Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The President Of The Republic Calls For Amending Laws Related To Investment, 25 JUNE

 The President Of The Republic Calls For Amending Laws Related To Investment

Political | 02:19 - 06/24/2024  Baghdad - Mawazine News   On Monday, President Abdel Latif Gamal Rachid called for amending laws related to investment.

A statement from the Presidency of the Republic stated, “The President of the Republic, Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid, received today at Al-Salam Palace in Baghdad, the Chairman of the National Investment Authority, Haider Muhammad Makkiya,” indicating that “during the meeting, the National Authority’s work plans and its investment policy were reviewed.”

The President of the Republic pointed out "the necessity of overcoming obstacles facing investors, as well as supporting Iraqi businessmen and involving them in the investment process."

He explained that "activating investment requires making amendments to some of the applicable laws," stressing his support for "everything that would facilitate and revitalize this vital sector in a way that strengthens the national economy and provides job opportunities."

He stressed "developing communication mechanisms, exchanging experiences and information, and enhancing the process of trade partnerships between Iraq and countries with expertise in this field."

For his part, Makiya affirmed the Authority's "keenness to develop the work," reviewing "the investment plans and projects currently in the works, in addition to the future plans drawn up to develop all cities in Iraq and serve their residents."   https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=250163




🚨 Iraqi Dinar News: 

1. Current Exchange Rate: 1320 dinars to 1 USD.

2. Proposed Revaluation (RV): Dropping three zeros from 1320 results in a new rate of 1.32 dinars to 1 USD.

3. Pipeline 2024 Budget:

• Allocated Amount: 6.5 billion dinars.

• Converted to USD using the proposed rate: 6.5 billion dinars / 1.32 dinars per USD = approximately 4.9 billion USD

4. Calculation: 

6.5 billion dinars

4.9 billion US ≈ 1.32 dinars per USD

4.9 billion USD 6.5 billion dinars ≈1.32 dinars per USD.

Now I see why the The Budget Department of the Ministry of Finance called on all ministries, governorates, and entities not affiliated with a ministry, to send their representatives tomorrow/today Sunday, June 23, 2024, to receive estimates of current expenditures, revenues, and investment projects for the current year. 

Which were approved by the House of Representatives in accordance with Parliamentary Resolution No. (64) of 2024, adopted at its session numbered (27) on June 3 of the current year.”

People they now have all the calculations for what is going to be spent. Which means they are ready to reinstate the currency. The Revaluation happened internally in-country in 2023. We are not waiting for that. Man we are so close now. Because with these investment projects ready money is about to start flowing in. 

The current rate of 1320 dinars to 1 USD, when adjusted by dropping three zeros, would be 1.32. The calculation then links the budget allocation for a pipeline project, which is 6.5 billion dinars, equating to approximately 4.9 billion dollars. 

This aligns with the new adjusted rate, suggesting the timing of these financial plans is intentional, aiming to expedite projects like the new pipeline before 2025. Remember they do not have the luxury any longer to drag their feet. The oil pipe line is being expedited. 

I hope you all are preparing yourselves. You can wake up at any moment and be in an entire new income bracket. Everything is is perfect alignment. Especially when you consider the ATMs that are being deployed.

PIMPY: Iraqi Dinar update for 06/24/24 - No no no smh stay away from conflic...

‘The Iraqi Dinar is revaluing extremely soon BY MIKE BARA, 25 JUNE


Word from a source just received:

 He got a call from a high banking source at a major bank in the south. “You’ve been bugging me about this for ten years. Well, congratulations buddy. Your dream is about to come true.”

 SOURCE: “What do you mean?” 

BANKER: “We just got a letter from headquarters informing us to get ready because ‘The Iraqi Dinar is revaluing extremely soon.’”


The situation as I understand it: This should have gone in April. That was Plan A. The USA stopped it. The window for Plan B opens tomorrow at "Sundown" and is a week long. There is no Plan C.


The "Bondholder" is once again certain he gets paid out on Tuesday, but he is returning to his city of origin tomorrow. He HAS to be in this location to get his payout. This means the payout COULD come sooner than Tuesday. More as I get it...


Will ‘Cost Of Living Crisis’ Get Worse? Why Consumers Are 'Getting Squee...

