Tuesday, July 16, 2024

💢 Positive developments for Iraq. 7.15.24

  ðŸ’¢ Positive developments for Iraq. 7.15.24

USA detaching itself from Iraq is a good thing. Iraq will not depend on USD for international transactions, and they will use their own IQD for all international trade and commerce after raising their international rate of exchange within their monetary reform. 

💢 We're hoping that once their accession to the WTO occurs on July 18, that they will quickly change their rate. But wouldn't it be amazing IF they did that beforehand, too? 

💢 Anywho, there's got to be good news on the horizon soon. And Iraq pulling away from America's purse strings is a really good thing - any way you look at it. 

~ Ginger of the Liberty Lounge

💥IRAQI DINAR HOT WEEK SUMMARY💥 #iraqidinar #dinar #centralbankofiraq #pr...

Parliamentary Finance Committee Comments On US Decision To Stop Iraq's Transactions In Chinese Yuan

 Posted On2024-07-16 By Sotaliraq  Member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, MP Moeen Al-Kadhimi, described today, Tuesday, the decision of the US Federal Reserve to stop transfers in Chinese yuan as “arbitrary” against the Iraqi economy.

[size=45]Al-Kadhimi said in a statement, "The decision to stop transfers in the Chinese yuan was issued by the US Federal Reserve, claiming that there were suspicions about some transfers in the Chinese yuan."

[size=45]He pointed out that "the Central Bank of Iraq has contracted with an international company to evaluate and monitor transfers, and this company is a source of acceptance and trust for the US Federal Reserve."

He pointed out that "after a short period, the Central Bank of Iraq will resume transferring remittances in Chinese yuan to Iraqi traders in general," indicating that "these measures of the US Federal Reserve are considered arbitrary against Iraq and its national economy."

The Central Bank of Iraq stopped dealing in the Chinese yuan after the US Federal Reserve accused Iraq of “inflating remittances.”

During the current period, America has worked to destroy the Iraqi currency by imposing sanctions on private banks and preventing the dollar under many pretexts, which in one way or another led to a severe financial crisis in local markets. LINK





 ■ Monday, July 15, is noted as the end of a potential scare event. This suggests that the primary phase of the operation concludes on this date. 

■ Tuesday July 16, indicates a "Lockdown" phase. This could mean an actual lockdown or a period of intense security and control to manage the aftermath of the scare event.

 ■ The lockdown phase is set to end on July 25. This period might be used for consolidation, assessment, and preparation for subsequent actions.

 ■ July 25th This may indicate a time of unexpected gifts or surprises. In this context, it could mean a major revelation or positive outcome resulting from the operation, celebrated as a significant victory.

 Will things pan out in this order? We shall soon find out. Qoute "I stand to protect spring but fall you are rebelling or is it possibly the spirit of God will cause many to fall in Fall?  There is a tumultuous rendering that is coming. I shall take it for the summer and bring forth much in the temperatures... strange July, strange July... hypnotic November and Oh Christmas! End qoute. ~Kim Clement

Turkey aims to become ful...

Coffee with MarkZ. 07/16/2024

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Another day and another dollar I hope!

Member: Is this another Groundhog day- or something better??

Member: Exciting news last night about a possible Iraq RI ASAP…hope its true.

Member: MARKZ if Iraq does a RI, will we be able to redeem at the bank? Knowing of course the money will be fiat at this point.

MZ: I should have mentioned last night that this is an RI- with an adjustment for inflation. The original RI rate was around $3.22….I did not qualify that last night. 

MZ: Lets dive into the news.  Some of the Zim charity platforms may go first – is what I am suddenly hearing. Maybe even before some of the Historic bonds. So I am hearing positive things for those who aggregated Zim for humanitarian reasons. 

MZ: That being said…..I heard that the initial releases of money are being pushed very hard for humanitarians. That is the priority  I have heard. But this does not mean there is a delay for us currency holders. Just that humanitarian projects are the priority.  I am getting that from bunches of sources. 

MZ: I have also had a number of sources from groups reach out over the last 12-14 hours that if we have projects to submit- be sure to get those dusted off and prepared and ready. 

Member: I wonder- Can we still pick from a list for projects at our exchange ???

Member:  I have also heard you can choose from projects they have…if we want to. 

MZ: I have heard that – I have also heard we will be given access to those choices when we set our appointments so we are prepared when we get there. 

Member: So many things in this world need help. Fresh water, new recycling technologies, Foster kids, Clean the oceans, Homelessness, our Veterans,, pollution  ect…..it may be a big list. 

Member: RayRen says the 3 Letter Agencies are on high alert over the next 24 hours..

MZ: And we have officially spotted an Iraqi delegation in Geneva with the World Trade organization. They are working on the full “Ascension” to the WTO….and trying to fast track that process.

Member: someone in Iraq is supposed to give an important announcement later today...at 7 but not sure what timezone?

MZ: Bond folks were very quiet overnight. 

Member: lots of chatter, lots of movement...have heard it before...won't get excited until I see something real.

Member: Is it safe to put in our 2 weeks notice?

MZ: I think we are so close to being able to put in our 2 weeks notice. 

Member: 2 week notice? They’ll be luck if they get a 2 minute notice!

Mark your thoughts on the US treasury holding this up?

Member: Mark, do you think CMKX and PP’s would go before the humanitarian projects money?

MZ: No- I think they may go at about the same time….

Member: Will we still be signing NDA’s?

MZ: I keep hearing mixed stuff. I am hearing now that if you don’t have historic bonds or Zim –there will not be an NDA. That is what I hear from banking contacts….

Member: We will not know for sure until we exchange…imo

Member: Do we have an update on rates to expect?


Member Will we exchange at banks or redemption centers?

Member: a lot of the redemption centers will be banks, if I understand what Marks has always said. I could be wrong.

