Saturday, July 13, 2024

ICC Opens Office in Iraq: This is What We Are Working on

  7/12/2024  Economy News - Follow-up

 The Paris-based International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has announced the expansion of its global presence through the official launch of the chamber’s new headquarters in Iraq from the French capital, thus enhancing the spread of the chamber’s network of offices worldwide. 

According to the official website of the International Chamber of Commerce, which was founded in 1919 in the French capital, it has a network of offices in more than 170 countries, and represents more than 45 million business companies. 

The website stated that the official launch of the International Chamber of Commerce in Iraq was celebrated at the global headquarters of the Chamber in Paris, which will work to enhance the mission of the International Chamber of Commerce in Iraq, and strengthen the voice of Iraqi businessmen and chambers all over the world.

The report indicated that the International Chamber of Commerce of Iraq will constitute an addition to the total number of international chambers of commerce, reaching 92 around the world. 

He added that a delegation from the International Chamber of Commerce of Iraq joined the official celebration in Paris, which was followed by a celebration at the Iraqi embassy in the French capital. 

“The context in which companies operate today is one of geo-economic and geopolitical tensions that are causing instability, uncertainty and new challenges in Iraq and beyond,” ICC Secretary General John W. H. Denton was quoted as saying in the report. “Bringing our mission to Iraq will deliver real value to Iraqi companies and the real economies in which they operate.” 

According to the report, the ICC Iraq will support the ICC’s institutional goals of promoting peace, prosperity and opportunities for all through local committees on arbitration, alternative dispute resolution, digital economy, intellectual property, trade and investment.

The report pointed out that the founding members of the International Chamber of Commerce of Iraq are Abdul Razzaq Al-Zuhairi, who holds the position of honorary president of the International Chamber of Commerce of Iraq and president of the Federation of Iraqi Chambers of Commerce, in addition to the president of the International Chamber of Commerce of Iraq, Mohsen Al-Hamid, who also heads the “Asriya Group”, along with Ahmed Al-Yasiri, Secretary-General of the International Chamber of Commerce of Iraq, who is also an advisor on international organizations. 

The report concluded by pointing out that the members of the International Chamber of Commerce of Iraq, through their headquarters in Iraq, help formulate the policies of the International Chamber of Commerce and alert governments to what interests international business.   LINK



MS. RODRIGUEZ: We wait for the green light.  I wish I could go now to the bank to trigger the light, to redeem, but when you look at this globally, there is a time that it is meant to happen.  But the war came with Russia, then things were delayed  - the time has to be properly prepared.   Anytime soon - it can happen, tomorrow or tonight, remember we must never lose our hope and to have faith.  All this is for only the Chosen Ones, as you were chosen for this.   If they know you are a bad person you cannot receive this blessing. 

 The white hats know about the trolls in the room.  All the cabal elite and corrupt people, you will be eliminated if you are not part of the Chosen One. We are going to begin a new one thousand years starting this year of 2024 Jan. The old one thousand years is gone.  This is the new generation we are facing now.   All the corrupt, all the evil, the dark side, they will not succeed.   So many are already gone.  President Trump is one of the chosen to lead the country to lead the USA. My job is global, those with me are Russia and China, and we will all work together for the best of humanity.  All happening now is for all humankind.  We are the chosen.   I want to congratulate all of you! 

WOLVERINE:  Are Medbeds real?


MS. RODRIGUEZ:  The Medbeds were given to us, and the cabal hid it because it will kill the pharmaceutical business.  Who does not want this opportunity?   Pharmaceutical and medical do not like this.  When the new cure appears for the people they will disappear The medbeds are funded by the Rodriquez Trust as well is Nesara and Gesara . This is an incredible invention that is real.  It is already happening in South America now, and other quiet places in the country.  It is 100% real.  It will be coming. The minute the RV comes out the Medbeds come out.


WOLVERINE: I spoke with the medbeds rep in Colombia, and he said the beds are ready. As soon as the RV is ready they will be ready, but they  need more beds, because at this time ther are only 2000 in the country, and they need enough for 30 million people in the country. 

MS. RODRIGUEZ:  I am infinite money.   No ending type of money. I hold this infinite money to fund all the globe - the money is never ending.  When it comes to money for humanity for all cures for the sick, and to help the poor, it will all happen.   

WOLVERINE: Thank you, Elizabeth. Thank you for all this information.  

MS. RODRIGUEZ: The Chosen Ones are chosen to go to Redemption.  You are all chosen to go to the redemption center.   

A NOTE FROM CARPATHIA:  Today, We have received the most encouraging news from our Wolverine and important information from our most honored Guest, Elizabeth Rodriguez Ruiz. 

We are now on the cusp of our dreams, dreams that we have prayed for with all our hearts for a very long time Not one time have we thought of giving up, and soon my dear friends, we will stand in the arena of Victory, where God will lead each of us on our destined path into a New World where hope and faith rule the day. All the good things we have waited for are just around the corner.  Be proud for never giving up on yourselves and your dreams.  Love to you All, Carpathia

Iraqi DinaršŸ”„How to Exchange Your IQD Wisely!"New Rate $4 Done | Dinar Ne...

Minister of Transport announces contracting with Oliver Wyman to provide consulting services for the Development Road Project

 Baghdad - WAA 

Minister of Transport Razzaq Muhaibis Al-Saadawi announced today, Thursday, the signing of a contract with Oliver Wyman Consulting Company to provide consulting services for the Development Road Project, noting that the completion rate of the initial designs for the railway track for the project reached 80 percent and the expressway 75 percent.

