Friday, July 12, 2024



What if a deal is stuck with the Iranians to remove their sanctions s if in return they surrender and leave Iraq? 

Additionally China is putting pressure on Iraq to RI as they have a written agreement in place. And they don’t play. We continue  to watch to see how this all plays out. 


NADER FROM MID EAST: Iraq's Economic Growth 2024 (Global Economic Growth)




Iraq stops dealing with the Chinese yuan...and the currency basket is an alternative


 The Parliamentary Finance Committee revealed that Iraq has decided to stop dealing with the Chinese yuan in financial transfer


Committee member Moeen Al-Kazemi said in a press statement that "the US Federal Bank imposed on Iraq to stop dealing in the Chinese yuan, under the pretext that there was manipulation in some transfers or certain problems occurred."
He believed that "many decisions by the Central Bank are imposed by the US Federal Bank," according to him.

 Al-Kazemi pointed out that "Iraq's money, as we know, is placed in the US Federal Bank as a result of the sale of oil at a rate of 3.5 million barrels per day, and this money enters the US Federal Bank and is not transferred to Iraq in cash, but is transferred to Iraq through transfers issued by the Central Bank and the Federal Bank is notified and then the Federal Bank is convinced of this transfer and commercial transaction and on the basis of it releases amounts to the relevant parties exporting to Iraq."
 He noted that "many of the Central Bank's procedures are governed by the American will, and this will may be explained for administrative and financial reasons, non-financing of terrorism, and others," believing that "the reasons are political with the aim of pressuring the Iraqi government," according to his expression.
Regarding the impact of canceling dealing in the Chinese currency, Al-Kadhimi pointed out that "the merchant and the Central Bank have multiple options and not to deal only with the dollar, so this suspension is temporary and not permanent."
As for what the Parliamentary Finance Committee will do in this regard, a member of the committee explained, "We will ask the Central Bank to address the issue and for the currency basket to be diverse, so that the options are more for the Central Bank and Iraqi merchants."
It is noteworthy that Iraq has strengthened its assets denominated in yuan through the Singapore Development Bank to finance Iraqi trade and imports with China by about $ 12 billion annually. 
Iraq has also moved to strengthen its assets in the Emirati dirham and negotiated an increase in its assets denominated in euros to finance trade with the European Union, and Iraq has also begun opening bank accounts in the Indian rupee for a number of Iraqi banks.

Since the beginning of 2023, the Central Bank of Iraq has issued several decisions aimed at maintaining the stability of the general monetary and economic situation and confronting the risks of fluctuations in the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar against the US dollar, in addition to facilitating import and export operations by opening new horizons with international banks, including Chinese banks.

Among the decisions of the Central Bank of Iraq is to enhance the balances of Iraqi banks that have accounts with Chinese banks in Chinese yuan, as dealing in yuan directly without the mediation of the US dollar contributes to facilitating and accelerating financial transactions, and will reduce import costs and protect against the risks of fluctuating exchange rates within Iraq.




 For those who are taking the traditional RV notifications route and you want to be notified by email when you may schedule an appointment: 

🔸You may sign up to receive email notification OR you may even be emailed by the currency broker who sold you your foreign currency online. They will be alerted of the new international rates and are equipped to let their customer base know. 

🔸If you want, you can sign up for these bigger groups to send you a notice when the time is right: 





🔸To register for 800#s

🔸DO NOT call any 800# until you confirm it is valid!!! Vet the information against announcements being shared on these groups' main websites as well as RV related groups on Telegram who will be sharing notifications. 

🔸(Certain humanitarians (with LWS) may be choosing to wait for private contact/notification, so please choose to either disregard this message or simply use the sign up option as a backup option to help you simply with pacing of the event. You can still wait for private contact.)

