Monday, June 24, 2024

IMPORTANT IRAQ NEWS: The American administration: We are tired of the Middle East… and the priority is elsewhere BY MNT GOAT, 25 JUNE

The American administration: We are tired of the Middle East… and the priority is elsewhere

The American administration has begun to show signs of “fatigue” with the Middle East, not because the Middle East is witnessing huge challenges, but because the world is witnessing many huge challenges.

American officials stressed that “it is necessary to look first at American foreign policy priorities and American national security priorities.” One American official confirmed that the current administration, like the previous administration of Donald Trump, “considers that the most important and greatest challenges are the rising power of China and the Russian threat that we are now seeing in Eastern Europe.”

The Americans describe the escalating Chinese challenge in serious terms. For them, China is a huge economic power, carries out commercial activities that are unacceptable according to international legal rules, controls many sources of raw materials, and China is building a rapidly powerful and dangerous military force, especially a nuclear arsenal, and what is worse for the Americans. It threatens to use this diverse economic and military power to impose a political reality, such as occupying Taiwan or controlling vital straits.

As for Russia, in the eyes of the Americans, it has violated many red lines. Launching an “attack” on a neighboring country, and attempting to “overthrow” the Ukrainian state by military force, is an expression of this danger that threatens the independence of neighboring countries, and threatens “free” Europe after it has been liberated from control. Communism 30 years ago.

Consumption of American power

These two dangers, the Chinese and the Russians, consume a lot of American military and diplomatic capabilities. When talking about these two dangers, the Russian and the Chinese, American officials point out that the United States is working with the countries of the Pacific Ocean and with the countries of Europe and the group of industrialized countries to stop the escalation of these risks, but this cooperation It is not a substitute for the American presence, especially the military presence.

During the past few years, the United States was forced to deploy two aircraft carriers in East Asia, and with these carriers, dozens of American warships and thousands of American soldiers. The United States was also forced to send huge quantities of weapons and ammunition to Europe to confront the Russian advance and protect NATO’s eastern front.

Americans’ weapons stocks reached low levels in 2023, and the world map was full of American forces when the October 7 attack occurred.

Directing forces to the Middle East

With this attack, the United States was forced to direct squadrons of air forces to the Middle East. It also directed an aircraft carrier from the Pacific Ocean to the Middle East, and American military power reached the limits of “full use” at the beginning of the year 2024.

The Americans succeeded in putting an end to the escalation, and they worked extremely hard to prevent the spread of clashes in Iraq and Syria. They were working through contact with Iran to stop the Houthi attacks and to stop the clashes on the Lebanese-Israeli border, but these efforts failed, and worse happened when the Israelis were killed. A senior official in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard in Damascus, and Iran responded by bombing Israeli territory.

 One of the American officials said when speaking to Al-Arabiya and Al-Hadath: “You must understand that our priority is elsewhere,” and he continued, “The United States is a huge power, that’s for sure, but the world is also a huge theater,” and he warned with some severity. He pointed out that “the United States’ priority is China and Russia, not the Middle East.”

We should not understand from the words of this American official that the Middle East is not important to Washington. Rather, the American administration stressed that the Middle East is an essential part of America’s vital interests, and the administration of current US President Joe Biden wants to establish strong relations with the countries of this region, “but we do not We want to do the job alone,” according to the American official.

Americans need to restore their military, and even diplomatic, capabilities to the Pacific region, and for regional parties to bear the direct burden of confronting the risks.

The dangers of the region are many

The Americans list a list of risks, starting with the ongoing Iranian threat, passing through the Houthis and the protection of the strategic straits, all the way to Syria and Iraq and confronting ISIS, but American officials talk about a major lack of countries in the region in possessing the necessary equipment, especially naval vessels and their radars, and marine missile defense systems, They also point to a severe lack of training in the use of the defense equipment and systems available in these countries.

By talking to American officials, the listener gets the impression that the Americans are tired, and the soldiers deployed in the region are tired, and they want an alternative in a quick time to change the map of their deployment in the Middle East, reduce American forces in this region, give the soldiers and the American treasury a break, and then return to the “most important theater.” “


  Mnt Goat 

 Article:  "Kurdistan Federation: Legislating the oil and gas law will resolve the disputes between Baghdad and Erbil"   ...There it is again in articles.   Do we need the Oil and Gas law referendum passed prior to the Reinstatement?  We were told we do. Let’s see what happens.


 Just look at all the progress made just since December 2022 when Iraq announced they were finally entirely out of Chapter VII.  And now the spigot is wide open... the final issues preventing the reinstatement are being dealt with one by one...It is June already and this month is proving to be a very significant month contact in the CBI told me there is a very high probability that we would see the currency swap out in this month of June and so we watch and wait. 

