Saturday, June 22, 2024

MILITIAMAN: IQD Update - Iraq Dinar - Investment Law - Implementation Tripartite Bud...

Bruce’s Big Call . 22 JUNE

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-20-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:02:10

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight. It's Thursday, June the 20th  and you’re listening to the Big Call  with call, I'm going to welcome everybody to the day, which is known as the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. We thank you for tuning in, wherever you're located around the globe. Thank you being here. Thank you for being part of the Big Call Universe. And it's the SAT team, satellite team, which has helped us to get this signal out to so many listeners all around the globe, So welcome and we thank you

All right, let's see, Bob, what's our time hack for right now?  10:07 Roger that, well, let's get into where we were and where we think we are right now. We… sigh …..

By the way, I've got to put out a fire right away. Someone has brought up the idea of a structured pay out – There are no structured pay outs -  That was a concept years ago that came out by the deep state to make you think you were not going to have access to your money or something restricted like that, that's total BS. There's no such thing as a structured pay out -  doesn't apply. We're going to have access to all of our funds within 30 to 90 days - there's no structure to that. Just so you know.

Now there was somewhat of a structure with some of the tier two and tier threes that were super whales, with access to their funds - but it's not really an issue either for them. Tier three and tier three have not been notified either. The bondholders, the bond sellers, they have not received notifications that they have access to their accounts. Not yet. They're waiting like we are .

Now, for most part, what we've been hearing is that the rates, for example, on these currencies that are going up in value, the rates finally solidified over the last couple of days, at least, we've heard on screens, but not telling us what these rates are right now, we don't have that – we know they were trading.  - They had some pretty good numbers, but we know now that they're trading upwards exponentially, if you know what exponential means, that's moving in a very fast direction, and I think exponential might be an exaggeration -  but they are definitely moving up – up – up -- until they settle in to where they want those rates to be for us.

And we've known what the rates are supposed to get to for months now, and I don't have any problem, I believe that that's what they're going to do and where they're going to be.

In the meantime, what has happened is today, redemption center staff went in for three hours for one and then three more hours for another one. In case the numbers came through today. They did not come in today.

So redemption center, Chief, if you will, was said for them to come back in tomorrow, instead of three hours at a clip, four hours at a clip, and they would overlap by one hour. That's good.

And so what that means is we're looking for the toll free numbers to come out possibly tomorrow. Now there's nothing absolute about that, but I want us to have our faith  ready to believe and to receive those toll free numbers if, in fact, they do come out tomorrow. We know that there's a lot going on behind the scenes.  Onfe of our bankers - Wells Fargo said, Just hang in there. This was said yesterday, just hang in there a couple more days.

Well, couple more days. It'd be Friday. That's tomorrow, so maybe that's when they manifest. Maybe that's when the rates come in, and that's when the toll free numbers for us come out in our emails.

 I think that it's very possible that we get this tomorrow, and through the weekend, we're setting appointments and exchanging

We know that a lot is supposed to be happening this coming week. And I mean politically, I mean, with NESARA - a lot, a lot of things are set to happen. I don't really want to get into the political side of it that much, but believe me, the tide has turned  in our favor.

 Finally. It has moved to where now  things can occur that we thought would happen months ago, months and months ago. They're waiting for the perfect time. The opportunity, opportune moment, to bring this Information out to us which will be most beneficial to the country and to us as a whole –

So I'm excited about what we have, where we're going, where we are now, and I feel like you know when this goes and when We have the numbers and when we're setting the appointments, we will be able to look back at years of waiting and say, it was worth it.

That's what I'm looking forward to - Sue is always telling me to look forward, don't look back. Let's look into the future, the present and future, which is now, and believe what we want, what we need, to believe about our future and put it out there --

So let's do this.  Let’s pray the call out everybody have a great weekend


 Fri. 21 June 2024 TNT Tony Call

  • Everything is ready to go. All the Banks had more meetings this week and were told the same briefing. Banks were told there was a 99% chance that it would go public tonight, or this weekend. Everyone is excited about this weekend. Our first opportunity is later today, or we will see it this weekend. They are working extended hours this weekend.”
  • Tony’s bankers went in at 5:00am today in anticipation for something to happen this afternoon, which still could happen at any moment. As of right now, our first opportunity is after 4:00pm today or anytime over the weekend.
  • Bank contacts in FL, NY, Chicago and Indiana advised that they had all received massive amounts of money, in preparation for this to occur.
  • Banks advised that there will be security in the parking lots, as well as inside of the banks. “Some people” told Tony that it started 2 days ago, and that it “just hasn’t gotten to us yet.”
  • Regional banks advised that it has started for them, and that as of yesterday, people who had SKR funds pending were supposed to “be showing live” in their accounts.
  • The “technical issues” from last Friday were apparently still missing a component, which has now been resolved. The electronic and physical issues were previously satisfied, however, satellite transmission capabilities for fund transfers are now complete.
  • Bank staff have been informed that they will be working extended hours this weekend.
  • There is no “fussing or fighting” in Iraq, there has been no mention of the budget, the only issue being reported on, is their focus on recovering the stolen money.
  • Tony advised that a contract rate of $28.50 for the Dinar should be available to those who ask for it.
  • Tony was asked how certain he was, that this was finally our weekend and his response was “99%.”
  • Tony received a text during the call which made him laugh, and he stated that “the word is, that the sooner we get off the phone, the sooner things get started.”