Member: We need to be cautious…. we have family friend who was wealthy and their wealth manager stole all their money and they instantly became poor

Member: Good rule to follow 10-10-10-10 rule. 10% give;10% long term save; 10% precious metals; 10% investments (passive and active: real estate, annuities, etc)

Member: Great podcast today….Thanks to all…..have a great day

Member: See everyone tonight


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IQD Should Been Reinstated Already?🚩HCL Needs New Exchange Rate🤔Dinar RV...

Dollar Fluctuates Amid Tight Monetary Authority Measures, 16 JULY

 Economic  2024/07/16  Dollar fluctuates amid tight monetary authority measures 678 , days before the implementation of the Central Bank’s decision to sell dollars exclusively to travelers at airports, the dollar exchange rates witnessed clear fluctuations in the parallel markets, as they exceeded the barrier of 150 thousand dinars for every 100 dollars, a number that specialists see as possible (stability or decline) in the coming periods as a result of the Central Bank continuing to meet the requirements of foreign trade, which could lead to a decline in the effects of the parallel market, stressing the need to double efforts to make the new experiment of granting travelers dollars a success for fear of the continued rise of the green currency.

The Central Bank's decision to grant the green currency exclusively to airport travelers has come into effect, amid anticipation of the continued fluctuation of the exchange rate in the parallel market, which observers fear will affect the purchasing value of prices, while the Prime Minister's Advisor for Financial Affairs, Dr. Mazhar Mohammed Saleh, sees the opposite, as he explains that through "the strength of the official central exchange market, the exchange rate of the dollar to the dinar in the parallel market does not constitute any relative importance in affecting the stability of the general price level, which has become stable in its components and trends due to the influence of the prevailing official exchange rate factor."

Amidst this, economic experts believe that among the tools for controlling exchange rates are the recent measures represented by introducing the Customs Data Automation Program (ASYCUDA) system, stressing that this important government measure is an essential part of limiting the rise in the dollar price in the parallel market.

Financial Affairs Advisor, Dr. Mazhar Muhammad Salih, said yesterday, Sunday, in a statement to the Iraqi News Agency (INA): "There is an international factor that imposes controls on the so-called banking compliance in financing the demand for the dollar from our country's international bank accounts in foreign currency, and there is also an internal factor that benefits from the actions and pressure of the external factor in order to obtain temporary or emergency profit gains, especially in cash dollar transactions."

He explained that "the dominance of the fixed exchange rate system in Iraq, based on an international reserve base, is the highest in the history of Iraq and its monetary policy, as foreign currency covers more than 100 percent of the total currency currently issued."

He continued: "Through the strength of the official central exchange market, the exchange rate of the dollar to the dinar in the parallel market in our country does not constitute any relative importance in influencing the stability of the general price level, which has become stable in its components and trends as a result of the influence of the prevailing and dominant official exchange rate factor currently in financing foreign trade (imports), amounting to 1320 dinars per dollar, which is responsible for financing 90 percent of Iraq's foreign trade."

He stressed that "after the decline of the dollarization phenomenon in domestic transactions, especially in contracts, obligations and payments within the country since last year and its legal prohibition, the parallel exchange market has become such that its general effects only form a narrow economic scope of prohibited transactions, practiced by informal markets and at a rate of 10 percent of the total supply and demand transactions for the currency."

He pointed out that "the stability of the dinar to dollar exchange rate that the country is witnessing even in secondary markets is a real and solid stability, and is derived from the strength of the impact of the price and quantitative factors of the monetary and financial policies and their integration in imposing overall price stability in the country, and containing the inflationary expectations that were caused by the parallel exchange market forces during the past years."

It is noteworthy that the Central Bank's sales of hard currency last week amounted to more than one billion dollars through the currency auction that was held over four days, at a daily rate of 272 million and 80 million and 368 dollars, while sales of foreign remittances recorded 991 million and 141 thousand and 473 dollars, which indicates, according to specialists, the possibility of achieving clear relative stability in the various prices of goods and materials, and their not being affected by the parallel exchange rate.

The new mechanism for granting the "dollar", according to the Central Bank, aims to provide foreign currency to the real traveler and pass sound transactions, in addition to facilitating travelers' access to the dollar faster.

According to the "Monetary Authority", the mechanism includes the traveler going to authorized exchange companies spread across all cities to deliver the amount in dinars equivalent to the citizen's share of the dollar according to the official exchange rate of the Central Bank of Iraq.

The company will enter the data of the traveling citizen and upload his name on the electronic platform of the Central Bank of Iraq and deliver him a receipt confirming his deposit of the dinar, to receive the cash dollar inside the airport exclusively.

In turn, the economic expert Dr. Nabil Al-Marsoumi, during his interview with "Al-Sabah", sees the existence of several closely related factors that contribute to the rise in the exchange rate, some of which are real and others are psychological, as the real factors are represented by stopping bank transfers in the Chinese yuan due to suspicions of corruption on the subject, in addition to stopping the injection of cash dollars into the parallel market and the new procedures of the Central Bank that limit sales to air ports and airports.

The expert Al-Marsoumi attributed the reasons for the fluctuations to the launch of the general budget for the year 2024 and the approval of the budget schedules, as this leads to an increase in public spending in its operational and investment aspects, which naturally leads to an increase in consumer demand and an increase in investment demand, and thus an increase in imports and an increase in pressure on the dollar.

Regarding psychological factors, the spokesman indicated that "the fears among citizens went towards the possibility of the dollar rising in the near future, and therefore there is a great rush to buy it from the parallel market, which caused its exchange rate to rise by 3 to 4 percent, expecting that "the market will calm down soon as a result of several factors, most notably the negotiations that the governor of the Central Bank may conduct in Washington regarding bank transfers."