Monday, July 8, 2024

Parliament Indicates A “Single Way” To Eliminate 95 Percent Of Corruption In State Institutions

 Politics | Baghdad today - Baghdad    Today, Sunday (July 7, 2024), the Integrity Committee in the House of Representatives indicated the only way through which corruption can be eliminated in all state institutions.

Committee member Hadi Al-Salami said in an interview with “Baghdad Today” that

 “there is one step that eliminates approximately 95% of the rampant corruption in state institutions, which is the transition towards electronic governance, and although this matter was emphasized in the ministerial curriculum, it was not implemented.” Until now". 

He stated,  "There is no ministry that has implemented electronic governance so far, despite the importance of this step in fighting corruption and eliminating it once and for all.

 This confirms the desire for corruption to continue, and  that is why all ministries have not implemented this system, which is the main step in eliminating corruption." Which has been eating away at the body of the Iraqi state for years without any real confrontation with it.

 Iraq is considered one of the countries with the highest rates of administrative and financial corruption, and  it is noticeably present in several administrative facilities.

Some politicians in Iraq are considered among the first to be besieged by corruption charges.

 Because of that, Iraq is considered, along with several countries such as Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, Sudan, and Libya, among the countries with the highest rates. Corruption according to the Corruption Barometer.

Because of the massive corruption in Iraq, there is a massive lack of services, deterioration of infrastructure, and deterioration of industrial and agricultural development, among examples of rampant corruption.

A total of $228 billion was wasted on construction and infrastructure projects, on paper only, a value that exceeds three times the national budget and the country's gross domestic product,

 despite the enormous funds generated from the sale of oil, as Iraq ranks second among oil-producing countries.

 But it remains completely dependent on imports, even for electricity and petroleum products.البرلمان-يؤشر-طريقة-وحيدة-للقضاء-على-95-بالمئة-من-الفساد-في-مؤسسات-الدولة-عاجل.html



  July 18th is going to be good.  They get to go there, meet with the World Trade Organization.  There's going to be information and reforms and requests made by the WTO that they are going to hand off to Iraq. 

 Iraq is going to go over there and drop off additional materials that was requested from the last meeting and ask questions to make sure their accession into the World Trade Organization continues to go as smoothly as possible.  As far as the exchange rate is concerned, no it's not going to be brought up there because that's not the job of the WTO.

Community comment: "July 18th is the next meeting [between WTO and Iraq], they need to RV before then"

  No they don't have to RV.  People keep associating the RV with the accession into the World Trade Organization...The World Trade Organization doesn't deal with the exchange rate.  They deal with the regulation and transparency of trade between countries.  That's it.

Iraqi Dinar✅Urgent Update: Iraqi Dinar Float - What Investors Need to Kn...

The Parliamentary Economy Reveals The Factors That “Thwart The Iraqi Industry”: Granting What Is Above And Below The Ground For The Benefit Of The Investor

  Economy  2024-07-07 | 

  Alsumaria News-Economy   Deputy Chairman of the Parliamentary Economy and Industry Committee, Representative Yasser Al-Husseini, considered today, Sunday, that  the government and the Ministry of Industry are acting according to the “erroneous belief” that there are no Iraqi competencies to advance the industrial sector in Iraq,

 which prompted them to offer production lines and factories, as well as underground mineral resources, to invest at high prices. meanness.

Al-Husseini told Al-Sumaria News,  “The belief of the government and the Ministry of Industry that Iraqi competencies are unable to advance the industrial sector is completely false, and  there are Iraqi experiences and capabilities capable of advancing the sector with the best products and may compete with global industries.”

He pointed out that   "successive mismanagement of the industrial sector led to these bad fateful results for this sensitive, vital and economic sector, and led to the issuance of notorious joint operating contracts, according to which many industrial production lines were sold as piles of scrap."

He stated that  "the government agreement not to buy local products from these government factories and not to supply them and to implement the Iraqi Product Protection Law are what led to these fateful and disastrous results for the Iraqi industry."

 He pointed out that "the Ministry did not limit itself to offering above-ground factories for investment in the hands of companies,

but rather went underground according to decisions that faced strong opposition in previous years by heading to grant underground resources of precious metals and chemicals, and granting them to Jordanian and American companies at the cheapest prices."

 He stated that   "one ton of sulfur amounts to $400, while   the government granted it to companies for $5 per ton, with quantities in Iraq amounting to more than 500 million tons as explored storage on only 16% of Iraqi territory."

He pointed out that this and other measures and trends cast a shadow over the failure of industry in Iraq and the lack of a true vision, to the point that they became losing companies built on a narrow partisan basis and these companies went on to obtain government contracts outside of what this ministry manufactures.الاقتصاد-النيابية-تكشف-عوامل-إفشال-الصناعة-العراقية-منح-ما-فوق-الأرض-و    



  [via PDK]  I’m expecting a lot of news throughout the week…i am expecting we will have an extremely busy 4-7 days right now. There are a number of groups with expectations for around the 12th. Everything appears to be lining up...I’m praying this is our week. I have extreme anticipation for this week.

  “Unfolding structural economic  transformation in Iraq” 

 This talking about Iraq’s successes – especially in the digital banking world …and them coming up to speed “tech wise” with the rest of the world. They have made great strides digitizing their economy to be more efficient and faster. We are seeing the economic changes we need for them to change the rate.

... More and more sources are telling me that serious money movement and us moving towards the banks somewhere around the 12th-15th. Noone knows the exact timing but they are certainly preparing lots of bank contacts for that time period , so I think it may speak well to where we may be on that.

Iraqi Dinar 🔥July 18th Bombshell: Will Iraq Revalue Its Currency Before ...

Parliamentary Finance Committee talks about a decision that "created a crisis" for the corrupt and thieves

 Parliamentary Finance Committee talks about a decision that "created a crisis" for the corrupt and thieves

Iraq is preparing to implement the latest decision of the Central Bank in about 6 days from now, which is to limit the delivery of dollars to travelers inside airports, a decision that the Parliamentary Finance Committee described as "a crisis for the corrupt and thieves."

"The decision will prevent corrupt people from exploiting other sales outlets to smuggle currency," said Jamal Koujar, a member of the Finance Committee, stressing that "limiting sales to the airport will ensure that the money reaches the actual travelers."

He pointed out that "this decision will not negatively affect citizens, but will besiege smugglers and corrupt people, as we discovered that millions of dollars are being stolen due to corruption, and the new decision will create a crisis for thieves and corrupt people who were exploiting the currencies that were supposed to go to travelers."

Koger stressed that stabilizing the dollar price in the markets requires strong security action on the borders to pursue smugglers, in addition to facilitating the Central Bank's exchange operations and increasing the quantities available in the currency auction to meet market needs.

Since Eid al-Adha until now, exchange rates have witnessed a "chronic" rise in dollar exchange rates until the selling prices in exchange offices reached 150,000 dinars for every 100 dollars.

The Financial Supervision Bureau revealed in a report that during the first half of 2023, there were more than 150,000 citizens who bought dollars for the purpose of traveling but did not travel, meaning they obtained 600 million dollars and sold them on the black market and benefited from the currency difference.  link


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