate. They are to offer that here in the USA to USA citizens.

 I can tell you it is very high.  ZIM holders are given priority.  You do get priority for Medbeds, as they want those of us who will be around to do our projects for many years, to have a shot to living longer than normal life span.

You should be looking forward to gaining longevity to see your projects to the future.

I will tell you, we have waited a long time for this, and this info I got is very positive, and believe we are at the point to start.

We do not know when emails will come, but we know bondholders are to be notified tomorrow and have access to funds by Thursday.   I believe we will be starting tomorrow for exchange, and maybe start Wed or Thursday. Look for your emails.


Coffee with MarkZ. 07/24/2024

Tuesday Evening Chat With MarkZ , 24 JULY

Tuesday Evening Chat With MarkZ 

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Hello Mark MODS and Everyone

Member: Have to ask….Are we there yet??? Lol

MZ: “After 20 years is Iraq making progress to join the WTO?”  Well we are hearing this is sqared away and there should be an announcement in the next day or two. This is part of what we are getting rumor-wise right now. 

MZ: What we know for a fact from folks on both the US side and the Iraqi side…..,is that there are very “top secret” meetings occurring right now in Wash D.C. with Iraqi folks about the removal of US troops and security units in Iraq.  This is one of the key things we were told to watch and it is occurring right now in D.C.

MZ: And news from the WTO is it’s a “wrap” …and they are keeping it under wraps.

MZ: And if 1/10th of the bond rumors I am hearing today are accurate…..then people all over the world are starting to see spendable dollars. The question is – are the rumors accurate or not? 

MZ: I am hearing this from so many different sides now that it makes me feel warm and fuzzy. But we still can’t go to the bank yet… please stay calm and grounded when you hear this news. I can only imagine how nuts the dinar boards are right now. 

MZ: But, until we get the notice that is good to go…and we get to go to the banks….stay calm. But I can tell you this bond chatter is through the roof with rumors of dollars moving ect…..

Member: how long will we have to exchange...

Member: We were told about 10 days to make appointments and at least 30 days to exchange. 

MZ: “Trial starts for Vietnam Tycoon in $146 million graft case” They are going hard after anybody with graft and corruption. Mostly millionaires and billionaires. Is this Vietnams way of collecting money from private individuals or are they cleaning things up before the reset?  I don’t know what to tell you on this…yet. That we are seeing this tells me Vietnam is preparing for something. I suspect they are preparing for an RV. 

Member: Was at a salon getting a pedicure-The owner John is from Vietnam. He mentioned lots of things happening in his native country….Lots of corrupt politicians getting ousted and arrested. 

MZ: That makes me feel better. 

MZ: The bigger news is “China sells 68% of US Treasuries –Wha’ts next?”  This is a great one by fastepo who details all the countries unloading their treasuries.  What does that do? It brings them all home…all of that fiat money rushing back to the US.  

Member: That just could crash the system…….fingers crossed. 

Member: Mark - bank story. Small-town, n.e. TN. Went to a bank in Walmart to repair torn $20. Said to teller, "They don't make money like they used to." She said, "New currency is sturdier!" She's held it!

Member: Bank story from another channel last night. A lady went to a WF bank in Texas and the bank manager gave her the time and rate. He had to turn away from the camera while talking to her. 

MZ: I like that story…I am looking forward to call this a wrap. 

Member: I want to know the time and rate!!   So wonder -what was it?

Member: is this ever going to happen???

Member: I think instead of complaining , we need to consider Thanking God for our Blessings. Let's try to encourage each other, we're all going thru this together.

Member: Keep those thought positive. 




Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )


American procrastination and Iraqi insistence.. Parliament announces: Foreign forces cannot remain - Urgent, 24 JULY

 Today, Wednesday (July 24, 2024), the representative of the Al-Fatah Alliance, Mukhtar Al-Moussawi, praised the government’s insistence and seriousness in resolving the issue of expelling foreign forces from Iraq.

Al-Moussawi said in an interview with "Baghdad Today", "The Iraqi government headed by Mohammed Shia al-Sudani is serious and determined to end the file of removing foreign forces from all Iraqi territories as soon as possible, and for this reason it is negotiating with the American side at a very high pace."

He added, "Certainly, the American side is seeking to procrastinate and delay, but in return there is an Iraqi government will to resolve the issue, supported politically and popularly, and it is not acceptable in any way for any foreign force to remain under any name."

