Thursday, July 4, 2024

Investing in Iraqi Dinar: Is it Worth it? #dinar #iraqidinar #iraqicurrency

Al-Sahaf: Extending the Basra-Aqaba pipeline is an economic crime

 Today, Wednesday, the representative for the lawful development, Muhammad Al-Sahaf, portrayed the augmentation of an oil pipeline from Basra to Aqaba as a financial wrongdoing against the Iraqi public.

“The project serves Jordanian economic interests, and there is no benefit from this pipeline,” Al-Sahaf stated.

“The Basra-Aqaba project has no economic or financial benefits for Iraq at all,” he added, “but rather it has great harms and dangers.” “The project faces great parliamentary rejection in light of economic concerns.”

He added, “The task has enormous limits for Jordan, and we don’t know regardless of whether Iraqi oil goes to the Zionist substance.”


  My contact told me that the Project to Delete the Zeros is planned for the beginning of the 3rd stage of the economic plan. What does this mean. In fact, I did not fully understand it either until this article was published.

We learned through this article that that 3rd stage begins mid-year 2024. 

Is Iraq ever completely on time?

 We must give them a break since they are working against all odds in getting these reforms done. As we can also read in the news there is pressure against the economic reforms from Iranian politicians and seeded officials within the parties. It is an uphill battle for Iraq to achieve progress. So, the CBI may not meet their target for being right on time in June but even this summer sometime would certainly be considered “at the beginning of the 3rd  phase since the phase extends out to 2026. Do you understand? Everything is not exact. They target and then they make the best of it. But they will do it, as I am told.

Yes, no different than what is now going on over in the USA with the democrats. Look at the democrats and some republicans too as deep state  globalist. Their concentration is bent on manipulation of the system to their advantage and not about citizenship to preserve the US Constitution, values and way of life in America. They are not patriots but leaches of the system. So we see the same in Iraq and as with the USA we must also just ignore the lies and propaganda and continue to march onward with our goals and that is to bring the prosperity and abundance back to our nations, while weeding out the corrupt and bringing them to justice.

Even though it is close to the end of June I would certainly not despair about the high possibility of still seeing the project to delete the zeros and then we know the reinstatement will follow. So far there is no news out to the public about the swap out of the currencies. I would think we would have seen these types of articles already if June was going to happen. 

The good news is we can see the huge efforts to get the ATMs installed. 

My contact even told us again as well as a past article by the CBI that the ATMs are an integral part of the swap out process of the currencies. I explained why this is the case already in my last Newsletter dated 6/25. I suggest you revisit it again.

Okay, so we might or might not get the RV in June and so let’s not cry in our beer… lol.. lol.. lol..

One other point I want to say is we all should be just relaxing and watching the show in Iraq as they progress out of the war years. 

If you have been in this investment and actually following the news diligently, you would have noticed the first phase of the strategic plan 2016-2020 is the period of the president Trump administration. 

Although we all can say bad things in the Trump didn’t get the RV either, we can see that during his time it was not even possible if we look in retrospect and use our common sense. There was still the ISIS war and the repayment of the war reparations going on. So there was much progress in the direction we needed to see but there were these obstacles. Now we witnessed the second phase of the strategic plan they told us was 2021–2023 and the first half of 2024.

 Did you see the momentum of the strategic plan pick up pace in this second phase? What do you think is going to happen in the third phase?

SANDY INGRAM: BREAKING NEWS Iraq's Successful Bond Sale Completed #iraq #iqd

Iraq close to being free from radioactive contamination

 Shafaq News / The head of the Iraqi Atomic Energy Commission, Naim al-Aboudi, announced on Wednesday that Dhi Qar Governorate, southern Iraq, is free of radioactive pollution while indicating that the final declaration of Iraq's complete freedom from radioactive pollution is imminent. 

Al-Aboudi, who also holds the post of Minister of Higher Education, said during a press conference in the presence of Dhi Qar Governor Murtada Abboud al-Ibrahimi and members of the Diwani Order 23580 committee that the specialized national teams at the Iraqi Atomic Energy Commission "managed in an exceptional effort to treat the contaminated war remnants, which amounted to nearly two hundred tons of contaminated iron pieces within a record time of thirty-four days," indicating that the monitoring teams from the National Authority for Nuclear, Radiological and Chemical Control conducted their necessary surveys that proved Dhi Qar governorate is free of radioactive remnants.

Dhi Qar is a governorate in southern Iraq, historically significant and known for its archaeological sites, including the ancient city of Ur. In recent years, the governorate has been a focus of environmental remediation efforts due to its contamination from past conflicts. 

The cleanup of radioactive contamination in Dhi Qar involved extensive efforts by specialized national teams from the IAEC.

Iraqi Atomic Energy Commission experts are continuing to clean up several other governorates, he added, stressing that the final declaration of Iraq's complete freedom from radioactive contamination will be made soon.

The Iraqi Atomic Energy Commission is responsible for the regulation and management of nuclear and radiological activities in Iraq. The IAEC oversees efforts to clean up radioactive contamination, manage radioactive waste, and ensure nuclear safety and security. The commission plays a crucial role in monitoring and mitigating the environmental impacts of past conflicts and industrial activities involving radioactive materials.



The WTO, you don't have to have value to your currency but it can't have any stains on your currency.  What do you mean by that?  The Iraq dinar had sanctions on it remember - The United Nations Security Council, they put handcuffs on the dinar.  They cannot be used internationally, it was on the OFAX list, you couldn't touch it.  It was Taboo...It cannot have any sanctions...restrictions.  It must be fully capable of moving in the international markets...



 If it [the budget] comes out in the Gazette with the old rate, there's only two budgets left, one with the old rate and one with the new rate but if they come out with the one with the old rate don't worry about it, it'll change very quickly.

 The #1 reason, the only reason why we didn't have a new exchange rate, new lower notes, is because of the terrorism that was coming from Iran...Not anymore...You see more clamping down.  More arrests, more money being returned.

The ATM machines are like piñatas.  They're ready to burst wide open and give everybody their sweet blessings.  No doubt. 

Question "Is it safe to give somebody at the bank your money before it's verified?"  NO! ...Take care of them.  Don't let them out of your sight...If you go to a bank and they say we're going to exchange the currency for you but we're going to have to take this currency and send it to the upper echelon a 180, about face, and run like the Road Runner.  Get away from them as fast as you can.  You never want to give up your dinars to anybody...Simply say, give me the address of that bank and you take them.

Fed To Abandon 2% ‘Fantasy’, Expect 'Dramatic Rotation’ In Markets | Tho...


  Frank26       We know everything up to the float is done.    To make it international will take you from the float to the REER . Frank26  ...