Al-Saadawi said in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA): "Under the patronage of Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, we supervised today the contracting with Oliver Wyman Company to provide consulting services for the Development Road Project," indicating that "signing the contract reflects the government's seriousness in proceeding with the implementation of the strategic development road project."

He added that "the consulting company will help the ministry in marketing the project and supervising investment opportunities in it," noting that "the contract signed on behalf of the ministry by the Director General of Iraqi Railways, Younis Khalid Jawad, and on behalf of the consulting company by Pedro Oliveira, General Manager of Oliver Wyman Company, is the first of its kind in Iraq, in terms of providing financial and economic consulting services for strategic government projects."

He pointed out that "this contract will give international importance to the development road, which enjoys the care and attention of the Prime Minister," noting that "the completion rate of the initial designs for the railway track has reached 80 percent, while the completion rate of the expressway designs has reached 75 percent, and 92 percent of the soil investigations for the project."

Thecontract signing ceremony was attended by the Prime Minister's Advisor for Investment Affairs, Mohamed El-Naggar, and a number of officials in the ministry, according to the statement.  LINK


Freedom Fighter ©️ 

July 9, 2024

šŸ’„Cryptocurrency to be considered money šŸ’° 

šŸ’„Iraqs ports are digitizing - new rate will be required - “eventually”


šŸŸ GOLDILOCKS article breakdown 

šŸ†Iraq testing the IQD in the FOREX market ‼️

šŸ’„Directly from the CBI

Activity transactions on the (FITR) platform"

Iraq is now showing transaction activities on the FITR platform. FITR are Exchange Traded Funds that come under the category of cross currency swaps. 

Currency ETFs are exchange-traded funds that track the comparative value of a currency. These investment mechanisms allow people like you and me to gain exposure to the forex market. 

"Cross-currency swaps are commonly used for fixed income investments where the cash flows are known with a high degree of certainty. Hedging currency risk with a cross-currency swap effectively creates a synthetic local currency denominated bond by converting the bond’s foreign currency denominated cash flows or risk into a stream of local currency payments. Cross currency swap hedging strategies can be tailored for either active strategies or passive buy-and-hold fixed income strategies."

Here is how the above quotation works. The Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) of the U.S. Department of the Treasury can purchase or sell foreign currencies. 

The ESF also includes Special Drawing Rights (SDRs), which are international reserve assets created by the International Monetary Fund. The ESF can also enter into "warehouse" swaps with the Federal Reserve System. 

The Federal Reserve has a repurchase facility for foreign and international monetary authorities, also known as the FIMA Repo Facility. 

This allows foreign account holders to temporarily exchange Treasury Securities for dollars to meet potential liquidity needs. 

"According to TreasuryDirect, Treasury Bills, Notes, Bonds, TIPS, and FRNs are transferable, so you can buy or sell them in the secondary market."

Yes, foreign currency, also known as forex, is traded on the secondary market, which includes equities and fixed-income instruments like bonds.

The foreign exchange market is a decentralized, over-the-counter (OTC) marketplace that determines the exchange rate for currencies around the world.  

Let me end this dialogue where we began it. And, this is a direct quote from the CBI website, "Activity transactions on the (FITR) platform.

This gives us an idea of how close we are. Let me be clear, we do not know if these are testing transactions or actual transactions at this time. But, we do know they are in training for the use of this trading mechanism for a reason. 

© Goldilocks

Iraq To Release a New IQD Rate in JulyšŸš©Wow, This is a Done Deal?šŸ¤”Dinar R...

Marketing 600,000 FTTH fiber optic lines in Iraq

 7/12/2024  Baghdad

The Ministry of Communications announced today, Friday, the development of a plan and schedule with the companies contracting with it, in coordination with the Baghdad Municipality and the governorates, to deliver and implement fiber optic lines (FTTH) in all regions and governorates, while indicating the marketing of 600,000 fiber optic lines.

The Director General of the General Company for Communications and Information Technology at the Ministry of Communications, Ali Yassin, said: “The Ministry of Communications, represented by the General Company for Communications and Information Technology, has implemented more than 3 million FTTH fiber optic lines, and 600,000 lines of them have been marketed so far,” noting that “the ministry has developed a plan for the transfer of the rest of the governorates and a schedule with the companies contracted with it for the purpose of implementing and completing the rest of the governorates of Iraq.”

Yassin added, "Coordination has been made with the Baghdad Municipality to facilitate the work of companies contracting with the General Company for Communications and Information Technology to implement and extend cables for FTTH technology, as well as coordination with the governorates to facilitate the task of companies contracting with the General Company for Communications and Information Technology and to set controls and standards for implementation."

He pointed out that "the areas where the lines have been completed, including those on the Karkh side (Al-Saydiya, Al-Jami'a neighborhood, and Al-Adl) and on the Rusafa side (Zayona, and Palestine Street), are all equipped with FTTH service, as are the governorates such as Karbala and Najaf."

He pointed out that "the advantages of the lines are improving the quality of service provided to citizens at competitive prices, especially since most citizens complain about poor Wi-Fi service."

Therefore, FTTH service on optical cable will save them from that.”   LINK

Germany: Iraq's Economy Is Showing Signs Of Improvement, 21 SEPT

  Germany: Iraq's Economy Is Showing Signs Of Improvement Economy  Baghdad – INA  Director of the German Agency for International Cooper...