Wednesday, July 3, 2024



 [via PDK]  

 Comment:  Let’s hope July 4th is “the Thursday”...   MarkZ:  There are a lot of rumors going around that this is the “go”...We don’t know.  No one knows the timing.



   [via PDK]  I feel that as far as Iraq is concerned it is done and prepared. They are just waiting on the “go” so they can announce and move forward.

On the Treasury side the rumors are dropping left and right.  Everthing from “It’s tomorrow” to “oh no- they delayed it another month” Crazy rumors….same sources are telling different people different things. That tells us its “MISINFORMATION” and it is done on purpose. Stay calm and remember the fundamentals. Iraq is still looking great. They still have the new ATM’s, they still have conversations saying they are going to delete the zeros. And they are still having the conversations about releasing the lower denominations in July…things still look great.


[via PDK]

  there are some things out of Iraq that should make us feel good today...“The President of Iraq approves the 2024 budget schedules” Rashid approves a number of laws including the 2024 budget tables.  My contacts over there are saying they got the budget tables posted in the Gazette…but did not get a new rate. They let us know that they figured the budget of 2024 on an average price of a barrel of oil at $80 USD. This is progress.

 Something fun popped into the news yesterday...both from banks and exchange locations in Iraq. There was a notice that they are expecting distribution of lower denomination bills in July.  

Both of the confirmations I received this morning from contacts on the ground inside of Iraq used the same words that they were told to expect them to distribute/disperse lower denominations in July.  That tells us how stinking close we are...Why would they need theses lower denominations unless the currency is worth more? ...

..I do not believe there is a new rate in the Gazette this morning. I am not expecting one till Wednesday. I have heard that Sudani has signed off on the budget and it is supposed to be headed to the Gazette. There was some hope it would be printed this morning.

How To Create Humanitarian Projects Using Chat GPT ~Shareha Adriann & Dr...

Iraq maintains upper-middle-income status: World Bank

 Shafaq News/ The World Bank has announced that Iraq has retained its status as an upper-middle-income country, according to its July 2024 report. 

This marks the 12th consecutive year that Iraq has been classified in this category.

The World Bank classifies economies into four income groups based on gross national income (GNI) per capita: low-income, lower-middle-income, upper-middle-income, and high-income. GNI per capita is expressed in U.S. dollars.

All Gulf Arab states are classified as high-income, while Bulgaria and Belarus have moved from the upper-middle-income to the high-income category this year. Algeria, Iran, Mongolia, and Ukraine have also been upgraded from lower-middle-income to upper-middle-income status.


 Mnt Goat

   The news is still concentrating mostly on bringing in foreign investors and they told us today that there was a two part plan, and this plan is now completed...

The other part of the ongoing news from Iraq is still about the Parallel Market rate vs the Official CBI rate of the dollar...Saleh works with this issue daily and he is executing a plan. The plan takes time but Saleh says it is working and again tells us “soon” the parallel will equal the official rate

 So the rate is slowly stabilizing as has now reached 1,220 from 1,320. The goal is 1,121.  Folks this is not too far off...This is all good news...

Am I telling you they will RV when it reaches their goal. Of course not but these rates adjustments tell us they can not hold this back much longer and even with their own criteria something must be done and done soon to bring the dinar to the international investment world and free it up...

Iraqi Dinar News Today | Urgent News Iraqi Dinar RV Without Warning This...




Raidain Bank announces the implementation of the comprehensive banking system in 31 of its branches in Iraq



Rafidain Bank announced, on Tuesday, the implementation of the comprehensive banking system in the Pharmacists Branch in Basra, thus joining the branches that have activated the comprehensive system in Baghdad and the governorates, in addition to the branches of the border crossings (Zurbatiya - Safwan - Arar - Trebil).

Thus, the number of effective and completed branches of the system becomes (31) branches, in an important step to strengthen the banking system, achieve its requirements, and move away from paper work and completely towards electronic systems.

The bank confirmed in a statement today that the digital transformation plan and the adoption of the comprehensive banking system are proceeding according to the set timetables to include all the bank’s branches in the implementation of the system, especially since the priorities and adoptions of the government program include electronic transformation in financial transactions, reducing the circles of routine for citizens, shortening time, simplifying procedures, overcoming obstacles, and intensifying efforts to improve the level of services provided to customers and completing their transactions.




 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]  

The Gazette, it's been printed but with July 1 date and there's no budget and no budget schedules in it.  Maybe we have to wait for that appeal and the 15 days.


[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] 

Television says that the development road project has Iraq as center of global trade and it will be the hub for the Middle East.  

FRANK: Of the Middle East?  No.  The world...They're trying to tell you, you have a new exchange rate because these words don't mean anything at 1320.


We are now hearing from our news on Channel One that Iraq has been fully accepted into the WTO.  This is going to be official...July the 18th.   FRANK:  To join the WTO Iraq does not need a currency with value.  No, that's not the point.  Iraq needs a currency that has no restrictions, no handcuffs, no limitations in order for it to float on an international market...whatever the case this is very good.

The television is saying parliament committee is saying there is a new number in the budget.  They just admitted we have a new exchange rate and they say they want to be in charge of it, that they want to control, they want to put some votes...Saying the budget has numbers that will change and that's unconstitutional without another reading...It is a 15 day appeals process..

KRG civil servants required to open bank accounts by March 2025 under MyAccount initiative, 7 OCT

    The official seal of Central Bank of Iraq. (Photo: Designed by Kurdistan24) Kurdistan Central Bank of Iraq MyAccount initiative ERBIL (K...