PIMPY: Iraqi Dinar update for 07/11/24 - Iraq finding other ways to make money




For the first time, the Iraqi state's non-oil revenues record an increase of 11%


The "Iraq Al-Mustaqbal" Foundation for Economic Studies and Consultations announced onThursday that for the first time, the non-oil revenues of the Iraqi state recorded 11% of the total revenues, with oil revenues falling below the 90% barrier.

A report issued by the institution today stated that non-oil revenues for the first five months of the current year amounted to 6.24 trillion Iraqi dinars, while oil revenues for the same period of the current year amounted to 48.4 trillion Iraqi dinars.

According to the report, tax revenues on income and wealth increased by 118%, while revenues from commodity taxes and production fees increased by 285%.

The institution's report indicated that fee revenues increased by 50%, while oil revenues increased by 6.4%.

The continued reliance of the Iraqi state on oil as the sole source of the general budget is a dangerous matter in the face of global crises that occur from time to time due to the impact of oil on them, which makes the country turn every time to cover the deficit through borrowing from abroad or domestically, which thus indicates the inability to manage the state’s funds effectively, and the inability to find alternative financing solutions.



Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell. 07/12/2024

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell. 07/12/2024

Member: It’s going to be a great day!! Rise and shine family

Member: Jumping Jehosofat it’s Friday again and still waiting.

Member: Dear Mr. C -- We all love you to pieces - but hope this is the last Friday we hear from you for a while! Let's do it, Codeman!!!

MZ: I need to be very careful with what I can share. I will say that things are very upbeat. My biggest outlier is expecting funds on Monday. I was told the biggest groups are being held until the end. I need to be careful not to put anyone in a compromised position. 

Member: The Historical Bondholders will become Hysterical Bondholders if they don't get their

Member: Mark I am doing the Happy Dance due to no bond news,

Member: the more NDA’s- the merrier…imo

Member: Mark, we are gonna take your inability to share anything about bondholders as an incredibly good thing!

Member: ​​Bruce said last night that everyone goes at the same time..

Member: I say- just announce the rate change and we can all live happily ever after lol

MZ: Posted by Ariel: “IQD holders –saddle up, Activity and transactions on the FITR platform “ We are watching so many pieces come together. 

MZ: We will probably have MilitiaMan on next Tuesday to tell us where we are at. Watch for him the next couple of days as he release videos. 

MZ: The banking system in Iraq is exceptional now…its better then what it was before the rate was reduced (2003?) They did not have this level of banking security in Iraq- even when the rate was $3+ USD per dinar. This is all over their news. 

MZ: “An imminent stock market “Correction” warning suddenly flashed red. As Nvidia, Apple, and Tesla crash back” This is from Forbes magazine. This is a scary time in the markets. They are not sure which way to skitter. 

MZ: “US budget deficit hits $1.27 Trillion so far this year.” They are only adding $100 million or more  in debt a month right now. We are running out of rope. 

Member: Federal bank forced Sudani to kick the Chinese Yuan out of Iraq.

Member: Wolvie had Elizabeth RODRIGUEZ FROM ON HIS LIVE CHAT. AWESOME ! THE RODRIGUEZ TRUST… she and said humanitarian Monies will be released in July .

MZ: Looks for us to have someone very knowledgeable on that on with us in the next couple of days. We will be keeping the identity secure. 

​​Member: Is your redemption folks working this weekend? 

MZ: One of my best redemption center guys has not responded when I asked if he was working this weekend. Hopefully I will hear something today as to if they are on call or not this weekend. 

Member: Does anybody have a good feeling about us going this weekend? I’m totally on the fence, I get this high of excitement and then I hear not until after July 20th and it’s me feel very low and down

Member: I believe it’s a movie and I believe we are near the end. It’s all too obvious to be real.

Member: I think it's going to be a very interesting weekend and next week!!!!

Member: Mark thank you for helping us through the RV frustrations.

Member: Have a great day everyone! See you tonight. Thanks Mark, Mr. C, mods, & CBD guys

Mr. Cottrell and CBD Gurus join the stream today. Please listen to the replay for their information and opinions.


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