Thursday, July 11, 2024

Al-Sudani Directs To Finalize Procedures For Developing Rafidain Bank's Work

 Politics | 02:22 - 10/07/2024  Baghdad - Mawazine News   Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani chaired a special meeting on Wednesday to develop the work of government banks, in the presence of representatives of Ernst & Young for auditing and financial consulting, while directing the finalization of procedures for developing the work of Rafidain Bank.

The Prime Minister's media office stated in a statement received by Mawazine News that "Al-Sudani was briefed on the technical and administrative procedures for the Rafidain Bank development project, which were taken during the period following the signing of the contract with the company specialized in structuring and developing work in the banking sector."

The Prime Minister stressed "the need to continue intensive meetings between the higher committee concerned with the project, which includes the Central Bank of Iraq and government banks, and the consulting company, in order to resolve all matters related to developing the work of Rafidain Bank."

It is noteworthy that the Rafidain Bank development plan includes a comprehensive review and evaluation of the bank’s work, and implementing structural administrative reforms, aiming to provide a package of integrated banking services to citizens and companies, relying on advanced electronic programs, modern technology in all banking transactions, optimal use of human and technical resources, and transition to automated work, which helps the bank’s ability to meet global banking requirements.


Wed. 10 July 2024 MarkZ
 “It is busy on the Bond side, but no one is talking. A number of my Bond Holder contacts have gone quiet. One said he was told he would be liquid this week.”

 Sat. 6 July 2024: “More and more sources are telling me that serious money movement and us moving towards the banks somewhere around  the weekend of Fri. – Mon.  12th-15th. No one knows the exact timing but they are certainly preparing lots of bank contacts for that time period.”


Vietnam targeting Q3 GDP growth of 6.5%-7%, inflation below 4.5% PM says” And this is just the third quarter. They are obliterating the US…this is big…and they are under pressure to raise their exchange rate.

[Reference Frank26 post 7-8-2024 re: HCL below]   I will agree with that. And it certainly matches with some of the news I got from Iraq today. I was told from day one that when we see the HCL…within hours - we will see the new rate.

My contact in Iraq works in a government position. He has made the comment that they have a new rate…and will activate it soon. That comes directly from Iraq. 

Evening News with MarkZ. 07/10/2024

Wednesday Evening News with MarkZ

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good Evening Everyone!!! Can’t wait to hear something fabulous this evening!!!

Member: Love the Gold Standard pic Mark has on tonights video…..hoping it happens for the world very soon

Member: Rumor: IQD now listed on the money converter ,rate hasn’t changed but it wasn’t on the site yesterday

MZ: Nader did a great one today. So be sure to go watch it…..on the Iraq banking restructuring . overhaul and mergers……and changes by the CBI to banks…..Great article out of Iraq.

MZ: “ The BRICS will use a Gold Standard”  Here you go. Part of what we have been looking for is a reset to a Gold Standard.  I was told years ago that BRICS was a kill switch as a last resort to force everybody to switch back to a gold standard. This alternative gold backed financial system is put in place to force everybody to change.

MZ: Quote:   The BRICS are definitely pursuing a Gold standard. For the West, this means one thing. If a Western Nation wants to trade with BRICS for certain goods, it needs more gold. If the West does not wish to trade with the BRICS for those items, then they must onshore/friendshore/reshore their supply chains sufficiently in natural resources to obviate the need for the BRICS resources. The question will be: Which is less expensive and less dangerous to do? -Vincent Lanci

MZ: We don’t have the infrastructure to survive without the BRICS countries. But there you go . BRICS has a Gold Standard for banking.

Member: It’s inevitable……. for the U.S. dollar to survive. It has to be backed by something…..

MZ: In Iraq today there was progress in setting a timeline for removing the US forces….but they wont tell us that timeline. But overall it was a good day for news.

MZ: Lots of noise on the bond side. But I’m not allowed to share whats going on with it.

