Thursday, July 18, 2024

Good news for Kurdistan factories.. Agreement between Erbil and Baghdad on “tax exemption” and subsidized fuel

 Shafaq News/ The Ministry of Finance in the Kurdistan Regional Government announced on Thursday that an agreement had been reached regarding the tax exemption in effect in the region.

The ministry stated in a statement received by Shafaq News Agency, “After the visit of the Supreme Committee for Tax Regulation in the Federal Government to the Kurdistan Region and the meeting with the Minister of Finance, the delegation from both sides reached an agreement on several points.”

The statement added that the agreement included “recognition of the tax exemption for the Kurdistan Region by the federal government, which was previously ignored.”    

Also; “Solving the problem of Kurdistan factories who previously paid taxes under the pretext that their products were sold in southern and central Iraq, but from now on, factories in Kurdistan must pay taxes on their income in Kurdistan only.” 

The statement added that the agreement included “solving the problem of supplying fuel to the Kurdistan Region’s factories at subsidized prices, and agreeing to unify tax collection procedures within a joint mechanism,” noting “adopting the main headquarters as the basis for collecting taxes.”

According to the statement, “it was agreed to coordinate and take appropriate measures to prevent tax evasion.”



  • Wed. 17 July 2024 Wolverine
  •  “Bond Holders are getting paid. Private Contractors are getting paid. Reno said it has started. I was told it was released to the Pentecostal Group. Absolutely it is our week, but it is a process and Tier4b may not have it until next week.”

Sun. 14 July 2024 Wolverine

“It has started. This report came through today (Sun. 14 July): “Zurich, London, Toronto and Reno now confirm activation ends today (Sun. 14 July), with payments held on Monday (15 July). Most platforms will send notification over the weekend and start payments on Tues. (16 July). Reno actually started payments (to Whales) yesterday (Sat. 13 July). Ok. Have a beautiful day.”



MS. RODRIGUEZ: We wait for the green light.  I wish I could go now to the bank to trigger the light, to redeem, but when you look at this globally, there is a time that it is meant to happen.  But the war came with Russia, then things were delayed  - the time has to be properly prepared.   Anytime soon - it can happen, tomorrow or tonight, remember we must never lose our hope and to have faith.  All this is for only the Chosen Ones, as you were chosen for this.   If they know you are a bad person you cannot receive this blessing. 

 The white hats know about the trolls in the room.  All the cabal elite and corrupt people, you will be eliminated if you are not part of the Chosen One. We are going to begin a new one thousand years starting this year of 2024 Jan. The old one thousand years is gone.  This is the new generation we are facing now.  All the corrupt, all the evil, the dark side, they will not succeed.   So many are already gone.  President Trump is one of the chosen to lead the country to lead the USA. My job is global, those with me are Russia and China, and we will all work together for the best of humanity.  All happening now is for all humankind.  We are the chosen.   I want to congratulate all of you! 

WOLVERINE:  Are Medbeds real?


MS. RODRIGUEZ:  The Medbeds were given to us, and the cabal hid it because it will kill the pharmaceutical business.  Who does not want this opportunity?   Pharmaceutical and medical do not like this.  When the new cure appears for the people they will disappear The medbeds are funded by the Rodriquez Trust as well is Nesara and Gesara . This is an incredible invention that is real.  It is already happening in South America now, and other quiet places in the country.  It is 100% real.  It will be coming. The minute the RV comes out the Medbeds come out.


WOLVERINE: I spoke with the medbeds rep in Colombia, and he said the beds are ready. As soon as the RV is ready they will be ready, but they  need more beds, because at this time ther are only 2000 in the country, and they need enough for 30 million people in the country. 

MS. RODRIGUEZ:  I am infinite money.   No ending type of money. I hold this infinite money to fund all the globe - the money is never ending.  When it comes to money for humanity for all cures for the sick, and to help the poor, it will all happen.   

WOLVERINE: Thank you, Elizabeth. Thank you for all this information.  

MS. RODRIGUEZ: The Chosen Ones are chosen to go to Redemption.  You are all chosen to go to the redemption center.   

A NOTE FROM CARPATHIA:  Today, We have received the most encouraging news from our Wolverine and important information from our most honored Guest, Elizabeth Rodriguez Ruiz. 

We are now on the cusp of our dreams, dreams that we have prayed for with all our hearts for a very long time Not one time have we thought of giving up, and soon my dear friends, we will stand in the arena of Victory, where God will lead each of us on our destined path into a New World where hope and faith rule the day. All the good things we have waited for are just around the corner.  Be proud for never giving up on yourselves and your dreams. 

 Love to you All, Carpathia



Iraq is having its third meeting in its efforts to join the WTO. To do that you typically have to return to the international stage, which includes an RI. 

There is a difference between deleting the three zeros and a project to delete the three zeros. The first just retires a note, aka a lop. Iraq isn’t doing that. 

The second one involves passing all the important laws, reforming all the notes to create small notes and coins, return to the international state, etc. Please know the difference between the two. 


Iraqi Dinar Guru News Highlights (7/17/24)

MP: Parliament will continue to pass laws until a new president is elected

 Kamel Anid Al-Akeili, a member of the Iraqi parliament, reaffirmed on Wednesday that legislation will be passed by the legislature up to the election of a new president.

Al-Akeili stated that “the House of Representatives will resume its regular sessions next week, headed by Mohsen Al-Mandalawi, normally, indicating that the laws included on the agenda will be passed without any delay.”

He stated that “the council will continue to hold its regular sessions until a replacement for the dismissed president, Mohammed al-Halbousi, is elected.”




What I can say is this: There is a load of pressure on Iraqis to remain quiet on what they are being told and what they are able to do at present. 

They have their rate - and all I can say is it is close to rumors you are hearing (the low ones however not the huge double digit ones) They have been using this rate for some time in contracts (IN country) since the first of the year basically.

Iraq is waiting on the Treasury to give the go sign...and the Gazette issue is also being kept quiet - but remember it is not necessary for it to be published - beforehand, in order for us to know before we go. Is it possible it will be before? Yes but not necessary. That is really all I can say without getting people in trouble and I refuse to do that.



💢 Birdieorbust, Liberty Lounger Extraordinaire 💥 adds to the conversation as to what Frank surmised Al Sudani said to the Iraqi People. Remember, Birdie knows her stuff!! She's got family inside Iraq, (just as my other friend does, whom we've shared details from.) 7.11.24 

💢 Birdieorbust: I can tell you one thing Sudani said to them...

"This is not my fault. WE are waiting on the US Treasury." 

💢 Ginger: Remember the Mil Alliance and Celestial Alliance are pacing this out. 

I've told you all along - it matters not what the Guru News Network is saying. We're still waiting for the trigger event(s). When others were calling for notifications "today/tomorrow/this weekend", I told you it wasn't ready yet. I explained there was more to come. 

Watch for it. It's coming. Everything is pointing to the surge of action incoming. Just like the Celestial Alliance explained (Chronicles of an Ambassador Part 6) the domino effect will happen rapidly. Eyes - circumspectly. 

~ Ginger, Ambassador for God's Abundance with the Celestial Alliance ~ 7.11.24

"Project to delete zeros from the currency is still in place"

Leader in the Framework: Washington moved to abort the amendments to the Personal Status Law, 19 SEPT

  Issam Al-Kriti, who is in charge of the Coordination Framework, said on Wednesday that Washington tried three times to stop the changes to...