Thursday, July 18, 2024

This is the volume of our trade with Iran.. An economist reveals the reasons for the dollar problem inside Iraq

 Economic expert, Munir Al-Abidi, revealed today, Tuesday (July 16, 2024), the volume of trade between Iraq and Iran, while indicating that the dollar problem in Iraq is not due to official trade.

Al-Obaidi said in a clarification he published on Facebook, which was followed by "Baghdad Today", "The Iranians say that our trade with Iraq during three months amounts to 3 billion dollars, distributed as 1.2 billion to meet the need for gas, 700 million dollars for electricity, while 200 dollars are for food, and another 200 million for iron trade."

He added, "This means that the value of food and iron during the year amounts to only 1.5 billion dollars annually," indicating that "some say that our trade with Iran amounts to 12 or 14 billion dollars, which is the reason for the dollar crisis."

Al-Obaidi said, "Our official trade for the private sector does not exceed 3 billion dollars with Iran and does not exceed 300 million dollars with Syria," stressing that "the problem with the dollar is not the official trade with Iran and Syria."

He pointed out that "the problem of the demand for dollars in the local market is to cover the needs of other types of informal and illegal trade, most notably drugs," stressing that "all this fuss, crying and wailing in the channels is to reopen the money channels for this trade  link


 Fnu Lnu   

[Response to Guru Henig post 3-16-2024 below] The taxation issue is not complex and I  have it directly from the taxing authority (IRS) and an agent within the IRS. The taxation will be a matter of choice (YOU DECIDE).  You may either pay tax as "REGULAR INCOME" or as Capital Gains. YOU CHOOSE! Depending on your structuring for tax  advantages...Regular Income is the easiest way to deal with the income/profits as it is amenable with classic Asset  Protection ...The notion that you must have receipts is not true because you can choose Regular Income. 

  It is also not true that one must have a receipt or pay 40-50% in taxes. The tax code is  written for both kinds of people. Those who pay taxes and those who do not. Guess which side the rich are on? They use Asset defer and liabilities and anyone can do it...Do not be misled. Consult an ASSET PROTECTION ATTORNEY and forget the rest of what you hear and read. 

Significant Dates Between Now - 7/20🚩All Info Signals GO for RI!🤔Dinar R...

Iraq and Vietnam discuss tea farm mechanisms and ways to develop them

  The General Company for Foodstuff Trading at the Ministry of Trade discussed with the Vietnamese side the mechanisms of the tea farm and ways to develop it.

The Ministry of Trade's media stated in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA), that "the General Company for Foodstuff Trading at the Ministry of Trade held a joint meeting (online) today, Tuesday, with the Vietnamese side to discuss the mechanisms of the tea farm's work and ways to develop it, headed by its Director General, Lama Al-Moussawi, in the presence of the departments of financial, legal and import affairs." 

Al-Moussawi said, according to the statement, that "the meeting discussed the mechanisms that would develop the work by introducing modern mechanization in the packaging and sorting processes of tea types prepared for marketing, in addition to purchasing new plants to increase production,"

Indicating that "during the meeting, the Vietnamese side was asked to prepare technical and financial studies regarding the development of the work, which expressed its satisfaction with the level of accuracy and transparency in the dealings adopted by the General Company for Foodstuff Trading, which contributed to obtaining positive results for both parties."   link



 What's the biggest part of the HCL being announced to the citizens? 

 It's not the oil rights or the  money the citizens are going to receive.  It's about who controls the oil of Iraq...Just a few years ago it was Iran that was in full control of their oil.  Full control of their money.  Full control of their CBI, their auctions.  Today Sudani is in full control of everything in Iraq.  That is extremely important in order for us to have what they want and what we want and what the  international world is about to receive.

 Here's the video [below].  Do you see a 50,000 Iraqi note?  Do you see the 3-zeros have been slashed off the 50,000 note?  Isn't that wonderful? Educating the citizens.  Those of you who understand Arabic enjoy! Woohoo!  It's not a secret anymore.  Everybody knows...It's from the Saudi Arabia area.  Quote "The project to delete zeros from the currency is still in place.  It was confirmed by the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq...It means the value of 1,000 note is 1,000 dinars and will be replaced by a note worth one dinar of the new currency."

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Video that Frank showed tonight: “The project to delete zeros from the currency is still in place" , 18 JULY


Tishwash:  this video is not coming from the CBI or iraq   this video is from Saudi Arabia just fyi

Video that Frank showed tonight

This is the information they have typed below the video on Youtube

“The project to delete zeros from the currency is still in place,” this was confirmed by the Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, in his latest statements about the project to delete three zeros from the Iraqi dinar. So what does that mean?

The policy of deleting zeros from the currency means, for example, that the value of a one-thousand note is 1,000 dinars, and will be replaced by a note worth one dinar of the new currency.

Iraq is not the only country that resorts to the policy of deleting zeros from the currency, but there are seventy-70 cases that the world has witnessed since the year one thousand nine hundred and sixty 1960, including

Türkiye: Deleted six zeros from its currency in 2005

Zimbabwe: deleted twelve 12 zeros from its currency in 2009.

And Venezuela: Five zeros were deleted in 2018

 But how will the Iraqi economy be affected by deleting the zeros if it is implemented? Although the actual value of the money that people own does not change after deleting the zeros, this step contributes to simplifying the buying and selling processes for individuals and companies.

It makes financial amounts simpler and more understandable. Instead of dealing with huge numbers such as one million 1,000,000 Iraqi dinars, they can be converted into one thousand 1,000 dinars only after deleting three zeros.

Removing zeros may also help in issuing small currencies such as coins, enabling small commodities to be repriced at lower prices. It gives a positive psychological boost to citizens that the Iraqi dinar can now buy more goods and services.