Member:  ​​I respect you Mark so much in every way. Thank you for respecting your Bond contacts. We are all anxious to hear and when it ok with them you will share. You are a GOOD man Mark.


Member: Thanks everyone…have a great night




Wed. 10 July 2024 Wolverine

 A note Wolverine placed in the Chosen One Room: “Today I was told that notifications will commence today. Please check your emails.”

Wed. 10 July 2024 Wolverine News Bulletin Report to Mr. Helders, Ruben Baz:“I just found out that Reno will begin the trade today (Wed. 10 July). Europe will follow tomorrow
 (Thurs. 11 July) and payments will begin on Mon. 15 July.

 Please pray that there are no further delays. The 12 platforms will open tonight (Wed. 10 July)  in Reno and tomorrow (Thurs. 11 July) the six platforms in Zurich. 
Contracts will be sent over the weekend and money to spend on 
Mon. 15 July. 1 billion Sow letters sent on Tuesday 16 July and sovereign buyers begin on Wednesday 17 July.”
Reno is imminent, and we are just about to cross the finish line and will start releasing funds soon. They are having a big meeting tomorrow.  We will know when it happens.

I have been told the Codes are inserted, already locked in. It is imminent now that we will be blessed. 

I cannot tell you the rest as it is confidential, but for you, just know to get ready. This is coming right from the top. All is coming to fruition as we have dreamed for many years.

I am going overseas pretty soon – I cannot tell you where. I will be out of the picture for a while. I cannot tell you more. God bless you and just get ready as that Green Light is just around the corner.

I am much better with no pain, now. Thank you for all the private messages worrying about my health. I was just waiting to get that Intel I needed to get this news to you.  Have a beautiful day! 

Take care, Wolverine

The Iraqi Dinar and Other Currencies Already Revalued! #iqd #vnd #zim #r...

The Central Bank explains the reasons for the rise in dollar prices

 Ahmed Brihi, a member of the Central Bank of Iraq’s Board of Directors, provided an explanation for the rise in the local market’s dollar exchange rate on Wednesday.

“The issue of the rise in the exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar in the local market is not related to the bank’s measures, but rather due to the American restrictions imposed on the Central Bank and related to the electronic platform,” Brihi stated in a statement to

He continued, “The connection to the electronic platform that controls the floating of the currency in the market, where it is less than demand, and thus the dollar price will be raised, and the platform is controlled by the US Federal Reserve, which causes a difference from the official price is another reason related to the rise in the dollar exchange rate.”

In the stock exchanges and exchange shops in Baghdad’s capital and the governorates over the past few days, the dollar’s value against the dinar has increased significantly.

Under a variety of pretexts, the United States has worked to destroy the Iraqi currency by imposing sanctions on private banks and preventing the use of the dollar, resulting in a severe financial crisis in local markets.



The Automated System for Customs Data (ASYCUDA) is a computerized system created by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) to manage a country's customs. 

ASYCUDA is an integrated system for international trade and transport operations that uses advanced software applications. 

ASYCUDA can handle many foreign trade procedures, including: manifests, customs declarations, accounting procedures, and transit and suspense procedures. 

"The point in time to determine rates of duty and taxes must be specified in the law and be configured accordingly in the ASYCUDA system. This date may also be used to define the exchange rate, the time of entry to customs warehouses and be decisive whenever a date is required to define entry under a customs regime."

By the end of the year, Iraq expects to have all of their ports on this electronic system. About 50% of the ports in Iraq will be utilizing this new electronic system for trade, and the other half is expected to be active by the midpoint of next year. 

As you can see, Iraq will need an exchange rate for these trades to take place on the ASYCUDA electronic system. 

© Goldilocks

Leader in the Framework: Washington moved to abort the amendments to the Personal Status Law, 19 SEPT

  Issam Al-Kriti, who is in charge of the Coordination Framework, said on Wednesday that Washington tried three times to stop the changes to...