Saturday, June 22, 2024

When you receive the 800 number and you are ready to make the appointment BY MARKZ, 22 JUNE

 When you receive the 800 number and you are ready to make the appointment:  

1.  Write down 800 Number:   

2.  Redemption Center Bank Name:

3.  Tell them you’re calling to schedule a foreign currency exchange – make sure to mention you have Zimbabwe Bonds OR ANY other kind of Bonds they may reroute you to another 800 number.

4.  Give your name, and zip code: ________ where you want to exchange).

Your appointment information:

Date:________________       Time:_______________  

Name: ______________________________________

Location Adderess:______________________________________________________

Items & Suggestions to Bring to the RV EXCHANGE Appointment:

1.  Driver‘s License. 

2.  Second form of ID (passport, work ID, State ID).

3.  Your most recent utility bill (Water, Power, etc.) to confirm residency in case you have never held an account with the bank you will be exchanging with or another form of ID.

4.  Power of Attorney Paperwork (If you are exchanging for someone else).

5.  Bring a note pad, (Blue pen to sign documents) Black to take notes.  Bring a calculator.

6.  Don’t forget your eye glass and or hearing aid if needed.

7.  If you have receipts bring them if you have any, but don’t worry if you don’t (example: currency from the CBD Gurus).  Bring the gifting letter if they were a gift in case they are needed (Do not offer them, only do so if they are requested).

8.  Bring a list of Cashier’s Check you may need, (if any) along with the exact amounts and who they need to be Payable to.

9.  Trust Fund documents (if you have them). 

10.  BRING your type up humanitarian projects list.  Make 4 copies to hand out.

11.  Use a business suit case with all of the above listed items.

The Day of Your Appointment!

Key things to remember:

•  Be Claim and BREATHE!  We finally made it.  

•  Be professional, and be alert and aware of surroundings.  

•  Remember the Golden Rule “Treat others the way you wish to be treated”!

•  Do not demand anything while at the bank or act like a lunatic, Security will escort you out. 

•  If you’re going alone and feel safe, great!  But if you’re not sure ask a family member or friend to come with you!

•  Collect any business cards from whom you meet!

Wealth Manager’s name and phone:   

Assistant’s name and phone: 

Web page address:

Shocking Insight: Could the Iraqi Dinar Reinstatement Soar to $3.22 Again

Jon Dowling & Dr Scott Young Discuss Finance Of The Future

Economic Clarification: Why Do Iraq’s Reserves Not Rise Despite The Rise In Oil Prices? , 22 JUNE

 Economic Clarification: Why Do Iraq’s Reserves Not Rise Despite The Rise In Oil Prices?

Money  and business   Economy News – Baghdad   Today, Friday, economic expert Mahmoud Dagher explained the reasons for the failure of Iraq's financial reserves to increase despite the rise in oil prices, while stressing that the country has no hope except by diversifying its output and pressuring spending, especially operational.

Dagher said in an interview with Al-Iqtisad News, “Reserves are not measured by size, but by adequacy, and there are two indicators of adequacy: the adequacy of reserves to cover imports without any exports, and I believe that it reaches Iraq with the existing reserve remaining for approximately 12 months, which is an excellent coverage of foreign reserves for exported currency.”

He added: "If we want to answer the question of why the reserves, which exceed 100 billion, do not increase despite the rise in oil prices, this is due to two reasons. The first is direct and is the result of the Central Bank’s sales rising to 300 million dollars per day to cover imports."

He pointed out, "The second reason is indirect and results from the increase in public spending, especially the salary bill, which, along with retirement, subsidies, and nationals, has reached close to 100 trillion."

The economic expert stated, "The adequacy of reserves is good; since Iraq is an oil economy, it is difficult to rely on adequacy alone due to the possibility of a decline in the price of a barrel." 06/21/2024 -



Texas Snake, [06/21/2024, 6:30:46 p. m.]:

It's been awhile since I last posted however I only post when the info is confirmed.  Well the WF Banker responsible for 5 states exchange centers has advised that all his trained specialists will be on a one hour call to their assigned positions all this coming weekend and were cautioned this event could very well be activated so they should be aware of their duties for the next several weeks.

First they schedule appointments then they operate the necessary machinery at the various banks to complete the exchanges for US currency.

MILITIAMAN: IQD Update - Iraq Dinar - Investment Law - Implementation Tripartite Bud...

Between Oil And Debt: Iraq Faces The Challenges Of The Budget Deficit, 22 JUNE

 Between Oil And Debt: Iraq Faces The Challenges Of The Budget Deficit

June 21, 2024  Baghdad/Al-Masala Al-Hadath: The budget deficit for 2024 in Iraq constitutes a major challenge and reflects the gap between government revenues and expenditures, which imposes pressure on the national economy and leads to an increase in public debt.

Iraq relies on oil revenues as a main source of financing the budget. As oil prices fluctuate, it becomes difficult to predict revenues accurately.

Iraq resorts to borrowing to finance the deficit, which increases the size of public debt and negatively affects the cash reserves of central banks.

Economist Nabil Al-Marsoumi revealed the risks of the budget deficit for the year 2024, amounting to more than 64 trillion dinars.

Al-Marsoumi said in a blog post followed by Al-Masala, “The budget deficit amounted to 64.025 trillion dinars, as the revolving balance in the Ministry of Finance’s account reached 1.571 trillion dinars.”

He continued, “The increase in the selling prices of exported crude oil amounts to 16.607 trillion dinars,” noting that “remittances deducted from the legal reserve of government banks are equal to 5 trillion dinars.”

He added that “loans from government banks amounted to 3 trillion dinars,” noting that “the discount on treasury transfers at the Central Bank of Iraq amounted to 20.041 trillion dinars.”

He pointed out, “National bonds are worth 5 trillion dinars, and total internal borrowing reached 33,041 trillion dinars, and external loans amounted to 12,806 trillion.”

He stated, “Many observations were made regarding the budget deficit, including a decrease in the Ministry of Finance’s revolving balance from 23 trillion dinars in the 2023 budget to 1.571 trillion dinars in the 2024 budget.”

Al-Marsoumi added, “It has been observed that there is a heavy reliance on internal and external borrowing to finance the budget deficit, which exacerbates the size of internal debt, especially which currently stands at 79 trillion dinars, in addition to its negative impact on the cash reserves of the Central Bank of Iraq and other Iraqi banks.”

He concluded that “there are three sources in financing the budget deficit, which are deficit financing, internal and external borrowing, and the revolving balance of government accounts,” noting that “using the expected increase in oil revenues amounting to 16.607 trillion dinars to finance the budget deficit is something new because this increase is supposed to be added.”

The expected oil revenues. In this case, the budget will have been built on the assumption of exporting 3.5 million barrels per day at a price of $83 per barrel instead of $70, which is a non-conservative price and full of risks for two reasons.

The first is that Iraq’s oil exports are less than 3.5 million barrels per day due to OPEC+ restrictions. The second is that The high price of oil adopted by the budget is unrealistic and very optimistic, which may expose the budget to other imbalances as a result of these two assumptions not being met.”

Al-Sudani's Advisor Explains: Did Electronic Payment Procedures Contribute To Preserving The Dinar's Solidity?, 2 OCT

  Money and business   Economy News – Baghdad  [rtl]Advisor to the Prime Minister and Chairman of the Supreme Committee to Support the Iraqi...