Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Breaking News: New Dinar Rates Update! Is It Finally Happening?#iraqidin...

3 Years Without Achievement.. Iraq Wastes Its Renewable Energies And There Is No "Seriousness" In Exploiting Them ,23 JULY

 Economy News – Baghdad   In 2021, the Iraqi government launched the Solar Energy and Emissions Reduction Initiative, and in 2022 confirmed its support, but it does not appear to be effective or fully completed to date.

The initiative stipulates the installation of solar energy systems on the roofs of state institutions, and the amount allocated for it is 90 billion Iraqi dinars for five years to support the national grid.

The Iraqi government sought to solve the electricity problem by contracting with major countries and companies in the field of renewable energy, including signing agreements with Arab and foreign companies to establish solar power projects in Iraq, but its efforts faltered, which keeps the wealth of solar energy under-exploited.

Energy expert Murtadha Hatem says, “Launching an initiative to support energy and reduce emissions through solar energy in Iraq is an important step towards achieving sustainable development and preserving the environment.”               

He added, "Relying on solar energy contributes to reducing dependence on fossil fuels, which ensures greater sustainability of energy sources, and reduces price fluctuations associated with oil prices."

He explains that "solar energy is a clean source of energy that helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality, which is important in confronting climate change," indicating that "reducing dependence on energy imports from abroad and increasing local production enhances the country's energy security."

He added, "Developing solar energy projects can provide many job opportunities in the fields of design, installation, and maintenance, in addition to stimulating innovation and investment in clean technology."

 Hatem confirms that “Iraq has abundant solar resources that can be exploited to provide sustainable and cheap energy, which contributes to improving the energy infrastructure.”

 He explained that “launching solar energy initiatives reflects the government’s commitment to shifting towards a green and sustainable economy, which enhances Iraq’s position in the international community as an environmentally responsible country.”

 Journalist and renewable energy expert Ali Naji says, “All the systems that were built in all their forms on the roofs of state institutions before this initiative were not successful and almost failed, including those installed on departments related to renewable energy.”

 He added, "There are instructions from the Civil Defense that specify the hours of use of renewable energy during official working hours only, which means there are losses in operating solar systems from the moment of sunrise until the moment of the start of official working hours and connecting the system to the national grid," explaining, "Generation losses from the end of working hours until sunset, due to the national grid being cut off after the end of working hours, in addition to holidays and occasions when it is out of service."

 He added, "Installing these systems on the roofs of buildings will hinder the process of roof maintenance in the event of damage," stressing that "these departments do not have sufficient personnel to manage and maintain these solar systems, and even if they are trained, partial training is not sufficient and does not cover the requirements of these systems."

 Regarding the obstacles that hinder the success of the initiative, Ali Naji explains that “these systems should be placed on the outskirts of cities in the form of farms (solar energy farms) divided into five regions, for example, between the northern, central and southern regions, as is the case in Egypt, the Emirates and others,” noting that “the number of employees to maintain them will be less and easier to control, in addition to these farms being planted with trees, which will increase afforestation operations.”

 He added, "The systems are connected in two ways: to the national grid, and also to charge batteries to support areas in the event of a lack of electricity or a lack of electricity supply."

Iraq, whose infrastructure is in shambles after decades of conflict and chronic corruption in public administrations, needs more than 32,000 megawatts to cover its needs, but the country's power plants produce only about 24,000 megawatts.

 On March 12 of last year 2023, Oil Minister Hayan Abdul-Ghani announced that preparations were underway to launch the first solar energy project in Iraq, with a capacity of about 1,000 megawatts, which coincided with the state’s efforts to enhance its investments in the renewable energy and natural gas sector.

Despite this need, renewable energy remains underutilized, with Iraq enjoying just over 3,000 hours of sunshine out of 8,700 hours per year. Meanwhile, more than 98 percent of Iraq’s electricity is generated by fossil fuels, according to a World Bank report.

 To encourage residents to install solar energy systems, the Central Bank of Iraq announced in 2022 the allocation of one trillion dinars (about $750 million) to secure subsidized loans for the private sector, including homes and private companies. But according to renewable energy specialists, this project is faltering due to the lack of cooperation from banks.

 Over the past years, Iraq has relied on Iran for electricity supplies, importing 1,200 megawatts, as well as gas fuel to feed local power plants.

 This year, the Iraqi News Agency quoted the authority’s advisor, Rahim al-Jaafari, as saying, “There are serious and practical steps to produce electricity from solar energy, as a plan has been developed to produce about 12,000 megawatts by the end of 2030,” adding that “it has been approved by the Council of Ministers.”