Therefore, countries aim by deleting the zeros to restore confidence in the local currency among citizens and investors

The demand for it increases, and the local currency becomes more competitive with foreign currencies and its exchange for other currencies decreases.

 The policy of deleting zeros is often linked to broader economic reforms, such as raising interest rates on bank deposits, to encourage people to save within banks and benefit from high interest on their bank deposits, in an attempt to withdraw liquidity from the market, reduce consumption and decline in prices.

Then exploit this liquidity to expand productive projects, attract local and foreign investments within the country and create many job opportunities to eventually revive the local economy.

But on the other hand, deleting the zeros may cost Iraq money to print new banknotes to no avail. For example, after eliminating 3 zeros from the Iraqi dinar, when we talk about a 200 dinar banknote, it is actually equivalent to 200,000 dinars.

 Therefore, it may be necessary to print 4 more 50 dinar notes instead of the 50,000 dinar note.

However, this may not have a clear impact on improving the local economy if it is not part of an economic reform package that helps reduce the amount of money circulating among people and stimulate the economy.

Especially since Iraq's economy is an oil economy that needs to stimulate other productive sectors to drive the local economy

Could deleting the zeros from the Iraqi dinar be a real start to stimulating Iraq's economy?

Bruce’s Big Call, 18 JULY

 Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-16-24

Transcribed by WiserNow

Welcome everybody to the big call. It is Tuesday, July 16th  and you’re listening to the big call- Thanks everybody for tuning in –  the SAT team for connecting us around the globe with millions of listeners, that have been  targeted specifically  as currency holders – We know that actually the call is targeted to – nobody else has that but we have it – and I’m glad we do – Thank you, everybody that is listening with Big Call Universe Thank you Sue and Bob for being here  to  co-host with me

And let’s go into the Intel – Talk about what’s going on. Where we are, well, we’re looking very, very strong right now. The  sources we’ve talked to are talking about this going by the 18th, which is Thursday, today is Tuesday.

That means we should get notified  between now and Thursday, we know quadrillions of dollars have been moving around as of probably before today, but we know today. We know that bond holders are to receive emails tomorrow that would give them access to their accounts on Thursday, the 18th  we know that we should receive our email either over night  or in the morning tomorrow, or sometime tomorrow, in which case we respond  – we set up our appointments and we start exchanges either tomorrow or either on Thursday.

So this is really a great opportunity for us right now it’s terrific. Let’s see what else we’ve got relevant –  we have strong contacts, two contacts that are Iraqi citizens, that are in touch with high up people in Iraq, and they are telling us that the visit that the budget and  rate of the Iraqi dinar will be published in tomorrow’s Gazette, which is Wednesday, the normal published day in Iraq, we are expecting to see that published tomorrow.

So this is the time which is very serious for us to look for our emails tomorrow and be prepared to set your appointment to start Thursday. That seems to be the case – and look the 18th   Is a date that has been decided on to have this start by.

It’s also the date that NESARA is theoretically designed to begin – and for Jeannie and everybody else. If you’re a zim holder, then you should be receiving your restitution and reclamation allowance, which we call R&R. You should receive that at the time of your exchange and redemption of zim  – so that is a bonus for us.

Now let’s say you’re not a currency owner. You should receive your R&R by the end of July. So we, who are zim holders have a little advantage there to get it at the time of our exchange – That’s really good news.

I cannot speak to the increase in Social Security  – we’re over halfway through the month, so I don’t know if that’s something that we’re looking at this month or next month – later could be increased, I’m really not that concerned – but it’ll come when it comes, but we have to be concerned with is getting the toll free number, setting the appointment and going in for our exchange.

Now let’s talk about zim holders. Zim holders, as you can imagine, because of the denomination –  the currency itself of high priority. In fact, Zim holders, who have projects – who plan to be around for a while have priority on going in the med beds – Now – those with dire need, I’m one of them, will also have priority going into med beds – and not too long after the exchange appointment. So I’m very excited about that, and looking forward to that, and I think you should be also.

 So – rates have been going back up, they were fluttering. They were not solid the last couple of days, Bank screens yesterday, at 9am rates were fluctuating. At 1pm at the redemption centers, they were fluctuating. And I recommend that everybody go and do the exchanges as soon as they can – however, for those that may not have Zim, if you’re a Dong and dinar  holder –

The dinar should offer us a contract rate which is going up from where it was a week ago – and It’s extremely high – higher than we thought was possible, but this is an opportunity for you to get a maximum that President Trump wanted us to get with that exchange.

Keep that in mind, and as far as dong goes, they are supposed to bring that rate up higher as well. Not as high as the dinar but it would be very strong rate.

Do I believe this could be our last call? Yes, I don’t normally say that, but I believe this is it, if our intel is proven correct with the thinking is tomorrow is a day we should be notified, and then Thursday is the day we should be exchanging and redeeming  our zim.

 All right, so that said, let’s go ahead and pray the call out and look forward to a wonderful day tomorrow, even better day on Thursday when we start exchanges.

We’re just going to say that’s it for our call.   Okay, and so that’s what I wanted to say tonight

Let’s just thank Sue and everybody. Thank you satellite team for getting out and Lord God, thank you for giving us grace, giving us the faith, the measure of faith. Thank you for that.

Just let’s just move forward tomorrow. Let’s see where this goes and everybody have a great day tomorrow in Jesus name Amen.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-16-24
REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:04:40

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-11-24


 TNT Wed. 18 Sept. 2024 TNT Update  “Banks got memos  yesterday Tues. 17 Sept.  telling them to get ready and be there this morning because ...