How to Seize Government Projects in Iraq: Industrial Opportunities and P...

Evening News with MarkZ. 06/21/2024

Friday Evening News with MarkZ 

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Welcome to another weekend of waiting.

Member: Any news today Mark?

MZ: There is a lot of anticipation for this weekend. Bank/Redemption contacts say they are on call this weekend…and have an hour notification time. They have one hour- if called to go in. This was from 2 different contacts from 2 different states that said the same thing. This is very positive. 

Member: What about something happening with banks  on the 23rd???

MZ: It’s been constant this week about something happening on the 23rd. Is it big? Is it a nothing burger? Are they announcing a free toaster with checking accounts? What is it?

Member: Another intel provider also said his contacts at redemption centers is on a one hour call this weekend. 

MZ: I hope this weekend they finally get to work and not just have to spend the weekend close to home for no reason. 

Member: TNT says 99 % it should go this weekend. 

Member: ???? Mark any thoughts on how the change to US going to asset back currencies is going to be announced? AND does it need to be announced before we get our appointments?

Member: Great question

Member:  So Venezuela joined BRICS?

MZ: Yes, and it certainly moves another enormous chunk of commodities out of the hands of the West. 

MZ: “Venezuela About to join BRICS-Official”  This news story is dropping out of Iran. Venezuela and all its resources are on the doorstep to joining BRICS!  She said “Her country has the largest fuel deposits with daily production of 3 million barrels of oil. Their reserves are enough for 3 centuries “ She said. .” Pus natural gas, Iron , coal gold and diamonds. “

Member. My daughter contacted a man at her Chase bank. Asked about the Dinar and found out he had to give his Dinar to a family member in order to rehired by the bank

Member: Thank you MarkZ, mods, we appreciate you !


Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary,medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.





Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )





  • Fri. 21 June 2024 Wolverine member: “Hi Wolverine, my friend who is a HSBC bank manager here in Australia for the RV just told me that he was on call from now all weekend.”  Wolverine: “They were expecting for the funds to be released yesterday but it was cancelled. It looks like we are going to have our celebration on the weekend. It’s going to be a shotgun start.”


  • Thurs. 20 June 2024 Wolverine: “Ok the new rates should be posted today (Thurs. 20th June) in Iraq and expecting funds to be released either today Thurs. or Fri. 21 June in the USA. Let’s hope it happens as we cannot keep going like this as too many people are hurting. …Conference Call: “It’s looking good.”

    Tues. 18 June 2024 Wolverine

    • “I got some news – things have started. It is getting really emotional. I received a telephone call and will not mention names, but right now, the caller is at the bank about to receive his blessings. Things are happening. It is someone I know, close to me. We will hear more of this coming through.  
    • “We received an audio from the Pentecostal group, he is ready. They have liquid money and they have received funds to distribute funds to members. The Pentecostal group has about 3 million people so one person is not in charge of distributing. They have different leaders assigned to different platforms. He sent an audio saying all is ready to go. It was very exciting news for their people. I am not in that particular platform, but in another one of their platforms in that group. He came out with a text message saying it will be this week, but for their whole organization it will take them into August to pay all their members.
    • “Yesterday Mon. 17 June I was supposed to get a message from Reno that the Tier 4A group was supposed to go first. Unfortunately, I don’t know if anything has happened yet.  I did not receive a message from that source. Hopefully I will get some messages coming in from Reno. 
    • “I received a message from Zurich that it started a while ago. That is all I know. I do have European contacts, but none of said anything.
    • “Again, it is a process. Probably some people are getting paid, but for others it is not their turn yet. 
    • “For us in Tier 4B we are to get it this week.
    • “It is stressful, maybe Bruce may know more about this than I do. But today or tomorrow notifications for 4B should be released.  IF the bonds are getting paid, then surely the currencies will be coming out.
    • “It will be emotional, and I was emotional when the person called me that WAS at the bank. I am really happy for anyone receiving their blessings.
    • “I am not to talk about Mauricio, but they are getting close, but right now I need to stay quiet about his platform.
    • “I am sure this is going to happen soon, and then we will have Three things: 1) Live emergency call – 2) You tube video by friend of mine – a member with the Trumpets of freedom and then 3) The Opera. I will then un-mute the room so we all can celebrate!   Take care, Wolverine”

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Coffee with MarkZ and Andy Schectman. 10/02/2024

Coffee with MarkZ and Andy Schectman. 10/02/2024 MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everyt...