Although it was announced that ending the mission of the international coalition in Iraq was one of the most important topics of Al-Sudani’s visit to Washington, which took place in mid-April, the bulk of the talks, discussions and signed memoranda of understanding focused on creating or moving the relationship from the security aspect to other development aspects, but it did not include ending security cooperation completely, while American statements deny any talk or intention to withdraw completely from Iraq.  link


 Tues. 23 July 2024 Wolverine

  • “I am so excited. The Precatorios Platform was made liquid today. We are talking millions of people. Private contractors are also being paid. I also heard that more have been called into Zurich. My Asian contact said that their platform starts on Wed. 24 July.”
  • “I have been crying a lot and full of happiness. What a day to wake up to. I received a call at 5 am this morning and listened to the yells and screams of joy from leaders in the Precotorious group! It is mindboggling that all this has been released at last. They will be blessed in a few days onto a digital wallet.  It is a Stablecoin, so they do not have to worry as that particular crypto goes down.  There will also be debit cards from wallets.  No bank will have hold on their money from a bank account. It has been absolutely phenomenal on that platform Thanks to Brazil people will enough oxygen to breathe and not worry about the help they need so much.
  • Last night, a certain country in Asia is about to release today. China as well.  They are about to be released as well. Listen to Wolvie he knows !  This is the week we have waited for – FOR all of us!!!!
  • Zurich Source -I was told that there was a big meeting of the London Committee this morning. Everything is in progress. Waiting for the start of activities tomorrow Wed. 24 July.
  • A committee member in London confirmed that funds will be released this afternoon in Reno and payments tomorrow Wed. 24 July.  That is, has the delivery and return of the trigger contracts been completed or is it still pending? Pending.
  • If what Zurich and London say is correct, activation payments will begin tomorrow Wed. 24 July.  Reno has liquid funds.  They received instructions to pay tomorrow morning 1. Farmers-2-Elderly -3 Platforms.
  • On Wednesday, to pay the ‘whales’.
  • On Thursday D-1-D-2 will be released.  The platforms will receive their funds tomorrow, but they must wait for D1 and D2 to go live on Thursday.  Dubai 1 and Dubai 2 provide all the money for the exchange and although the Platforms can receive your funds and send contracts, notices, etc.,
  • God bless you all we have finally arrived. This is the news guys. We have finally arrived. Give a big hug to your family, wife, husband, sons and daughters, we have finally arrived. This is the week we have been waiting for. And at last, Precatorios is released for millions.  We have finally arrived. God Bless you.
  • Five years on this, almost six years, has taken lots of toll on my health, lost my hearing as well, and I need those med beds, and hoping those will be available soon. I will be traveling very soon guys. Very soon. I will leave the channel to Carpathia and that is all from me. Have a beautiful day, love you guys, with all my heart. Wolverine.
  • “What are Precatorios? Around 2018, a pilot test was carried out in Brazil where funds were delivered to several holders, as part of their negotiations of financial instruments. These funds were blocked without legal justification, to which the beneficiaries responded with a lawsuit. When a ruling was not received within the stipulated time, a legal resource called Precatoria was used, which had a successful result. Because of this, the program was named that way. As within the transaction the humanitarian issue or donations are required, this is where the opportunity to participate in this program arises.
  • At this moment there is a start in Brazil, for the beneficiaries of this process. We must take into account the respective travel times to each representative according to their Region, then to each leader and continuing with the lists, it takes time to organize the logistics, which is why we cannot establish exact dates.
  • The processes was in the final stretch. The main representatives were already in training and organization to give the pass to the nations and in turn the different representatives of each nation are developing tests on the lists depending on their logistics, to have effective deliveries and fast and above all legally, for the support of each recipient.

Chase Bank Fixed Exchange Rates Of Iraqi Dinar At $3.22 Today 2024🔥iraqi...

International Development Bank announces the opening of a bank deposit account, 24 JULY

 Economy News — Baghdad

The International Development Bank announced, on Tuesday, the opening of a deposit account (investment, term) to serve the Iraqi family.

The bank said in a statement that “based on our belief in providing the best banking services to the bank’s customers and employing the chunkened cash mass in the service of the national economy, the International Development Bank continues to invest in opening a deposit account and according to customer requirements in terms of the link period.”

He added that “these accounts provide financial returns of up to 10% per year, and are paid monthly from the value of the deposit, as well as entering the monthly draw, which includes valuable cash prizes.”

He stressed that “the owner of the investment deposit receives free life insurance and facilities when you want to obtain a loan guaranteed by the deposit as well as a credit card provided free to the account holder.”

The bank explained that “the funds will be used to serve the country and be safe and guaranteed by the Iraqi company to guarantee the deposits approved by the Central Bank of Iraq, in addition to the benefits obtained by the holder of this account, which represents a product that is harmonious and the need of the Iraqi family looking to employ its money in the appropriate and safe place and benefit from rewarding monthly returns that raise the standard of living.”'

DINAR REVALUATION REPORT: Parliamentary Finance Committee's Visit to Erbil: A Focus on Non-Oil Revenues, 19 SEPT

  Parliamentary Finance Committee's Visit to Erbil: A Focus on Non-Oil Revenues In September 2024, the Iraqi Parliamentary Finance Commi...