Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Politician: America is continuing the dollar chaos scenario in Iraq

 Politician: America is continuing the dollar chaos scenario in Iraq

Today, Monday, the leader in the coordination framework, Jabbar Odeh, accused America of repeating the dollar chaos scenario in Iraq.

Odeh said in an interview with Al-Maalouma, “Since 2003, America has sought to make Iraq's economy hostage to the policies of the White House, and to use the dollar bill as a pressure tool to confront any movement outside the context of its interests in the region.”

He added, "The recent rise in the exchange rate is nothing but a scenario of chaos through pressure on the parallel market and raising exchange rates," stressing that "Iraq's economy will not be safe as long as Washington exploits oil revenues through the Federal Bank."

He pointed out that "the statements of the new American ambassador carried three clear agendas in Baghdad, which are using the economic card, selling oil supplies, and trying to escalate the security situation and interfering in the country's affairs," adding that "Baghdad's exit "From the pressure of the dollar will free the country from dangerous restrictions imposed by the White House administration." For more than 20 years.”

It is noteworthy that the dollar exchange rates witnessed a noticeable increase, raising many question marks amid accusations that an American agenda is behind what is happening.   link



Iraqi Prime Minister al-Sudani recently announced on a television broadcast that the Iraqi Dinar would revalue under his government.

🔥 Iraqi Dinar 🔥 Announcement of New Rate 🔥 Today IQD to Dollar Today RV ...

Representatives Of Exchange Companies In Iraq Announce The Cancellation Of Their Strike

 Representatives Of Exchange Companies In Iraq Announce The Cancellation Of Their Strike

 Sweeteners     2024-07-08 | Source:   Alsumaria News   4,142 views   Representatives of exchange companies in Iraq announced, on Monday evening, the cancellation of their strike until further notice.  A statement said,

  “Representatives of exchange companies in Iraq announce the cancellation of their strike until further notice after meeting with the Prime Minister’s Office and advanced staff at the Central Bank of Iraq.” The statement added,

 "And agreeing to solve a group of problems related to exchange companies and find the necessary solutions that support the work of these companies, especially those related to organizing the work mechanism at the airport and border crossings and the administrative, organizational and technical procedures related to them."

 Today, Monday, the representative of the Iraqi exchange companies, Dhia Al-Tai, announced a move on three axes to implement a number of their demands regarding selling the dollar to travelers, while expecting the price of the dollar to reach 1,600 dinars. Al-Taie told Al-Sumaria News ,

  “The Central Bank approved a new mechanism that harmed exchange companies in general, after selecting only 4 exchange companies to work in Iraqi airports with the aim of selling dollars to travelers,” noting that  “the selected companies are the same as the existing categories.”  




🇺🇸💥🇺🇸. Contracts were rewritten in Iraq to reflect their new money.  💥💥💥. Booming economy for Iraq! 🇺🇸💥🇺🇸👇👇👇

🇺🇸💥🇺🇸. Things are coming to the head in Iraq!  Corrupt high officials!  💥💥💥. Others and Sudani?  Evidence will be forthcoming.  💥💥💥. Trump and White hats have a plan in action!  💥💥💥. Lots of twists and turns in this disclosure! 🇺🇸💥🇺🇸👇👇



🇺🇸💥🇺🇸. Venezuela government lifting their economy up by signing contracts with the Brics countries!  💥💥💥. This will probably raise the value of their bolivar!  🇺🇸💥🇺🇸👇👇


🇺🇸💥🇺🇸. Using ATMs in Iraq! 🇺🇸💥🇺🇸👇👇


🇺🇸💥🇺🇸. China and the U.S. Pacific Naval fleet worked together a few years ago to clean out Taiwan.  💥💥💥. There were deadly biolabs underground and human trafficking!  💥💥💥Everything is always done ahead of the time it is out in the public!  🇺🇸💥🇺🇸👇👇👇


🇺🇸💥🇺🇸. Notifications released for Tier 4B in Brazil and Columbia……on Wolverines chat just now!  💥💥💥. Our turn will come sometime…..🇺🇸


🇺🇸💥🇺🇸. The fiat dollar will die on Sunday, June 9.  💥💥💥. However, our financial system will be resurrected with our new U.S. Note which is gold backed! 🇺🇸💥❤️🇺🇸



🇺🇸💥🇺🇸. Notifications released for Tier 4B in Brazil and Columbia……on Wolverines chat just now!  💥💥💥. Our turn will come sometime…..🇺🇸💥🇺🇸


🇺🇸💥🇺🇸.Iraq and Germany making agreements for projects for private sector!  Sudani has been a very busy man!  🇺🇸💥🇺🇸👇👇


🇺🇸💥🇺🇸. Interesting.  Currency companies told to stop selling foreign currencies in Iraq now in this window…….before what?  💥💥💥. Perhaps before the camper event?  Just supposition since that event is very close. 🇺🇸💥🇺🇸👇👇


🇺🇸💥🇺🇸. Iraq is shifting to a gold backed currency!  This makes their dependence on oil to back their currency non relevant!  🇺🇸💥🇺🇸👇👇


NADER FROM MID EAST: Iraqi Dinar July Update, Revaluation & Cleaning Out the Corruption

Al-Sudani receives a delegation from the US Department of Defense

   Al-Sudani receives a delegation from the US Department of Defense

The Prime Minister's Media Office stated in a statement that "Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani received the US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Middle Eastern Affairs, Daniel Shapiro, and his accompanying delegation, in the presence of the US Ambassador to Iraq."

He added, "During the meeting, the procedures for proceeding with ending the mission of the international coalition to fight ISIS and activating bilateral relations between Iraq and the United States were discussed," noting that "the meeting witnessed discussion of the situation in the region and the continued aggression on Gaza."

Al-Sudani pointed to "the suffering of the Palestinian people, the difficulty of accessing humanitarian aid and relief supplies under the stifling siege, and the failure of the international community to assume its responsibilities in pressuring the Netanyahu government to stop the genocide."

The Prime Minister stressed "the need for a firm stance against the aggression, and the necessity of preventing escalation that threatens to expand the scope of the conflict."

For his part, the American official pointed out "the importance of Iraq's role in reducing tensions in the region, and the inevitability of continuing the approach of communication and cooperation between the two countries in the areas of armament and security and raising the combat level of the Iraqi forces, in a way that supports Iraq's security and sovereignty, economic development and progress at all levels."  link

DINAR REVALUATION REPORT: Objective of the Committee Iraqi Government's Initiative to Enhance Banks' Compliance with International Standards, 20 SEPT

  Objective of the Committee Iraqi Government's Initiative to Enhance Banks' Compliance with International Standards On September 19...