Tuesday, July 9, 2024



  The monetary reform is secured by the reserves.   The reserves that back up the currency is the control that the CBI and Saleh is talking about when he says we have a strong exchange rate at 1320 because he can control it and he can change it at any time he wants.  He's not just talking about what they know they have...the billions and billions of dinar that were brought back but it also includes all the tapped sources and untapped sources, gold, phosphate, oil, diamonds, etc etc, each one of these categories alone can support the monetary reform.


If they float the dinar it will be in a very tight band.  If it's a low rate, if it's a dollar then they'll float and it'll drive the rate up.  But if they come out at an RI, reinstatement of $3.22 and then the float, then they're going to have some serious very tight banks on the float.  It will be monitored very closely.   It will only allow it to be a plus or minus of 5%.  It cannot go any further than that in the float.  

For example, don't let it get past maybe $3.50...They will cap it quickly...

 [Iraqi bank friend Aki update] 

The CBI board of directors decided...to hold meeting with only all of their executives of all their banks...These two or three meeting are going on...  

This is on the subject of the monetary reform, lower notes, exchange rate, budget ... These next few days are going to be very silent.  The press will not cover it.  No one will know anything about it.  They will suppress this information...This silence is normal and to be expected right now.  [Aki] has seen this quietness before when the CBI was getting ready to make a major move.


🔥 Iraqi Dinar 🔥 Reinstated to FOREX 🔥 Today IQD to Dollar Today RV News ...

Al-Sudani and a delegation from the Pentagon discuss the continuation of ending the mission of the international coalition

 On Monday, Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani discussed with a delegation from the US Department of Defense (Pentagon) the procedures for proceeding with ending the mission of the international coalition to fight ISIS.

A statement by Al-Sudani's office received by Shafaq News Agency stated that "the Prime Minister received the US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Middle Eastern Affairs, Daniel Shapiro, and his accompanying delegation, in the presence of the US Ambassador to Iraq. During the meeting, the procedures for proceeding with ending the mission of the international coalition to fight ISIS and activating bilateral relations between Iraq and the United States were discussed."

The meeting also discussed the situation in the region and the ongoing aggression on Gaza, as Al-Sudani referred to the suffering of the Palestinian people, the difficulty of humanitarian aid and relief supplies in light of the stifling siege, and the failure of the international community to assume its responsibilities in pressuring the Netanyahu government to stop the genocide.

The Iraqi Prime Minister stressed the need for a firm stance against the aggression, and the necessity of preventing escalation that threatens to expand the scope of the conflict.

For his part, the American official pointed out the importance of Iraq's role in reducing tensions in the region, and the inevitability of continuing the approach of communication and cooperation between the two countries in the areas of armament and security and raising the combat level of the Iraqi forces, in a way that supports Iraq's security and sovereignty, economic development and progress at all levels.  link



I am pleased to share this already viral video, it is the signature for the redemption centers, where the gold standard is ready, therefore we too......

We are ready to go

God bless you all 



Reports: Washington postponed announcement scheduled for this week to reduce its forces in Iraq

 Reports: Washington postponed announcement scheduled for this week to reduce its forces in Iraq

 Informed sources revealed, today, Monday, July 8, 2024, that the American side has withdrawn from the official announcement of an upcoming schedule that includes reducing the number of its forces in Iraq, during the current week, after it had been preparing for that.

According to the sources, the American side backed down from its decision to announce the reduction of forces during internal deliberations, before meeting with the Iraqi side, within the framework of the Iraqi-American bilateral committee.

She suggested that "there is a link between the decision to postpone the announcement of the reduction in Iraq, after the process of withdrawing American forces from Niger took priority, as the American army completed, yesterday, the withdrawal of all its soldiers from "Air Base 101" in Niamey.  link



 IMO this is an RI.  They will reinstate that rate.  I thought they would reach it at a cap but now they're talking about coming out right away with a fixed rate and that fixed rate might be $3.22 and then the float.  That float should be very very small, very very quick because IMO it's going to reach the cap, boom! Very quickly.

Question:  "Do you think they're letting the dinar float into its cap before they release the new rate? "

  No.  You have to release the rate first.  Once the rate is released internationally then it can be acquired by the international community.  It'll be used in banks...Once the dinar is out there officially in the international market the friction that the Iraqi dinar is going to cause in the financial market will only cause it to get bigger and bigger and bigger in its value/rate internationally.  Inside Iraq it doesn't affect it - a dinar is a dinar.  The rate inside does not move, only the rate outside.