Do they have to RV to make the budget work?  If you take what the prime minister told us about the dropping of the an April 2023 article, we can see that taking the 1320 rate and dropping the 3 zeros makes it $1.32. If we take the 6.5 billions dinars allocated for the new pipeline construction it is actually about $4.9 billion dollars.  If we divide 6.5 / 4.9 we get this a coincidence? Can you see now why I am so excited...WOW! WOW1 WOW! ...Many believe it is not coincidental and so I agree...Do they need the change in rate to build the pipeline? What about the other projects too like the 7 new refineries?  ...if it does they will have to get their act in gear real soon, as they also told us they plan to begin this new pipeline now NOT in 2025.

PIMPY: Gold Silver and Crypto update for 06/23/24 - This is why you can't trust...

Expert likely to keep exchange rates within their current rates, 24 JUNE

Expert likely to keep exchange rates within their current rates

The economist, Abdul Rahman Al-Mashdani, preferred to keep the dollar exchange rates within their current rates.

Al-Mashhadani {Euphrates News} explained that: “The launch of the 2024 budget financial amounts will increase the spending demand in the market, knowing that the operational spending of fixed wages and salaries and their impact will be constant.”

He added, “The investment budget is important because the projects require homemade and imported materials.”

Al-Mashhadani, indicated that “any direction of home-made materials such as construction industries such as steel, cement, sand, wood, etc., which have led to their rise locally and so on requirements go to keep exchange rates within their rates and not fall.”

Sale prices in banking shops in local markets in Baghdad today recorded 148,000 dinars for $100, while the purchase was 146,000 dinars for $100.


A New Era in Iraq’s Relations with the West? : "The spigot for Iraq is now wide open. It is pouring out" BY MNT GOAT, 24 JUNE

A New Era in Iraq’s Relations with the West?

(The spigot for Iraq is now wide open. It is pouring out. Here it is again….. ) 

Amid growing pressure to dissolve the coalition and withdraw troops, the United States and its partners should continue pursuing good relations with Baghdad—but this time with a lighter footprint and increased regional cooperation.

At Baghdad’s request, the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) has been ordered to cease operations in December 2025, following a previous decision to shut down the UN team charged with investigating the Islamic State’s crimes in Iraq (UNITAD). Meanwhile, Baghdad plans to close the country’s remaining camps for internally displaced persons (IDPs), first opened at the height of the war against IS. More broadly, it seeks to normalize its diplomatic activism in the region, which recently included mediating rapprochement talks between Turkey and the Syrian regime.

Despite the international support and military cooperation that have defined Western relations with Iraq in the post-Saddam era, Baghdad has begun to reevaluate longstanding arrangements. Washington and its partners should follow suit, scrutinizing the current basis of relations with Iraq amid changes in the local and regional environment, while simultaneously preserving the relationship’s most beneficial aspects.

🔥 Iraqi Dinar 🔥 Officially Today 🔥Today News Guru Intel Value Update Exc...

Al-Sudani confirms the continuation of the five stages of the rehabilitation project of the historic city of Baghdad, 24 JUNE

Al-Sudani confirms the continuation of the five stages of the rehabilitation project of the historic city of Baghdad

Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani inaugurated, on Sunday evening, the second phase of the project to rehabilitate the historic city of Baghdad / Downtown Baghdad, which is to rehabilitate the Al-Sarai-Qashla axis towards the square of the field, after its completion.

The completed project included the restoration and maintenance of the facades of heritage and historical buildings, the maintenance and rehabilitation of infrastructure systems and networks, the development of a cultural, social and recreational axis for walking, as well as the creation of the Sarai Square, the furnishing of streets and lighting, the treatments of historical buildings, and other civil works.

During the opening, Al-Sudani pointed out that the work was done by Iraqi hands, through a specialized team, which went to develop these important sites that represent the historical heart of Baghdad, and an important part of its political, cultural and social heritage.

He stressed the continuation of completing the project in its five stages, as part of the government’s efforts to sponsor and support this file, and strengthen the touch of a national and historical identity for the city of Baghdad.

The Prime Minister also indicated that this area has already begun to become a kiss for tourists, and an entertainment area for the people of Baghdad and its visitors, praising the contribution of the Baghdad Municipality and its cooperation in completing the project with the rest of the concerned ministries, Diwani Al-Qafain, the Central Bank of Iraq and the Association of Iraqi Banks, and the social benefits allocated to complete the project, stressing the proceeding in the third phase; in order to give the city of Baghdad a new and clear picture that represents its history and is in line with its global reputation.السوداني-يؤكد-الاستمرار-في-المراحل-الخمس-لمشروع-تأهيل-مدينة-بغداد-التاريخية


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