 The Ministry of Environment has identified 3 types of pollution, including waste, that represent a challenge during the current stage in Iraq, calling for the adoption of modern technologies and renewable and clean energy as an alternative to fossil fuels. 

85 views 07/23/2024 - https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=45489



Now that Iraq is meeting in Washington and Netanyahu is wanting to go to DC, you have to figure that Israel is involved behind the scenes in these meetings planning their attack on the Iranian proxies. 



Funny how America and Iraq copy each other. Dems and Rino’s going nuts because President Trump is safe and will lead to their exposure and demise. Similarly, Maliki in Iraq is going nuts trying to stop the reforms and ascension into the WTO, because he and his bastard goons know this is the end of them and their corrupt ways forever. 

All Sudani needs to do is go to the border and talk to our military and tell them what’s up and let them go into parliament and pull out all the corrupt goons and this all ends. He is smart and most likely this will be his next course of action. 



The US is giving Iraq one week to pick a new speaker of the house. Next week they’ll finally have one.

 That coupled with the talks to join the WTO brings us another step closer to the RI. Ultimately it’s all a stall tactic until Israel does their part. See you in September. 



NADER FROM MID EAST: Iraq bank sector

Oil And Gas Law Stuck In Parliament's Drawers, 23 JULY

 Iraq   08:07 - 2024-07-23   Political differences and the absence of consensus since the first session of the House of Representatives have kept the draft oil and gas law stuck in the parliament’s drawers.

In each session, conflicts have prevented its approval in its final form. Five parliamentary sessions have passed and the law has not been released to this day.

The parliamentary Oil, Gas and Natural Resources Committee expects the law to be postponed to the next parliamentary session due to ongoing disagreements.

Ali Al-Lami, a member of the parliamentary Oil and Gas Committee, says that one of the reasons for obstructing the approval of the Oil and Gas Law is the ongoing disagreements between the governments of Baghdad and Erbil.

He adds that his committee sent the law to the government at the beginning of the current parliamentary session, but we do not expect it to be approved during the current session, as it requires study and reading, suggesting that the law will be postponed to the next parliamentary session.

For her part, Zainab Al-Moussawi, a member of the parliamentary oil and gas committee, says that the law is almost complete, and to a high degree, but there are some objections regarding some points, which are summarized in the delivery of oil revenues and exploited and unexploited natural resources to Baghdad.

Al-Moussawi adds that the oil and gas law is concerned with organizing the country's natural resources and exploiting the largest possible amount of undiscovered oil fields.

She points out that the law will also contribute to achieving self-sufficiency in oil derivatives and optimal exploitation of wasted natural resources, estimated at hundreds of billions of dollars, which contribute to diversifying the state's financial resources.

The draft of the oil and gas law in Iraq available to parliament stipulates that the responsibility for managing the country's oil fields should be entrusted to a national oil company.

Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani had previously confirmed that the draft oil and gas law is one of the basic and important laws, and represents a factor of strength and unity for Iraq. It has been pending for years, at a time when the country is in dire need of its legislation and to benefit from this natural wealth in all fields and sectors, in addition to the contribution of the legislation of the law in solving many of the outstanding problems.

He explained that there are governorates that have not invested their wealth, which is a negative thing for development efforts in all their paths.  https://kirkuktv.net/AR/Details/21690



I must admit the wonders crossing my mind with so little time weekly that this room is open that the membership numbers continue to climb....  You folks are amazing.  The banker is still hopeful we exchange before months end but folks way above his paygrade are causing the delays as everything needed to exchange has been accomplished mechanically.  Kick this around or bring additional intel you have heard to the table.

The banker is traveling back to Texas on Wednesday and is hopeful for a Thursday announcement with appointment scheduling to follow thru the weekend, we shall see.



I am very much looking forward to a phone call at the end of our church Bible study class in the morning based upon all the issues I have had presented to me today, hopefully the banker will finally have a window with a specific date.


Text just recv'd from banker indicating the anticipated message may come in a little later in the day but he would advise ASAP after he gets it.

Everyone please remember our Sunday is there Monday

For thosew members who wish to visit will open until the local news starts.

Truly appreciate all you folks for joining have no idea how so many have heard of this site but feel we are truly close to the end, stay well, confident and pray this event in, GOD Bless


MILITIAMAN: Iraq Dinar-Prime Minister Advisors-Saleh-Al-Nusairi-Facts bringng facts-...


Summary The Iraqi Dinar has a complex history, marked by inflation, economic sanctions, and recent efforts for stabilization and growth . Hi...