European Central Bank Announcement BY GOLDILOCKS, 25 JUNE


European Central Bank Announcement:

"ECB announces 48 participants in wholesale DLT trials, including HKMA"

The Eurosystem is currently carrying out wholesale Digital Ledger Technology (DLT) settlement trials with the focus on Central Bank money. 

The focus of this trial is on the interfacing and use of Central Bank money (wCBDC) as money on the QFS.

The trials involve real payments with volume limits and simulations. The hope is to find interoperability on the payment side of the Central Bank's ability to move money through the new digital banking system. 

Domestic payments, securities settlements, and payment versus payment transactions which is where Hong Kong comes in to play. 

Payment versus payment transactions is a new term we have not discussed so far. PvP is a settlement mechanism that ensures final transfer of a payment in one currency occurs when and if the final transfer of a payment in another currency completes its transaction. 

Here, we are witnessing the interfacing of Central Bank Digital Ledger Technology being Incorporated unto the new QFS.

To be clear, this is not a pilot program where the simulation of money is processed. This is a trial. That being said, a trial utilizes actual money to process through the system.

© Goldilocks


Coffee with MarkZ. 06/25/2024

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Mighty fine Tuesday Hope everyone is having a fantastic day!

Member: The Battle of the Little bighorn occurred on June 25,1876, near the Little bighorn River in Montana Territory.

Member: I love roller coasters I mean, I have season passes to Six Flags and Busch Gardens. but I’m all the way over this one. Let’s just get this done already.

Member: What is new and exciting in the RV world  today Mark?

MZ: Starting Saturday and Sunday…. I am getting inundated with bank contacts telling me to expect that things have already started …but coming to fruition in banks after the 4th of  July. With a rollout in the days immediately following. I believe the 4th is on a Thursday this year. 

MZ: so I was told the roll out around the 6th and 7th. That is the rumor. But remember we don’t know the timing….but, I am sure getting a heck of a lot from the banking side that things are now moving quickly and that is what they are preparing them for.  Let us hope. 

MZ: We do know that the world is seeing some very interesting dumping of US Treasury bonds. So perhaps the bankers showed a devaluation of the US dollar on the 23rd….which makes sense because as countries unload T Bills – they come back to the US and devalue the dollar. Anybody who has studied any level of economics knows this. 

Member: Mark if treasury bonds get dumped I was told it will crash the stock market

Member: Well many countries are dumping treasure bonds right now….come on  QFS Reset!!!

Member: July 4th would be an amazing day for us to get our real world back

Member: I don't believe Iraq will change their currency to consider with any day that is important to the USA, such as July 4th. This belongs to the Iraqi, not us.

Member: Well if Iraq is part of the entire world reset….they may be scheduling their RV events to coincide with the reset?

Member: Mark, isn't it interesting that all of the currencies we have been tracking for years have countries that are either in Brics, or actively pursuing Brics membership?

MZ: “Fed President points to several warning signs for economy” He talks about rising unemployment claims, increase in debt delinquency payments, cooling consumer spending….These are all things that give them a reason to change rates. 

Member: I wish we knew if QFS was real…and if it is….if it will be safe. 

Member: Does anyone know the status of the QFS system….Is it ready to go?

Member: Frank26 was told by Walkingstick that he can stop asking about the budget. Why? Answer is “It’s all there!! It’s True”   “The new exchange rate, the projects, the cities, ATM’s, the contracts, the lower notes”   it’s all there in the contract. Can we trust it? “It’s true, It’s a fact….”Where is it?” “It’s in Sudani’s lap”

MZ: I will buy that. 

Member: When are we going to cross the finish line????????

Member: I tell people the RV is like the return of Jesus. We see the signs but don't know the day or hour.

Member: I am really hoping Nesara is announced soon

Member: I don’t think NESARA will ever be “announced”. Some parts of it will be implemented over time, but definitely not that entire list we’ve all seen.  Imo

Member: When Nesara happens will our credit scores all go to zero? Will the stock market lose most of their value?

MZ: When El Savador did their version of that recently…they went to a complete wipe and credit scores went to zero. We don’t know yet about the stock market. 

Member: There is a world full of love amongst the hate, embrace it

Member: Happy birthday to those celebrating and prayers for those in need

Member: Thanks to Mark and the Mods for all their info….Praying we are inches from the finish line.